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Boring AF, takes place in 1800s Old West, tedious to watch, I keep looking at the time and pausing the show because Robert England's narration puts me in a stupor
21 April 2024
I'm sorry fans of this actor, I'm sure he's otherwise lovely but his way of delivering his lines here, his voice and the rest of this show puts me to sleep! There's only been 1 episode that I found interesting, so I tried to watch more, but the fact that it's divided into 3 stories doesn't even help to pick up the pace: stories are slow-paced, some of the actors are over the top but I think the most boring thing here is that it takes place in the old west; we're talking 1800s and I have zero affinities for that history! ZZZzzz you can be sure I never had any past lives over there LOL

in conclusion I'm glad it was canceled.
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Mysteries of the Outdoors: No Man's Land (2017)
Season 2, Episode 12
Unwatchable! Flashing images every 5 Seconds literally! do not even attempt to watch this if you have vaccine induced seizures
20 April 2024
Overkill editing effects has Flzshing images non-stop every 5 Seconds literally constant rapidly flushing white screens is driving me insane I tried to watch this but I really can't; I had to avert my eyes and just listen to it because it is unwatchable! What were you thinking? There isn't even a placard at the beginning warning us of their flashing images the topic was interesting the delivery is very poorly executed and I still can't believe that in 2024 did their aired this on television without so much as a warning for people with seizures and other people with brain tumors or neurological disorders.
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The Dead Files: The Offering (2017)
Season 8, Episode 7
It was hilarious when Steve revealed to Amy but the two women in front of her are "sensitives": you should have seen the cowardly face on Amy!
20 April 2024
It doesn't take a psychic to sense that Amy is a fake and a phony and has zero psychic ability whatsoever, let alone medium. This show is as fake as it comes and I can't believe it took so many seasons to forcibly remove Amy from the cast! Anyway this episode was hilarious because here they find themselves in the mecca of all things metaphysical: Sedona, Arizona. So of course you're going to find real psychics here, and that was the case as was revealed to Amy when she sat down in front of the two former hostesses of the restaurant they went to investigate.

From then on, the show got good because you could see Amy's cowardly face when Steve revealed to her that the 2 women sitting in front of her were psychics themselves! Amy had that look of the deer caught in the headlights, like: "OOPS! They're going to know I'm a fake and this is all staged, and I'm being fed information by Steve, prior to my going investigate."

people don't be so gullible please: it's called staging, editing and scripting! Steve always goes gather the information first (and I believe the producers gather it even before Steve does!) and then they feed that information to Amy before she goes on her walk, and then the editor makes the show's magic for the gullible masses by splicing the clips of Steve in the middle instead of first, when it actually took place! How else do you think Amy hits the nail on the head 100% of the time?! How can you be so dumb?!

The faces the women were making in response to Amy's phony talk were priceless! You could see their eyes narrowing in disbelief. Contempt was spewing out of both women's pores especially the blonde one with limp hair. Of course it can be assured that the production yelled cut and they talked to the women and they fed them some lines to say praising Amy or else they would have had to pay for the Productions travel to Sedona Etc so they went along with it.

People are so gullible in this day and age, especially with marijuana being made legal but the viewers of this show are on some major level kind of "special", for sure! One sucker born every minute, or whatever the expression is fully applies here... Watch it for the entertainment value of seeing Amy squirm as she is caught in her own trap of the web of lies she weaved herself. Priceless! For the rest, this show is and has always been a 1/10.
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Both stories appear to be fake
19 April 2024
The first story is by far the better one: better acted, better produced and more interesting; the second one is slow with 2 very dull and uninteresting actresses, and it's like pulling teeth watching it; there's nothing scary about that one either.

Also, we can clearly see that both stories are very fake: the 1st one has an implausible levitation scene and the woman claims that she erased the video of it! (Seriously taking the audience for imbeciles here! If that happened to any of us we would be posting it on YouTube and making as many copies as possible to make sure it is never erased!) The 2nd one has 2 different actresses listed as playing the character of Eva: the French one plays the reenactment character and the Italian actress plays the interviewee character! So there is no real Eva person to whom this happened. MEH!
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Hotel Paranormal (2020– )
Boring beyond boring, terribly filmed & produced! Even Dan Akroyd is annoying AF shouting his lines
16 April 2024
This is one of the worst ghost reenactment productions from the Travel Channel: it has bottom of the barrel production values and by that I mean it's the cameraman's fault and the editor's, or whomever told them to film in this way: every time there's an evil entity, the camera zooms past them really fast, so that you cannot see anything beyond a blurry black mass, and that's the most important thing when making a ghost show!! So if you cannot see the entity, it's not scary it's not horror and it's renders this show completely useless.

Every time I watch it, I can't wait for the commercial so I can take care of stuff and every time the commercial ends I'm annoyed that it ended so quickly; that's how bad this show is LOL.

