Lycan (2017) Poster


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Not what I was expecting....
maugrim817 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Not a werewolf movie at all. I was disappointed that it did not feature an actual werewolf. It focused more on lycanthropy then the actual transformation--not a bad movie but if you're looking for an real werewolf movie like the howling or something along that line, pass this by if you aren't interested.
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Horrifying but for the wrong reasons
benjaminlauriesmith13 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie looks more like a project a teen director would put together for their finals.

The best thing about the movie is the music tracks it has some lovely music in it.

The acting is about on par for the whole movie its not as bad as 1970s b movies but not as good as some polished TV dramas As for the story.....Its confusing and convoluted at best and just down right awful in parts.

With a reputed 1/4 million budget its hard to see where it was spent but I'm guessing a lot of it went of red corn syrup.

Save your time and money and watch Dog Soldiers or American Werewolf in London if you want to see a decent werewolf movie.

A better title would have been canine as there are no werewolves in this movie
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Isn't a werewolf movie supposed to have a werewolf in it?
I love a good werewolf movie. Sadly, there just aren't that many made anymore. When I came across this and saw the 6.4 rating I was encouraged, especially since the plot sounded like a cool take on the legend. I watched the trailer and saw that it wasn't just some random student film but an honest to goodness movie. Then I watched it.

No werewolves. None. Zero. Zilch. No action of any kind for more than 1/2 the movie. No gore to speak of.

The movie is not completely devoid of worth, so anyone who says it's the worst thing they've ever seen is disingenuous or lying. That said, it was rather boring, confusing at times, and just all around blah. I mean, no werewolves? In a werewolf movie?

I would not recommend this film, even to the most diehard of lycanthropy fans.
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Alcoholic Method Acting
immaculusvonnorton1 January 2018
The lead actress in this film gives what is perhaps the most brilliant drunken performance since W.C. Fields. Her dedication to her craft is evident all throughout, as she uses gin-infused slurring to transition seamlessly from one made up accent to the next. Unless you count slurring as a seam, I guess. And while this intoxicated performance was at the top of its game, it could not come close to matching the dedicated inebriation of the sound design team, whose ability to make the film sonic-ally assault you like a Mel Gibson antisemitism rant. I give this film eight Jagermeister shots. "COME AND GET US YOU BASTARD! I gotta pee."
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Silly film from beginning to end.
jmix6628 December 2017
If it wasn't for the attractive females who are nude in the film, there would be no need to watch this POS.

Let's see:

1) Rife with anachronisms. 2) Apparently college professors can insult student's family members and not get censured. 3) College-aged adults act like high schoolers 4) Working in shorts and a mid-riff shirt are comfortable in Southern heat. 5) Werewolves aren't that scary.

Slow and tedious film with numerous scenes of a main character riding her no-speed bicycle apparently across dozens of miles of Georgia backroads. Again, without the nudity, even this becomes unbearable.

Got it from RedBox. Should have left it there.
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Werewolf movie with NO WEREWOLVES
lmconti-2026031 October 2018
The acting was atrocious as were the lines in the film. The director tried to pull off that Rob Zombie & Eli Roth thing by putting his girlfriend as the lead character but didn't work, at least Sherry Moon & Lorenza Izzo can act. A werewolf movie with no werewolves, an absolute fail. I can't believe I wasted my time on this trash. This director should just stop and go get a job delivering pizzas.
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Could have been an indie winner
caverats10001 December 2017
You could forgive the lack of a budget, you could forgive the bad acting. The direction is actually not terrible for what there is to work with What you can't forgive is the last quarter of the film where it suddenly dawns on everybody involved, "Oh yeah, an explanation and an ending, I knew we forgot something!" and it just throws stuff against the wall in a hurried jumble to get the film over with. The explanations for the explanation are non-existent. The logic to anyone's actions, which at least had been standard horror fare up to them, go right out the window. I hope the Director Bev Land get's another shot, the camera work is fine, especially for the money available to work with, it's the plot, and some poor acting that let it down in the end.
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NOT a Werewolf Movie
mangoamante5 October 2019
NOT a Werewolf Movie. That's the important thing for me here. I was expecting and trying to watch a werewolf movie. Other than that, it wasn't terrible.
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Two starts because theoretically the movie maybe worse
adroman22 July 2018
Very predictable, very poor story, no thrill, actors can't act.
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impossible to watch till the end
carlosdualiby-7682619 March 2019
Bad actors, bad story, bad movie. Don´t waste your time.
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All these trails look the same on the map.
nogodnomasters8 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The film takes place in Georgia 1986 to avoid cell phones. A group of college students on a class project search for the grave of Emily Burt, a supposed werewolf according to legend and newspaper articles. The film introduces the characters, presents a back story, and then moves into the action.

