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Bias is downfall of this movie
cybersrfr128712022 January 2005
I would not consider myself to be an ultra liberal, but I am somewhat knowledgeable about what has been going on in South America for the last 100 years, and Che Guevara is a part of it. Going into this movie all I knew about him was that he is on a lot of t-shirts, and that "che", despite what ignorant people think, is not his name, it is what Argentinians say to each other like in the US saying "dude".

I am also a big fan of the purity of movies, not this Spider-man crap that is all over the place, but the true art of films, and I am fairly serious when I go into a movie for the first time. A part of this is that I watch the movie throwing all bias I might have out the window and watch it as if I had never heard of it before. That said, I believe this movie was excellent because it had superb cinematography of the beauty of South America, had excellent acting, great chemistry between the two main actors (despite Ebert saying they did not), and an overall political theme.

This movie did not get great reviews in the US, and I haven't seen reviews from Latin American countries, but I am guessing they are better. This is because many people either shied away from the movie once they heard the word Che, and if they did see it, through the whole movie they were probably thinking "commie, commie!".

I have since read up on Che Guevara, and he is actually a fascinating person to study because he began as a rich boy who through his journeys learned how much people were suffering beyond his imagination, and part of this was how he got to be so rich, by suppressing the native people. The movie does an excellent job of showing this transition from his carefree exploring until later having an epiphany about his destiny to help the people. Yes, he got extreme after a while, but the study of him is compelling nonetheless.

It is interesting to know that coffee and bananas that say "Guatemala" are still grown today by slave laborers on farms, and that the US does not mind the slave labor because they were the ones who sponsored a coup in 1951 to install a dictatorship that in history books says it was an ousting of communism, which makes it okay. This is a much bigger and important example than the movie, but it is the same bias involved: People in the United States (I don't say America because that refers to every country from Argentina to Canada, not just the US as people in this country like to think) not only don't care about the suffering of people in other countries (unless it's mentioned on Oprah or involves economic rewards) but have the nerve to call them evil when they try to better themselves, which at the time was the communist movement in South America. This is not the communism of Castro or even of the later Che Guevara, but simply to give more to the starving and suppressed that are today suppressed to make your bananas and Starbucks coffee.

Because of the biases people have towards the people of countries they know nothing about, this movie has been extremely underrated in the wake of films that comparatively suck ("Ray", way overrated) yet have been rewarded because of their popularity and appeasement to the ignorant people that attend theaters in the United States.
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Excellent Film, Deserves Award
dreams_sahara14 November 2004
The Motorcycle Diaries is a tale of Che's life prior to becoming a revolutionary political figure. We follow Che and his friend on a cross-country road trip, a journey into the unknown. The film was beautifully filmed. It really makes you want to travel and go to see some of the South/Central American countries.

The acting was superb. Gael Garcia Bernal is not new to the screen. He has delivered amazing performances in both Amores Perros and Y Tu Mama Tambien. He does not disappoint in this movie. Newcomer, Rodrigo De La Serna, also gives an excellent performance.

Regardless of your politics and personal views of Che, you will walk away from this movie feeling a bit better about humanity.

I'm hoping this pulls Best Foreign Oscar.
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A sorely needed window on South America
leloo dallas28 April 2004
The Motorcycle Diaries does a great job of sketching out the character of Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, without any pandering to our knowledge of who he will become. There are no cheap shots and only one 'Che' joke-to explain the origin of the nickname, which is a play on the Argentinian accent. It's a deeply felt examination of the events that inspired the development of a political consciousness, with only a few touches of the hagiography that has developed around 'el Che' and those not until late in the film. Gael Garcia Bernal is completely believable and very human in the role, and there's real chemistry between him and Rodrigo de la Serna (any relation?) who plays his friend Granado, leading to a lot of funny moments-important, as ther are many stretches of the movie where it is just them and the scenery. The cinematography is truly gorgeous, and reminded me how little of the South American landscape we ever see on film in the U.S. The cinematographer has pulled off a major feat in shooting a period film in slightly grainy, sometimes shaky hand-held. No crane shots or sepia tinting here-the film quality immerses you in Guevara and Granado's experiences and makes them feel very immediate, without sacrificing any sense of history. A film like this is long overdue, and it deserves wide distribution. While the plot revolves around Che's awakening to the social struggles of South America (which are ongoing) there is a rich sense of place, and people, and beauty here. It seems to me that this is the first South American film in a few years that is not a world-weary documentary about social or political problems (and U.S. involvement in them), to open in the U.S. market. It's about the life of Che, yes, but it doesn't forget the people and problems that lead him into political activity, and will hopefully inspire viewers to pay more attention to what is going on around them, not only in Buenos Aires, Cuzco, Havana or Chiapas, but right next door.
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Great acting, direction and story - Oscar worthy
gauad8 December 2004
This movie is based on the true story that took Ernesto Guevara (Gael Garcia Bernal) and Alberto Granado (Rodrigo de la Serna) on a road trip all across and along South America in the 1950's. The script/direction elegantly avoids any politics or similar. Its focus is on the human transformation of two young Argentine professionals, a turning point in their lives, who decide to see their continent with their own eyes. This movie only covers Che Guevara's life BEFORE he became the famous Che Guevara. Most of us would agree with Che's goals but less, I guess, would agree with his means. However, the movie concentrates on how the world changed Ernesto which in turn led him to try to change the world. The movie ends at the end of their road trip. I understand that there is another movie in the making (with Benicio del Toro) which will show the rest of Che' s life, with politics and flying bullets included. The acting of the movie is first class: Gael Garcia Bernal performs at his best; however it is Rodrigo de la Serna's performance the one that is simply outstanding; not only he represents Granado's as a funny, outgoing character, but he also highlights Gael's characterization of Guevara. Great photography, humor, action, and drama are all ingredients of this movie. If you want to watch a movie that deals with reality and that contrasts with Hollywood's fantasies, this is your movie. You'll laugh, may be cry, but for sure you'll leave the theater thinking about a few things. Finally, this movie ironically represents Che's ultimate goal, a unified continent: the director is Brazilian, the main actor Mexican, the main actress and supporting actor Argentinean, the script writer is from Puerto Rico and the producer, Robert Redford is American. And, the movie was filmed in Argentina, Chile and Peru. Length: 2hs 04 min.
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Sheer brilliance
Stampsfightclub8 August 2006
From director Walter Salles comes a very moving road journey which had me completely spellbound by the end and I'm sure would gain many viewer's hearts as the infamous director dives deep into many different issues.