The narrator's nasal voice is unpleasant and all around horrible, shouting his lines with a silly affected intonation that does not work at all with this show; so imagine my surprise when I figured out it's one of my favorite actors, Dan Akroyd! Every time I try to watch this show it's so boring I find myself distracted on the computer, like it's on right now and that's what I'm doing.

All the recreation scenes seem to be bathed in a golden light, which makes me wonder what possessed somebody to throw a bucket of camel urine at the camera.

There is no scare factor here whatsoever, and the filming is totally boring and not entertaining at all. The cuts to the interviewees are too much! They happen way too often and kill the momentum. Whoever created this show doesn't know how to create a show: everything about this production is horrible and none of the stories are thus interesting in the way they're presented.

And this is coming from a reviewer who, throughout my life, happens to have rented 3 different hotel rooms that were extremely haunted, so that's why this was interesting to me. Look, I wouldn't even care if the stories are fake, as long as you entertain me, that's all I ask, but this is absolutely unwatchable because it is boring AF.
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Serendipity (2001)
Why would a beautiful woman care about a boring dude who looks like a cartoon worm-face sticking out of an apple?
13 April 2024
John Cusack is unattractive, atrocious-looking and not an actor. He's certainly is no leading man material and can't act. He has 0 personality to backup a character that would be found attractive by Kate Beckinsale.

Her character is idiotic the premise is convoluted and there is not one salvageable actor here. There is not one character that I care about this is the second time I see this and I've always started mid movie.

Why does John Colbert always have to play the 'Bohemian' long-hair perennial boyfriend (usually to ugly women) whom nobody wants to marry? Why does Moynahan always play the model whose boyfriend always cheat on her (usually with an uglier female)? Unfortunately for her, life imitated art when Tom Brady did it to her.

Not even Jeremy Piven or Mary-Catherine Gallagher can save this movie. The salesman also was annoying AF. I did not rate it any lower because at least it has good cinematography and it is fast paced.

Hollywood still not has learned its lesson: an idiotic script cannot be saved by pretty cinematography and actress, who was acting for 2, since John Cusack had 0 chemistry with her, but at least Kate made you believe she cared about the guy, in spite of how stupid her character was. 4/10.
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Everybody diseased at the featured reviews?? 8/10 did you fall on your head?!
12 April 2024
I made it to exactly 24 minutes and 19 seconds when I decided to come here and see how bad a schlock this film is. I have always wondered what this movie was about and why it's never been once shown on television ever. Now I understand: it is completely unwatchable.

Whoever directed this piece of crap: don't quit your day job! Fool needs to know that it's not because the lead character's depressed that they need to try to depress the entire audience: that's how you get viewers to leave the theater and demand a refund! Growing up means learn to walk away and not waste your precious life watching 1 more second of an ugly, disgusting film such as this schlock.

The setup the decor the cinematography everything is really really bad! Dim and ugly colors makes this film unwatchable! I barely recognized Meg Ryan with her equally dim dark brown hair (which I assume is her real hair color) her brown contact lenses and toxic speech twang.

This film has not 1 redeeming quality! Even the Great Dane (dog walked by an old lady) wanted to get away from Tom Hanks! No doubt, it smelled what this insipid buffoon has been up to, to achieve worldwide stardom: dogs don't like people without soul who hurt little children.
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You're pretty; no, you're pretty; trust me you're a lot prettier than I am. okay you're right!
12 April 2024
This is one of those movies that I both disliked and enjoyed at the same time. I'll try to explain why.

The lead actor, who also happens to be the writer to producer the director and goodness knows what else, and whom I have never heard of before nor ever seen in anything at all, was playing a pathetic character with the shapeless blob of an embarrassing silhouette for a body. He is obviously an exhibitionist with a real life humiliation fetish, as there was no reason for him to lingeringly be flashing his cock any chance he got, gratuitously, and several times at that! On the plus side it wasn't a female for a change, except for a photo of Mila Kunis' budding training bra "contents", which left so much to be desired, that one has to wonder if what they say about humiliation rituals in Hollywood are actually a thing. Clearly was one, and shame on her for flashing her shortcomings.

Kristen Bell's character was pathetic and unlikable to the max and also surprised that she would accept such a (supporting) role. Her flip-flopping at the end seemed out of character and made the movie all the less enjoyable.

Russell Brand was just Russell Brand and i already forgot that I came here to check if he was actually a sober person during filming just like his character. In the end, I couldn't care less. The story is ok and the movie's fast-paced enough, but I don't know what everybody else is talking about Hawaii, because you don't see Hawaii scenery at all; it takes place pretty much indoors in a hotel room, restaurant or bar and that's it.

I agree with those who said it was too vulgar for my taste, but there is actually more pathetic and vulgar, as I had the displeasure of founding out earlier today when I watched the beginning of Some kind of Beautiful with Pierce Brosnan.

