Ragnarok (TV Series 2020–2023) Poster


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Good show with an absolute awful ending
Supermanfan-1326 August 2023
I really enjoyed Ragnarok for the first two seasons, and even season 3 wasn't that bad until that last episode. Wow. What an awful, awful ending. Overall, I thought Ragnarok was so much better than I thought it would be. It's a really good adaptation of Norse myth and the battle between Gods and Giants. While it may start off a little slow for some, stick with it because it picks up in a hurry. You get used to the dubbed edit pretty quick or if it bothers you you can watch with subtitles. I prefer dubbed. Each season is only 6 episodes long so you can binge through it pretty fast. If you're a fan or supernatural or sci-if then you should give this show a chance, you will not be disappointed...until the ending that is.
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Glad isn't Hollywood
gonc_albuquerque31 January 2020
Most series have so much of the same stuff, always very Hollywood looking and face washed. This is different, not only is not a american movie, but it shows a new take on today society without making a mockery out of it. Won't be for everyone taste, specially those used to more action and fantasy faling on the absurd. I recomend it and gave it a 8.
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lost three stars for a crappy ending
jaykhanmoviefilm28 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well what can I say? A really great show that I enjoyed so much until the last season. It was as if we had exchanged good writers for mediocre ones. The story felt very rushed this last season.

(why is every show either dragged out or rushed through? Pacing people, pacing... pay attention to it!)

And then a very 'meh' ending, after a silly teen drama. After you find out you're a god/concept personification, you suddenly go back to being mentally 3 years old? Not that the Norse gods were anything but big babies, however we have the benefit of modern education here. Or so it would seem.

And the end, what were they thinking? They spent so much time crafting a great story to just drop the ball at the end? Its like Michaelangelo painted the sistine chapel but couldn't be bothered with the eyes, and then stuck googly eyes on all the figures. Why bother in the first place?

So I've been left desolate, and hoping that Jormungandr starts eating people by the truckload to give us something interesting - the world serpent is one of my faves and nothing happens except he goes off into the ocean - presumably to snack on whales and oil rigs.

So very disappointing, and I'm fairly heartbroken, as it was excellent YA tv until now.
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A promising start
DutchDave31 January 2020
I've watched two episodes so far, and will continue to watch. So far, I like it. It is different. Yeah, I'm a sucker for the superhero thing, but I'm quitting more and more series because I am starting to have enough of the U.S. patriotic clichés, the over the top drama and overacting. I enjoy these young Scandinavian actors, the slow way the story is unfolding, the lack of hysteria. It keeps me curious. The reviewers complaining about the environmental topic make me laugh. If you don't believe in it, just treat it as any other fantasy-topic. Aliens. Space zombies. Unicorns... It is a story. I am an atheist and I'm not whining about the presence of gods or supernatural stuff in this serie. That would be silly. All in all, give Ragnarok a try. Acquire a new taste...

Edit: Finished season 1 now. It only got better!
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Taking the story back from Marvel
ellegaardmartin2 February 2020
I really enjoyed this series, showing in a better way the old mythology and religion of Scandinavia. People thinking that Marvels depiction of Norse Mythology is correct should be happily surprised to learn something else. Beautiful scenery and okay actors, combined with a good story. Looking forward to season2.
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The potential was huge, but....
jabandrade15 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This series had incredible potential in the beginning. And it really started well. The environmental issue mixed with the mythological thing had great omen. So what do creative geniuses do? They kill off one of the best characters in the series up to that point. Right away, this made the mood of the series plummet. You don't need to have a screenwriting course to know that you don't kill the best character in the first episode of a series or at the beginning of a movie.

Even so, the series manages this missed "penalty" well and progresses, thanks to the mythological plot. And only that and the permanent climate of confrontation between the main character and his antagonists manage to keep the interest, because the scriptwriters keep sabotaging themselves.

Poor dialogues, unbelievable holes in the script, with sequences without any sense, which obviously would not occur in the real world, absolutely alienated characters (like the mother of the protagonist, possibly one of the worst characters in the history of cinema), leave the impression that the script it feels like it was written by a teenager who lacked ideas for completing basic dialogue or better ideas for context. There are many loose ends. For example, the city's water is totally contaminated, but the factory does not receive any fines, nobody is arrested and the factory remains open. In fact, it all sounds a little superficial, even a little unreal, since strange things happen and nobody notices anything. There is very little depth.

