The Muppet Movie (1979) Poster

Jim Henson: Kermit the Frog, Rowlf, Dr. Teeth, Waldorf, Swedish Chef, Link Hogthrob, Doc Hopper's Men



  • Dr. Teeth : [after the Electric Mayhem paint the Studebaker]  Doc Hopper will never recognize you now.

    Fozzie : I don't know how to thank you guys.

    Kermit : I don't know *why* to thank you guys.

  • Statler : I like the movie fine so far.

    Waldorf : It hasn't started yet.

    Statler : That's what I like about it.

    [they laugh] 

  • Kermit : [singing]  Life's like a movie, write your own ending...

    All Muppets : [singing]  Keep believing, keep pretending; we've done just what we've set out to do, thanks to the lovers, the dreamers, and you!

  • Rowlf the Dog : It's not often you see a guy that green have the blues that bad.

  • Kermit : Where did you learn to drive?

    Fozzie : I took a correspondence course.

  • Kermit : That's pretty dangerous building a road in the middle of the street. I mean, if frogs couldn't hop, I'd be gone with the Schwinn.

  • [first lines] 

    Statler : I'm Statler.

    Waldorf : I'm Waldorf. We're here to heckle "The Muppet Movie".

    Gate Guard : Gentlemen, that's straight ahead. Private screening room D.

    Statler : Private screening?

    Waldorf : Yeah, they're afraid to show it in public.

    [they laugh as their car proceeds forward] 

  • Statler : Well, how do you like the film?

    Waldorf : I've seen detergents leave a better film than this.

    [they laugh] 

  • Kermit : I didn't promise anybody anything. What do I know about Hollywood, anyway? Just a dream I got from sitting through too many double features.

    Kermit's Conscience : So why did you leave the swamp in the first place?

    Kermit : 'Cause some agent fella said I had talent. He probably says that to everybody.

    Kermit's Conscience : On the other hand, if you hadn't left the swamp, you'd be feeling pretty miserable anyhow.

    Kermit : Yeah. But then it would just be me feeling miserable. Now I got a lady pig, and a bear, and a chicken, a dog, a thing, whatever Gonzo is. He's a little like a turkey.

    Kermit's Conscience : [Kermit's Conscience is sitting on a rock behind him]  Mmm - Yeah. A little like a turkey, but not much.

    Kermit : No I guess not. Anyhow, I brought them all out here to the middle of nowhere, and it's all my fault.

    Kermit's Conscience : Still, whether you promised them something or not, you gotta remember - they wanted to come.

    Kermit : But... that's because they believed in me.

    Kermit's Conscience : No, they believed in the dream.

    Kermit : Well, so do I, but...

    Kermit's Conscience : You do?

    Kermit : Yeah! Of course I do.

    Kermit's Conscience : Well then?

    Kermit : Well then... I guess I was wrong when I said I never promised anyone. I promised me.

  • Kermit : [singing; repeated lines]  Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection. The lovers, the dreamers, and me.

  • [when seeing Fozzie perform for the first time] 

    Kermit : This guy's lost.

    Waiter : Maybe he should try Hare Krishna.

    Kermit : Good grief, it's a running gag.

  • Kermit : Hey, Fozzie, I want you to turn left if you come to a fork in the road.

    Fozzie : Yes sir, turn left at the fork in the road.

    [drives past a giant fork] 

    Fozzie : Kermit!

    Kermit : I don't believe that.

  • Kermit : Gee. A Studebaker. Where did you get it?

    Fozzie : Oh, my uncle left it to me.

    Kermit : Huh, is he dead?

    Fozzie : No, he's hibernating.

  • El Sleezo Cafe Owner : That's toughest, meanest, *filthiest* pest hole on the face of the earth!

    Kermit : Why not complain to the owner?

    El Sleezo Cafe Owner : I *am* the owner.

  • Miss Piggy : Kermie, whisper sweet nothings into my ear.

    Kermit : Uh... motorcycle cop.

    Miss Piggy : "Motorcycle cop" is a sweet nothing?

    Kermit : A motorcycle cop is chasing us.

  • Kermit : [navigating in the Studebaker]  Bear left.

    Fozzie : Right, frog.

  • Rowlf the Dog : Oh. Broken heart, right?

    Kermit : [sadly]  Does it show?

    Rowlf the Dog : Listen, when you've been tickling the ivories as long as I have, you've seen a broken heart for every drop of rain, a shattered dream for every falling star.

    Kermit : Exactly. She just walked out on me.