The Dracula puppet show was a tiny bits interesting with excellent singing but pretty much pathetic and there's not much of anything else going on except for the beautiful rendition of Sinead O'Connor's Nothing compares 2U but in Hawaiian lyrics by Daniel Ho. Comes at the very end, as the credits roll. Skip the movie to the end and listen to this song and then it will be perfect entertainment; as it is I'm giving it to 6/10 and I sure hope never to have to see another film featuring the shapeless, buttless body of this Jason character, whatever his last name is. The film is rated way too high on here.
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Terrible: completely miscast, badly acted and painful to watch!
11 April 2024
What were they thinking?! And to think that A-listers like them turned down other, worthy films to make this stinker! Conspiracy theories could easily tell you that they chose this film as mandatory humiliation ritual that they're forced to participate in, every few years or something. Well the agony that is watching this film is enough to turn anyone into a conspiracy theorist, in that case

The movie started off sort of okay, and rapidly went downhill. This came on HBO right after the Heartbreakers which was at 10/10 extremely funny comedy. I turned this off after some 20 excruciating minutes. I have watched films like this recently from the same era and they're just one worse than the previous.

Pierce Brosnan is overacting, unfunny, trying too hard, looking decrepit and just all around old and out of the loop. His miserable performance here shows that he is but a shadow of his former self, the classy suave dude in Remington Steele.

Jessica Alba playing a young 20-some year old but was already 32 when she made this and it shows. She is unfunny and, at best, a waste of time.

Even worse is Selma Hayek, trying to act funny with her insipid performance of a pathetic character who gets cheated on. Whatsoever possessed her to accept this role?! The woman can't act!! At least not in a comedy! Jennifer Lopez would have been a lot better but I can see why she turned it down.

The story is bad, the writing is terrible with a lot of f-bombs being dropped right and left; a potty mouth and bathroom humor never works when one cannot act comedy, especially from this type of actors: they all look like old farts trying to sound cool. Betty White they are not.

I'd like to remind everybody that a review is *your opinion only* and not the place to post a recap of what's going on in the film: we have the synopsis page for that! Also, your rating should reflect *your enjoyment* (or lack thereof of it) and nothing more and certainly not what you think the movie should be worth as cinematic achievement when compared to Shakespeare. (Really tired of reading glowing reviews on here, along with her low rating: what is up with that?!) Either way this is a double stinker, in this case.

1/10 and I am tremendously glad I had the presence of mind to change the channel before watching one more minute of this pathetic flop of a film.
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Heartbreakers (2001)
This movie is perfect
11 April 2024
Brilliantly cast, perfectly acted, magnificently written! It's pretty much a laugh a minute, and I'm talking about laughing out loud, which I hardly ever do with any comedies. Ray Liotta got me the most laughs.

Not only are the cons exciting, the movie is fast paced, there is not a moment of this film that is boring, just keeps me watching and wondering what they're going to do next. Every actor is perfectly cast to kudos to whoever was the casting director here they put together a great ensemble.

Visually appealing great cinematography with costumes and music score. The ending is perfect and just when I thought it couldn't end any better it ends even better in the final scene as they pull off the last con.

I had never heard of this film back when it was made and came out. I just only saw it for the first time last year and I just cut it again on HBO. If you're not afraid of being happy because something bad might happen to you right after, then watch this comedy. I know I will every time I want to feel happy: it is genius.
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Skip this one: it's a nothingburger waste of time with 2 fools similarly going down the halls of an asylum? {REALLY Travel Channel?!}
10 April 2024
This production has seriously gone downhill. Where there used to be variety here and intriguing footage captured, now we have no variety only "diversity" in the sense of two YouTubers trying to fool audiences in order to promote their own channel, to secure lazy zillenial 'do-nothing' income.

First there's Chris, whom i must have seen at least 3 times already in this type of shows, and every time he goes exploring buildings, nothing whatsoever happens, except audio which he could have easily added post-prod. Here it seems one of his buddies is hiding behind a doorway with his arm inside a black furry paw which is seen retreating real quick. Bo-ring!

The other "diverse" presentation is even worse, with some guy making a spectacle of himself overacting a panic attack after going down his own asylum, where, mind you, nothing whatsoever happens! Look I don't tune in to this show to watch somebody fake-emoting. These people have to be (terrible) actors! Guess what would have happened if you or me would have sent this nonsense footage to this show?? You seriously think we would have made it on the air? No! These guys are part of the cast and are there to promote their YouTube channel to secure passive income, end of story.

Whoever cast this guy needs to be fired! We tune in to watch reasonably credible footage of Paranormal Activity, not to watch some schmuck emoting and overacting. If I can't see it just don't show it to me. Diversity has finally hit the Travel Channel and, as you guessed it, it's downhill from there. That's it.
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Ghosts of Morgan City: The Man in Black (2019)
Season 1, Episode 8
Cookie cutter ghost show: the hunters are all uncharismatic and as usual they fail to capture any ghostly footage!
8 April 2024
When I found this on demand, I had no idea it was another stupid ghost hunting show! So I started watching it not knowing what to expect as there was no synopsis on the screen. It started off fairly well, with the pretty establishing shot at night, and then they moved on to interview a Town Hall room filled with townspeople and over 75% of them raised their hand to the question has anyone here seen a ghost?

