Madame Web (2024) Poster


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eoinageary14 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is, well I guess this is a movie in the Sony universe that I'm SHOCKED is profitable.

The story is all over the place, it's basically about Madame Web who is a paramedic and develops powers and can see into the future, with a current threat she tries to change the future, teaming up with 3 powerful characters who are yet to develop into their full potential so she must shield them and change the future to protect them.

Trying not to give the little story that gets told away in the opening there but i have to be vague.

What I liked, one or two good scenes, I didn't mind the end, I really liked a lot of the camera work some cool looking shots and a decent Score.

But the movie is BAD, it makes Morbius look like The Batman 2022. The acting is lacking, the actors look as bored as you will feel. Script is bad, just some beyond silly lines, the story chops and changes so much your neck will hurt you, some bad CGI, and just boring action.

And before people harp on about "you don't like it because it's women leads" no, it's just a crap film, I enjoyed the marvels, Black Widow was decent, so no, the movie regardless of its leads is just poor.

Extremely disappointing, 3/10.
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I regret watching this film
sinscopefilms15 February 2024
First Impression:

The opening of the Madame Web was immersed in a mystique and ambition, enhanced by great musical score; yet, as the movie progresses, it becomes a mixed bag and a rollercoaster of emotions.

The Positive:

Musical Score and Sound Design: The standout feature of "Madame Web" is its musical score. The soundtrack not only enhances the emotional depth of the film but also succeeds in creating in some moments genuine goosebumps. The sound design really enhances this impact by carefully using sound pans, bass, and reverse effects. It creates a sense of tension and immersion which is one of the film's strongest features.

The Mixed:

Visual Effects and Costume Design: Some of the visual effects in "Madame Web" were visually appealing. The costume design, like Casey's red jacket and the three spider girl villain outfits standing out as particularly stunning contributions to the film's aesthetic, but it was not often shown in the film since the films direction and focus was different. I was disappointed.

Acting and Direction: Although I thought Casey's character development - her ability to see the world from a different perspective - was great, I didn't like how it was visually presented. The way it was edited was poorly done. The editor could use 2 distinct color grading features where one sees the future and two, she sees the present moment.

However, The performances throughout the film feel lackluster, with the actors appearing confused and disengaged. This, combined with direction that fails to maintain interest or coherence in many scenes, significantly undermines the film's potential.


Cinematography: Cinematography is bad since some pictures don't show a clear image. The camera moves so fast that I cannot comprehend the picture. I kind of recognized that it tries to initiate the rapidness of the events from the spider's eye point of view but it was a tasteless decision. The Cinematography is not something like wow. The reason why Cinematography was lacking is because it was heavily based on medium closeups and dutch tilts which on one hand was a unique choice but on the other hand very hard to watch. I found the 180 degree round camera rotations super cool, but again, I expected varied distance shots, not just medium shots. The train scene Cinematography was the best in the film.

Editing and Pace: The editing is arguably the weakest element of "Madame Web," with its rapid cuts and disjointed flow detracting significantly from the storytelling. This lack of coherence makes it challenging for the audience to fully engage with the narrative.

Plot and Overall Execution: The storyline of "Madame Web" is cluttered and clichéd, suffering from a lack of originality and clear direction. The film's ambition is evident, but the execution falls short of creating a compelling narrative.

The Conclusion:

"Madame Web" presents a paradoxical experience, with exceptional music and sound design standing that sharply contrasts with its various flaws in editing, cinematography, and direction.

Although there are some visually and emotionally stunning moments, they are frequently overshadowed by a lack of coherence and clarity.

Also, I think this film would be reasonable and great to be incorporated in a TV series which would have allowed for a more in-depth exploration of characters and plot.

Nevertheless, Madame Web is a bit of a mixed bag, with moments of potential that ultimately leave the viewer something different visually.

