The Pest (1997) Poster


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It's NOT a love-it-or-hate-it's neither extremely bad not extremely good.
gridoon25 April 2003
"The Pest" has moments of mind-numbing stupidity (and at least five fart jokes too many). It's also offensive in its homophobic attitude, and its anti-German sentiments are so strong that you would think the script was written in 1940. But it still is a very easy film to watch, because it looks slick, it moves fast, and it has one hell of a driving music beat to it. It also has some hints of surrealism (the "dueling car stereos" scene), and does make you laugh a couple of times: not so much with Leguizamo's "impressions" (which are mostly awful), but at other, rather unexpected moments (the "Stop repeating what I'm saying! I mean it!" scene). I'd say it generally makes you laugh more often than many other comedies that have a higher reputation. (**1/2)
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Hints of genius few and far in between.
Staack11720 February 2002
Obviously this didn't win any awards for excellency, but it wasn't that horrible of a movie either. It showed bits and pieces of comedic genius mixed in with lowbrow and downright idiotic slapstick. Could this be a deeper and uncomfortable view into the twisted mind of Leguizamo (who must have been on a diet of sugar and caffeine throughout the filming of The Pest)? For what it's worth, about 20 minutes into the movie I wanted to kill his character, Pest. Hopefully that's what the writer intended... It was worth the $1.50 I paid for it, but it wouldn't last 1 second against true comedic genius like Pee Wee's Big Adventure.
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A different type of comedy
zmanjz6 March 2003
The pest is a unique movie in that it is ridiculous as possible, yet in all honesty I was entertained by it. This movie is a really bad version of the story "A Most Dangerous Game".

As bad as this movie is it is entertaining to some extent.

There is a great scene when the pest is being hunted by the Scottish mob regarding the birthday of a famous Scotsman which is just so absurd that I could not help laughing.

This is not a great movie... in fact it IS a bad movie, one that you're likely to see in the $5.00 bin at walmart. But for a cheap laugh (and with disturbing foresight into the future of slang) it's worth seeing at least once.
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Fast Paced Comedy
Ashlee-314 May 1999
I found this movie Very enjoyable. I was laughing out loud and I really enjoyed the humor of it. If you are familiar with John Leguizamo's comedy and you are a fan of it this movie is a must see. It is a take on the novel "The Most Dangerous Game" and it focuses on the event's Pestario (Leguizamo) must overcome such as the fact the Scottish mob is after him, a crazy German nazi, Gustav, (Jeffrey Jones) is hunting him, and Gustav's homosexual son ,Himmel (Edoardo Ballerini), who is obsessed with "snakes", is obsessed with him too! This comedy moves fast yet is highly enjoyable!
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One of the worst movies I have ever seen.
rosscamp-126 June 2006
This movie was on TV at three AM, and I can see why. The humor in this is absolutely horrible. It is slapstick humor that is not pulled off well at all. The acting is dismal. The racial comments are completely unnecessary, and are not funny in the least. This movie has the quality of a straight to video movie, or a terrible made-for-TV movie. Don't get me wrong, I love my silly humor in films such as Airplane!, The Naked Gun series and Wrongfully Accused, but this was just stupid humor. And the fact that this whole thing had to deal with a hunt made me feel that this movie was in essence Ace Ventura 2 with a worse plot, more stupid humor, and the worst acting I have ever been forced to watch. Avoid this movie at all costs.
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How did this happen?
velveeto21 August 1999
I have no idea how anyone got involved in making this pitiful movie. My guess is that John Leguizamo didn't have a lawyer crafty enough to get him out of this embarrassing situation. I didn't notice this movie on the 100 Worst List, but certainly warn others to pass on this one. Don't go looking for curiosity or kitsch value either, it has none.
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david-walsh3326 October 2003
...un-funny and un-entertaining, possibly the worst movie I have ever had the misfortune to watch. Think 'Ernest goes to..' humour done even worse. Myself and my girlfriend sat through it just to see if it could be as consistently dire as it seems in the opening sequence... Yes it is. Avoid at all costs.
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People are crazy this movie is great
Jellyhead_8524 June 2020
You have to understand that this movie is just meant to be fun. It is hilarious. Even if there are a few fart jokes and toilet humor mixed in, there are some seriously hilarious parts that make this movie fantastic. One liners like no other movie. People are trying to take this movie too seriously like its trying to be more than it is.
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Unfunny and moronic vehicle for an irritating talentless idiot
slick_moon3 July 2005
This movie is just not at all funny. It's a vehicle to showcase the dubious talents of John Leguizamo, apparently the world's most irritating and least entertaining man. Like a Latino Chris Rock but without the shyness and self effacing humility. I actually watched this having been taken in by the favourable comment then shown on this site without hitting "search for other comments". In retrospect the reason for this individual's thorough enjoyment of The Pest is obvious from the terrible grammar, missing and multiple punctuation, and towards the end of the review, CAPITAL letters appearing in the MIDDLE of sentences for NO apparent REASON. An example of the film's humour: The star does a rap in the shower over the opening credits, involving various impressions. The longest of these is The Count from Sesame Street, counting his farts which he calls "stinkie pinkies" and making mock disgusted faces. If this sounds hilarious to you, then by all means YOU must see THIS MOVIE!!!!
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Another Stupid Comedy
Johnnycitystar4 October 2007
At times when I watch this movie i start to think that the people who made this movie were on drugs.What's wrong with this film I'll tell you Bad Plot,Bad Jokes.Bad Acting and flat-out characters everything just bad.

