The Flight Attendant (TV Series 2020–2022) Poster


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Season 1 vs 2
moov_e_c_er23 August 2022
1 was twisty. Murder mystery. Confusion. Interesting process of how the main character brain works, sees things, looks back and sees more, a living dead guy that adapts, and a partying alcoholic that might have a multi personality.

2 is focused on being an alcoholic from wanting to drink, struggling not to drink, meetings, sponsor and a crazy life. If you remove all the alcohol and the struggling then you are left with a flailing untrained part time CIA agent that doesn't listen or take any instructions. This season should have been about 1-2 episodes total. If it was laid out, tested and then drilled down it could have been better across the board. If you want to watch a season about alcoholism then watch it. If you want twisty then just skip this season altogether.

If there is a season 3 it could potentially work if multi personality disorder is made as a clear diagnosis. Based on the life struggles, the changing memory process in season 1, the focused alcoholism season 2, then if the main character has multiple personalities which usually brought to life in extreme situations to try and protect the individual, then the main character could become a super spy, great double agent, have a personal life, etc. I think this was the overall attempt season 2 strived for but it needed to be worked out a bit more before shooting, editing and airing.
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So far so good!
josiahcrocker26 November 2020
First off, this show is way better than the commercials made it look. I was very pleasantly surprised by the pilot. The lead actress is showing she is capable of so much more than the Big Bang theory (thank god). She's not outright likeable as a character but it's by design and she pulls it off really well. The directorial choices are bold, and threw me off at first but by the end of the episode I was digging the unique flairs the show goes for. From the score, to the shot framing, self aware flashback scenes (if you can call them that) and more, the show makes an effort to stand out from the crowd and it hits on 90% of those choices. I'm looking forward to seeing how the rest of the series goes. Will update my review if it goes downhill from here.
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How dare actors star in other shows...
aliensisincognito29 November 2020
To all the people who include the word 'Penny' in their review... I hope you also complained about Breaking Bad having Malcolm's Dad in it. I hope you haven't watched Fringe or The Affair because it Pacey needs to stay on Dawson's Creek. I hope you have a problem with Californication because of Mulder...

The show itself... I haven't watched a lot but I have enjoyed what I've seen so far!
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9 stars for season 1, 4 stars for season 2
Imashelbob23 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 was amazing. It was very fun to watch and I loved Cassie's character. You have to suspend disbelief and just enjoy the ride. However, season 2 is so bad. Instead of taking it elsewhere the plot is pretty much the same but the director had to make it more "interesting" by making Cassie a complete dumbass who constantly makes extremely stupid decisions, including exposing that she's working for the CIA and exposing her colleague too. She's way too dumb to be working with the CIA and at this point I cannot suspend my disbelief far enough to watch it. Stop at season 1!
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Some reviewers have obviously never really "known" this type of alcoholic
SuzsuzQ18 December 2020
I love this show. The premise, the actors, the writing, the storytelling techniques. All of it. It's interesting and entertaining.

It IS a comedy - a very dark comedy with some deep and disturbing messages. It's not a sit-com for goodness sake. I think "Comedy, Drama, Mystery" is spot-on.

And to everyone complaining about the lead character's excessive and constant drinking - saying that it's unrealistic. You, my friends, have obviously never had a close relationship with a particular type of alcoholic. Not every alcoholic presents this way - most don't. But her character is not simply a creation from the imaginations of the writers. Sadly, alcoholics like this DO exist. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't make it non-existent or bad writing.

I definitely recommend.
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Season 2 Cassie is insufferable
aliholly-6281921 May 2022
I'd say her character arc and development makes sense but I'm not an expert on the subject. However, I compare Cassie to another show where the main character is a drunk, Shameless, but that character somehow manages to be likable despite how awful he is. Cassie's neuroses and selfishness really make me want to slap her. My biggest pet peeve is the phone. Her phone is constantly going off, it's never on silent and in the middle of fighting with loved ones she answers it?!? Waiting for ANYONE to grab her phone and throw it.

