Full Frontal with Samantha Bee (TV Series 2016–2022) Poster

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A Moderate Independent's Take
kingbk-223 March 2016
As a moderate independent, I have views that some on the left would find conservative and some on the right liberal. I find faults in both parties. Having said that, I do enjoy some of these "satire" news shows. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver I find very well done. The Colbert Report, when it aired, was always quality television. I gave Full Frontal a shot due to the lack of females that have this type of platform to see a different take from the opposite sex. However, as a male who is all for equal rights for women, I find the "you can't ever criticize a woman" bias from Samantha Bee a bit aggravating after a while. There's a couple examples of this. The first is the episode about dating in the workplace. While I agree with the overall message that sexual harassment and assault in the workplace is wrong and inappropriate, it seemed to leak into "even asking out a fellow coworker on a date is wrong", which shrieks of hypocrisy seeing that Samantha Bee herself met her husband through the workplace. Yes, no means no and move on if you ask someone out and they say no, but it got a bit sketchy. The bigger, more annoying example is when she was discussing the debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. She shows a clip of Bernie raising up his arm and asking Hillary not to interrupt him. She uses it as an example to show how big of a "misogynist" Bernie Sanders is, when in reality it was a debate and anyone would do this if they were interrupted, no matter what gender they are. It just shows that Samantha Bee supports Hillary almost purely on gender alone, and that is another type of sexism in and of itself. There are parts of the show that I love, like how she shows how important mid-term and local elections are in the overall framework of the electoral process, and the videos they make I think are very well done, but some of the semi-extreme feminist propaganda gets a bit much at times. Again, I'm all for women having equal rights, but equal is not the same as special, and Full Frontal at times seems to forget that.
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I am not a big fan of reviewing an entire series...
jpapanone16 February 2021
As it doesn't begin to paint the picture. There can be really great episodes. Really bad episodes. Boring episodes. So....if there are 3 segments a show...usually 1 is good. Sometimes none are good. Very rarely are 2 good. And I don' think I have to watch an episode where all 3 segments are good. So episodes are completely forgettable. Some...there is a handful of good bits in a segment. Sometimes...the idea of the segment is good...but the execution...not so much. So...this is definitely not a 10 or 9 or 8. 7 and is really too high. And I could have given it a 6...but upon further thought...no. It is definitely more bad than good.