    Rowlf the Dog : Ah, typical. That's why I live alone.

    Kermit : You do, huh?

    Rowlf the Dog : You bet. I finish work, I go home, read a book, have a couple of beers, take myself for a walk, and go to bed.

    Kermit : Nice and simple.

    Rowlf the Dog : Stay away from women. That's my motto.

    Kermit : But I can't.

    Rowlf the Dog : Neither can I. And that's my trouble.

  • Kermit : It's too bad the dancing girls are on vacation; this crowd's getting ugly.

    Fozzie : Huh. If you think this crowd's ugly, you should see the dancing girls.

  • Dr. Teeth : [reading the screenplay]  "Interior. Church. Day. Fozzie: 'They don't look like Presbyterians to me.'"

  • Kermit : [asks the waiter to taste the wine for him and Miss Piggy]  Will you taste it for us, please?

    Insolent Waiter : [tastes the wine, makes a face and spits it out]  Ooh! Ah... Excellent - choice.

    Kermit : [to Miss Piggy]  Should be, for ninety-five cents.

    Miss Piggy : [impressed]  Ooooh!

  • Kermit : [Movie stops after burning in projector lamp]  Hey, what happened?

    The Swedish Chef : [In projector booth, covered in film]  Gersh gurndy morn-dee burn-dee, burn-dee, flip-flip-flip-flip-flip-flip-flip-flip-flip.

  • Robin the Frog : Uncle Kermit, is this how the Muppets *really* got started?

    Kermit : Well, it's sort of approximately how it happened.

  • The Swedish Chef : The flim is okee-dokee.

    Kermit : Good, roll film.

    The Swedish Chef : Flim is rooling!

  • Mad Man Mooney : Jack, get rid of this heap. Come out here!

    Sweetums : What? What?

    Mad Man Mooney : That's my jack.

    Kermit : Oh, hi Jack!

    Sweetums : Jack not name! Jack job!

    Mad Man Mooney : [whispering]  How many times have I told you not to talk to the customers?

  • Kermit : Hey, Fozzie, look up ahead there.

    Fozzie : What is that?

    Kermit : Maybe we should give him a ride.

    Fozzie : I don't know, he's pretty big.

    Fozzie : [to Big Bird]  Hey there, wanna lift?

    Big Bird : Oh, no thanks. I'm on my way to New York City to try to break into public television.

    Fozzie : Oh. Hm, good luck.

  • Kermit : You may serve us now, please.

    Insolent Waiter : Oh... may I?

  • [Animal roars and scares Kermit and Fozzie] 

    Floyd Pepper : Oh, yeah, that's Animal. Show 'em what you do, Animal.

    Animal : I want to - eat drums!

    [chews on a cymbal] 

    Dr. Teeth : No, no. Beat drums, beat drums!

    Animal : [stops chewing]  Beat drums! Beat drums!

    [Starts beating his head against that same cymbal] 

    Floyd Pepper : Down, Animal!

    Animal : DOWN!

    Floyd Pepper : Back!

    Animal : BACK!

    Floyd Pepper : Sit!

    Animal : SIT!

  • Miss Piggy : [as Beaker combs her hair, he comes across a tangle]  Ow!

    [turns around] 

    Miss Piggy : Watch it!

    [Beaker beeps back hurriedly] 

    Kermit : [through his megaphone]  Miss Piggy, you look beautiful!

    Miss Piggy : Thank you!

    Kermit : [aside]  Hollywood talk.

  • Doc Hopper : [appearing from behind a billboard showing a bucket of "Doc Hopper's French Fried Frog Legs"]  Ha-ha-ha-haaa! You got the picture, boy! You see what I mean? Kermit *the* Frog, symbol of Doc Hopper's French Fried Frog Legs! Isn't that splendid? Just splendid! Just take a look at it.

    Kermit : All I can see are millions of frogs on tiny crutches.

  • Kermit : [whispering]  This is the patriotic part.

    Robin the Frog : [whispering back]  Should we stand up?

    Kermit : No.

  • Kermit : What's happening?

    Floyd Pepper : At the moment, *we're* what's happenin'.

  • Doc Hopper : Listen, we're a small business but we've expanded. Expanded! Just like you frogs expand. Don't you frogs expand?

    [puffs his cheeks] 

    Kermit : That's a myth.

    Doc Hopper : What?

    Kermit : Myth! Myth!

    Myth : Yeth?

    Kermit : Huh?

    [same with Fozzie] 

    Kermit : [to Fozzie] 

    Kermit : C'mon, bear, burn rubber!