Rating: 3/10.
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How are bad writers able to continually get hired for big budget films?
syntory15 February 2024
Look at the profiles for the writers that wrote Madame Web. You'll see virtually every movie they've written has a bad rating and bad reviews. Why then does Hollywood continually hire these same writers for these big budget films? I could understand if they wrote movies for Asylum Films because all their movies are terrible.

Madame Web is god awful! Very difficult to sit through. None of the main characters are likeable. Even the villain is lame. It seems like the entire movie was written to set up a sequel. But why would people spend money to see the sequel of a movie that is one of the worst movies ever written? I'm shocked at how bad this movie is and if there is a sequel I certainly wont bother watching it.

Stop hiring bad writers, Hollywood!
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Makes Morbius look like The Dark Knight
MovieWarfare17 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I would absolutely love to be in these Sony meetings because I am absolutely baffled how things like Madame Web are getting greenlit.

Madame Web is one of the worst superhero movies ever made! It has terrible writing, characters, action setpieces and even acting. Dakota Johnson is so dull and boring as the main lead but this is probably down to the terrible script.

To be fair, the movie does have an interesting concept with this Final Destination x Terminator thing. However, it is so poorly executed that it makes Morbius look like The Dark Knight.

Anyway give me the "He Was in the Amazon With My Mom When She Was Researching Spiders Right Before She Died" cut!
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Fun to watch!
I read the reviews and went in with very low expectations. We enjoyed this movie and thought the cast was good. Sure there were lots of holes, but that can be said for any movie. I could care less about the comics and basically wanted to watch a fun action movie. Dakota Johnson is just the right amount of awkward to pull this role off. This isn't a movie I would watch over and over like Avengers but still a fun watch nonetheless. Don't listen to all the haters and go in with zero expectations. I am a big believer that the first movie of a series are always poor. Take for Instance Thor 1 and 2 awful but 3 was fantastic!
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In what crazy universe is this "the worst movie of all time"??
fung017 March 2024
There's some sort of madness that sweeps over movie critics and movie fans every so often. Some pundit, reviewer, influencer or other nitwit sounds off about how feeble, terrible, horribly BAD a movie is (or is *going* to be - these opinions often predate any viewing of the actual movie). And then the herd instinct takes over and generates a tsunami of contempt.

Case in point, Madame Web - a truly ridiculous number of one-star reviews, completely unjustified by the actual experience of watching the movie.

The surprising truth is that this is actually quite a decent little movie. It's no work of genius, but it is a workmanlike, efficient, competent piece of entertainment. Not only is it not "the worst," it is far more entertaining than a whole host of bloated, forgettable superhero flicks of the past few years.

Start with the characters. We have an interesting heroine, Cassandra Webb, nicely embodied by Dakota Johnson. She's likeable, believable and suitably challenged by events she doesn't really understand. I can't speak to Johnson's acting range, not having seen her in anything else, but she seems to fit this particular part perfectly.

Most of the movie has to do with Cassandra's attempts to protect three teen-age girls. All three of them are presented as distinct personalities, and are elevated beyond mere stereotypes by earnest and appealing performances by the trio of actresses. I not only believed them, I was happy to spend time with them.

Then there's the story. It's nothing we haven't seen before, but it's done well. The origin of Cassandra's odd powers is novel, and revealed in stages that keep us guessing. Refreshingly, Cassandra needs to hold a super-villain at bay without actually knowing there's such a thing as a super-hero movie - or that she's in one.

Better yet, Cassandra's super-talent is inherently unpredictable, in an interesting way. It reminded me of the excellent Nicolas Cage film Next, in which he has the ability to see the future - two minutes at a time. The storyline of Madame Web is somewhat formulaic, to be sure - but it's a good formula, and well-executed. I never felt my intelligence was being insulted, and I certainly never felt bored.

The inevitable computer effects are used sparingly. Action is kept on a human scale - far more engrossing than watching CG heroes destroying planets with their pinky fingers.