The story centres around two young doctors going on a motorbike journey around the world, not for personal gain but for the experience. This idea was completely outstanding. It gives the audience an understanding of young people's desires, not for personal gains such as money but for an experience into real life issues and wishing to know more about the world around them. These ideas I'm sure would make viewers aspire to be like the central characters to go out and explore the world and that was a reason why I personally loved this drama, because it gives inspiration to the audience and really moves them in a way which will leave you completely spellbound.

The film centres on many issues but one which stuck out for me was the heavy ideologies of health. In the year 1950 there were many health issues present in the poorer counties such as Peru and this Oscar winning drama is able to capture these issues magnificently. The two central protagonists are doctors and are wishing to help others with their knowledge and expertise as they explore the less fortunate countries to help with the many depressing health problems the countries are experiencing. There is a very highly emotional driven scene when the lead character tries to help a very ill woman who is refusing to be treated. Tensions are always running high in the latter stages of the film when many issues are wishing to be resolved and the central protagonists are putting themselves on the line to help the ill residents of the poor countries.

Having changes in situations was a very powerful technique. The characters experience a poor life and a rich life. Audiences will see different perspectives of life in the 1950s when seeing there are poor and rich countries and are divided by the smallest differences, such as illnesses. We also see more joyous moments and highly emotional driven scenes which also gives a sense of how life is, the good and bad sides are both expressed in equal amounts which in my opinion was a fantastic move and will capture your heart as it did mine

Centred on the 1950s the film captured the essence of the politically driven time beautifully. Audiences see job issues, money problems and country matters which all juxtapose perfectly to capture the essence of the time and crate a high realism in context of the time

The acting by everyone involved is absolutely outstanding and it confused me when not one received an Oscar nomination because Gael Garcia Bernal and Rodrigo De la Serna are remarkable as the two travellers. Both dealing with their own issues we see different types of characters but similar characteristics to which made the film more believable of society where opinions are divided but also shared.

Bernal plays a character who is always saying what he feels and is never wishing to back down from anyone or anything and he pulled it off tremendously. The passion he creates as the central protagonist Guevara is utterly astonishing as he deals with asthma problems, love lives and money issues. It's a lot for him to take as he realises how serious life can be. Serna to also pulls off a classic performance as the older more experienced of the two who is always looking for that little bit more than his fellow traveller.

Using different countries such as Peru, Venezuela, and Spain allows viewers to gain an insight into the vastness of life. Using poor countries as well as rich countries allows viewers to see different sides to the world in the 1950s and was pulled off greatly. The characters can therefore experience what a posh life is like as well as what life in the fast lane gives them. The camera work is astonishing. Shooting from Venezuela, Peru etc we see different perspective of the countries. The scenery is always beautiful with shots of the towns in a poor state and the general background of the countries is to be admired. The shots of the bike on the roads are to be admired. The camera moves adjacent to the bike giving the realistic effect of the bike moving fast along the empty roads, gaining a sense of freedom and enjoyment.

From watching this film I can say I have been inspired to get on a motorbike and explore the world. Seeing what the central protagonists saw will inspire many as it has inspired me and I have no hesitation in recommending this Oscar winning drama to anyone.
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Vive la revolutione!
adamjohns-4257527 March 2021
I know very little about Che Guevara and I can probably say that most of what I know comes from watching this film today.

As such, I have no opinions on his politics or judgements to make as to whether this film glorifies him in any way.

What I can say, is that this is a nice little story that's been put together in a charming way and acted very well. The two leads are superb and Gael Garcia Bernal has made it to my daily crush list with that cute little choochy face.

It's full of subtle humour and adventure alongside some darker sides and nuggets of romance.

I particularly liked the elements that made it seem that they were making a documentary film (Something like Michael Palin or Joanna Lumley might make). They talk to locals along their journey, mostly trying to find a place to stay or some food, but sometimes just establishing what is wrong in the world, which I can only assume is what lead Che to his revolution?