  • Miss Piggy : Oh Kermie, you were so courageous, so magnificent!

    Kermit : Gee, I don't know what to say.

    Fozzie : Say the bear was magnificent. After all, I did the driving.

    Gonzo : And I took a hundred-foot belly flop onto a moving car!

    Miss Piggy : Yes, but Kermit assumed the awesome responsibility of command!

    Kermit : Gee.

    Fozzie : Oh, brother.

  • Kermit : [to audience]  I hope you appreciate that I'm doing all my own stunts.

  • Dr. Teeth : It's the man with the badge, the PO-lice, the cops, the fuzz, the P-I-...

    Miss Piggy : Don't you dare!

    Dr. Teeth : I wouldn't think of it.

  • Dr. Teeth : Too true. Too true. It is indeed a problem for us to 'probosculate' upon. But it seems to me the frog and the bear are temporarily out of service.

  • Animal : IR-RI-TA-TED! IR-RI-TA-TED!

    Kermit : Don't worry, Animal, your big scene is coming up.

    Floyd Pepper : Yeah, just be cool and eat another seat cushion.

    Animal : SEAT CUSHION!

    [rips off some upholstery and stuffing at the corner of his chair and eats it] 

  • Kermit : That's Piggy!

    Fozzie : Yes, I know!

    Rowlf the Dog : Hey, you do think we should help her with her bags?

    Fozzie : Aah, no.


    Fozzie : No, nah, un-uh.

  • El Sleezo Patron : Hello, sailor, buy me a drink?

    Kermit : Well, you see, I'm not a sailor, I'm a frog.

    El Sleezo Patron : Oh, cut the small talk and buy me a drink.

    Kermit : I don't even know you.

    El Sleezo Tough : Hey. Did you make a move with my girl?

    Kermit : No, sir.

    El Sleezo Patron : He did too. He touched me.

    El Sleezo Tough : Ugh. Wash up, you'll get warts.

    Kermit : That's a myth.

    El Sleezo Tough : Yeah, but she's my "myth"!

    Kermit : No, no, myth, myth!

    Myth : Yeth?

  • Kermit : [watching Gonzo fly over the fair with a bunch of balloons]  Gonzo! What are you doing?

    Gonzo : About seven knots!

  • Fozzie : Kermit, where are we?

    Kermit : [Looking at a map]  Well, let's see. We're just traveling down this little black line here, and uh, just crossed that little red line over here.

    Fozzie : [after taking his eyes off the road to focus on the map]  How about, let's take the blue line, huh?

    Kermit : No, we can't take that, that's a river.

    Fozzie : Oh. I knew that.

    Kermit : Yeah sure.

    Fozzie : Well, listen Kermit, why don't we just go and...

    Kermit : [Cutting him off]  Fozzie? Uh, Fozzie?

    Fozzie : Yeah?

    Kermit : Who's driving?

  • Kermit : [after Fozzie parks the car in front of a church and turns it off]  Boy, it feels like we've been driving for days.

    Fozzie : [Still upbeat]  Funny, yet I'm still wide awake!

    Kermit : Yup. Me, too.

    [Two seconds later Fozzie's head falls back, and he immediately starts snoring. Kermit jumps at that, then shrugs] 

    Kermit : [quietly]  Me, too.

    [Drops his head back and settles in himself] 

  • Dr. Teeth : [on reading "The Muppet Movie" sceenplay]  This is a narrative of very heavy-duty proportions.

  • Kermit : That's enough of that, Harry!

  • Rowlf the Dog : Rolling! OK everybody, stay in focus.

  • Dr. Teeth : Golden teeth and golden tones, welcome to my presence.

  • Kermit : Oh, waiter...

    Insolent Waiter : [reluctantly]  Yes? May I help you?

    Kermit : The uh, the wine, please.

  • [Doc Hopper is following Kermit and Fozzie in the rainbow disguised car] 

    Kermit : Fozzie, they're right behind us!

    Fozzie : I know, I know.

    Kermit : But Fozzie, how did they recognize us?

    Fozzie : They recognized YOU. There's a hundred bears around.

  • Bernie the Agent : Help! Hello! This is a serious call for help!

    Kermit : Uh, yeah?

    Bernie the Agent : Someone - help! Ah - I, oh! Oh! You, you with the banjo - uh, can you help me? I have lost my sense of direction.

    Kermit : Uh, have you tried Hare Krishna?

    Bernie the Agent : [briefly laughs sarcastically]  No. No, I mean I'm really lost.