So I'm thinking for sure this will have some cool footage of live captures of ghosts right? Wrong! I find absolutely all ghost shows to be boring AF! All of them are idiotic boring cookie cutter formulaic and nothing ever happens.!

The only ghost show that I have ever found remotely passable is the Ghost Brothers but I do find it to become extremely boring halfway through it because, like an old ghost haunting TV shows, nothing ever happens. However at least the ghost brothers are all professional entertainers: they are all good looking, very charismatic, well-dressed and funny so they in the effort to add something that none of the other stupid shows have!

Do not waste your time with this series and I hope that the Travel Channel cancels all ghost shows unless you can show us the valid live footage of ghosts like you do in paranormal caught on camera do not bother us with your stupidity and fake setups. To add insultsto injury I found out they canceled the ghost Brothers unbelievable!
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Bombshell (1933)
Extremely harsh-looking Jean Harlow shouts her every line non-stop in this painful TCM offering
2 April 2024
I'll start by saying that I quite like Jean Harlow movies, I usually find her fun to watch but I have no idea what is going on in this film! First of all, I had my TV volume at 8/100 (the volume doesn't go any lower on my Samsung!) and it was still way too loud in the middle of the night, not only for my relaxing ears, but also for the neighbors. So I have no idea what was going on in this film because I caught it in the middle, I couldn't cope with the yelling Non-Stop and I was too distracted by her face vis-a-vis the title being 'Bombshell', to figure out what they were saying or what was going on. (She was no more bombshell than William Powell in a silky dress.)

Jean Harlow couldn't act for shizzle, and this proves it. So, I have no idea why I like her as an actress because I can't stand any of the others who have so-called Legend status and died early, such as her copycat Marilyn Monroe or the ever pained and painful to watch James Dean. They not only couldn't act but were insufferable and homely, although the former benefited from extensive plastic surgeries.

Jean Harlow's visage was harsher on the eyes than sin; this, with the best cinematographers lighting her face and a ton of makeup spackled on! (So just imagine what she would have looked like without any!) She had dark, angry eyes at all times, ridiculous missing eyebrows replaced by clownish penciled-in question marks and very masculine features... and that was after her own multiple plastic surgeries! (I know this, because photos of her face before all the cosmetic surgeries can easily be found online...OUCH!) She also looked a lot older than her 26 years; her cheeks were bloated and she had a double chin, none of which is the stuff beauty is made of, let alone material for a bombshell! (Reminds me of Kelly Bundy in that aspect, whom every straight guy raved about back in the day, but stop staring at her platinum hair and take a look at her face... YIKES!)

Jean Harlow's acting style was nervous and very poor; she was constantly yelling her lines at her co-stars while gesticulating a lot and looking frantic; when her character was supposed to be listening to the other actor and responding she looked like she couldn't wait to say her own line. In spite of all this she had a certain quality, a "Je ne sais quoi" that made her likable... perhaps it's that proverbial "it" factor. (Such factor was completely missing from the likes of Norma Shearer, who not only was a terrible actress but was also sorry looking and only nailed an acting career & became famous with rolls she never deserved such as Marie-Antoinette, simply because she married a top Hollywood producer mogul.)

In conclusion, I cannot tell you what's going on in this film, or what there is to like or not like, because I couldn't cope with all the shouting which was way worse than in any of other Jean Harlow film I recall watching. However I'm giving this 5 stars to be fair, and because Jean Harlow is seen in her customary all-white outfits, complete with fur, feathers, sequins and the cut on the bias satin gowns with spaghetti straps that made her famous. Plus the jewelry she was wearing was real diamonds: you can tell by how those huge rocks were glinting against the studio lights. Male or female, somebody needs to get this look out for Halloween costumes, already!
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A Haunting: The Diabolical (2006)
Season 2, Episode 2
One of the most boring episodes I have seen to date
22 March 2024
I don't understand why people think this is scary!? This one was actually one of the most boring and non scary ones of the ones I have seen: there were no entities represented and I like the best when they have a man in Demon makeup full on with the scales and the gray body paint pointy fingernails and yellow eyes LOL

I had never seen the early episodes because they are not on demand which pretty much has the same dozen episodes the air on repeat on the Travel Channel but I caught this one online. It is a bit slow a bit repetitive and all around boring. This one ghost doesn't scare me I would not have moved if it weren't for the fact that their house is barely inches from the neighbors house what is up with that who is that complacent and that submissive that they pay a lot of money to live in a house with neighbors like in an apartment? Even if you think they're not bad neighbors to become problem Neighbors when you can hear everything when they sneeze talk slam doors or play music or TV over there.

The one thing that was different in the beginning that I liked was the editing had rapid fire images you could barely see what they were showing you and I made for interesting editing that must have taken a lot of work on the part of the editors so kudos to them.