The movie is about Pest Vargas a two-bit scam hustler who is given the chance at $50,000 to survive for 24 hours by a German hunter who kills people for a now Pest must think of ways to out think this hunter before he gets killed.

I know what your thinking "What The Hell is this?" a another wannabe Ace Ventura trying to get money really this plot is just dull and confusing at times it changes the story plot and you get lost during the film.

As for the funny scenes this film I had a straight face oh yeah I did smile a couple times but nothing laugh-out loud.besides the jokes are corny and seen before it's like watching Ace Ventura meets Dumb and Dumber but bad.

As for character development it's dry and flat.You don't learn much about the main character Pest all you know is he's a annoying scam hustler but that's it he doesn't change his image or be a little smart just for The German hunter all you is that he's crazy and wants to go back to Germany.really you start to wonder why is this guy living on an island if has money to go to Germany.The hunter's son Himmel fares better but not much.He's really a coward and is snake-obsessed for reasons by the end He stands Up to his father and sides with Pest.

As for the acting no only were there any memorable perforamces but just over the top.For example John Legizomo is so over the top with performance and dosen't fit in his role he's out of place as for Jeffery Jones who plays the hunter same thing but gives a stereotypical performance as for the rest either just no used enough or just over the top.

overall bad comedy that you'll find for $2.00 at K-Mart.
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This is the Worst Movie i have ever seen in my life, and i've seen a lot !!
pokerlegend8919 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is the worst comedy i have ever seen !! I have seen a lot of comedy's and this was the first movie i stopped after 45 minutes because it was so annoying and NOT FUNNY AT ALL. The acting was very bad and Pestario 'pest'vargas (the leading part) Was the most annoying man i have ever seen i wanted to kill myself when i saw this movie. I was watching the movie with 10 family members and everyone hated the movie and they were all very relieved when i asked if anyone else hated it so much, when i asked it i heard 10 people saying YES !!!. So this is a warning do not watch this movie its horrible and a waist of your money.
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The Pest is an excellent comedic movie!
supramaxx28 January 2003
I dont know why some people say that this movie is horrible. Its one of my favorite comedies.Leguizamo is an excellent actor he's like an hispanic Chris Tucker, One of my fave actors, The plot is excellent, and the acting is great. Leguizamo is absolutely Hilarious and everything is just so DAMN Funny. To those people who hate, please apreciate true comedic treasure when u see it. Everything is great and I love the racial slurs. To those who say only morons would watch this movie, I consider myself to be intelligent, and this movie is GREAT. If U like Chris Tucker U'll like John Leguizamo and this GREAT movie All comedies should be this damn good. SEE THIS MOVIE IF U WANT TO LAUGH!! Go out and rent it, Buy it NOW. Its one of the best comedies of the 90's. 9.5 out of 10. I know how to rate movies. Trust me, Not them.
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Unique and goofy, Check it out if you like John Leguizamo
roknrollchik28 June 2006
It's true that "The Pest" is not the most amazing piece of cinematography ever made, but if you go in with the right attitude, it's a funny little movie. I love John Leguizamo, so perhaps I'm a little biased...but I definitely think this movie is worth watching. It can be a little offensive if you are the type of person who doesn't like ethnic jokes. But I feel that the Pest's ethnic jokes are more of a statement than simply tasteless humor; numerous ethnic groups are "targeted" and their stereotypes made fun of. In this way, the ridiculousness of discrimination and segregation is illuminated. And you can laugh at it, which is even better!
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psb198223 February 2004
I have seen many movies over the years and I am a big fan of comedies.