There are times when it seems a tad long and in need of editing, but not so badly that I felt I wouldn't watch it to the end.

It would be interesting to see the same story put together with the deeds of the rest of his life in a TV series in the style of 'The Godfather' or some such thing. As I have said, I know nothing about him, but I would be happy to watch a serial that gives all of the information in neat segments.

Beautifully filmed and worth a watch.
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A personal journey
carlos.virgile-315 September 2004
Why a film about Che now? Why suddenly a revival of a revolutionary hero?

Apathy, political blandness and complacency are the characteristics of today's world when compare with the 60's generation, and any left revolutionary dogma seems, for many reasons, to have been put at rest for the time being and until further notice. The relevance of this film today has many different facets and its success is particularly interesting at a moment of change, when wars, political and economical crisis and their global effects, are starting to provoke some reaction suggesting that involvement might just be around the corner. Wisely the film concentrates on following Guevara diaries before becoming radicalised and in the process of gaining knowledge and awareness of the struggle of the Latin American unprivileged classes and prior to breaking up with his middle class ties. The film has had many viewers that have criticized the lack of a stronger political definition in the portrait of the lead character, a more radical view of Guevara and of its political stand even at that early stage in his life. The film makes his image more digestible for a general audience, showing him in a sympathetic light and from a softer perspective. In my view this is exactly what it makes it relevant and interesting for today's audiences. Although the film grows in the memory as being a touch more political than what perhaps Walter Salles aimed for, it doesn't intend to preach politics or even try to be a full-blown biopic of an historical and controversial figure. What makes the message strong is the fact that we actually know who the character eventually will become after the story of the film finishes and the end titles start to run, that makes it rather more poignant. We only witness the beginning of his personal journey and know how much he will travel. The film is more about personal choices, experiences and decisions that eventually might change the course of a life, and particularly about the spirit of being young. The film recreates the freedom of adolescence, a time for absorbing and experimenting, the start of a trek where we discover the world and where justice and a hope for change is strongly embedded with the attitude of the young. Or at least that happen in the 60's generally and particularly in Latin America. The real quality of the film is that through a subtle, engaging, fun tale allows the audience to connect with a period where change, personal and internal, was possible, and where there was hope for a fairer future.

For anyone like myself from Argentina, part of a generation that were there and young at the time, the film evokes just that starting point. It is a rather emotional journey that takes back a whole generation that had firm beliefs in these ideals, as relevant today as they were in 1952 where the action of the film ends and Guevara flights back home shaken by the whole travel experience. It is rather significant that not that much has changed for the better in the Latin America of today, where the gap between the 'haves' and the 'have nots' has, if anything, grown wider. The film is simple and straightforward showing the real talent of Walter Salles for avoiding patronising his audience as he conveys an accurate portrait of the landscape and its people. There is perhaps some excessive 'under acting' on the approach from Gael Garcia Bernal to his performance [ ...was Che really ever such a "softie"?] but still, it is great to see him growing as an actor and as Che through the film. To counter balanced such a restrained interpretation, Rodrigo de la Serna projects the right dosage of charm and Argentinean street wisdom that gives the warmth and humanity the film exudes. The music of Gustavo Santaolaya adds a layer of depth and intensity whilst rightly avoiding, like the rest of the film, most of the traditional clichés of the South American image.
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Not brilliant, but a nice film nonetheless
The_Void27 March 2005
The Motorcycle Diaries is a film that tells the story of a young Che Guevara and his friend, Alberto, when they decided to womanise and bluff their way across South America on an old motorcycle. The story follows the common 'road movie' structure, with our hero's travelling and meeting various characters etc. However, there's also a strong documentary element in the film, and it seems keen to give us something of a history lesson about South America and the state of it's locals, which will either enlighten you or get on your nerves, depending on the sort of person you are. The film's method of story telling is efficient as it stays on track and doesn't go off in all different directions. However, this also works against the film because it becomes monotonous rather quickly, and it falls apart almost completely when it reaches it's rather lacklustre final. Still, realistic performances and an obvious good heart always ensure that the film remains interesting and even in it's final third, the motorbike never completely stops running.

