NYPD Blue (1993–2005)
James McDaniel: Lt. Arthur Fancy, Capt. Arthur Fancy
Lt. Arthur Fancy : Keep me posted.
Andy : Any cases you don't want us to keep you posted on? What's the point in saying that?
Lt. Arthur Fancy : OK, then, get outta my office.
[Fancy has been briefing Rodriguez]
Lt. Arthur Fancy : Well, that's about it. You know, you haven't asked me any questions about the squad.
Lt. Tony Rodriguez : Yeah, guess I better do that; wouldn't want to appear apathetic. Any squadroom romances I need to be aware of?
Lt. Arthur Fancy : None right now.
Lt. Tony Rodriguez : Okay. Any old school detectives that care more about solving cases than making the bosses happy?
Lt. Arthur Fancy : Yeah. Sipowicz. He's... unique.
Lt. Tony Rodriguez : Is he a good detective?
Lt. Arthur Fancy : If a member of my family was murdered, I'd want Sipowicz to catch the case.
Lt. Tony Rodriguez : I guess that's it then. Good luck, Captain.
Lt. Arthur Fancy : Here's some free advice: get enough self-respect so when some fool starts talking to you like a nigger, you don't go half nuts and jam yourself up needing to prove he isn't right.
Officer Reggie Fancy : You got some funny ideas about self-respect.
Lt. Arthur Fancy : My idea's when I hear an ass out in the field braying, I don't feel any deep need to start braying back.
Lt. Arthur Fancy : The future keeps telling us what the past was about. You make the past mean different things by the way you use the time that comes after.
Lt. Arthur Fancy : [an overweight woman has demanded to see Sipowicz] Andy, there's no easy way to say this, but Jeri is having issues with Diane and Jill. She's demanding to see you.
Andy : That ain't goin' to happen.
Lt. Arthur Fancy : Diane and Jill think she's painted herself into a corner with manslaughter and it doesn't need to go that way. Anyway, she says either she talks to you or she lawyer's up.
Andy : That's what she needs to do then. Maybe we don't do enough of that.
[Looks at Simone]
Andy : See, this amuses you because you don't attract psychotics.
Det. Bobby Simone : No, it doesn't. Well, yeah, it is amusing; but this could be real serious.
Andy : She make any derogatory references?
Lt. Arthur Fancy : She said you were old and bald.
Andy : Old?
Det. Danny Sorenson : Bald?
Andy : We're going to check out the other building this wacko manages.
[to Jones]
Andy : You might want to talk to this guy; he's carrying on about black demons and voices.
Det. Baldwin Jones : What, do you want me to go in there with my tribal outfit on?
[Disgusted, Sipowicz leaves]
Det. Baldwin Jones : [to Fancy] Do you want me to go in there?
Lt. Arthur Fancy : Well, do you have a tribal outfit?
Det. Baldwin Jones : [Fancy has been catching hell all day from the chief] Uh, excuse me, lieutenant. This guy we've got in the pokey gave us a place to pick up the suspect in that shooting this morning. Greg's at IAB and everyone else is out canvassing. Should I call Anti-Crime to go with me to pick up this guy?
Lt. Arthur Fancy : [Looking at the phone and all the paperwork] No, I'll go with you.
Det. Baldwin Jones : You'll go? Are you sure? Don't you have other things to do?
Lt. Arthur Fancy : [Phone begins to ring as Fancy picks up his coat] Are you kidding? I'm going with you. John, I'll be on the air.
Lt. Arthur Fancy : I don't take that from anyone, that what-do-you-expect thumb stuff.