And...it is not like every episode of the Daily Show with Jon Stewart or Colbert Report was amazing. No. There was a lot of bad episodes there...or...1 good segment out of 3. So...this is definitely not as good, as consistently as DS and CR....but it does have it's moments. It took me a while to warm up to Sam Bee on the DS, but I ended up really liking her pieces. So...I'm trying to be as...what's the word??? Cordial? No. Even handed? I guess. I'm not judging this that harshly...but there's a lot of stuff that either isn't for me at all...or if it is, it ain't hitting the mark.
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she can be funny but also a big baby
chrisman-805591 July 2017
OK unlike some reviewers I will admit Miss bee can be quite funny at times and before the election I liked her a lot really she told the truth and never apologized for it just like a true comic but then I watched a recent episode of her new season and I was just so bored with her all she did was bitch about the president for 15 minutes before I had finally had enough of it and turned it I am a man who is more than capable of letting the women win some times and am all for woman's rights and liberty but really miss bee come on my opinion is if your looking for a good news mock show try truth and lizza on freeform now shes funny and changes topics once in awhile sorry miss bee but you have kinda lost a fan by being so repetitive and dirty may continue to try your show but not so sure anymore
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Need 0/10 option
jschaef-7086922 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
You would have a better time (and likely laugh more) if you were having Lasic eye surgery on your pee hole. This show makes no attempt at comedy whatsoever. It is a glorified lecture disguised as comedy. We all had that one class in high school where you could not stay awake no matter how hard you tried. This show makes that seem like a carnival ride. That being said, everyone is entitled to an opinion and she was given a platform to voice that opinion. So I could deal with the outright lack of comedy. Where I'm really turned away is, at least half of everything she says is an outright lie at best. Why someone would stick around to be screamed at after laughing through The Big Bang Theory on TBS is beyond me. Tonight, I nearly knocked over my dog trying to get to the remote because I lost track of time and the harping walrus appeared, in full screech mode, on my tv. North Koreans use 'Full 'Frontal' as way to extract information from their enemies. I can't stress enough that this show never approaches comedy. I would rather listen to Gilbert Gottfried read the dictionary cover to cover than watch one segment of this. I have nothing, personally against Samantha Bee, outside of her not wanting her children's school to allow lower income students in, maybe she's a good person. But whoever writes the jokes for this show probably enjoys waiting on red lights. My recommendation for her is to apply for a job doing voice overs for the national weather service emergency alert notifications. I would find her much more entertaining in that capacity. She will, if more than 7 people watch her show, destroy the Democrat party. Michael Vick would be a better spokesperson for PETA than she is for leftist causes.
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Spry, fearless and, above all, hilarious
few-14-34499010 February 2016
The opening monologue was like a machine gun, punching holes in what has to be the weirdest election cycle of all time. A fearless concise enfilade that instantly made all the other similar commentary seem redundant, meek and prolix. By the time the opening was over, all other late night comedy hosts, save John Oliver, were put on notice to step up their game or be trampled under a sensible 3" heel. The contrast between Bee's spitfire take-downs and Colbert's thoughtless nodding agreement with Bill O'Reilly spewing forth the FOX news narrative one half hour later drove that point home. Bee's delegation to correspondents for the field piece indicated that she's planning to be the ring-leader of a terrifying truth/comedy-machine reminiscent of Jon Stewart of 2007-08 & 2011-12.
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laminatedjesus11 April 2019
Get this annoying piece of garbage off of TBS. I'm sick of the commercials and have to stop watching TBS entirely if I keep seeing her stupid face and hear her annoying voice and terrible attempts at humor.

God she is awful.

I made an IMDB account just for this.
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Parks3 March 2016
Those feeling bereft after Jon Stewart left The Daily Show and Stephen Colbert toned it down for The Late Show may find some solace in this (sadly only) weekly show from Samantha Bee.

Her filmed pieces are still the strongest (she was always my favourite Daily Show correspondent) but she turns in a fiery performance as host of the show too. She rivals Jon Stewart in ferocity against political stupidity, but she's less nuanced and jokey than Stewart was. As the title of her show suggests, she's full-on angry and there's venom in her jibes. This may turns some viewers off, but I applaud her bravery.

The show this reminded me of most was "Totally Biased with W. Kamau Bell". I hope it sticks around for longer, it's a real breath of fresh air and great to see a woman in amongst the dude-dominated TV schedules.
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Complete Garbage
xandera9820 November 2019
Every joke told in the same fashion, no originality or variety. Takes the feminism thing(which I support) to such a ridiculous level it's just straight man-hating. Can't believe people watch this show.
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The Most Brilliant Political Comedy on TV
njbradley-8378521 June 2016
I've never written a review for a TV show but felt I had to after seeing another brilliant Full Frontal this evening. Samantha Bee is the Rachel Maddow of comedy. This show is very, very smart and goes well beyond the superficial takes on current events that other shows rely on. Every time I watch it,I actually learn something about key issues facing us (and have a couple of good laughs.)

Samantha Bee is the very best at interviewing those opposed to her point of view; I always wonder if the interviewees even check into what type of show they are volunteering themselves for.

Hopefully, more people will discover this show.
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I love Sam and her show
pmpmn98 June 2019
But I'm eternally frustrated by the fact that it's so rarely on. If you're going to do a weekly show, be on weekly rather than, almost never, which is the way it's getting. There's just no excuse for this. You either want to do a show and entertain your fans or you just don't care.
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I am worried about people who are giving high ratings to this show
nugurluer1 December 2019
The show was never funny but it keeps getting worse and worse. Can't even tolerate seeing the previews of it anymore.
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Finally, a funny woman in satirical news
wasaga-672-61725410 February 2016
Samantha Bee has been one of my favourite "correspondents" on the Daily Show and now she has her own satirical news program. I watched the first episode.