However, despite all this, it is still possible to remain interested, due to the clash between the forces of good and evil and the natural curiosity about how it will all end. But the somewhat hollow development leaves something to be desired overall.
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Did not expect this
ramielshaarawy1 February 2020
The show delivers everything it wants to in 6 episodes very well. It combines old Norse Mythology with modern day problems like climate change which was very well delivered
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Ragnarok: Enjoyable slow burn
Platypuschow30 November 2023

A small Norwegian town experiencing warm winters and violent downpours seems to be headed for Ragnarok -- unless someone intervenes in time.


Nobody I knew prior to Ragnarok but a host of people who consistently knocked it out of the park, Stakston's transformation alone was very impressive.


My other half's choice, this perhaps would have been a lot further down the watchlist for me, I was hesitant. A modern telling of sorts of Thor? It didn't sit right with me and felt it was going to be over convoluted and fall flat, to my surprise from the very first episode it's actually really quite engaging and I found myself engrossed.

Not only this but it unconditionally kept my attention throughout the three seasons, it never wavered, it didn't have peaks and troughs, it was consistent in its quality.

So why? Decent enough writing, very solid cast and it went in directions I simply didn't expect, it's a lot of things but predictable isn't one of them.

It's not flawless, there's plenty of elements I didn't like and sadly the shows very core namely the Norse mythology was never something I was entirely on board with however I appreciated the subtlety and it's lack of attempt at being Marvel. Sure it's hokey and you have to suspend disbelief to an extent, but you do with all fantasy shows.

This show isn't a big cgi-fest, it's subtle, it's well crafted and it plays it vastly more serious.

What I don't understand however is the fans perception of season 3. The episodes are considerably lower rated and the finale seems to be universally despised. I get it, and yet I don't. Allow me to explain.

I don't like ambiguous endings, I don't need everything spelling out for me but generally I like to be in the ball park. Ragnarok's finale is very ambiguous and when it was drawing to a close I was very frustrated by this as I could see where it was going. However by the time the credits had rolled and the two distinct interpretations had reared their heads I found myself perfectly content with them. Maybe people aren't getting that, maybe people are simply assuming one over the other, maybe people like me just don't like ambiguous but were more stringent on that.

Me, I liked it. It doesn't matter which was the correct interpretation, both were deep, meaningful and neither took anything away from the show. At first I feared they'd pulled a Dallas on us, in reality it's far more multi-tiered and engaging than that. I simply don't understand the hate.


Oh dear, I thought that the criticism of the show was at least constructive even if I didn't agree with it. Filtering through the 1/10 reviews I as I should have expected found myself drowning in accusations of the show being propaganda and having an agenda due to the environmental parts of the story and the gay characters. Seriously, grow up. The existence of gay people in movies/tv is not an agenda, stop dressing your bigotry up as something its not. And the environment? You live on the same planet as me, you might want to start taking it a bit more seriously.

Breakdown Great cast Solid performances Consistency Concept still isn't my thing Too short.
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A Netflix gem.
CaptainAmerikas4 February 2020
This one took me by surprise. Totally addictive, binge worthy Scandinavian film noire genre. Good plot. And awesome videography. Watch it in Norse with subtitles to get full affect. One of Netflix's best in a long while. Absolutely loved it.
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First season was good, second season not so much
jacoal28 May 2021
Its an okay show overall, but it misses the mark many times throughout, and this I feel has a lot to do with its high-school setting, since its set in high-school, characters act like high-school kids, which are oftentimes incredibly awkward, dumb, indecisive and assholish.

Anytime, I complain about these characters, I hand wave it away and remind myself that there in high-school, so of course they're gonna act that way, but unfortunately that doesn't mix well with the magnificent tales of Norse mythology, and if anything it serves as a detriment, at least with how the writers have written it.

Another problem is its length and character development, with only 6 episodes, it feels really bad to watch characters being constantly indecisive or doing complete 180s with their personality, and it feels really unnatural when its too sudden, but if they just added more time, they could make character changes/development happen more gradually rather than out of nowhere, or they could keep it 6 episodes and just make the characters less indecisive.