I tip-toed into Madame Web with dire forebodings of a wasted evening. Two hours later I found myself wishing the movie was longer - and wondering what ghastly childhood traumas must have prompted the vast torrents of vitriol that have been aimed at it.

Sure, Madame Web isn't a breakthrough of any kind. But it's a completely professional piece of work - a solid two hours' escape from the troubles of the real world. Maybe it doesn't follow the comics - I don't know, and couldn't possibly care less. Maybe there were some nasty studio conflicts during production - again, not my concern. The end result was good. I had fun. Unless you come in solidly determined to hate, I can't see why you wouldn't have fun too.

Rating: 8 out of 10. To me, 7 indicates a movie that succeeds in its aims - that entertains and does nothing conspicuously off-putting, worth seeing for anyone who likes the genre. However, I felt compelled to add an extra mercy star to offset the numerous undeservedly low ratings.
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freshervbeats9 April 2024
This is why you don't jump on the bandwagon. No this wasn't Spider-Man homecoming. And the ending was to be expected. This movies sets up 3 potential super heroes. Men don't want to go see women heroes. And women aren't as into hero movies like men are. Who doesn't want to see bad spiderman get whooped. The leading actor did well. And the supporting actors were ok. Overall the box office tore this movie apart with their expectations to see something like spiderman. I honestly remember no promotion for this movie. The media failed to support the women characters as they did in marvel. It could have been written better but it wasn't a bad movie. Definitely don't feel like it was a waste of time. It was interesting at the least.
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A gigantic mess
chenp-5470814 February 2024
Literally one of the worst superhero movies I have ever seen.

From the advertisements, I knew this movie wasn't going to be great but still, it surprised me how bad and boring it was. Everything about the direction, writing, characters, technical aspects, and designs are really awful. The writing is poor as there are many concepts, ideas and aspects that are messy and bland. The messy script creates poor dialogue from the cast and the characters are not interesting. The special effects looked even worse than the marketing and all of the performances were pretty bad. I honestly do feel bad for Dakota Johnson cause she is a good actress but she deserves to have better roles then this. It can be said for the same for the rest of the cast members.

The uses of product placements are annoying, action moments are dull, and and all in all, it was boring. Superhero movies shouldn't be boring but this really dragged on. It's unfortunate cause female superhero leads are something I love to see more like Wonder Woman and The Old Guard which are pretty fun. But unfortunately, it seemed that it likely isn't going to happen anytime soon.

There really isn't anything else to say.

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I had a bad feeling about this one, going in...
AlsExGal17 February 2024
... when I saw Dakota Johnson was starring in it. Naturally I can't lay the entirety of this hot mess at her feet. But there is some really bad campy acting happening on her part, reminiscent of the Fifty Shades of Grey movies in which she starred. Perhaps it was because the director was more interested in the placement of Pepsi cans than her performance, but I digress.

Basically, this movie plays out like the cut scenes from a budget Xbox 360 game. From the ground up this thing just feels designed to fail. It feels almost Producersesque in its approach in just how every aspect is seemingly intentionally mangled, yet no one seems to care. How have we come so full circle to go through the glory of Infinity War/Logan/The Dark Knight to arrive all the way back to Batman and Robin and Catwoman levels of superhero flicks? (Bam!, Pow!, Gosh yes Batman!)

How did this movie make it so far that it has an actual release, and no one stopped it? How did this idea get green lit? Why did Sony give 80 million and turn over their valuable IP to the people that wrote Morbius, Gods of Egypt, Dracula Untold and The Last Witch Hunter? How did this get past the writing process and again have that script greenlit? How could no one on the set at any point stop things? How did no one in the editing room point out how bad it looked and how much of a mess it was?

But to the suits it's not about art and story. Instead it's about business, and people are just a commodity. It's cheaper to recycle known quantities, and practice nepotism and involve maybe less than talented friends, people you've worked with before, than go out and find artists with worthy stories. They don't care about art, they don't care about stories, they care about making this work for them financially, regardless of loss of reputation with audiences as a whole.