However the early episodes were heavily into Christian religion bringing in the priests who magically speak a few incantations from their magic book and poof! The ghosts are gone, LOL and they got everybody scared of them Ouija boards repeating the lie that they open portals for spirits to come through; this is bull and it needs to stop. Ouija board is just a piece of thick cardboard, a game to play and nothing happens whatsoever of the things this show warns about. People: pretty much everything you know is a Lie, from religion to politics and media, and oftentimes who to tell you is the bad guy is actually the good guy ( from presidents to Lucifer) and they tell you to worship the evil guy under guys that he's the good one and they ship your tax dollars off to the bad guys it is all a ruse. And PS if you went back to your roots and your ancestors' beliefs, you would see how evil the Christians were {and still are} when they destroyed everything in their path and they continue, brainwashed that they are, to Crusade across the globe to brainwash other people! It is a plague of evil, and that is the reason why the world is the way it is nothing to do with Ouija boards.
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My Haunted House: The Whispering & Ethel (2014)
Season 2, Episode 7
Ethel is the better story and that crazy lady is demented to perfection! Watch it for this one.
16 March 2024
The first story was nothing to sneeze at, not really scary not really interesting and slow paced. So my rating is for the 2nd story only, and it was creepy to near perfection. The actress playing Ethel was super demented and quite talented. I had a landlord like this character who would let himself in my tiny cabin in the mountains and so I could relate to the creepiness, but he would help himself to my stuff without asking. This second story was well paced, had enough scary moments (surprisingly no jump-scares here) and tension and overall was well done. It's probably just a 7/10 and, considering the other story, it really deserves no more than 6/10, but I'm in a good mood so let's give this an 8 /10.
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A Haunting: Ghost Soldier (2006)
Season 2, Episode 7
Compelling story, very well done, with great visual appeal
14 March 2024
This was a very well presented and edited story with great cinematography and decor. It went by really fast and I was surprised when there was only 5 minutes to the end; it was that interesting that time flew by. Visually there is a great color palette with unusual color placement chosen by whomever work this departments in the production. There is a lot of apricot lighting and a t-shirt worn by one of the girls which is a very rare color to find for clothing. There are pictures that combine pastels green pink yellow which are very well placed together and a cookie jar in the same color palette it was interesting and I wondered if it meant something or if they were just going out of their way to find visually appealing colors for the story.

There is a close up on beautiful red candles a bright green wall in the background which was unusual and the psychic has a strange Shadow play on her face with extremely long bottom eyelashes that it made me wonder if it was indeed a shadow or it was painted on her cheeks in the end I couldn't figure this out because her eyelashes were actually short so I'm not sure how they lit this scene to make her cheeks look like that.

The woman who played the psychic was very reminiscent of a famous actress, Iliana Douglas, whom she reminded me of, and both the mother and daughter telling the story were very beautiful women with interesting makeup colors: dusty lavender eye-shadow on the mother and soft pink blush on the daughter. There wasn't much insofar as spookiness and scary elements, and the man who played the dead soldier looks more 35 than 19 years old, but whoever chose the colors schemes here, whoever did the makeup and brought the set decor and props, needs to be commanded because they made the episode a lot more enjoyable than it would have been.
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Visually appealing, entertaining, fascinating, educational and just all around fun to watch
10 March 2024
This is a great little show that sadly doesn't seem to have more than a dozen or so episodes, and many times they spliced segments from one to another to create a new and longer episode. This is very much visually appealing and kudos goes to the cinematographer camera-people and lighting persons. They rarely get accolades but they should as they truly are the unsung heroes of whichever shows we find visually appealing. The word "expert" is of course used loosely: when you have a psychic or palmist, can they really be experts in anything? However many of the interviewees are fun to listen to, and the topics are presented in a very entertaining way. I mean how else are you going to find pleasurable the (mysterious) death of a young woman, found face down in a hotel's water tank? Well the way it was presented here and makes it very entertaining.

I find this show riveting fun to watch and I wish they had made many more episodes; hopefully it is not canceled but sadly the travel channel has a history of canceling the good shows in favor of the lame and very boring ghost hunting shows which are always the same. The only thing is that this show appears to come from England so they all talk with the thick accents and I need subtitles to understand what exactly they're saying or else I'll miss a few words here and there. I have many favorites of this episodes but I'll let you go down the list so you can pick your own; they're currently available On Demand.
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A Haunting: Grave Awakenings (2019)
Season 10, Episode 7
One of the scariest scenes in any Travel Channel ghost shows, but the episode is for me ruined by Roz the fake psychic
9 March 2024
Very well done episode I rated it 9/10 initially, but after watching it several times, there are several questions left unanswered and today I would rate it more 7/10. The actress who played the blonde ghost lady was terrific, and her scene (hanging Zoe upside down as spoilt by the trailer) was the culmination of this episode, which made it more scary than other titles from this series. I think she is Peyton Tuesday who only has this one credit to her name, which is strange as I would have liked to see more of what other work she did. I totally disliked Roz the psychic and she ruins the episode for me but it is because she reminds me of one person whom I contacted a long time ago she looked very similar and had the same unkempt appearance and negative miserable energy as Roz does.