    Kermit : Uh, one second.

    [he tries to catch a fly with his tongue, but misses] 

    Kermit : Uh, darn I missed. You know, that's the first thing to go on a frog, his tongue. The tongue goes and you can't catch flies.

    Bernie the Agent : Well, that's rough, I'm sorry about your tongue, but I have to get out of this swamp; I have to catch a plane.

    Kermit : With *that* tongue? No way.

    Bernie the Agent : [laughs] 

    Kermit : But seriously, there's a boat dock just downstream.

    Bernie the Agent : Thank you.

    Kermit : Just watch out for the alligators.

    Bernie the Agent : I will.

    [he starts to leave but turns back to Kermit, apprehensive] 

    Bernie the Agent : Alligators?

    Kermit : That's right.

    Bernie the Agent : Did you say alligators?

    Kermit : Read my lips: al-lee-gay-twers.

  • Floyd Pepper : Yeah, the road manager. We couldn't go anywhere without him.

    Fozzie : He's the man with the contacts?

    Dr. Teeth : No, he's the man with the van.

  • Kermit : [singing]  I've heard it too many times to ignore it. It's something that I'm s'posed to be.

  • Insolent Waiter : Phone call for Kermit the Frog. You Kermit the Frog?

    Kermit : Yeah.

    Insolent Waiter : Phone.

  • Kermit : [as he and the gang enter his office]  Um, Mr. Lord, forgive the interruption, but I'm here to audition.

    All Muppets : Yes! Yes!

    Kermit : We've come over 2000 miles, and...

    [Stops when Lew Lord turns around in his chair to face him, making him nervous now] 

    Kermit : Um... oh boy.

    Miss Piggy : Kermie, we are all with you.

    Kermit : Um, please sir, my name is Kermit the Frog, and we've read your ad, and, well, we've come to be rich and famous.

    Lew Lord : [Has a brief staredown with Kermit, then into his intercom]  Miss Tracy, prepare the standard 'Rich and Famous' contract for Kermit the Frog and Company.

    [They all look stunned for a moment, then all the rest of the Muppets start cheering and celebrating behind Kermit, who just looks on shocked and starry-eyed] 

  • [Kermit and the Muppets arrive in Hollywood] 

    Miss Piggy : Oh, Kermie, look, it's wonderful. Like a dream come true.

    Kermit : Well, don't count your tadpoles until they've hatched, I still have to audition, you know.

    Floyd Pepper : Hey, there ain't nothin' to it but to do it!

    Lord's Secretary : [closes the door]  And where do you think you're going?

    Kermit : Oh, hi there. We're here to audition for Lew Lord.

    Lord's Secretary : You just can't walk in here off the street you know, especially with all these animals.

    Kermit : Animals? Wh-What's wrong with animals?

    [Muppets mutter indignantly but indistinctly] 

    Lord's Secretary : This is a movie studio, not a zoo. Besides...


    Lord's Secretary : ...I'm allergic to animal hair. Now get along all of you.

    Kermit : Now wait a second, miss. I may not be one of your fancy Hollywood frogs, but I deserve a chance, and we're going to stay right here in this office until you let us in to see Lew Lord. Aren't we, gang?

    [the Muppets shout "Yes" indistinctly] 

    Lord's Secretary : [on the phone]  Security, Miss Tracey. I want to report a...

    [the Muppets shake their fur, causing the secretary to sneeze convulsively until she finally opens the office door] 

  • Rowlf the Dog : [singing]  You can't live with 'em, you can't live without 'em. / There's something irresistible-ish about 'em. / We grin and bear it 'cause the nights are long. / I hope that something better comes along.

  • Bernie : If you ever come out west to Hollywood, look me up: Bernie, the agent.

    Kermit : Hey, listen, Bernie the Agent, why don't you say "hello" to Arnie the alligator?

  • Dr. Teeth : [to Crazy Harry]  You know, I hear this movie's dynamite.

    [Crazy Harry blows up a chair] 

  • Kermit : Frankly, Miss Piggy, I don't give a hoot.

  • Kermit : If that's not the kind of man you are... or... what I'm saying doesn't make any sense to you, well then... go ahead and kill me.

    Doc Hopper : [takes off his hat and fluffs his hair; reluctantly]  All right boys. Kill him.

  • Fozzie : [after Kermit has turned down Doc Hopper's offer]  Five hundred dollars? Would you consider a *bear* in a frog suit?

    Kermit : Fozzie!

    Fozzie : I'm sorry, sir, I just lost my head.

