Slime City Massacre (2010) Poster

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A Sequel to "Slime City"
Uriah436 November 2014
As a sequel to "Slime City" this movie incorporates much of the same characteristic of its predecessor which was made 22 years earlier. In this particular film a "dirty bomb" has radiated a portion of New York City and the only people to be found there are mutants and refugees of one kind or another. As it so happens four of these people come across some secret bottles of elixir made by a secret cult in 1959 which changes them into zombie-like creatures with an urge to kill. Now, rather than reveal any more of this film I will just say that this was an extremely low-budget production which suffers from that very fact as the acting, script and special effects were all bad. However, the concept behind the movie was quite good and the movie had its moments. That said, even though I would never suggest that it was a good movie by any means-or even a mediocre one-I strongly suggest that a person watches the original film prior to this one if for no other reason than to gain some continuity. In any case, while this movie-much like its predecessor--was certainly "different" it was still pretty bad all the same and I have rated it accordingly. Below average.
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being fair and comparing to the original but its updated ? ...
godinamachine8 December 2022
HEY EVERYBODY ITS ME (4) and today we review "slime city part 2 the reboot imagining of the sequel remake " ...THE MOVIE !!!

Now this is the sequel to the old 80s film "slime city" ... but maybe its just a reboot ? .... or re-imagined ? ... half re-baked ? .... half cocked ? Rehashed ....LOOK here is my point .... this film , although made by the same guy as the first film from the 80s just seems like a bad rip ff of its own first film lol.... same sort of story line only now its in the waste landed future ? ... to add something to the over all story i guess ? ... i mean it tries to add cannibals ?, but you see them for a total of like 30 seconds throughout the entire film .... the "slime people" look terrible in this new version compared to the 80s film slime city .... those FX are fantastic ..... the gore and slime guy FX etc are great, here .... its like a bad nickelodeon tv show where you get "slimed" if you say the magic word of the day ...exepct for the last few minutes they are on screen THEN suddenly its "oh yea they are slimy monster people lets actually do a little bit more" ...i guess it was a build up, unlike the first film where the guy was pretty much muck man from the get go ..... but to be fair im not a slimeologist so i dont really know how all that works

however i suppose as a sequel it does a good job of creating a segway into a new story line kind of .... i mean the same everything going on, so, the pudding plus the booze = slime horny people that need to kill ..... so i guess that the same city that was once lived in by the people from the first movie , gets bombed and then new bums / homeless people trying to get by in the ruins of the end of the world area finds the old pudding /booze .... okay sound like a plan .... kind of retold the story from the first film ...but said the cult leader had a soup kitchen and his daughter kept watch, in the first film her mom took watch over the pudding and booze in an apartment complex until the daughter took over .... why not just keep it as an apartment building ? ... ive never understood why story get changed up so drastically in a tiny detail that no one would care about unless you think about it for one minute ....

the digital look doesnt sit well for this at all.... if it would have had the gritty 80s film look it could have maybe gotten a couple of points from that BUT it just looks cheaper being so clean when its a film about grit, dirty slimy gross stuff ....

acting : in a b film i never hate on because well .... you know

the fx :.... WOW ... bro , im 100% sure you spent more on the digital brain eye in this than the entire brain pop out scene from the 88 film lol..... and it looks bad here , i wish it would have been a real brain eye thing ... would have been cool.... practical ALL THE WAY ....the "slime" FX here ...come on now ..your telling me you coulndt have spent an extra 10 minutes at the very least to slap some toilet paper chunks on their faces or something to give them a little more grossness to the look instead of just let me sneeze in your face ...okay close enough .... because sure the multi coloured slime is neat if your in a black light rave for jello jigglers .... but here ... make them nasty ....give them gross flesh under there like the first film ..... prosthetics are not expensive now to buy OR make (i know i literally make them !!!!) heck next film man hit me up ill gladly do you some awesome work !!! ..yes again i state the edning they DID have more going on ... but i dont know just seemed weird to save it for the end when the first film he was like that all through it .... again why change the base of the first film when its not needed ...yea yea its your film who m i to tell you what to do with it i get it .... jeez i was just sayin it didnt make sense .... gaaa lol

editing: i felt it was like if ....a dog on meth, was distracted kind of thought about editing this , then smashed a bunch of keys and hoped .... i mean it IS edited ... and it DOES make sense over all BUT its just ... kind of boring the ways its done ....very back and forth in an almost timed manner , could have been just BAM back story and go ....

so im not trying to bash the film especially not from the guy who made "killer rack" and "gruesome johnny" both awesome indie films ... both i loved .... but i have to be honest and fair in all i do .... so

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paul_haakonsen27 May 2024
Granted, when I sat down here in 2024 to watch the 2010 movie "Slime City Massacre", I wasn't exactly harboring much of any expectations. Why? Well, the movie's title and its cover just permeates low budget to High Heavens. But still, with it being a movie that I hadn't seen, much less actually heard of, then I opted to sit down and watch the movie.