So i feel that this psychic is fake and gave her really bad advice such as telling her to stay in the home and that she can fight this by herself, and this was insane of her to say that! I know there is no way to corroborate if this episode was for real or completely fictitious because when you think about it it is pretty far-fetched but going with the possibility that it was all true like I said there's a lot of unanswered questions here. For example: why didn't Zoe sue her landlord? He refused to let her out of her lease but he rented her a run down townhouse with many health hazards (they found containers of moldy food) and it was haunted!

I know she said the housing market was limited but it doesn't make any sense that a landlord would be allowed to rent a home that was so dirty and rundown, they had to completely renovate it to make it habitable... unless this production exaggerated this as well? And as far as being haunted, there have been legal cases won on the part of tenants who have sued due landlord knowingly rented them a place that had ghosts; as laughable as that is to somebody who has never encountered that, and believe you me I understand how ridiculous it sounds, (until you find yourself in the same predicament), the courts however have, on more than one occasion, sided with the renters or tenants.

But the main thing is: why wouldn't this person, Zoe, grab her phone camera and start filming? The way this story is presented, there was non-stop paranormal activity, she could have filmed the ghost themselves, as well as their banging on doors Etc This happened in 2016 so there is no excuse not to provide footage (and this is the main problem that I have with the uber-fake show, The Dead Files).

So, she didn't move out; she did not go spend the night at a hotel or move out and go live with her parents; she took terrible advice from a fake psychic and she did not sue her landlord; and neither did she capture footage of her ghosts which, PS, she could have of course used in court to get out of her lease and get her money back. For all of these reasons, this episode is quite fishy, however Zoe comes across as believable the way she tells her story; the psychic completely ruins it for me but it is saved by compelling story. It is well directed, filmed and edited, and there is that great scene of her hanging upside down because the blonde ghost is levitating her, so I'm going to leave my 9/10 for good entertaining ghost show but I don't think all is on the up and up. I think Zoe is telling some truths but that the producers probably embellished her story a lot as is usually the case with these reality shows.
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Elderly couple claim they were Jean Harlow and Paul Bern: how truly embarrassing for them!
8 March 2024
It is very hard to watch this and not feel embarrassed for both Adrian Finkelstein and Valerie Franich, and their far-fetched claims that they were Paul Bern and Jean Harlow. Imagine being proud of putting your face on TV and pulling this racket! I think it is pretty callous of people to want to appropriate a now dead person's past glory and successes for themselves. Just like with UFOs, I do not believe in past lives or reincarnation; it is a completely silly concept, especially when you're White! It is fine for people from certain countries who have had that ingrained as part of their culture, but for Whites (and others, such as this man) to appropriate another culture's beliefs, I feel it is not okay: their truth is not other's truth, and that is why we were born at opposite portions of the planet.

From my experience, once you are put under hypnosis your subconscious mind will agree with you and if you say "take me back to a past life" your subconscious mind will obey, and will deliver a mind movie for you regardless of veracity. This is one of the reasons why hypnosis can be dangerous. With that said, Valerie and Adrian are both very personable and likable, and they do bear a physical resemblance to their alleged counterparts. Maybe they should have just switched careers and worked as performers, impersonating them in their old age.

However these two people fail to realize that people who believe in a reincarnation believe that if you are a White woman now you could have been a Black male in the past, so, their using facial features and ratios to claim it was them, is completely ridiculous. Also, if you were to reincarnate, you would reincarnate centuries or hundreds of years after the person's death, not a couple of years after. At least that is what I learned back when I explored this particular belief system, and the hypnotherapist himself isn't worth his salt if he doesn't know this. He is so exuberant and so sure of himself that it is very hard not to feel very embarrassed for him, and to want for him to wake up and look at the silliness of the claims he made on TV, and see him hide in shame. In this sense I truly do believe he has been brainwashed self-hypnotized because he really believes his own claims, that much is clear.

But again Valerie is lovely and you feel for her putting herself in such embarrassing position. There's footage of Jean Harlow, which was one of the most funny, likable and interesting actresses of her era, so watch it for that, maybe. The first story for me was completely boring, as I said, I know that space aliens are fake and UFOs are nothing but space debris and/or government technology. This is a good series but this was one of the worst episodes for me. Oh and PS: Valerie? Honey, if reincarnation did exist, why couldn't you just be a regular person? You know, a regular loser who struggled through her miserable life the first time around? Or maybe you were just an extra at the studio? LOL! At any rate this is just a case of a fan being told that she look like the older version of Sheena Harlow and trying to and wishing she would have been her the end.
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Summer Snow (I) (2014)
What an annoying little girl they found to play this character! UGH!
5 March 2024
I caught this towards the end, maybe 20 minutes from the end and midway through that, I just wanted to slap this little girl unto next Tuesday. What an annoying conceited, overbearing little girl. UGH! The faces she pulls! If this one grows up she will live to be really full of herself. I truly honestly sincerely from the bottom of my hate kids with a passion but this one takes the cake! To think the elite baby eaters have missed their chance to make pot roast out of and consume this one. I kid, I kid!