But this so-called comedy almost reduced me to tears. It is without a doubt the WORST movie I have ever witnessed, the worst.

I remember hearing about this movie from a friend, and decided to view it. If I could I could turn back time, I would. I will regret for as long as I live, the time I wasted watching this rubbish.

The storyline is so insane; it just makes no-sense at all and leaves you confused. There is a Scottish mob and a German headhunter who are after Pestario 'Pest' Vargas (John Leguizamo), the Scottish mob after $50,000 dollars and the Germans after his head.

In trying to escape The Pest, takes the form of many disguises. But in doing this we witness some of the most annoying, worst, mind numbing acting, dialogue and sounds in cinema history. This movie annoyed me so much; by the end I was full of aggression. I was so angry that I had wasted so much time watching a movie that would surely drive depressed people to almost certain suicide. I mean how can there be hope when a movie like this can be given permission to be made?

I know people have their own opinions, but the most shocking thing about The Pest is that people actually like it. Why? What is funny about a man that is annoying from the very first second to the last? A man who cannot act? Who has an annoying voice and confusing face?

I sat through it thinking the movie would get better, surely it would. It did not. Usually, you want the good guy to survive, but I wanted the Germans or the Scottish mob to find and kill The Pest, anything to put me out of my misery. There is nothing funny, interesting or normal that happens in this movie, its just plain annoying and confusing. The jokes are dead even before they are told. I feel sorry for the cameramen who have no say in how the movie is made, but actually have to film this drivel. I wouldn't be surprised if they are receiving counselling.

If you want to remain sane and part of society, my advice is to never watch this movie. I'd rather lock myself in my room for 5 weeks and go without food and water than watch this movie again!

I don't think I'll ever hate anything more than this.
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Destroy this movie before you ever watch it.
xx_succubus_xx17 July 2004
I watched "The Pest" at a friend's sleepover and let me tell you,it was excruciatingly painful to get through the first half-an-hour.Thankfully I was tired and fell asleep through most of it. I found this movie to be disgusting,crude,obnoxious,idiotic and I wanted to gauge my eyes out. It surprised me that John Leguizamo...A man capable of better roles and a good actor...would degrade himself so much by playing the part of The Pest.

Pest is right...This movie is a pest and it should definitely be terminated.....0.00001/10
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Showing this movie should be considered cruel and unusual punishment.
darthobbit13 September 2019
Some people say that this movie is offensive and therefore not funny Others say that the people who didn't like it just don't like offensive humour. The truth is that this movie is so aggressively unfunny that it's as offensive to comedy itself as it is to all the minorities it cruelly mocks.

