
6 Reviews
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CHIPS (2017)
A pile of crap
13 June 2017
That continues to get worse. Other than the stunning beauty of Kristen bell. There is no reason to watch this crap. Both Dax shepherd and Michael Pena reinforce the idea ever to watch their films agains...for gods sake don't ever watch their films again. They disappoint at every turn.
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26 March 2007
This movie was completely awful.

Cage's sad and depressing depiction of an angel should win him an award in which I grace him with a short right jab to his jaw.

This movie so sucked that when the main character was standing on a skyscraper contemplating taking a step off I wish it was me up there so I could end the endurance trial I was being put through just watching this junk.

I am not a big Nicholas Cage fan - I saw Valley Girl and was never the same, but watching this movie made me want to eat a bullet.

Meg Ryan on the other hand is easy to look at and is almost the only reason to watch this movie if not for the fact that Sarah McLachlan sings one of the songs on the soundtrack.

AWFUL movie. Crappy love story. Don't see it.
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28 September 2006
Spare me.

Don't go see this movie. Instead: watch A Knight's Tale and go to wikipedia and catch up on the facts behind Marie Antoinette.

The real sad thing is, there hasn't been a movie, starring Kirstin Dunst, before now, that I had absolutely NO interest in seeing. Let's get real, it's about a French Chick: nothing makes me want to vomit more than anything French, be it mimes, Dijon, Escargo, whatever. All things French should end up in a bloody mess jammed down the garbage disposal.

I guarantee seeing A Knight's tale in combination with a visit to wikipedia will more than make up for seeing this piece of junk.
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It does get worse than this, but not much.
24 August 2006
Van Helsing takes credit for the worst movie in the world. But I think this inspired the creators of that dung infested bomb to do worse.

This movie had a ton of potential, but unfortunately that potential is not realized unless you are dropping acid, smoking crack AND rolling a joint while getting a sugar high from 10 bags of circus peanuts.

This movie should not be viewed by people in a questionable mental state. If you must see this movie, be sure you do not pay for it. Also make sure you have something else you can immediately occupy 2 hours of your time with as you are sure to end up turning the TV off before the end.

Sean Connery should be ashamed of himself. Everyone connected with the making of this movie should apologize to the world for such an abomination.

I have seen better giant rat movies from the 70s.
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Van Helsing (2004)
Kill yourself instead of watching this movie.
24 August 2006
Movies can not get worse than this cheesy pile of dog stain.

If you're a man, the only reason to see this movie is the starlet and the hot vampire chicks. If you're a woman I am guessing it is for Hugh Jackman.

If someone rents this movie and asks if you want to see it before they return it, take note, because this person should never be trusted with a movie rental card, free movie coupon, or be allowed to sit home alone - unless the gas is on. Anyone who would recommend this movie is not your friend, and has nothing but ill intent towards you and your family.

If this movie somehow gets in to your DVD library, promptly remove it and place it under a glass or soda can where it rightfully belongs.

Someone was playing a cruel joke when they cooked this steaming pile up and served it to the world.
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Bad or shall I say, it ssssucked?
24 August 2006
I only went to this movie because it was going to be bad, and it did not disappoint.

Unfortunately the people who have voted before me (almost all 10.6k of them) are liars. The movie does not rate a 8.6 or whatever it has at this point. It was bad, but it was so bad it is a must see movie. I have never seen a B movie with such polish or talent. If you have 2 hours to kill and you are not likely to walk out of the theater because it sucks, then you should see it.

If there was a sequel I wouldn't bother seeing it at the theaters, but shamefully I will end up watching it.

It would have been a tad better if the audio was dubbed over and out of sync with the mafia characters as they spoke, but you can't have everything.
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