All jokes aside I was so angry at her when I found out she was selling her parents items in the garage sale she made herself and that's when I wanted to hit her. I hated so much, on her the next scene she gets run over by a car and I could not stop laughing with glee and clapping, so happy I was; anyway I have no idea if they kill off her character but I hope so.

Also seeing a grown man cry and seeing a toll free number written in big taking 1/8 of the television screen made me think this is a religious film sure; enough people are randomly start having religious fits and that made me even more angry thinking I could be living peacefully in Utah, if it weren't for those religious freaks who ring your doorbell when you're trying to sleep after a long hard week of non-stop work; now that's one state where murder should be made legal for that very reason, but I digress. I mean a kid... or am I?

4/10 because it is well filmed and I love dandelions. They should have titled it 'dandelions'. From what I watched, the film did not took place in the snow, to be called Summer Snow. I did however see the snow come down in June like Vanessa Williams sings it when I lived in the mountains. Show's over and I have no idea whether the brat croaked or not. For the life of me I will never understand people who enjoy crying and love melodrama! People: you will attract more misery into your lives because that is what you love, in life always brings you what you love and this is the most important spiritual lesson you will ever learn, more than the silliness this film purported to teach you with their Christian mythology.
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The Box (I) (2009)
Cameron Diaz and James Marsden have zero chemistry
3 March 2024
I have never before realized what a terrible actress Cameron Diaz is! Was she going for an Oscar here? Because actors who typically do comedies think they will get an Oscar when they pull a long face in a serious part, but people need to realize that long faces are the norm for these types of actors once they yell cut. Ask the very miserable Jim Carrey LOL.

So basically she was playing herself minus the good looks she once possessed at the time of The Mask. And her makeup 'artist' needs to be demoted and never work in Hollywood again because not only that was not appropriate makeup for the 1970s it also made her 10 times as hideous she naturally is. This is one Hollywood celebrity who would strongly benefit from nasal corrective surgery because she looks like she's lost one too many boxing matches.

This movie is sheer nonsense! What is with all the imaginary water rising and falling in this flick The cinematography is very poor the costumes are awful and do not reflect the 1970s in the least (just watch TV shows made in that era to figure out how they should have dressed) the lighting is bad the editing horrible and I guess all this reflects on the director who was responsible for all of the above.

Even watched with subtitles at home and rewinding it, I still have no idea what happens because it was so boring I started looking at my computer screen instead of the TV. I finally ended switching channels when I realized I had already caught the end of this film before.

What's up with the guy who had half of his face CGI to look like those corpses they had on tour across the USA a few years back? Anyway the movie is so boring Cameron Diaz is such an inept actress that you just don't care what happens to her or her family after about 15 minutes of this nonsense, yet one tries to keep watching to be able to provide a suitable review but it is a waste of time so save yourself and do not watch this at any cost because it is a pointless worthless film. Not even James Marsden looks good here and his character is as miserable as this entire production 2/10 and anyone who gave more than a 4 to this is a pedantic clown, trying to pass themselves as an armchair movie critic.
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The Haunting Of: Linda Dano (2014)
Season 4, Episode 14
Terrible! Terrible production values, terribly boring and the psychic is a fake!
27 February 2024
I was bored with the travel channel repeating the same handful of episodes of the same few series, so I found this on on demand; it looked promising but it turned out to be a dud! Don't get me wrong, Linda Dano is lovely but the psychic has a horrendous energy, her personality is aggravating, she is brash and therefore painful to watch, and is obviously a fake who researches everything before she shows up. Also what the heck is Linda Dino doing in such a depressing, dark and damp home? It looks like it's moldy and smells in there and it totally clashes with her glamour star image.

In the recreation reenacted by actors, her bedroom was spacious but when she showed the real place, it was a tiny cubicle of a bedroom. The decor of the house is primitive ( antique wood stuff mainly); she said it was original 1700s but at the same time, she seemed to say that she had the house built for her, so i was a bit confused about that; anyway there's some people who are into primitive deco;r it has its charm, I suppose, that's not for me and if that's what she is into why would she present herself in such a glamourous image? I had a bit of a hard time focusing on the show you to this major discrepancy between image and person.

