68 of 105 found this severe
Two tweens are shown masturbating (under covers)
A woman humps a naked man briefly
Very strong, very crude, sexuality including references to dildos, sex dolls, gay, homophobia, threesomes, sausages, cum, sex, fucking, dry humping, and more
Two men encourage two women to show their breasts.
A shirtless man has sex with a partially nude doll while on a sexy phone call
A man greases up a dildo and tries to stick it in a mans butt
Full frontal male nudity; Adam Sandler holds up a picture of a nude man and we see a closeup nude picture of him.
Two girls in bikinis on a boat flash their breasts for several seconds. A guy then flashes his penis at the girls (not shown).
A threesome with two guys and a girl. Movement is shown, they switch positions. She keeps her bra on and does not show nudity. One of the guys' butt and balls are visible (from behind). Three people are watching the threesome.
A couple is heard having very loud sex and shaking the walls.
16 of 28 found this moderate
A boy punches a man in the stomach
Pictures of two corpses are shown.
Several assassins shoot at a man and kill a bystander. Another man comes in and shoots a few of the assassins.
A man accidentally knocks a woman down with his car.
A man is run over by a car.
A man is shot in the back, some blood comes from his mouth.
A man breaks another man's fingers to try to get information out of him.
A man tortures another man, threatening to sodomize him.
A woman shoots at a man on a motorcycle. She misses and he knocks her over.
Two women fight.
33 of 41 found this severe
Lots of crude, rude and vulgar swears and sex jokes including fuck, motherfucker, shit, shitting, bullshit, prick, dick, cock, cock stud, ass, asshole, vagina, penis, Pap smear, crap, balls, and more
Adult language includes: 120x fuck, 32x shit, 19x ass, 13x hell, and instances of damn, Jesus, dick, cock, pussy, and cum.
Frequent use of "fuck", "shit", "cock", "bitch", among many other profanities.
19 of 32 found this mild
The 2 main characters smoke marijuana at the beginning of the movie.!claims to be a little high
A man smokes a joint on a boat briefly
References to weed, roofies, roofied, high and pothead
A man smokes weed on a raft and gets high
A man smokes weed at the end
Some drinking.
13 of 31 found this mild
The protagonist's ship is blown up.