    Doc Hopper : [as Kermit and Fozzie drive off]  Just a minute, Mr. Frog; everything's negotiable!

  • Kermit : Well, I have a dream too, but it's about singing and dancing and making people happy. It's the kind of dream that gets better the more people you share it with. And I found a whole group of friends who have the same dream, and that kind of makes us like a family. You have anybody like that, Hopper? I mean, once you get all those restaurants, who're you gonna share it with? Who are your friends, Doc? Those guys?

  • Kermit : Did we do something wrong, Officer?

    All Muppets : [Shocked when it reveals that the police officer is Max] 

    Kermit : Okay, guys, let him explain.

    Max : This whole disguise is only so that I can warn you.

    Fozzie : Okay, sure, sure.

    Max : I never thought Doc was going to hurt Kermit; I thought he was going to lean on him a little. But now he's got this frog killer in from the coast, And the man is DEADLY!

    All Muppets : [Everybody gets shocked about the frog killer] 

    Kermit : Hold it, Dr. Teeth, What's up ahead?

    Dr. Teeth : It's only an old ghost town.

    Kermit : Right.

    [to Max] 

    Kermit : Listen, you go back and tell Doc Hopper I'll be waiting for him there.

    Max : What?

    Fozzie : [as everybody get scared and concerned]  Kermit! You'll get killed!

    Kermit : Listen. Listen, guys, I can't spend my whole life running away from a bully. It's time for a showdown.

  • Rowlf the Dog : [while he and the rest of the Muppets with Kermit are shaking their dander into a fan towards Miss Tracy, Lew Lords secretary, forcing her to sneeze convulsively due to her allergies until she collapses and lets them into Lord's office, he quips]  I'm allergic to cats myself.

  • Miss Piggy : [after Miss Piggy and Kermit defeat and escape Max Krassman and his thugs]  Well, shall we go now, Kermie?

    Kermit the Frog : [the pay phone rings near them, he goes and answers]  Just a second. Hello? Hmm.

    [hands the receiver to her] 

    Kermit the Frog : Piggy, it's--it's your agent.

    Miss Piggy : [Taking the receiver, in her pleasant voice]  Awww, thank you.

    [She then clears her throat, then into phone with a serious tone] 

    Miss Piggy : Yeah, Morty, what do ya got?


    Miss Piggy : Commercial?

    [Turns to look at Kermit then back to the phone] 

    Miss Piggy : How much?


    Miss Piggy : Mm-hmm. When?


    Miss Piggy : Take it.

    [She hangs up and faces Kermit] 

    Miss Piggy : Ummmmmm... ..goodbye.

    [She quickly takes off leaving him] 

  • Kermit : Fozzie?

    Fozzie : Yes?

    Kermit : Uh, bear left.

    Fozzie : What?

    Kermit : Bear left!

    Fozzie : Right, frog.

    Kermit : What?

    Fozzie : Never mind.

    Kermit : [sarcastically]  That's cute.

  • Dr. Teeth : Hey, hey hey! It's the man with the badge! Police, The Fuzz, The P.I... .

    Miss Piggy : DON'T YOU DARE!

    Dr. Teeth : I wasn't gonna think about it.

    Kermit : Uh, Did we do something wrong, Officer?

    [Everybody gets shocked when they found out that the police officer reveals to be Max] 

    Kermit : Okay, Guys. Let him explain.

    Max : This whole disguise is only so that I can warn you.

    Fozzie : Oh, Okay. Sure.

    Max : I never though Doc is gonna hurt Kermit. I thought he's gonna lean on him a little. But now he has hired a frog killer in from the coast. And the man is DEADLY!

  • Nigel : [laughs]  Waddaya think?

    Marvin Suggs : Wonderful! It was a wonderful feature! I loved it!

    Rowlf the Dog : Great! Great, great show. Huh, Beaker?

    Beaker : Oh yeah! Me me me me.

    Rowlf the Dog : Yeah, whatever.

  • Kermit : [annoyed]  Hopper, what's the matter with you? You're gonna crazy chasing me halfway across the country. Why are you doing this to me?

    Doc Hopper : Cause all my life I wanted to own a thousand frog-leg restaurants... and you're the key, greenie.

  • Kermit : This guy's lost.

    Waiter : Maybe you should try Hare Krishna.

    Kermit : Good grief, it's a running gag.

  • Kermit : What do you think, Robin?

    Robin the Frog : Uncle Kermit. I think you're a great actor.

    Kermit : That wasn't acting that was real life.

See also

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