As mentioned, the acting in this movie is something to admire. It's so realistic that if anyone told you that anyone in this movie wasn't actually the character that they're playing on screen, you wouldn't believe them. This sort of realism isn't captured often, but The Motorcycle Diaries does it effortlessly. The artistic merit of the movie is benefited immensely by the truly stunning location shots, and it is more than evident that director Walter Salles is keen to get the beauty of South America across to his viewers, and make the contrast between the state of the peoples' lives and the picturesque areas that surround them. However, because this film follows a period of Che Guevara's life that occurred before he would go on to find fame, I got the impression that I would rather have been watching a film about his later days. On the whole, The Motorcycle Diaries is a nice movie and I'm not surprised at the strong critical reaction it's getting. However, I didn't find it stimulating enough and the final third lets it down.
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A subtle portrait of the birth of an idealist
paul2001sw-115 January 2008
In 1952 Ernesto "Che" Guevara was a shy, middle class medical student in Argentina. Within a few years, he had become the world's most iconic revolutionary, a personal journey that begun with a physical one, a trip undertaken with a friend around South America. This was an age before budget airlines and backpackers hostels, so the expedition was a hard one, even if it could only have been contemplated by a child of (relative) privilege; and in Walter Salles' film, 'The Motorcycle Diaries', these travels are sympathetically and understatedly recreated, with the story of Guervara's political development the underlying (but subtly handled) theme. The movie showcases the beautiful scenery of Chile and Peru, and convincingly portrays a perhaps more austere age than our own, in which Guevera and his companion might be honoured and humbled by the people they met. The two are presented as appealing characters, in no way heroic but open-minded, human and compassionate; based of Che's own writings, it may not be neutral but although the pair start no revolutions (except for a minor revolt against the nuns in a leper colony), it's still an inspiring story. A world of immense inequality and suffering would be a better place today if more of those fortunate enough to be able to travel were to do so in the spirit of Che.
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Something critical missing from this film.
jwholmes29 November 2004
I also found this film oddly unsatisfying, but hardly poor. The scenery and general cinematography are outstanding and the performances are uniformly fine. But there is something altogether too abrupt in the portrayal of Guevara's radicalization. At the same time, not enough of the internal dimension of this metamorphosis is communicated visually or through performance. The symbolism of the broken-down motorcycle is not sufficient substitute for the scope of these changes, and I could have used more development of this passage. Without this, the later scenes at the leper colony come across as too facile and strangely reminiscent of a TV-movie of the week. I wanted to like this film very much, but found myself leaving the theater unmoved.
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intrinsicchaos16 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Now, that was one excellent flick. It's about Ernesto "Che" Guevara and his best friend, Alberto Granado as they go on a 10,000 kilometer motorcycle trip all across Sudamerica. As they depart their homebase in Argentina, they're just two boys, Ernesto nearly finished with medical school and Alberto a newly-minted biochemist, wanting to see the world and get laid as much as they can before they get old and tied down. But after passing through heights and valleys, mountains and deserts, they emerge as men.

If you're looking for a communist propaganda film, this isn't it. The story of Ernesto's self- actualization, however, does resonate with many similar mythical/religious figures. It's almost Buddhist as you watch him leave the stately boulevards of Buenos Aires and come in contact with the vast ethnic diversity of Latin America and share stories with a thirsty couple whose only option is to toil in a mine in the Atacama Desert after being evicted off their grandfather's farm for being communists, indigenous Incan descendants who are left with little money or livelihood, and Peruvian farmers who organize to save their land from the Lima bureaucrats.

After witnessing these hardships forced upon the common people, he reaches his final destination, the Brazilian San Pedro leper colony. The Amazon splits this colony into two, with the doctors and nurses living on the north bank and the lepers on the south bank. There, the Che/Buddha figure, on the eve of his 24th birthday, proclaims his wish for the unification of all indigenous peoples to the stunned nuns and then swims across the Amazon to the leper side. As the doctors and nuns call him to come back to their side, he nearly drowns from the self-baptism but reaches the cheering leper crowd. Ernesto, as Christ resurrected, declares he has "a lot of thinking to do," and, as the epilogue reads, within ten years becomes el commandante of Cuba. The CIA then assassinates him in the Bolivian jungle.

It's rather surprising that Che, with his prodigal journey, never quite became the leader of a new religion, but one could argue that his iconic stature affords him the same respect from his followers (particularly since socialism/communism frowns on religion) as Christ receives from his believers. Alberto goes on to found the Santiago School of Medicine and and his eternally loyal friend.
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MobileMotion1 October 2004
This is a well made biographical movie, which works well in parts, but as a whole fails to deliver. The film looks good, without being stunning. The acting is flawless, without being inspiring. The story told here is fairly inoffensive. What surprised me was how tepid this was, considering the nature of the character it focuses on.

One major problem I had with this movie is it doesn't seem to know what it wants to be - it starts as a light-hearted buddy road movie, with considerably less edge than, say, Easy Rider. It drifts on in this way, with Guevara at times too-honest-to-be-true (hint hint - he's going to be a revolutionary leader one day). Half way or so he discovers he cares about the injustice of third world poverty. He goes round with some lepers looking concerned, swims a river, everybody's happy, then end.

But where was the conflict? Where was the internal struggle as Guevara's new beliefs lead him against his old way of life? Is this a bio-pic about one of the 20th century's most notable revolutionary leaders, or about two likable students bumming around South America on a motorbike. Both and neither.

What was missing was a complicated character with dark and light sides, good and bad, internal struggles - eg: Lawrence of Arabia. What you get here is a watered-down Jesus-figure.

