Sarah: It's too bad they don't have the technology to just mash two eggs together to make a baby.
Connor: Ooh, like a lesbian omelet.
Sarah: Gross. But yeah, I mean, it'd be nice if we both shared DNA with the baby.
Denise: Well, some people do use family members as donors, which we could try. That would mean Tom or Connor stepping up.
Tom: Huh.
Connor: So we'd have to...
Denise: Oh, sex is not involved.
Connor: Okay, yeah, no sex. Yeah, obviously sex is not involved.
Sarah: Wait, so... so Tom or Connor would be the father/uncle to their son/daughter/nephew/niece.
Tom: Whew, that's a lot of slashes.
Marina: Yeah, so many slashes. Too many?
Tom: I mean, it's a lot to process. It'd be kind of... amazing.
Marina: Complicated... amazing!
Tom: Right?
Marina: Yes.
Tom: I mean, my sperm, Denise's egg. That kid'd be unstoppable.
Marina: Totally. And that would... that would... Wow, that would be such a beautiful act. But, oh! You... Tom got a vasectomy. So no more gas in that tank.
Tom: No, honey, remember? Before the procedure, the doctor froze some samples for us, just in case.
Marina: Right. Thank you so much for reminding... all of us.
Connor: Either way, that would be a *mute* point, because Sarah and Denise would obviously go with my sperm.
Tom: Oh, would they? Well, first of all, it's not a mute point. It is a moot point, which is exhibit 'A' as to why the superior choice would obviously be my sperm.
Denise: Can we stop using that word?
Connor: Fine, because the choice is clear. It would be me and my s...