Youtuber Chris Stuckmann did a deep dive on the topic of big studios being generally run by folks who came up through management rather than the creative rungs such as writing and directing when he discussed this film. His take is worth watching. For some reason, Chris doesn't do critical movie reviews since he has become a filmmaker, but I can tell by his tone that, like me, he was completely displeased watching this one. I'd avoid it.
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Movie featuring Pepsi & product placement
hotrobinproductions16 February 2024
Horrible from beginning to end, the opening scene just reeks of awful predictability from story & plot to the core. You know exactly what will happen before it even happens, the script sucks & the dialogue is even worse. There is quite noticeable audio dub edited after the fact too. This budget is 80 million, not that budget matters, because no amount of money could have saved this train wreck, but I mention this because you can still make a good film on lower budgets, Shazam, the first one, had the same budget & delt with a lot of side characters too, it's miles better, Godzilla minus one had a extremely low budget too. But this 80 million dollar film not just effects but production, feels obviously cheap, it almost feels like watching a very long pilot episode to a CW tv show.

You thought Morbius was bad, that film was bad because it did the bare minimum, this film doesn't even do the bare minimum, it goes beyond comprehension below that, it just enters a point of no originality or ambition towards creating anything. There isn't even a single superhero moment, even horrible films like catwoman or Morbius has superhero moments & action, this thing doesn't, you get instead visions of the future to potentially set up sequels.

This movie also has a serious problem of product placement, it's a long commercial, to be exact a long Pepsi commercial, I feel like Pepsi stopped the halftime show so they could invest in the product placement in this film. This movie was more important to them than the superbowl LOL it's just so over the top & obviously placed way too much in this film. Calvin Klein, Chase bank, the list goes on. This movie should be called superhero product placement the movie.

It's barely even close to a 1/10 the cool moments are seeing what we already saw in the trailer when she's seeing the future & you think it's happening now but then it goes back to the moment she realizes it's a vision, granted it's cool the first couple times but it gets old REAL quick. & it ends up getting annoying because it's abused way too much.

Thats about it, there isn't any redeeming things in this film, the acting isn't even good. I would say the 3 side character spider women that Dakota finds when they are together there was a potential spark. I saw the talent & potential, but they are failed big time by such a horrid script that the spark never even sparks, it's just like showing you the matches & gasoline & not setting the fire.

Madame M0RBIUS / 10.
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A massive waste of time
ethanbresnett21 February 2024
Based on Madame Web's woeful reviews I was expecting this film to be an utter car crash. To its credit I will say it isn't entirely without merit, but it is incredibly boring and bland.

Mostly this is because nothing particularly happens. It's a superhero movie with little to no superhero action and a painfully long set up for an underwhelming final act. The characters are so underdeveloped that there is no emotional connection or investment in any of them. Everything about the story and writing just feels lazy, vacuous and corny.

Then there's the villain who is utterly uninspiring. He is constantly complaining about 'everything he has built' being destroyed. What has he built you might ask? The film has no interest in exploring this question. He's easily one of the more two dimensional and weak superhero villains I've ever seen committed to screen.

Perhaps the most heinous crime this movie commits is to waste the talents of Dakota Johnson, Sydney Sweeney, Adam Scott, Emma Roberts, Zosia Mamet and more. Such a good cast was assembled and they were given absolutely nothing to work with, so I don't blame the performers. It's just such a shame to see such great talent put to the sword like this.

As if all of this wasn't enough, the movie also feels remarkably low budget and feels excruciatingly long despite its relatively short runtime.

Ultimately I think this film suffered because it was clearly intended as a set up for a wider Spider-Woman franchise which is unlikely to come to fruition. There seemed to be no interest in making a good stand alone movie, and no respect for the audience. A massive waste of time.
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Badly made, weird film
vfphvnpp14 February 2024
I understand what the plan was here. They wanted a trippy film, focusing on a strong future for the Sony verse. The problem is the delivery. The camera work in this movie made it quite irritating to follow, as there was constant quick close up shots of the action. The dialogue was awful, and there was quite a lot of blatant voice over during the villain scenes.