Deadpan humor is also getting really old.
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One of the best shows of COVID 2020 season.
reseda-westbrook19 December 2020
Watched all 8 episodes in two sittings. I wasn't sure what the show was about so went in cold. The writing, directing and acting is great, so even when you think you know where its headed, there are enough twists and turns that you aren't sure anymore. For other reviewers who didn't like that she drank all the time, I'm assuming you've never known a functioning alcoholic with a traumatic childhood. They make poor decisions, can be self absorbed and narcissistic.
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Dark, funny, but also surprisingly dramatic. Better than average but not top tier.
hoernkeem5 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 (2020, HBOmax) 'The Flight Attendant' is a streaming show that debuted on HBOmax in November of 2020 and stars Kaley Cuoco. Season 1 has an 8 episode run and the show blends numerous genres including dark comedy, drama, mystery and thriller all in about equal measure. The show has a very hip and cool aesthetic channeling a modern day Hitchcock vibe. Add to that the off kilter behavior of an unabashed alcoholic, promiscuous flight attendant as the show's primary protagonist and you get a recipe for an interesting, orginal show.

The action follows Cuoco's titular flight attendant Cassie Bowden. She is an unreliable, alcoholic good time girl who parties like the sun will never come up and she has zero cares in the world. One night in Bangkok she takes some random guy to bed only to wake up the next day to find his throat is sliced open. He is very dead and she is covered in his blood. Instead of immediately reporting it she covers up, to the best of her addled ability, the fact that she was there which winds up looking very shady in the eyes of the FBI. The FBI is tracking Cassie as a suspect while Cassie is attempting to put the pieces together herself as the night only comes in flashes. Those recollections also have her flashing back to a very traumatic childhood that she has kept repressed for some time and has obviously led her down the path to the alcoholic she has become. There are more than a few side stories with her lawyer friend, another romantic interest, as well as an assassin or two on her trail along with family stuff, and an actual criminal coworker. Add to that as part of her recollection the dead guy she slept with appears to her and they actually converse which is obviously just her way of working through her issues and the mystery at hand. All this leads to the central question of who killed the mystery man, Alex Sokolov, and why.

This was a bit of a fascinating show. I thought initially there would be more comedy. I do like the dark comedy that is there and well as the mystery elements, but I was surprised at how much drama was present mainly swirling around Cassie's alcoholism and the family history that lead her to this destructive lifestyle. It is hard to watch and urge on a protagonist who continually makes the bad choice and continues down a path of self immolation. Cuoco does a great job as conflicted heroine, and despite some horrendous and odd behavior you do want to see her clear her name and get her life on track. Some of the investigation and most of the FBI's involvement felt clunky, but they had to do something to give Cassie room to maneuver with her own highly unofficial investigation. This crosses more into almost a pulpy evening soap opera style of story rather than a hard nose detective story. For the most part it was a very well executed story with good writing and acting. It was dark and morbid and heavy at times but still fun in odd way which is a testament to how Cuoco, even dealing with some weighty stuff, can bring a lightness and vigor to show. This doesn't land in the amazing, must see arena but if you like pulpy mystery thrillers then this might be a show you would enjoy. It did spawn a second season and while I am not clamoring to see it I feel this first season did enough to merit watching a follow on season.

Eric's Grade: B.
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Kaley Cuoco was fantastic
senthil-c-kumaran29 December 2020
Kaley Cuoco Zosia Mamet and Michelle Gomez really elevated a decent thriller into something really good. The way Cassie's backstory was woven into the story, her struggles etc were done really well.
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I just watched to see how it ends.
staciarose2023 January 2021
Cassie being such a horrible drunk kinda ruins it, though. She can be annoying and spastic, and I guess there is childhood traumas that explain her behavior. It's all over the place bouncing back and forth inside her head.
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So good! Watch this show!
katierios8811 December 2020
At first, I thought some of the negative reviews were because of how the show ended or something, but then I realized the whole show isn't even out yet, so I don't get it! As an alcoholic in recovery, a lot of what the main character is going through in addiction, I can relate...the blackouts, the endless drinking, the never-ending feeling that you can't escape reality, all realistic. The show is fantastic, the twists, the turns, the dark sense of humor, the suspense. I honestly don't get why some people don't like the show, maybe they just don't like TV though.
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The Flighty Alcoholic
buschart16 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A psychologically damaged woman accidentally finds herself embroiled in a dark mystery and drunkenly stumbles down one rabbit hole after another. Every episode she has at least a dozen drinks, at least one to two panic attacks, at least a few psychotic episodes and usually ends up in someone's bed, all the while seemingly surprised that her sanity is unraveling.