Season 2 had a lot more promise than season 1, from where it left off in season 1, to the cool new characters introduced in this season, it really felt like it was going somewhere, but it hardly did, and it even had one of the most important/coolest characters brought in early on, but it ended being really disappointing, because that character was never developed to a proper extent this season, and was utterly pathetic in face of conflict/felt like a poorly thought out interpretation.

On the plus side, this show is pretty funny, looks beautiful, has a ton of potential, a lot of suspense, entertaining romantic relationships/potential relationships, decent drama, and good fight scenes.
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Surprisingly captivating series that came outta nowhere
jmanderson-525181 February 2020
Between the beautiful scenery in almost every shot and the clean and efficient pace of the story, it's hard not to like in my opinion. The story flows so well, if in Hollywood hands we'd be bogged down with lame sideplot after sideplot that leads nowhere. I'm halfway through the season but had to write a review of how surprisingly great its been so far.
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good show.... the ending.. well
marcus-352216 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the show in general... i liked the characters, the whole northern mythology content, the fantasy stuff mixed with a normal norwegian smalltown, the actors were really good.... and i discovered that saxa is a great singer in real life..... the ending nevertheless was a merely lame solution....like the writers wanted just a way to end it quickly.... a lot of the show does not make sense anymore... all the scenes where magne was not involved.... how did the hikers die? Did they die? Or the new girl in the enterprise who was suddenly gone.... did magnes father really die because of jutul industries? Did this powerful family become just good and kind out of nothing? And if they are not giants, why is mother jutul working in a school. Who would do this in a position so rich and powerful? And i dont think that people who really suffer from schizophrenia or other mental health problems have such a good time and such a happy ending... in general these sicknesses are somthing you have to deal with all your life more or less.
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A desperate desire to subvert expectations ruins the finale
andersgrevelund30 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed most of this series, but everything and I mean everything becomes meaningless due to the ending.

The series feel clunky at times and the acting isn't exactly stellar all the time, but it works... until the damn ending.

Because, even though this is advertised and told as a mythology / good vs. Evil story, it isn't ... this is basically "Normal Again" from Buffy, but instead of being one episode it is 18, with the reserve outcome!

Not only is it one of the lamest trobes out there, it makes no sense with everything else that happens in the show.

I would honestly recommend anyone watching this to just skip the final episode and accept a slightly bland ending instead of a absolute terrible one.
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maxpower781 February 2020
Loved it:) First Norway gives us beforeigners and now THIS! Excellent show and I loved it!!!
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I don't get the low average ratings
TheDude42721 February 2020
This show is actually pretty good compared to the comic book garbage. Bring more shows like it to Netflix, please!
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Do NOT Watch the Final Episode
rodriguezsarah-5294330 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this series so much until the final episode. It was a series that would draw me in. It had a great story, interesting dynamics going on, and made you wonder who would win the final battle.

The first season was phenomenal, second season was great, and the third season was ok. But, the final episode was absolutely horrible.

Spoilers starting now....

To have the entire series be in Magne's head changes the entire thing. It was as if the creators just wanted to build everything up only to rip it all apart at the end. And they left a lot of holes once they decided to tell us it was all a figment of his schizophrenia.

What happened to Vidar? How did he actually die? Was he even real?

What happened to Isolde? Was she really? Did she even die? Or was she in Magne's imagination the entire time? She's there at the end then fades away, so it makes me think she was never real.

And did Magne ever date Saxa? That seems extremely unlikely if he was never a God. But, if they didn't date, why did his relationship with Gry become sour? What did he do?

I wish I had never seen the last episode.
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annastoycheva1 February 2020
I'm pleasantly surprised by this series. The first season looks really promising and i hope that there will be another one. I'm a Marvel fan and i really like the different look at this mythology.
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Bait and switch
phdfromnyc29 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I like fantasy and sci-fi, so I gave this a shot. It started slow and picked up. The second season was the best. In the third season, the series lost its way. There were plot inconsistencies and random characters that served no purpose at all. And, as others have pointed out, the ending was a real disappointment. I'm not sure why we needed a fantasy or sci-fi drama for 15 episodes only to end with a weak commentary on a teenage boy dealing with trauma.