Eighties style film. You know the students are being watched by a fish-eye lens. We also know Isabella (Dania Ramirez) has sort of issue from early scenes. Light on special effects. Plenty of blood, but not much gore. Sound track had one good song, wish they had done more (Pull the Trigger, Now!) Guide: F-word, sex, nudity (Diana Ramirez, Alina Puscan)
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Mixed bag of nothing.
jmbovan-47-1601739 October 2020
Annoying characters. The hint of a plot and underlying forces at play. And this all adds up to...nothing. College kids go into the woods to uncover the mystery around a reported werewolf attack years ago. And then the forces at play do something. I think. And it ends. I believe. But the wolves are still there. I'm guessing. If this makes sense to you, you may like this film.
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No werewolves and dog dies
thedarkestshadow-327858 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film doesn't have a werewolf in it and a dog is killed in the first few minutes.
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Worst film ever
taiwanluthiers13 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The first 10 minute of the film is great, featuring a chubby guy having sex with this hot chick. After that, the movie basically took a nosedive, and the only reason anyone even watched it is because they were hoping for more of this.

Essentially, a couple makes out, then gets killed by a warewolf. So a group of college kids go into the forest to investigate (I did not pay enough attention to the movie to know why they investigated, presumably because some people got killed). One of the girl was a little weird but they all go out, camps, and during the night a girl was killed. Throughout the movie (which was boring by the way) people died one by one until they happen across a house in the middle of the woods, and it turns out one girl and her mother were into acting like warewolves, and putting on claws and killing people. The house blows up, one guy survives, the end.

this one is as bad as it gets.
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Lyca-film, Only Not
scythertitus25 November 2018
I'm not really sure where to start with this one. I'm not even sure if the filmmakers even knew what they were making as it comes out as a werewolf movie that follows traditional slasher formula, which doesn't work.

Some teens go into a forest, one of them (and it's real obvious who) has a claw thing, then at some point some of them die in confusing fashion. In between everything is bad: acting, effects, dialogue, editing, directing, even the music choices seem off.

Overall this movie is nearly unwatchable, there are constraints that come with a low budget but you can still write good lines and have them delivered well and produce some type of movie. Here there is no attempt to do any of that and it just seems like a one-take affair where everything was cobbled together and thrown out there despite the apparent bad quality. It's just not worth the time.
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It has a host of problems before it gets to its "twist".
Otkon20 November 2019
There is this cable TV movie feel to it. Like a low-budget amateur vibe without the ironic cheese factor. You know you are in trouble when the opening credits have to say "Starring" before listing the cast.

The acting is college-level at its best, SyFy-caliber at its worst - not very convincing. Rather underwhelming with unstable accents and misplaced pathos. The lead actress is dreadful. Everyone seems to have taken tranquilizers every day of shooting.

The plot was a snore. Like one of the characters, I was more concerned about the jeopardy to their academic records than the supposed peril they were facing in the woods. The whole 80's thing just didn't really work. It could have been set whenever.

Oh, the score. There is this sparse piano thing THROUGHOUT the entire movie - but it is more like a touching and tender leitmotif from a sappy Hallmark or Lifetime romance story. It is so not suspense-inducing. So not horror. It really drove me nuts. Some of the songs were decent.