This election cycle is really a shyte-show of comedic opportunities and I've missed Jon Stewart's acerbic wit since he's been off the air. All of the spin-off shows featuring past Daily Show cast members are good, but this one in my opinion is the best. No tip-toeing around. She says what she thinks - out loud for huge belly laughs.

The most notable difference between Stewart and Sam Bee's Full Frontal is that there is no attempt to be serious, no interviews; just punchlines.
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A Democrat myself and I found it terribly unfunny
brandon_carey20049 October 2017
Oh my, how this woman really makes me hate being a Democrat. Samantha Bee's terribly un-amusing topics and bland jokes all basically telling the same story. Not only are her jokes the worst part, her overall bodily language and tone of voice drive me to cringe. Every joke is told in the same oral fashion and never ceases to baffle me as to why this woman thinks she can do political comedy. Please, don't waste your time on her, it will only keep her on the air longer. If you are searching for a political comedy show, please watch Real atone with bill Maher, don't waste your time on this sad excuse for the liberal agenda to reach out in a comedic fashion.
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Offensive and dumb
dortman-3882512 May 2016
It is one thing to cherry pick your sources, but Full Frontal takes satire to a hateful extreme. The way pro-life America is portrayed is so blatantly false that I think she either spends time digging up the dumbest 1% of people she disagrees with or her interviews are with payed actors. To make matters worse, she just isn't that funny. Late night needs a female comedian. Samantha Bee has the female down, but she replaced the comedian part with political bullshitter. Some of the funniest, smartest, kindest people on earth are women. Samantha Bee is crude, dumb, mean, and simply not funny. The cherry on top of this whole time slot of badness is that she is Canadian. Did her sense of humor get frozen by their cold? OK, that last one is too far. Nobody can help where they are from, even Canadians.
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Samantha Bee = Hilarious Political Satire!
michael_cure2 April 2016
Great political satire! Samantha Bee is as good as any of the correspondents from the Daily Show and better than most. Her show has a great cutting edge and has great production quality. If you loved the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, you will probably love this show. I definitely do. (Damn I miss Jon Stewart). This show is on par with John Oliver's Last Week, and I would say a step above the new Daily Show with Trevor Noah (hopefully he gets better).

To those who complain that political satire disproportionately picks on the right, I say get better candidates. Political satire does not lean left or right, they lean into fools and their policies exposing them for what they are, especially hypocrites. This is an incredibly valuable service to society and even if you are on the right you should be happy that someone is calling out your candidates on their ridiculous behaviour! Don't complain you are being picked on...just get better candidates and policies and you won't be the target of political satire.... or just double down on your current policies because it makes for hilarious satire.
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This is the Worst Show Ever!!!!!
kerrysnyder201213 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the worst shows on. She is Obnoxious and stupid. Not funny at all she is the worst host of any Show. Every time I even see the Commercial I have to change the channel, I cant even stand her voice she's rude, crude, obnoxious and not funny at all.Show needs to be canceled.
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funniest show on TV
depuch14 March 2016
Samantha Bee on Full Frontal (TBS) is killing it! The sharpest, funniest show on television. Bee's delivery is machine gun fast so you may have to hit the rewind button to catch all the jokes. She skewers politicians on both sides of the aisle. This show is a tonic for anyone who's sick and tired of the pomposity, hypocrisy and flat out lies of our supposed "leaders". For anyone missing Jon Stewart and the old Daily Show, this is a worthy successor. I think it's smart that the show is on weekly. This format allows for a more in-depth take on breaking news. Full Frontal and John Oliver's show on HBO are offering the smartest commentary on the U.S. body politic. Hope it's getting the ratings it deserves to insure it stays on the air beyond the current election cycle.
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Not funny at all
vcrosalez16 March 2019
I'm not Republican, I'm not Democrat. I could care less about your political views but this show is so one sided. Why would they give her a platform when she's not even funny, clever, or engaging. Even in the promos she's telling what's supposed to be a funny joke and there are people laughing their heads off in the audience and I'm sitting on the couch wondering what I just missed. To top it all off, this is "critically acclaimed"and has won awards. Smh. I do not understand that for the life of me.
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Excellent topical comedy
Bijlogg25 February 2016
I just finished watching the first two episodes of Full Frontal and I am really impressed. I always liked Sam Bee when she was on the Daily Show, but on her own show she is even better. The jokes come thick and fast, and are delivered with a kind of manic energy that takes full advantage of Sam's skills as a physical performer. That she is not stuck behind a desk helps too, and allows her to deliver her monologues in new and interesting ways, such as hugging sections of the set and weeping about how she's going to lose her comedy show because she agrees with Donald Trump about something.