Like Guevara, I have suffered from asthma since I was 2. The movies never get it right - and this one was no exception. Asthma is not like that - I know they have to dramatise it but all these loud choking sounds actors make are silly. When you have asthma you wheeze, you struggle to draw in a breath - so you either have to breath very very slowly, or with quick short breaths. I'm sure one day I'll see a movie where they get it right.
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tcarrozzier8 February 2005
Having read a lot about Che (including the book on which the movie is based)and having embraced many of the ideals he espoused and fought for, I was unfortunately disappointed by this film. It is rather dry, with little if any meaningful dialogue, and perhaps most importantly one does not get a true sense of what Che was becoming. The transformation from Che the student to Che the idealist is not apparent in the film, and ultimately I found the only positive aspect to be the cinematography which included some beautiful scenery. A film should be judged for the effectiveness with which its message is delivered, not for the nature of its message. In other words, people should criticize the film more than they criticize Che and communism. This was not a film about communism, but a film about Che's personal transformation, through his travels as a young Argentine. In my opinion, the film was not effective in showing this. I would like some feedback from other people, but please refrain from making this a political debate.
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Humanism, Awareness, Coming of Age: The Soul of Revolution
gradyharp26 November 2004
THE MOTORCYCLE DIARIES is certainly one of the finest films of the year - a daring, compassionate re-creation of the journey of two young, well-to-do Argentinean lads who leave their privileged positions of biochemist and fourth year Medical student to follow their idea of traveling by motorcycle from their native Buenos Aires down to Patagonia, up through Chile, Peru, Colombia to Venezuela. Sounds like a light hearted Trip Movie, but instead this journey, factually made by one Ernesto (aka 'Che' and 'Fuser') Guevara de la Serna and his close friend Alberto Granado ('Chubby'), is one of the most touching and sensitive passages into self acceptance and awareness of the world as a place where equality of people is a microscopic speck of illusion that is revealed by a carefully constructed script by Jose Rivera based on the diaries of both of these men made during and after their journey. Walter Salles ("Behind the Sun", "Central Station") once again proves himself a director who can infuse his vision of a story with uncomplicated directness of approach, having the sensitivity to allow his well-chosen actors to create wholly believable, three-dimensional characters, whether the actors are the leads or simply minor roles that hold the camera's eye for seconds.

Taken as simply a movie to enjoy, THE MOTORCYCLE DIARIES is as beautiful as a National Geographic Magazine feature on the Amazon and the deserted and populated lands of South America. But given his re-creation of Che Guevara's and Alberto Granado's meaningful excursion into manhood this movie goes far beyond entertainment and enters that rarefied arena of psycho biography. Traveling on an old motorcycle, the two lads encounter hunger, accidents, lusting after women at every stop, ingratiating panhandling, and the gradual revelation of the quality of life of the indigenous peoples of South America. They are touched by the plights of the people, the people in turn love the boys, and they eventually spend three weeks living and working in a leprosarium run by the nuns, adding their knowledge of medicine to helping not only the physical needs of the lepers but finding ways to break the psychosocial ostracism that historically curses the 'unclean'. Breaking down these barriers, forming strong relationships with those tending the lepers as well as the lepers themselves, lays the seeds of 'revolution' or Change in the minds of the lads, especially Ernesto or 'Che'. The film does not begin to preach or to make the Che Guevara of Cuban militancy fame a hero: it doesn't have to, as the transformation in the mind of Che is so beautifully subtle. The journey has given him the insight that he must devote himself to changing the inequality and poverty of his America. The events that followed this Motorcycle journey are provided in voice over, black and white footage of people's faces, and a final scene in Havana at the ending of the film. No more need be said.

Gael Garcia Bernal gives an incredibly thoughtful, stunning portrayal of Che, saying so much more with his eyes, his body language (especially as he suffers through his own physical demon of asthma attacks), and his perfect embodiment of the spirit of a man who becomes enlightened by the peasants he comes to love. Bernal is already a brilliant actor and a magnetic screen presence, and if he is not nominated for an Oscar for this unique, artful role it will be a major surprise. His is a career to watch! Likewise Rodrigo de la Serna is completely immersed in his role as Alberto and shows the same quality of quiet growth as a character as the movie progresses. ALL of the many extras in this huge cast are memorable: the leper colony abounds with some of the most touching human beings ever captured on film. The camera work, the musical scoring, the obvious commitment on the part of everyone involved in this glorious picture - every aspect of THE MOTORCYCLE DIARIES is exactly right. Ten Stars for this one! In Spanish with English subtitles
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A Movie That Deserved Many Nominations to the Oscar
claudio_carvalho21 July 2005
I have just watched this wonderful movie, and I really believe that it deserved the nominations of best picture, best lead actor, best support actor, best cinematography and best soundtrack. The story of the romantic process of consciousness of Ernesto "Che" Guevara de la Serna of the situation of Latin America, ruled by injustice and exploration by the great nations, through a road trip with his best friend Alberto Granado, is spectacular. There are right doses of action, comedy and drama in this movie, supported by an outstanding direction, two magnificent actors, wonderful landscapes and a stunning music score. The ridiculous decision of the academy of using Antonio Banderas as a singer in the ceremony of the Oscar was outrageous. My vote is ten.

Title (Brazil): "Diários de Motocicleta" ("Motorcycle Diaries")
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Tony-Kiss-Castillo26 December 2023
FIRST: Let us FOCUS on the Title´s Content and Context:

MOVIES inspired by TRUE EVENTS.... Such as DIARIOS DE MOTOCICLETA (The ORIGINAL TITLE IN SPANISH!) have long been my favorite genre....and I am sure...A FAVORITE GENRE of many of You READERS!

And DIARIOS I am SURE...was NO exception!