So much wasted time was given to boring scenes in the movie, which led me to believe the screen writers finished the script and realised that it was under the word count.

Honestly the acting quality was quite poor across the board, especially the villain, who honestly seems as if they didn't cast for his role at all, just picked up someone off the side of the road.

For someone who's guilty pleasure is watching bad movies, I it was a painful time. Don't recommend.
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I am filled with hatred, it can't get any worse.
olcare16 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's the worst movie and superhero adaptation I've watched in recent years. Completely atrocious effects, atrocious screenplay, and atrocious acting. Also, a big insult to all comic book readers and those who know the original story.

Let me describe the movie simply. First of all, I am filled with hatred; I really want to curse the entire creative team for this unacceptable film.

All the performances are bad, everyone. There's not a single good actor trying; everyone just took the role for money. It's a terrible disgrace, a total eclipse of reason.

The screenplay is the worst superhero screenplay I've ever seen. It barely resembles the original story, and if there aren't scenes like the other Spider-Girls in the trailer, why include them? There's no such obligation; instead, write a decent screenplay. All action scenes are full of logical errors; they've written it without thinking, it's complete garbage.

Apart from these, the direction, sorry to say, is garbage too. Most scenes are shot as if they were taken straight from a phone camera; action scenes are not shown, they're hidden due to the atrociousness of the effects. It's shameful.

After these general points, Sony urgently needs to cancel this universe; the original stories are garbage, there's no logic, no connection anywhere. They're just being shot randomly. I don't like to curse, but I hope this film sinks at the box office.

The last scene with Madame Web gaining her powers, those web effects, clinging to souls, it's unbelievable how you approved this film, may God punish you.

I don't know which one to talk about; all the atrocities are collected in this film. Whether it's the woman going to Peru and back in 30 seconds, Spider-Man dodging with fireworks, dancing at the boys' table when my daughters are left alone, not telling the story of the Spider-Human community, or the woman talking normally while giving birth at the end, everything is a disgrace. I hope this universe sinks, and you all get fired. No one involved in the management of this film deserves their job respectfully; they should quit immediately.

Note: Dakota Johnson made a statement saying she didn't watch the movie. Why are you serving a completely garbage film if you're not going to watch it? Life shouldn't be all about money for you; we, in our poverty, are trying to watch it, and this is no different from cursing all the audience's families. Shame on you.

Note 2: Just now, I looked at the budget of the movie, and my anger grew even more, 80 million dollars EIGHTY MILLION. How can I not believe this money, I really can't believe it, it's nothing but disrespect to yourself, disrespect to the audience, nothing but an insult.
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A decent origin story.
super16g17 May 2024
This movie did not deserve the hate it got. It is an origin story for Madame Web, not the three spider women she spent the whole run time protecting. I guess people went in thinking they were going to watch Sidney Sweeney in spandex beating up a room full of thugs and lifting cars and were disappointed. What we got is a mystery thrill ride with a relentless villain versus regular people and one woman with precognitive abilities trying to figure things out. The character drama of the four being thrown together under unique and strange circumstances and coming together as a makeshift family IS the movie. It is not and never was going to be a 200M computer generated explosion fest for the eyes and ears, it is about the beginning of a family of super powered people before they get their powers.
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So bad it's good, or so bad it's bad? You decide
Skruffbagg20 February 2024
Cannon, is that you in disguise?

I firmly believe Madame Web will go down in history as not only the worst superhero movie, but also one of the worst movies ever made. It's that bad. It's absolutely fascinating to behold.

Now, I'll be honest with you here. I only went to see this because I had heard it was an unmitigated disaster that had to be seen to be believed, and it truly does not disappoint - or massively does, depending on your viewpoint.