The sense of humour is also surprisingly dark, which I personally love. One moment in particular, where Sam reacts to Ted Cruz winning in Iowa gave me a proper belly laugh. The show does not shy away from making the audience uncomfortable, and has no shame in making its stance on issues like women's rights and abortion clear. I think this is brave and important, and I can't wait to see the piece on women in the workplace that was teased at the end of episode 2.

So after that glowing review you might wonder why I only gave it 9? Well as good as the show is, there have only been two episodes so far, and some of the segments aren't quite as solid as the others. However you very much get the feeling that the show is just finding its feet, and once it does I would not be surprised if Full Frontal became essential viewing.
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Boringly obnoxious
jackiestwo26 April 2019
With so much political low-hanging fruit, how can this "comedienne" be so unfunny? Samantha B. comes across as obnoxious and arrogant I'm a huge Seinfeld fan, so I know clever. She ain't it. Boring. Bleck. Stinky.
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Samantha Bee is killing it
jufrost12 January 2017
So glad Samantha Bee finally has her own show. She was amazing on The Daily Show as a correspondent, but now that she is in control, her true potential is finally being realized. My partner and I love Full Frontal, it's the realest sh*t. Finally a female voice that unapologetically tackles political commentary in a satirical way, cutting through all the BS of biased reporting that often pollutes our screens. Samantha Bee doesn't just crack jokes, though, she also does the gritty work of actually travelling, talking to people and digging deeper (also known as investigative journalism). Of course, those viewers that feel threatened by a woman tearing down rigid patriarchal structures will feel that Full Frontal is far too biased and leftist, etc. But I'd say, it's a nice change from all the white men commenting on current events. We need more diversity in the media and Samantha Bee is giving us that.
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Not funny in the least...
leaderofthepuck24 September 2016
I love Stephen Colbert and John Stewart. Both shows were witty, while still being informative. And both shows made me laugh. Full frontal with Samantha Bee has none of those elements. In a nutshell, we have an angry feminist who does nothing but make up crude names for Donald Trump (or any other man in American politics) she does not approve of. She constantly resorts to swearing and lame attempts at humour, to try and be relevant. But she fails consistently. We get it Samantha - you hate Donald Trump. Your non-stop rants make it obvious within 30 seconds of your show starting. But you don't know when to stop, and come across as a real bitter human being. I look forward to your show getting cancelled.
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Wish I Could Give a Negative Number
krgoldman-564483 January 2019
This woman is full of hate. I can't even watch reruns of my favorite show without having to see her hate filled commercials.
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dangomez-4886513 April 2017
She is probably the best late night host right now. Samantha Bee does a fantastic job with holding everyone accountable for their wrong doings. She demonstrates fairness in her critiques through satire. The show is hilarious, and if anyone says its not they honestly are just mad at the truth being presented. Bee does a great job with presenting good arguments and providing evidence to back up her jokes. If you're looking for a late night satirical news show, and Jon Stewart's legacy, look no further than Samantha Bee.
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those who say "comedian"
plargreg17 June 2019
That implies she's funny, politics aside, she's just not funny
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