Anyway the story might have been interesting since ghosts were involved, but it was presented in a way that was boring AF and woman!! Get some light bulbs or rather the production should I brought some camera lights because it was dark AF in there! Overall a waste of 50 minutes that I don't care to watch any further episodes from this woman. I am glad this does not air on the Travel Channel at all.
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Paranormal 911: Coffin Corridor (2019)
Season 1, Episode 11
Incredibly boring: poor editing, poor directing, terrible cinematography, poor production values, repetitive and dreadfully long
21 February 2024
Title says it all and unfortunately the Travel Channel loves to repeat this Dreadful episode; this is a great series but this has to be by far the worst episode with bad images terrible lighting poor cinematography bad acting horrible directing and Dreadful editing just do not watch this one skip it whenever it airs and watch the others. This is a great TV series that is rarely aired but whenever they do air it is always this dumb episode over and over again and I hate this one. Again the title says it all, but I am 119 characters short so I need to keep talking into my microphone to fill this box.
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We are all Sarah Connor and Bill Gates is Miles Dyson: what do you do? what do you do?
19 February 2024
More relevant today than ever before, little did we know back when that this film is our destiny. Elite plan this very well the family of criminals have been scheduling this 100 years in advance so that anybody who speaks up would be ridiculed, claiming that they watch too many movies. And some people would rather be wrong and I suddenly while defending their Killers then admits they were duped and face the music and admit that they were wrong and we are right. Ego is a pernicious thing that will destroy them all. The most intelligent of us, who are very well informed and know one's going on, try to warn you but oh well your loss.

So imagine you're Sarah Connor: knowing what we know today, with what they have done to us since 2020 and what they're planning to do to us by 2030, what do you do to escape this fate of fake poison inoculations AKA lethal Injections and global destruction the 'BeeGee' (along with the other crime familiie) has planned and enacted?

This movie says it all, although it is not a perfect movie because some of the fights go on way too long, as action movies tend to do, with the guy coming back to life over and over again, and it becomes overkill; the same with Keanu fighting agent Smith in The Matrix number 2, it is still a great film and of course, a classic. So we'll only deduct one star for that as it mired my enjoyment a bit.

I will always be weirded out by people who can watch a movie over and over again: how do you do that and why waste your time? For me one time is enough once I know what is going to happen 75% of the enjoyment is gone by the 2nd watch, and this movie is no different; the first time watching it, you're inside the film, you are one of the characters and you're fighting for your life, visually speaking, while in your comfy chair; the second time and subsequent times thereafter it is not the same, and so I miss the first watch. There are some iconic scenes here, such as when Sarah Connor is dreaming the Apocalypse and this is what it is awaiting us all, except that the majority of the masses are in complete denial, even though they've watched this but they prefer to blame the Russians for stuff that they are currently guilty of doing in USA, go figure! Best thing I did during the pandemic is learn Russian so now I know that the videos of the president are not properly translated.

The elite criminals planned this very well; this movie goes back 30 years and they already had what's happening to us in the works and what's coming next is the provoked global famines; Look no further than the Canadian truckers or actually do look further to the Belgium Germany France and Netherlands farmers blocking the way to the capitals in protest for their governments trying to off all their cattle and cause famines all across Europe. New Zealand, Australia & USA are next. Of course the sleeping masses like to deny this and they go out of their way with their Stockholm Syndrome to protect their torturers and those who have planned to off them good and proper. All you have to know is that Bill Gates bought off 75% of USA farmland to destroy them all and in 2020 alone they blew up 90% of the meat factories but this never made the news; however the videos were all over X and other alternative platforms online; we all saw them and by we I mean those of us who watch the real news not the garbage that the media is feeding you.

I strongly suggest that if you have read this far that you rewatch this film knowing that the science fiction is now your current reality and I suggest that you educate yourself as to what has happened to the planet since 2020. This was no coincidence and I'm not sure if it is that they are replicating the movies or if it is that they reveal everything to us via science fiction movies but I am inclined to believe the latter. I mean it's only coming out now that the phoney injections were indeed just that! Even the president of the main one came out and said so, but fools will be in denial and be the next one to look over their left shoulder and do the spin of dearh. Now you know.
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Yeti Massacre (2023)
Extremely well done
19 February 2024
This was a top-notch documentary. The R\recreations were very well done. I never knew about the KGB spy among the group. I never knew there was a second group more recently who suffered the same fate as the Dylatov party. It was very insightful and very compelling, and they presented different possibilities of what might have happened to them; at no point was there any pretension that they were solving the mystery but I really like that they showed a photo of the potential Yeti Now, that was amazing!

I don't know what the lowest scoring reviewers were smoking but they need to sit on their hands instead of posting smack online! If you don't like what you're watching then don't watch it and change the channel!! This is the problem with the Travel Channel: they come here and read the negative reviews, and I guess they feel shame and decide to cancel perfectly watchable and very good shows simply because they listen to uneducated and brain-impaired dummies, just because nobody bothered themselves to come here and post the high rated reviews that this show deserves. This series is so original creative and unique only to be discontinued in favor of garbage like a dead files and Ghost Adventures because of the fools that are allowed to come here and wreak havoc; enough of that, already you fools!
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