The main character is despicable and, while she occasionally shows a genuine side, it's hard to empathize. This show is kinda trashy and shallow and it revels in its sensationalism. The production hides some of these elements a bit, but ultimately it can't hide the sitcom-esque aspects. The plot devices become heavy- handed and way overused which greatly interferes with whatever comedic elements are left, especially considering there's plenty of manufactured drama among the equally shallow characters which leaves behind a disingenuous feel.

If it sounds like I dislike this show it's because I probably should. But I love these kind of plots. It's also well shot and lit with a nice style to it. The mystery is intriguing enough to overcome the often poor dialogue and repetitive absurdities. On a scale of Lebowski to Chinatown, this show should've gone Lebowski with a dash of Body Double but decided to embrace too many sitcom elements.

If you can suspend your disbelief and look past some of it's shortcomings, you might enjoy this show.

PS - This review is for season 1. I won't be watching the 2nd season, which should say something...
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1st season was fun, 2nd is insufferable
spaulagain21 May 2022
I enjoyed the first season, it was a bit silly and quirky but had an interesting mystery and the performances were good.

Second season has been a train wreck. Cassie's character somehow continues with hallucinations that become so stupid it's like their own plot line. All the other characters have become idiots following Cassie's stupidity lock step. The seventh episode ended it for me. Just too stupid to continue.
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Season 1: 8 Stars - Season 2: 4 Stars
Season 1: 8 Stars - Season 2: 4 Stars. Clearly the source material from the book worked as season 1 is well done. Season 2 is garbage. Nothing worse than a character having an argument with a clone.
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awesome show!
dvdandre11 December 2020
Finally a decent new show!! there have been so few lately. this show has proven that Kaley Cuoco is a 'real' actress. she played the same kinda character in BBT and 8 simple rules but in flight attendant she really shows her acting spectrum. check out at least ep.1 and see if you're interested. brilliant Kaley, keep up the good work!
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Great take-off, disastrous landing.
noeroa31 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first season of The Flight Attendant is pretty darn great; it's sophisticated, fun and intriguing, the elements blend together marvelously and Kaley Cuoco jets through the season in first class.

This series really stands out; from the cool spy-inspired editing, fantastic music/soundtrack and a story that leaves you craving for more. Unfortunately, that crave dies very soon into the second season, where that fabulous zing of the first season, turns dry and bitter.

In a effort to fly into a more "mature" territory, the series nose-dives and becomes somewhat difficult to watch, as the fun dial gets completely shut off and the complex-yet lovable/funny Cassie Bowden, is written into this truly dislikable character that really turns you off (not the best move for a leading character). I also have to say that the script is suffering some serious air sickness.