Jay Leno, perhaps the most famous comedian on American television some years back, in his monologue the night after the 2005 Oscars, said: "I was so happy this morning that I sang that really wonderful Oscar winning song while driving , ... "La-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la ... EL RIO! ..... God, What GREAT Lyrics, eh? "

Be that as it may, Mr. Leno was right about one thing: : "Al Otro Lado Del Rio", that song from Motorcycle Diaries really does have some exquisite lyrics! Obviously, Mr. Leno was also right about the focus of his joke. At least 98% of Gringos and non-Hispanics in the U. S. A. Probably cannot appreciate nor understand much of these poetic lyrics. However, on the Richter scale of cultural impact, I would rate this event as something like an "8"!

There are almost six thousand actors, directors, producers, cinematographers, etc., who are members of The Academy of Arts and Sciences with the right to vote in all categories with nominations. The other Best Song Options available to them in 2005 were, "Accidentally in Love" from Shrek 2, "Believe" appearing in The Polar Express, "Learn to Be Lonely" from The Phantom of the Opera, and "Vois Sur Ton Chemin" a song in French from "Les Choristes".

Before the Oscars, I quite honestly did not have high hopes that "Rio" was going to win. Songs in English are always sure winners! Even throughout the entire history of the Oscars, there had never been winning song in another language, except only once, and that happened sixty years ago: The very beautiful and romantic "Un Homme Et Une Femme" (1966) Which turned out to be the very First and ONLY time that the Golden Statette was awarded to a song in French, or any other foreign language, for that matter! But between 1966 and 2005, there certainly was a lot of change!

Sure, for many people, the Oscar for a song in Spanish does not seem so important in itself, but taken in conjunction with a recent series of related events, there is a real feeling that there is a change in the trajectory of the American cultural river. Also, interestingly enough, for the first time, a Spanish-speaking actress, Colombian Catalina Sandino Moreno, was nominated in the category of Best Actress. A few months ago, the film SPANGLISH attempted to show us just how difficult it is to try to assimilate into mainstream culture, without losing much of their own Hispanic identity.

Fifty years ago, it would have been almost impossible for many Americans to name more than 2, 3 or 4 Latinos. Now we have Jennifer Lopez, Sophia Vergara, Shakira, Antonio Banderas, Marc Anthony, Salma Hayek, Penelope Cruz, Carlos Santana, Ricky Martin, Celia Cruz, Elizabeth Peña, Andy Garcia and John Leguizamo, among many others. With the selecting of "Al Otro Lado Del Rio", Hollywood seems to be telling the world, "The Spanish language also has an important place in the United States!" 9********* ....ENJOY/DISFRUTELA Any comments, questions or observations, in English or Spanish, are welcome!
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Che is not become famous humanitarian worker
hrvoje-d2 November 2019
Problem of this movie is that we all know later biography of Che Guevara. Movie don't give answer for most important question, why Che not become famous humanitarian worker instead of most popular revolutionary.
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Perfect Portrait: Those Halcyon Days of our Youth
zabokrugby815 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First, had to set aside my prejudices to view this film. If you're like me whenever 'Ernesto Che Guevera' is even mentioned en passant, I found myself conflicted. Yes, I too have many preconceived notions as to who the 'real' Che was. But from the film adaptation of the novel by Guevera's own hand, we learn that Ernesto started out in earnest (scuza the pun): Guevera studied to become a doctor. Quite the noble calling. And far flung from his later political activist career where his life was cut short: he died in a hail of bullets; called for by his Bolivian captors and eventual executioners.

Let me set that all aside for now. Ernesto or 'Fuser' as he was affectionately known to his side kick and co-adventurer, Alberto, who is slightly older but still in his twenties plans the adventure of a lifetime. Together the 20 year-old idealists riding two up in the saddle atop an oil bleeding but still functioning single cylinder 500 cc Norton affectionately named 'The Mighty One' set out. They envision seeing and experiencing the length and a good part of the breadth of the South American continent.

The intrepid explorers begin their journey in their native Argentina. From Buenos Aires, they ride south. Then they plan to head north: hug the Pacific coast and follow the roads all the way up from the tip of Chile. Their destination: Venezuela. Once they reached Caracas, Fuser and Alberto would celebrate the latter's 30th birthday. The entire journey was to take no more than six months.

En route, the explorers experience everything from the forever changing landscapes such as the towering Chilean Andes to the gamut of human emotions. Even at their tender age, I doubt if the lads were prepared or even welcomed their encounters with fellow 'average' Latin Americans. Especially poignant is their visit to a Leper Colony. Fuser is moved from the very first encounter. Moreover, he cannot hide his indignation at the suffering of the sick but also for the oppressed peoples that they encounter throughout. Alberto, on the other hand, is all too consumed with his amorous side of the adventure. For certain, he is not one to morph into a deep thinker. Not if a loose skirt or unbuttoned female tunic beckons nearby.

Late in the film, Alberto though does have his epiphany; sort of. In Venezuela,the two pals who were almost inseparable but at times insufferable; part ways. Fuser now filled to the brim with memories of the social injustices he's experienced everywhere on the continent is resolute: he vows to change the world. Or at least the Latin American contingent. Alberto,not of the same persuasion, disavows himself from that laudable platitude. But not before the two exchange tear filled hugs. Then Alberto returns to Venezuela. Fuser doesn't join him; he sets his sights farther afield: Cuba.