I have seen worse movies and I have seen comedies that had fewer funny moments. Before this movie I had never seen a movie where 90% of the movie actively sucks joy and happiness from the viewer. This movie was made to torture audiences in an aggressive manner.
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This Film is a Pest.
anaconda-406586 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Pest (1997): Dir: Paul Miller / Cast: John Leguizamo, Jeffrey Jones, Joe Morton, Aries Spears, Freddy Rodriguez: Pointless and stupid comedy with a character named Pest who seems like a relative of Ace Ventura. Idiot plot has him picked for a manhunt to which if he survives he receives $50, 000, which is exactly what he owes the Scottish mob. Production is cheap with vulgar humour including a scene where Pest pukes in full view of the camera before his friend pukes in his face. Is this suppose to be funny? How about the scene where this idiot takes a dump while a deer observes from a distance. Stupidity hits its strongest once he is hunted back to the city where his girlfriend and family are kidnapped. Director Paul Miller displays little talent especially when opening the film like a music video with Pest making vulgar noises in the shower. John Leguizamo plays Pest as an idiot who mugs every scene shamelessly. His performance is so bad that it makes Jim Carrey's work in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective look award worthy. Jeffrey Jones is every bit as bad as the man hunting Pest. Is this guy for real? Jones is at the mercy of material that presents him as the dumbest villain in film history. Thankfully Ferris Bueller's Day Off demonstrates what a terrific comedic villain he can portray. Video outlets will need an exterminator to vanquish this garbage so that it doesn't pollute the screens of innocent people. Score: 0 / 10
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mcs2k5 January 2002
Where do I start? This has to be one of the worst films I have ever seen. Sure, Leguizamo provides some laughs but the overall premise of the movie makes no sense and plays off more like a continuous music video than a slapstick comedy. No serious moments and no drama make this movie a total waste of time. I regret paying the 99-cent rental fee at blockbuster for this. If you want to see Leguizamo in a half-way decent movie where he truly shines in his whole, see Spawn (Yes I am actually recommending Spawn over this movie. This movie makes Spawn look genius). overall rating 1.5/10. Giving a generous "2".
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Why so SERIOUS!?
If nothing else... It's f###ing hilarious how many well thought out hate comments this movie has prompted. Heck, even if it truly is the WORST movie you have ever seen in your entire life, that surely makes it worth viewing to see what qualities stand out at the very bottom. It is absurd, stupid humor. You are too caught up on bashing the pest being a grating pest you prolly miss alot of this silly one liners. And yes, thebsheer level of the rediculous makes best rediculous quick bits fly by missed. But c'mon, you are watching a movie called The Pest, were you expecting a witty and intellectual gem? This is that movie where you gotta laugh because it's just so effing stupid and over the top. You want tip? Go buy honda stock. A scottish mob!?!? Go in knowing it's just for s#!ts and giggles. Don't expect FREAK or his structured one man shows. Expect MAD magazine or something.
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Two Barf Bags
kaylar-128 October 2007
This was the worst movie I have ever seen. I have to admit I didn't watch it from beginning to end as cleaning the toilet was more entertaining.

The 'star' was the most unpleasant character I've ever seen, neither funny nor attractive, in fact, creepy and obnoxious are far too complimentary.

It is painful to watch, there is no acting, especially not from the star who behaves as a doped up mentally deficient take off on one of those loud mouthed black actors.

As horrible as it is to watch one of those can't shut up black actors, watching a Puerto Rican one is even worse.

The name of the movie is descriptive, he is the pest. This movie is a must miss.
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it's okay
kim_ung11919 August 2005
I find this movie very funny. But I'm also in Highschool. We recently read a story called. "The most dangerous game" I find that this story resembles the story. Where an eccentric millionaire who has his own little private island hunts down humans since animals aren't a challenge anymore. This is a good movie to watch if you want a good laugh. John is a great comedy actor. I would watch this movie once a year, but I wouldn't say it's one of my favorites. If you want to see John in a more serious role. You can try Romeo+Juliet (1996) version. Most of the other actors in this movie I haven't seen in other roles. I wouldn't be able to recommend anything else.
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One Jim Carrey, please, and hold the talent.....
conspracy-223 May 2000
"The Pest". What can I say? I had never heard of the guy who plays the Pest in this movie, but it is clear that this flick was supposed to launch his career into the stellar skies, similar to the effect 'Ace Venture: Pet Detective' had on Jim Carrey.

The story, for what it's worth, is simple. The Pest owes the scottish mafia (yes, the scottish mafia, complete with token kilts and hats on) $50.000, so he agrees to let some nazis (yes, some nazis) pay him $50.000 to try and kill him within 24 hours. As plots go, that's not the worst I've come across. Not the best, either, but it's not a total cliche. So far, so good.

So, off we go, into a movie where the plot and the characters are completely secondary to scenes whos only merit is giving The Pest an opportunity to dress up as some hideous stereotype. Not one major ethnic group is left unscathed by The Pest's 'subtle-as-a-world-war' protrayals of them. These ingenious protrayals involve the Pest, dressed up to look like, say, a jewish rabbi, and acting like the Pest saying things like 'meshugginger'. The acting skills involved are not huge.

When he is dressed as himself, he simply tries to steal the show by making mildly funny faces, saying extremely moronic things, grinning all the time and dancing for no reason. Sounds fun? Well, it isn't.