Exploring the many sides of Cassie and her traumas may have seemed like a good idea, but the incessant visits to Cassie's consciousness, flashing in and out every other minute, becomes excessive and downright annoying, if you ask me, this is by far the worst thing from the season and even though it's done in a polished way (CGI and all), rather than becoming a welcome passenger, it becomes some sort of a terrorist, taking you hostage in this terrible flight, piloted by none other, than a Flight Attendant.
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Better than you'd suspect it would be
kamil-jach-924-9822983 December 2020
Well, this is a show with a twist that keeps on delivering. First off, Kaley Cuoco finally proves she's more than a sit-com bambi, and that's quite a feat in the Flight Attendant where her character is...well, a blonde silly bambi, to some degree. Her delivery of a whole scope of emotions and reactions to events unfolding is way better than I would have previously given her credit for. She alone is worth seeing the show, and that's just a start. The story arc seems interesting and well planed. It doesnt give away too much, keeps you mostly on the edge of the seat. Supposedly there's not that much going on in the episodes following the pilot, but they are well shot and well written. The pace seems quite fast thanks to the on going state of general turmoil around Cassie. I did not get bored watching the first 4 episodes. Are there any flaws? Minor, sure. I have had some minor issues with the way FBI acted, sometimes it seems they would have made better choices. But it's not a big deal, doesn't compromise the show entire.
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Season 2 never got off the ground
Advocate111 July 2022
Loved season 1, hated season 2. Have no idea what the writers were thinking. I heard Kaley was done with the show; I approve that message. Why waste more time?
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Layered, Trippy, Dark Comedy with a FANTASTIC Score!
lauriekyhl21 December 2020
For all of you who are either: 1) reducing Kaley Cuoco's character to an alcoholic floozy, or 2) typecasting her as "Penny, the Sequel," you obviously aren't paying attention to the layered storytelling here. Everything about this story is told in a trippy, time-hopping sequence with complicated camera shots, internal dialogue, past-to-present backstory, and whom-do-you-trust twists and turns. By end of the series, you see why and how Cassie is who she is and does what she does, and the human connections she makes along the way are quite complicated and compelling. Not to mention, as a musically-inclined individual myself, the score is the fizziest, dizziest, cleverest (?) since Dave Grusin's soundtrack for "The Firm". Granted, Rosie Perez's character and plot line seem a bit unnecessary by the end of it, but a super-enjoyable ride, nonetheless.
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Season 2 is not good
BBJ6667 May 2022
I'm sorry for Kaley Cuoco in season 2, why did she not turn down this script. It is completely a mess. Jumping here and there in the story and the cutting is terrible with a lot of unnessesary small PiP without no meaning. Season 1 was good and I looked forwward to season 2, but what a disappointment it is. I am a big fan of most of Kaley Cuoco's previus work but why this low water mark??
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Umm .. its all right
sonila-1623527 November 2020
Show is an okay watch but what kept bothering me how much Cassie drinks.. I was worried more about her getting sick than the mystery. Also, its really hard to like any of the characters in the show.
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Easy watching and fun.
richieb-6386928 November 2020
It's a great watch, not too heavy which is just the ticket sometimes. The cast work great together and it helps the story flow. For the body found next to you in a bed in a hotel room genre (It must be a genre dammit, if not then I just coined it) it plays the style pretty well with how the revelations keep a coming. Only three in and I was feeling like I could binge a few more but hey, patience is the word and I'll have to wait for a week. I wasn't really a Big Bang watcher so I only knew of the main protagonist fleetingly but she looks great and plays the role exceptionally well.
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Light Weight Fun Bogged Down w. Preachy Backstory.
gatsby60118 December 2020
The Flight Attendant is about good time girl Cassis Bowden (Kaley Cuoco) waking up next to the wrong man. The result is a likeable murder mystery with a solid cast. In fact, if The Flight Attendant had kept it's focus I would probably have given it a solid 8. Unfortunately for everyone, this plot meanders.

As I mentioned in my title when this ditzy stew - ah, Flight Attendant isn't travelling the globe she is having continuous flashbacks about her bad news childhood. Specifically, trouble with daddy and alcohol. To the Flight Attendant's credit these problems don't go where you might expect but we are still saddled with a continuous stream of melodrama that is so earnest and repetitive it stops the momentum of the story cold. Watching actress Kaley Cuoco play a loud drunk once or even twice is fine, I guess, but The Flight Attendant pounds you over the head with it substance abuse message so often you'll end up with a sympathy hangover.

The second issue I have with The Flight Attendant is the Rosie Perez subplot. Why is this here? It has nothing to do with the main story, it's not even introduced until episode 3 and when we finally learn why Rosie does what she does, I mean, it has to be the weakest motive for any character in any movie ever! I strongly suspect this dumb diversion was only added to round up the running time of the series because it literally serves no other purpose.

So, the Flight Attendant. 1/3 fun. 1/3 grime after school special. 1/3 Rosie getting a paycheck.
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Dropped like a rock
romedini11 May 2022
First season was great. Second season is beyond horrible. The constant cutaways are insane and the acting is worse. Impossible to watch and not get a headache.
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Season 2 episode 5
mikejade5 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I can't take it anymore. Cassie is a basket case. No longer funny no longer entertaining. No longer worth watching. The storyline is so screwed up. The actors are strange. Not a comedy, not a drama, not a mystery. A lot of characters making very bad decisions.
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