It takes a special kind of director to get such cringe-inducing performances out of a fairly talented cast (Dakota Johnson and Tahar Rahim are both quality actors with the right script and direction), but SJ Clarkson somehow manages to wrangle the absolute worst imaginable from every single person in the film. I'll be very surprised if she ever does another feature after this.

Nothing in this film works; the plot is moronic, the script seems like it was written by a teenager, the cinematography is horrendous, the aformentioned embarrassing performances, the audio editing is baffling (so much dubbing, brain-melting music choices). I'm amazed this didn't get shelved the minute the final cut was done.

To me, I rate this as "so bad it's good" as I wasn't bored watching it, but most people I assume will say it's just plain bad... and it is, but very entertainingly so.

If you love watching a 2hr car crash then I highly recommend this. The awfulness is mind-boggling in it's complexity, but in the best possible way. Film scholars and historians will be analysing this movie for years to come, and I hope it is talked about in the same vein as The Room in the future.

An absolutely epic misfire on all levels.
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Unexpected pleasure
bobbenelson14 May 2024
I don't know why people actually gave the show bad reviews. I am a superhero and sci-fi enthusiast. I found the show very captivating from the very beginning until the end. I don't wanna spoil it. I was just looking online to make sure if there was another movie coming out. It left me wanting to watch more. My nine out of 10 is based on intriguing from the very start, the character developments, and I liked the acting. I think the whole ensemble did very well. It has plenty of action, and a very interesting dynamic between the woman and the three other characters. The other supporting cast is also very good. I really think that people need to give this one a chance and take a watch and reply. I hope you really enjoy it like I did.
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Not as bad as most people claim...
johnnychicago-7528523 April 2024
I don't understand what the big problem is. Yes, the movie may not be the best superhero movie, but the low ratings aren't justified either. Overall, the story is sometimes told in a rushed manner and the script doesn't deserve an Oscar, but overall the movie was entertaining. To be honest, I was expecting the worst and I was biased because of the negative ratings. After watching the movie, I couldn't understand all the hate for the movie at all. I'm already reasonably discerning when it comes to movies, but guys, let's be honest, this isn't an art house movie, this is popcorn cinema. The movie is supposed to entertain and it did. Even if it was a bit bumpy in places. Overall, I can recommend the movie to people who just want to be entertained. Not more and not less.
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Fifty Shades Of Mess
MiroslavKyuranov14 February 2024
It's astonishing to think that Sony could put out a worse product than 2022's Morbius, but boy, "Madame Web" manages it. It is an embarrassing mess. Talented stars wasted on probably one of the worst comic book movie ever (which nobody asked for). Filled with atrocious dialogue, awkward editing and laughable structure. It's a clunky, poorly-written, messy, and sloppy movie packed with some mediocre editing and performances.

The concept is interesting on paper, but it couldn't be saved due to it's terrible execution. "Madame Web" simply lacked the spark it needed in nearly every dept.

There is simply nothing memorable in this movie, except maybe some superhero costumes, but that doesn't redeem the fact that the movie is bad.

So yeah..."Madame Web" is yet another disappointing entry in the Sony's Spider-Less universe. It's like a love letter to an era of superhero films that people largely want to forget. The "Pepsi" adds are stand-out, it falls short of what could have been a decent movie in the hands of someone else twenty years ago.
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jtorch-1128315 February 2024
Don't waste your time, and money seeing this in theaters. I was fooled by the trailer which looked promising. All the action in the whole film ( a total of 2 scenes) is shown in the the trailer. The rest of the movie is just terrible acting trying to save an even worse scrip.

I'm honestly not sure how this made it to the big screen. I'm not a cinema expert, but shouldn't someone have to view the finished product and give the O. K. At some point before it is "audience ready?" I feel like that step in the process was skipped. I don't know what Marvel had to do with this film, but it certainly isn't the Iron-Man-Marvel I keep hoping they will somehow revive.