OK. I have stated earlier that the plot isn't too shabby. So, we can bear with the all-overpowering, talentless antics of The Pest, can't we? Well, no, but even if we could I'm not sure you'd want to. What happens in the actual movie is about as puerile as it gets.

Someone has told the script writer that the basic, human emotions are what makes a script great. This is true, but the writer seems to have misunderstood this and built the entire script around basic, human functions instead. In a harrowing 5-minute sequence, for instance, the 'laughs' involve farting in the forest, using a sock to wipe with, nazis sniffing said sock, overblown homosexual innuendo, vomiting in the face and finally bird doo on the face. This is of course all swamped in The Pest saying stupid things and acting stupidly.

The bad guys, mainly the nazis, are of course also mindblowingly stupid, and the Pest is never really threatened by them. In the bleak moment near the end where it seems the bad guys have won, I was in fact relieved by the hope that I wouldn't see the Pest again. No such luck, of course.

A good example of bad guy stupidity coupled with The Pest's pointless and irritating behaviour is found in the scene, where the Pest delivers chinese food to the bad guys. He walks in, observed by the bad guys, and immediately starts riding around the living room on an antique hellebarde wearing an antique helmet. Thus diverting attention from himself, he starts stealing stuff right under the nose of main nazi, who doesn't notice anything. Ah yes, how believable.

The script supervisor also seems to have read through the script and saying: "No, no, there is a 2 minute window in the film where somebody's groin is not in the action or dialogue. Change that, so that The Pest's groin bursts into flames and he takes all his clothes off."

This is a bad film. It tries to spoof itself by having the nazis laugh maniacally for about four hours (please let it be a spoof) but you just can't do it with such lousy base material. It diverts into momentary surrealism a la Zuckerman films once in a while, but it's pointless every time, so you just ignore it and chalk it up to The Pest acting so stupidly, that the natural laws of science have switched this turkey of a movie of the TV and gone to bed.
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Extremely Funny!!!
Pumpkin_Man26 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I received this as a Christmas present. I thought this movie was incredibly hilarious. It reminded me a lot of a story I read in high school called 'The Most Dangerous Game'John Leguizamo is wacky and crazy through the entire film. Leguizamo plays a sneaky, but lovable con-artist named Pestario Vargas, but everyone calls him 'Pest' He is tricked into being hunted down on a private Island by a racist German named Gustav. If Pest survives for 24 hours, Gustav will give him $50,000. When Pest escapes the Island, Gustav and his homosexual son continue to hunt him down in the city. Pest uses many disguises in order to stay alive, If you love silly zany comedies, you'll love THE PEST!!!
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Funny only when stoned
dubjohnston3 January 2022
A very stupid movie. But that's why it's good. I got into this movie one summer and just had to keep watching it. We'd just left school and I'm sure my mum was worried for our professional future having a bunch of mates smoking pot and watching the pest thinking it was funny. The opening song is still on my itunes and I've been playing it since downloading it pre Napsta. Not a movie to show your grandma or admit in a job interview it's one of your favourites. But one to watch if you like stupid comedy (ala Adam Sandler and Jim Carey)
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I simply shake my head....
baharnish25 March 2008
I actually joined this site simply to write in about this movie. I was sitting in my living room and this movie came on one of the local channels. I made it about an hour through before I simply had enough. Curious to see what the general movie-opinionated public thought of this movie, I looked it up on this site. I was absolutely shocked to see that there were an overwhelming amount of people that thought it was great. I needed to have my say, and here it is: This movie is absolute garbage. It was a chore to sit through. The "jokes" were uninspired rehashes from other, better shows and movies, and Leguizamo's manic portrayal of this obnoxious character should only appeal to age ten and below. That actually may be a stretch even for that age. I'm all for slapstick ridiculousness, but there isn't even the faintest hint of wit or cleverness. I have an idea, lets take bad uninspired obvious jokes and play them at twice the speed. Now that's funny. Ha. Ha.

Movies that you should see that take silly humor and add comic timing and originality: The Marx Brothers' A Night at the Opera, Monty Python's The Meaning of Life, South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut,...and the list goes on. Don't lose an hour and a half of your life on unmemorable crap.

By the way, I can only assume that the reason that David Bar Katz (the other writer) did VERY little in film after this movie is because he was instantly blacklisted. I'm actually impressed that Leguizamo was able to recover after this mess.
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