The storyline was pretty straightforward. But it wasn't exactly a particularly grant viewing experience. The storyline, as written by Gregory Lamberson, was a bit silly and generic, even for a low budget horror movie such as it turned out to be. It looked and felt like something from Troma, and even Lloyd Kaufman showed up for a second or two.

I found the movie to have a bit too much focus on lewd scenes. And it was scenes that really didn't help further the narrative of the movie. So it felt like an excuse for writer and director Gregory Lamberson to cram in some of his own kinks.

The special effects in the movie were low key. But on the upside, then it wasn't exactly the worst of special effects I've seen in movies. So that counted for something. Though, keep in mind that you're not in for anything grand or memorable.

I am sure that there is an audience out there who appreciates low budget horror movie such as this. I just wasn't really a part of that target audience.

While I did watch the 1988 movie "Slime City" before, I have to say that I had entirely forgotten about it, so I didn't realize that this 2010 movie was a sequel to that movie, not before finding out by perusing the IMDb page.

My rating of "Slime City Massacre" lands on a three out of ten stars. The majority of the rating here is definitely for the effort that the movie-makers put into this project.
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Fresh flesh control.
Greenzombidog9 June 2011
I loved slime city so I was really looking forward to Slime city massacre. The sequel is set in a post dirty bomb New York where the authorities have left the people of the city to fend for themselves. We follow a group of four survivors who stumble upon the 'Elixir' and 'Himalayan yogurt' from the first movie. Upon finding it they consume it and succumb to it's side effects which include horniness, melting and homicidal tendencies due to being possessed by ancient cult members souls.

During all this we are treated to flashbacks of the cult where we get a better understanding of how and why it all started. If your a fan of the original or any of Lambersons other movies you'll be pleased to see a lot of familiar faces.

The film itself is really well acted and the effects are great. The only effect I didn't like was the dirty bomb explosion at the beginning because it looked terrible. The slime looked great and all the gore effects were really well done considering the budget this film must have had. I was disappointed that the Slimehead versions of our main characters weren't used enough because they looked really cool. Each having their own neon coloured slime and facial prosthetics. They could have also been a little more murderous as the main character was in the original movie.

I do have a few complaints though. Some of the editing was quite jarring, some scenes flowed awkwardly into others. Also a couple of the characters were a bit pointless. The mole people for example are shown twice once near the start and once at the end they just seemed to be little redundant. These few criticism are all I have of the movie as a whole.

The ending was slimeily satisfying and was a great finale to a worthy sequel to slime city. The Slime has been appeased.
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This Is Why You Should Never Eat Himalayan Yogurt.
CalvinValjean20 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this film as part of the Bronx Film Festival and was truly blown away by its production value. The movie looks fantastic and has just the right mix of wit and horror to keep you engaged. There is no reason this should not be playing on big screens across the country.

In a post-dirty bomb NYC, four squatters hide out in the remains of an old building and discover what happens when they consume some "yogurt." What not quite what you might expect.

Each of the four leads are fantastic, and much of their interplay may remind audiences of Dawn of the Dead, though the atmosphere is much grittier and the danger seems more real. A cameo by Roy Frumkes as a Donald Trump spoof adds to the fun. The direction is also excellent, and I especially love the mise-en-scene in most of the flashback scenes.

But where the movie goes above and beyond are the visual effects, which are some of the most creative I have EVER seen in a movie. Alice's fate in particular both made me squirm and left me in awe. I would certainly rank this film as superior to something such as Avatar or other recent Hollywood blockbusters because not once during Avatar did I ever wonder "How on Earth did they do that?" Here I wondered that quite a bit. The visual effects in this movie help carry a story that, despite being a thriller, has a lot of heart. And that's what the magic of cinema is all about.