And to whom it may concern, "my parents don't love me." Is neither a solid backstory OR a strong character trait. I hope you eat a lot of money on this movie.
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Madame Pleb
darrelltill15 February 2024
There is nothing good in this film. It's badly written - not just full of clichés but full of dialogue that is meant to sound like cliché superhero idioms yet butchered until they make no sense. It is nothing but a costume parade with players that are dead behind the eyes. You can tell that everybody involved knows it's going to be a stinker but they'd already signed on and it was too late. It would be great if this was the flop that made Disney rethink their output (I know, this is actually an SSU movie not an MCU movie, but they are all heading down the same path) but I fear it will take a few more. The solution is really simple - they need to adjust their hiring policy to include persons of talent.
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It's even worse than morbius
adabe-2886014 February 2024
Not even a funny disaster like thor: love & thunder but a boring disaster worse than morbius.

After watching this disaster I think we all owe morbius a big apology.

Don't mind the reviews it's even much worse than you think it is.

Dear sony! Please stop making these trash movies for atleast 20 years.

Look, you guys have done some good things. For sake of trying to create new tentpoles. You guys could do a Joint Operating Agreement to split revenues and profits but divest your creative teams from ever touching this stuff again.

We don't need a movie every year. We don't need a TV show every three months.

Make quality, not quantity.

Wish the writers strike never ended. Wish directors strike and dont return.
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Doesn't deserve the hate
Schmendrick13 March 2024
I honestly don't know why so much hate was directed at this movie. It may not be as great as Iron Man or Captain America, but it was more enjoyable than the painfully unoriginal Morbius. Here, Dakota Johnson gives a credible performance as the main character. The teens were OK, not nearly as annoying as people make them out to be, considering that they were troubled teens (if they weren't, they'd be dead), who didn't know the main character for half a day. I did find the antagonist's performance pretty stilted. The story basically plays like a slasher/Terminator flick where the antagonist is a "Spider-Man" instead of a robot. I personally found the idea interesting, and the movie did a pretty good job fleshing it out. Though there is the possibility of a sequel/crossover, I guess the studio isn't hopeful, as there was no post-credits scene. It would've been interesting seeing her reactions meeting up with the MCU Spider-Man, but I won't get my hopes up.
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Sony reaching a new low (how is that even possible?)
JustARandomOutsider14 February 2024
Congratulations. You blew me away. I had no conceivable idea that any movie company could make a film this bad without even trying. In fact, judging by the sloppiness of the movie's direction, writing, pacing, and character elements, I'm struggling to get around the fact that those crackheads at Sony Pictures weren't trying to break the all-time record for worst superhero movie ever made. Man, it's almost like it would've been better if Sony didn't hire the same writers for Morbius to write this movie's script. Unbelievable, right? Well, let's look on the bright side, we still have Kraven dropping this year, so Sony may have at least a little bit of redemption after this mess.
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aahodge-3701613 March 2024
My best friend and i went into the movie with all the bad ratings in mind but simply put i believe it had a great storyline. If they continue with the characters we will definitely be ones to watch is as this one is a great opener for future movies. The reviews on this page really took me by surprise considering how enjoyable the movie was. I enjoyed the variety and representation in the characters, it's quite refreshing to see more women and poc in marvel movies, as main characters of course. I enjoyed the level of super abilities and the detailed and context as to how they were obtained. I enjoyed the emotional aspects as well, i laughed and cried at certain moments and feel if given a chance, this film truly could be the start of many greats.
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They've done worse
Lelix260319 March 2024
I don't understand the bad reviews is simply a movie to watch in the evening without worries , there are much worse movies with better reviews.

The special effects are decent, the actors are adequate, perhaps if developed in episodes it would have been better.

For example, The Marvels is much worse, in terms of script. If this film was released in cinemas 10 years ago it would certainly have been considered more positively, the era of cinecomics is coming to an end, unless some new idea comes along I give a 7 to this film to conclude, as I repeat, it is not so worse than many other cinecomics.
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