However, the idea of taking ancient mythology and playing it out in the present, is a good idea, and there was tremendous potential in this series.
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Pretty Good!
Rob133129 September 2022
Ragnarok was so much better than I thought it would be. It's a really good adaptation of Norse myth and the battle between Gods and Giants. It's a little over the top but remains surprisingly entertaining all the while delivering a strong pro-environmentalist message. While it may start off a little slow for some, stick with it because it picks up in a hurry. It's a refreshing take on Norse mythology. You get used to the dubbed edit pretty quick or if it bothers you you can watch with subtitles. I prefer dubbed. Each season is only 6 episodes long so you can binge through it pretty fast. If you're a fan or supernatural or sci-if then you should give this show a chance, you will not be disappointed.
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If you plan to binge watch, don't waste your time
elizabethdurin3 September 2023
This was a good show with an absolutely HORRIBLE ending. I binge watched all three seasons- sadly, it felt like a waste of time. If you've already started, you'd might as well finish to finish the show- but I don't know who would be pleased with the ending. With the type of ending they went with, everything should've been explained and tied in a bow. However, there were still large plot holes and unanswered questions, somehow, which made it even worse. I have to give credit to the cast, very good acting overall. I also have to give credit to all for the first two seasons- they were good and the show had a lot of potential. Season 3 wasn't great, but the ending truly ruined it all. Very disappointing.
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I watched the whole season 1 in just 24hours! That js something!
jjad042 February 2020
I watched this on Netflix. I thought it is gonna be cheesy like most movies nowadays but as I watched the first episode, I found myself getting ready and preparing snacks whilst watching this. Overall casts have done a great job, all casts are likeable, that I find myself frustrated as well like the main character Magne. I would have rated 10 stars on this if only I could understand and have the English translation subtitle whenever the Giant Family and Magne speaks the old ancient language of their kind. I hope Netlfix would fix it.
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Great series, horrible ending.
bryan-byl29 August 2023
First two seasons were absolute bomb and I was reaaaally looking forward to seeing how it would all go down. Until the last episode, that is. The ending was extreeeeemely disappointing and the writers have made a huge mistake ending the show like this. They have done brilliantly the first two seasons and even the majority of season 3. I do not understand what made them write the ending like this? Lack of budget for effects? Idk... This series wss fully ruined for me, sadly.

Ragnarok is a great series to watch because it is mostly truthful towards Norse mythology in its own adaptation, truely sad to have ended like this.
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What a waste
rainerurmas-maine226 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first episode is kind of a perfect episode for how to build excitement about a 'superhero in a small town' story.

The first season in general really builds up the universe in a fantastic manner. The second season is a bit of hit-and-miss but in general really well done with Saxa and Magne's actors both shining brilliantly there and their romance giving the season a really nice touch (a bit like what happens in the later seasons of Sex Education).

The third season however. Well, it starts with a 10-min voiceover recap of a year of events which just indicates that this is going to be real bad. Then the story goes through a storyline leading absolutely nowhere until midway through the second to last episode a twist happens and we are all back to where the story is ultimately going. Until the last 10 min happen, when there is a HUGE twist and we are told that Magne is a paranoid schizophrenic who hallucinated most of the story and that he must now go out to the world and be an adult. The end. What was that? HORRIBLE WRITING that ruined an otherwise good show. You cannot do 'this was a dream' story without foreshadowing and the story at least a bit making sense after.

I would give this show a 0/10 for the finale but considering the production value and the first two seasons, it's altogether a 5/10. The first season is more like 9/10 or even a 10/10 if you are really into stories like this one suggested to have before the series finale.
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Finally! Loved this
tarawoiderski1 February 2020
There's tons of garbage out there but I was very excited to watch this. Most shows I lose interest but not this one
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Ragnarok is more than what was expected
lhulhu1 February 2020
To me the trailer looked ok for this, and I am an all around hero movie kind of guy. But the directors killed this movie. They put heroes in today's world and made them think for themselves. And the lessons I got from this show alone is crazy, this is a must watch for anyone who loves hero tv shows/movies and wants to feel motivated to do good at the end. 10/10!
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