Throughout this film, I was drawn to their journey. Many times I felt transported to each scene: I was right there, alongside the two Latin musketeers. And along with the ethos and pathos themes there was plenty of humor to draw from as well: such as their harrowing escape from the local dance hall after Fuser tried to romance the drunken mechanic's wife. The benevolent tradesman who just hours earlier had offered to repair the 'tired' Norton for free, sobered up just in time: a friend caught the two tryst makers escaping into the Chilean night air; almost certain they would christen their chance meeting.

Both director Walter Salles and producer Robert Redford deserve many kudos for making this stirring and moving film. Despite what your views now are on how Ernesto Che Guevera turned out later, if you're like me, theFuser character as portrayed brilliantly in the film by Gael Garcia Bernal is one to emulate at any age. To wit, it's never too late to show compassion on those that society has forgotten. Makes no difference where you live either. Or what your political affiliations are. How can we remain silent when so much injustice still abounds in the world? I remember Fuser saying the exact same line. Many times; still needs to be said even more.

Good on all those who helped make this film a reality. Because the reality is this: much social injustice exists around the globe even today; still seems to be a topic that is to be avoided at all costs; especially by the 'haves'. A pithy but needed observation...
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a little bit funny but mostly meandering repetitiveness
SnoopyStyle28 May 2015
In 1952, 23 year old medical student Ernesto Guevara de la Serna (Gael García Bernal) later known as Che Guevara decides to spend 4 months to ride around South America with 29 year old biochemist friend Alberto Granado (Rodrigo De la Serna) on an old beat-up motorcycle. There are girls, fights, breakdowns, sickness and most importantly Che's discovered connections to the people.

Gael García Bernal is a real charmer and a convincing ladies man. He is handled with reverence. The country is beautiful. The story meanders like their trip. The relationship is not that compelling and they have no deep revelations. They are mostly a bickering couple. It's a little funny but repetitive. It's like a travelogue without much tension. If not for Che, this would be a rather unremarkable road movie.
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Great interpretations and wonderful location
npani-129 May 2004
Sorry for my bad English but i'd like to tell you my totally positive impression about this work. From every point of view this movie is very good: actors are great, location are *wonderful* (I want to go to Cile!!!:)) and the shots ("riprese" in italian) are very original and help to completely involve yourself in that spectacular world. I have very appreciated interpretations of the two protagonist that have alternated moments full of pathos with nice moment of relax. Maybe the real protagonist of the film is all the America Latina and especially the inhabitants. All the appearances ("comparse" in italian) have rules of great thickness and especially one (the miner with his wife) is fantastic! This work must be wacthed not only because it is full of meaning and it represent a way of reflection but also it's fast, nice and never too rhetorical.
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needed a little more bite, less sentimentalism
ezekielp18 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
One of the only reasons I even gave this film a 6 out of 10 was for its beautiful scenery and, at times, excellent acting. Let's face it, Garcia Bernal is just pretty, too. But I was surprised to see what a high rating this film received from the viewing body of IMDb, with whom I usually agree.

The film purports to tell the story of a young Che Guevara, based on a book by the man of the same title. however, the book tells a significantly grimier tale of their constantly broken down motorcycle, frequent sexual liaisons, and plenty of drinking. This film has some of all that, but it inevitably returns to Che's good nature and long-lasting love for the woman he left behind, eventually it seems, for the good of the people he wants to help.

Did this not reek of Hollywood sentimentalism to other viewers?? Che is portrayed as someone who can seemingly do no wrong in the movie, while even in his depiction of himself in his book, he is no such angel. There are many scenes in the movie in which he is seen being overwhelmed by the nice people around him who all seemingly love him and him just standing there dumbly smiling.

Two more things. One, his big feat at the end of the movie, swimming across the river, is flawed both symbolically and as a physical act. He is not swimming across to the island with the lepers for any particular purpose, unlike his very clear purposes in his revolutionary actions. All the people on both sides eventually cheer him on, but what for? He's not doing it for any reason! Why do they really care! Probably because Garcia Bernal, like Guevara, is a very attractive man. That's not a good enough reason though. And physically, he's swimming across a river, another biiiiiig deal kind of feat, not the kind of thing the hero does at the end to make the viewer see how incredible he is.

And the ending! He overtly says to his friend that "he needs to do a lot of thinking. The people, they need help." There was assuredly no such 30 seconds of realization in Che, especially when saying goodbye to his good friend for a long time. This also brought out the awful stench of Hollywood-esquire sentimental crap, trying to get the viewer to say "Oh, it's Che! He did all sorts of revolutionary stuff! And this is him transitioning!", instead of what was probably more realistic, which would be to leave that out.

NOT good enough a film to be in the IMDb top 250, and really, barely a 6.
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One of the great Movies of our times
Cinema_Critic7 November 2004
I believe this is a most see film. Great acting, great casting, great cinematography, great script, great soundtrack, great directing.

It really touches the heart of the viewers, at least mine.

Gael Garcia is an incredibly talented actor, and does a great job in this movie.

Should win at least an Oscar for best foreign film.