I should mention that I've never seen the original Slime City. I definitely hope to as soon as I get a chance, and will then check this film out again, as I'm sure I will gain an even better understanding of this story and its characters. Regardless, Slime City Massacre is a fun, creepy, amusing, and ultimately rewarding experience for any audience, whether they like horror or not.
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A nice slice of grungy low-budget horror splatter fun
Woodyanders17 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Desperate fugitives Cory (a solid and likable performance by Kalan Patrick Burke) and Alexa (an equally sturdy turn by pretty blonde Jennifer Behl) seek refuge from a totalitarian government in the bleak ruins of New York City seven years after a major bomb explosion. Cory and Alexa encounter fellow survivors Mason (well played by Lee Perkins) and Alice (an outstanding portrayal by the great Debbie Rochon). The quartet discover a hidden cache of booze and yogurt which has the unfortunate side effect of causing them to mutate into murderous slime-dripping subhuman freaks who are possessed by the spirits of the dead. Complications ensue when a band of mercenaries are sent in by ruthless real estate developer Ronald Crump (a funny cameo by Roy Frumkes) to clean up the neighborhood. Writer/director Gregory Lamberson does an excellent job of creating and sustaining a grim tone which becomes more increasingly bleak and unnerving as it unfolds; it's genuinely upsetting to see the four main characters devolve into pathetic pasty-faced addicts (Alice in particular gets the worst of it as she melts into a puddle of vile green goo in a bathtub). Moreover, Lamberson makes inspired use of the dirty'n'desolate urban locations, delivers gobs of grisly gore (gruesome highlights include a foot being bitten off, two beer bottles being crammed in a man's eye sockets, and a head getting split open with a meat cleaver), and tops everything off with a very wicked sense of pitch-black gallows humor. We even get a few gross sweaty sex scenes, a cool thrashy hard rock soundtrack, and disturbing flashbacks depicting crazed religious fanatic Zachary (a chillingly serene Robert C. Sabin) holding sway over his flock. Chris Santucci's slick cinematography gives the picture an impressively polished look. The spare shivery score by Mars of Dead House likewise does the shuddery trick. The thrilling last third really comes through with the splattery goods and concludes everything on a satisfying downbeat note. A good little indie flick.
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Slime City Massacre is damn good entertainment
artbyphilip-127 September 2010
SLIME CITY MASSACRE opens in the late 50's where we are introduced to Zachary Devon (Robert C. Sabin), who runs a soup kitchen and apartment building. Zachary offers a young prostitute a good meal and a place to really belong.

Fast-forward to 2009 and a dirty bomb is set of in New York City. Seven years later the city (Slime City as it has now been renamed) is a wasteland inhabited by scavengers and other assorted nasties. Into this arrive fugitives Alexa (Jennifer Bihl) and Cory (Kealan Patrick Burke). They seek shelter in a seemingly deserted building. They quickly learn the place is inhabited by two hardened squatters Mason (Lee Perkins) and Alice (Debbie Rochon). Mason and Alice agree to let Alexa and Cory stay only because of a set of skeleton keys that Cory holds in his possession. Mason and Cory head out into the wasteland to scavenge for food, The pair find the ruins of Zachary's soup kitchen. Within they discover a stash of "home brewed elixir" and "Himalayan yogurt".

Taking their haul back to their hide-out the four proceed to devour their find. Fortunately and unfortunately the combination of elixir and yogurt has both a sexually side effect and a slimly side effect. The sex is hot but the slime most be appeased!

First let me state that I love this film though I'm a little bit biased (which I'll get to later)! I had the lucky experience of viewing a screening in Pittsburgh and then attending a Q & A after wards with Actress Debbie Rochon and Wirter/Director Greg Lamberson.

As of late I've found myself longing for films like the ones back in the 80s when a glut of fun and unique videos crowded the shelves. Filmmakers (read independent) seemed to want to make good films that were enjoyable and unique. (Of course the video market signed it's on death certificate because of that glut. And sadly to this day the Hollywood machine keeps churning out the same product over and over with a new name.) And that is where SCM achieves high marks The film looks like it was made in the 80s and not simply a retro look either. While this film has the feel of 80s horror and touches of 70's Sc-i-Fi, it never comes across as derivative of those works. Not only that but Lamberson's SLIME CITY MASSACRE is filled with wonderful levels of dark tongue-in-cheek humor (love those brains!).

There will be some that will be disappointed that the gore level is not massive, as in SLIME CITY. The effects work quite well for the most part (there's tongue scene that falls a little short). But there are others that work perfectly: Alice's dismembered face floating in a tub of orange slime, crawling slimy brains, broken bottles shoved into eye sockets - brilliant!

While the story is well crafted and the visual aspects top notch, what elevates SCM as a film above even big studio productions is the caliber of acting found within. All the main actors play well off one another. There are names here many genre fans will recognize (such as Lloyd Kauffman) but there were numerous names I sadly didn't know. But I know them now and will give their other films a chance solely based on their performances in SCM.

Now the biased part: Debbie Rochon. I think, and have for many, many years, that she is a highly underrated Actress. I said Actress, not Scream Queen. Sure she can scream but she is one hell of an Actress too. Much better than the tripe that are named in Big Studio productions. And she shines here. The dismembered face scene alone could have degenerated into simply a cheesy, laughable bit that was quickly dismissed. But not so due to Rochon's ability to convince you that the events playing out on the screen are very real. Its called acting folks - look it up!

While this is a sequel to Lamberson's 1988 classic SLIME CITY and contains some inside jokes for fans of that film (along with subtle nods to other 80s horror and sci-fi), you don't need to have seen the original to enjoy SCM. I think that is a part of the genus within the film. If you've seen SLIME CITY you'll want to see this. And if you haven't seen it you'll find yourself running out to purchase the original.

If you're a fan of 80's style horror, the original SLIME CITY, Debbie Rochon or just damn good entertainment, do yourself a favor and see this film! I know I can't wait to see it again.

Philip R. Rogers
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