Overall, I didn't really like it.
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Cheesy with a side of cheese
jasonfosterperfectotv24 April 2019
Definitely not a prime piece of filmmaking. They honestly thought they could pass off a 37 yr old as a college student? Everything about this movie felt so random. It embodied all the cheesy cliché's of every B horror film.
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By The Numbers
kirbylee70-599-52617923 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a fan of independent films and especially low budget horror films made by fans of the genre. Some of the best made horror movies began with a ton of imagination and little funds. Two great examples are THE Texas CHAINSAW MASSACRE and THE HILLS HAVE EYES. Both tell an original story, both use actors who are far from famous and both take the elements of the genre and mold them into something memorable. Unfortunately the same can't be said of LYCAN.

The movie feels like a checklist made film, one that looks at all others and then compiles that list to mark off the things needed for a horror film. Students? Check. Oddball among them? Check. Mysterious location? Check. Legend being investigated? Check. Stoner in the group? Check. Videotaping the events? Check. See where I'm coming from? Students are given the assignment to do a deep investigation into a historical story and then write a report on it. Rather than individuals they are placed in groups, which of course sets them at odds with one another over issues like what to do or the snooty girl in conflict with the oddball. Rather than look into the story of a man wrongfully convicted of a crime they choose to look into the legend of a woman accused of being a werewolf.

This involves going to the location of where it took place which happens to be on land next to where the oddball girl lives. It also involves camping. That leads to drinking and smoking grass and someone getting roofied. It also means that these students will eventually be watched by something in the woods.

The movie takes far too long to set up the premise and then more wasted time to set the kids up to get lost ala BLAIR WITCH. Fortunately the videotaped portions aren't long but then they add nothing to the film either. The performances are well intended but for the most part on the poor side. The only good thing about this film is the final sequence which offers a decent explanation of what's been going on as well as a nice reveal. The problem is the hour or so it took to get there not to mention the fact most will figure out at least part of that beforehand.

Look, I love a good horror movie and as I said I'm glad that when someone has the chance they take a risk and put something out there. But it doesn't always work. The extras show that this group really had their heart in it but that just isn't enough to make a great movie. Horror fans might want to watch this and see what they think but for the most part other may want to pass it by.
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Not a Werewolf Movie
VanessaBrown199722 May 2020
What the hell kind of Lychanthropy movie is this why is it even called lycanthropy if there's not even's just a bunch of regular wolves.... and two stupid women killing people with claw thingies and making vampire-like hissing noises to sound like wolves.

This is a stupid lame film.
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Great camping setup, and beautiful cinematography
AwesomenessJoe25 June 2018
This movie is a fun campy movie about college age kids hunting a monster. The Cinematography was pretty great and the music was better then most low budget horror movies. The story got a little messy at the end in my opinion but it was still a fun watch.
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Not very good
johnspwn27 July 2020
I watched 3/4 of this movie waiting for it to get better. It didnt. Sooo slow!!
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workoutsmurf5 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, WHAT WAS that.....easily one of the worst "films" I have ever seen, and I've seen some bad films lol. WHAT was this about, definitely not a werewolf, as the title, trailer and cover would want you to believe. Group of idiots go into the woods and it all falls apart after that. Someone needs to tell the director that when people are inside a tent, in the woods, at night, it's usually not so bright outside that you can see everything going on inside the tent without any lights lol. Where did they film the wood scenes in those tents, a CVS parking lot? The storyline was all over the place, and watching Dania Ramirez whispering and then suddenly screaming and gurgling like she's choking on something became tiring in about 2min. The absolute best part of the movie was watching Craig Tate running around shirtless and that didn't last long enough to save the film. The ending was complete garbage, and once you find out it was the two women who did all these murders etc, with home made "claws" you wonder how did this get to this. How did two women who weigh 12lbs soaking wet manage to kill all these young men, carry them away like they were weightless etc. SUCH a waste of time, I suggest that the writers watch some excellent werewolf flicks, like An American Werewolf in London, and War Dogs, two GREAT films. I wouldn't let my worst enemy watch this film. It was a horror film, meaning it was HORRIFIC.
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