10/10 (*****)


PS: if you have any comments on this comment, or would like to discuss about this or other films, write me:
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A rare case where I like the movie more than the book
sessedup16 September 2020
I read Che's diary and I gotta say, the cinematography, well-rounded characters, and of course, Gael Garcia Bernal's gorgeous face, made this movie more alluring than the book. I've watched it twice and the story does get richer with age. It's also inspired my own travels through South America, with Che's troubles over injustice in the back of my mind. Would recommend.
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A " lavishly illustrated Rough Guide to white liberal self-affirmation."
radiohed-12 October 2004
That is a quote from Jessica Winter's review of Diarios de Motocicleta in The Village Voice that basically explains my feelings towards the film. First, I would like to get the politics out of the way: I consider myself a liberal, but I have never cared for Che Guevara's political philosophy. His admirers are very quick to dismiss his totalitarian leanings and repression of civil liberties. However, I can certainly admire and enjoy a film that represents ideas and philosophies with which I do not agree; for example, I am certainly not a Nazi sympathizer, but I acknowledge the artistry of Leni Riefenstahl's films. Diarios de Motocicleta, however, is an insipid and forgettable film based on the memoirs of arguably one of the 20th century's most recognizable individuals.

What should have been a lively coming of age story has been reduced to over-simplistic hero worship. Before he christened himself as "Che," Ernesto Guevara de la Serna (Gael Garcia Bernal) was a middle-class, asthmatic medical student from Buenos Aires who, in 1952 with his biochemist friend, Alberto Granado (Rodrigo de la Serna) set off on a journey across South America on a dilapidated motorcycle. Instead of an exhilarating depiction of a journey that is in itself a fantastic yarn, director Walter Salles and Jose Rivera would rather the audience remain conscious of the influential figure that Ernesto would later become.

An admiring depiction of a person's life is fascinating if it exposes his or her flaws as well, which Diarios de Motocicleta fails to do. Instead of showing him as stubborn and myopic, Ernesto is painted as heroic and idealistic. His only major fault seems to be that he is a terrible dancer. Most people who will see this film are no doubt fond of Che, even if only on a superficial level, so they will buy into the hero-worship hook, line, and sinker. They will also certainly approve of the ending credits' note that Che was "murdered" by the CIA, because "killed" is not as powerful a word. Such blind admiration is disturbingly frustrating, and it is well epitomized by Ernesto's swim across the Amazon to his downtrodden comrades in a leper colony as he is cheered on by them and his colleagues. Apparently his love of the people is so powerful it cured his asthma, which is great for the sake of everyone who owns a Che Guevara t-shirt.

Personally, I was more intrigued by Alberto Granado, wonderfully played by Rodrigo de la Serna. Alberto is a fascinating and flawed individual who blindly chases wine, women, and song. He is depicted warmly yet remains firmly human. If only they had done the same for Che.

While watching Diarios de Motocicleta I couldn't help but think about another Spanish-language coming-of-age film starring Gael Garcia about two friends who embark on a journey that will change their lives; I would recommend to anyone to rent Alfonso Cuaron's Y Tu Mama Tambien instead of sitting through two hours of "white liberal self-affirmation." I'm certain Che would disapprove of the idea of paying to see a film about him, anyway.
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george.schmidt5 October 2004
THE MOTORCYCLE DIARIES (2004) ***1/2 Gael Garcia Bernal,

Rodrigo De la Serna, Mia Maestro. (Dir: Walter Salles)

Che Guevera is sadly best known today as a mysterious icon for a pop culture ironic t-shirt sported by the supposedly hip and political. Few, including this reviewer, really knew much more about the firebrand revolutionist who was a comrade in Cuban arms with Fidel Castro in a crusade that led to his eventual capture and execution by the CIA as a notorious fly-in-the-ointment career criminal.

However new insight – albeit a few shades of grey and free styling dramatic license intact – depicts a twenty something medical student named Ernesto Guevera da la Serna, a South American native (memorably portrayed by the ever soulful Bernal, in a truly outstanding breakthrough performance) who partners with his best friend Alberto Granado (strongly supportive De la Serna) on a trek by motorcycle (a battered 1939 Norton to be exact) an 800 plus mile quest from Argentina up thru the upper regions of Peru with nothing but a few provisions and even less dinero.

Relying on their bonhomie, make-shift surroundings and clever improvisation the odd couple manage to get to Ernesto's girlfriend's nouveau riche family where he tells the lovely Chichina Ferreyra (the fetching Maestro) that he wants her to wait for him but knows in his heart this is more than likely never to be.

After several humorous encounters along the fray the duo finally have to give up their trusty vehicle after many hardships and torrential weather obstacles to go on foot then finally on ferry to their destination: an internship with a leper colony. Along the way the duo meet many disenfranchised and impoverished fellow countrymen and their women and families and with each soul-crushing pit-stop you can feel the stirrings of ire catching fire within the young man who will become Che Guevera.

Salles, who directed the exceptional CENTRAL STATION, smartly allows his two fine actors plenty of room to get into the skins of their funny, fighting and deep souled characters while enlisting the picturesque surroundings of the lush and jaw-droppingly beautiful playas, mountains and countryside (exquisitely rendered by ace cinematographer Eric Gautier) and underlies the proceedings with a hauntingly stirring score by Gustavo Santaolalla.

But it is Bernal who is most powerful in his implosive, soulful and heartfelt turn as the young impassioned man just about to break for greatness; the same can be said of this talented actor's star bursting career.
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