Boy Meets World (TV Series 1993–2000) Poster


Rider Strong: Shawn Hunter, Isaac 'Goodshot' Kelly, Schneider, Self, Shawnzie Hunterelli



  • Shawn Hunter : [Cory and Shawn are discussing Cory and Topanga's recent breakup]  Cory, Topanga went out with another guy last night. I'm really sorry, man.

    Cory : So we're the only two people in the world who still have hope for Topanga and me, and you're throwing in the towel?

    Shawn Hunter : [nods]  Sorry, Cory.

    Cory : All right.

    [turns away] 

    Shawn Hunter : You okay?

    Cory : Yeah, sure. It's a strange feeling, though.

    Shawn Hunter : What, knowing that it's finally over between you and Topanga?

    Cory : [turns back to face Shawn]  No, being the only one who knows it's not.

  • Topanga : I wasn't sure this day would ever come, but you were. I wasn't sure love could survive everything we put it through, but you were. You were always strong and always sure. And now I know I want you to stand beside me for the rest of my life. That's what I'm sure of.

    Cory : I have to talk to her now, OK.

    [to Shawn] 

    Shawn Hunter : Go ahead.

    Cory : Ever since I was young I never understood anything about the world, and I never understood anything that happened in my life. The only thing that ever made sense to me was you, and how I felt about you. That's all I've ever known and that's enough, that's enough for me, for the rest of my life. Topanga, we gonna get married?

    Topanga : Yea, we are.

    Cory : Good, cause, umm I have these rings... I love you, Topanga.

    Topanga : I love you too, Cory.

  • [John Turner is in a coma] 

    Shawn Hunter : John, how could you be in here? How could you screw up on your bike? I have never seen you screw up on anything. I'm the screw-up, remember? C'mon you remember... Don't do this to me, John. I don't do alone real good... I know you're in there but it's like you're not really here. You're not talking but I know you're here. So I'm just gonna talk, you can listen.


    Shawn Hunter : John, even when I was at the Centre, it was all the things you taught me that made me wonder if it was the right place for me or not. But you didn't teach me enough. You, and Cory, and my parents, and the Matthews and the handful of people who really care about me, so don't blow me off, John.

    [Looks up] 

    Shawn Hunter : Don't blow me off, God. I never asked you for anything before and I never wanted to come to you like this, but don't take Turner away from me; he's not done yelling at me yet. God, you're not talking but I know you're here, so I'm gonna talk, and you can listen.


    Shawn Hunter : God, I don't wanna be empty inside any more.

  • Alan Matthews : Hey, son! How was your day?

    Cory : Fine.

    Alan Matthews : What'd you do in school?

    Cory : Nothing

    Alan Matthews : Hey, *hold on*! Wait there!

    Alan Matthews : You know, everyday I ask you, "What did you do?" and everyday you tell me "Nothing." Well, I'm tired of nothing. I mean we both know something happened in school today and I want to know what it is!

    Cory : I decided to be a girl.

    Alan Matthews : Well, you taught me a very valuable lesson there, son.

    Shawn Hunter : You know the book, "Black Like Me"?

    Amy Matthews : Sure, is that what you guys are reading in school?

    Alan Matthews : Don't ask questions, honey!

  • Topanga : I don't sweat, I glisten.

    Shawn Hunter : [hands her a towel]  Well, you're glistening like a pig.

  • Topanga : Yeah, Shawn, you were wrong about Feeny and you're wrong about this.

    Shawn Hunter : You were wrong to break up with Cory.

    Topanga : What does that have to do with anything?

    Shawn Hunter : Did any of this happen while you two were still together?

    Topanga : No.

    Shawn Hunter : You've killed us. You've killed us all.

    Eric : Hey, hey. Now there's only two people horribly dead here, that's an acceptable loss.

  • Jack : She got sick and said that chicken soup would help her feel better. I told her it probably would. Then I went bowling.

    Eric : Guys, I've come to a conclusion: Men are idiots.

    Eric , Cory , Alan , Shawn Hunter , Mr. George Feeny , Jack : What?

    Eric : Wait! There's more! Men are big idiots.

    Eric , Cory , Alan , Shawn Hunter , Mr. George Feeny , Jack : Hmm... yeah.

  • Mr. George Feeny : Mr Matthews, what was I just talking aboout?

    Cory : [stutters]  Uhhh...

    Mr. George Feeny : Ok, Mr. Hunter, what was I just talking about?

    Shawn Hunter : President Roosevelt and the New Deal.

    Mr. George Feeny : [clutches heart]  O dear lord he's right.

    Shawn Hunter : Hey Mr. Feeny, it's been my answer for two years. It had to pay off sometime!

  • [Cory rips the blanket off Topanga and Shawn] 

    Cory : Underpants.

    Shawn Hunter : I always sleep like this.

    Cory : Underpants.

    Shawn Hunter : Oh, here we go.

  • Cory : [about Topanga]  She goes away for the summer and comes back a woman.

    Shawn Hunter : Yeah. Kinda like Coach Franklin.

  • Cory : I believe in love like I believe in God: you can't touch it, you can't see it, but you can feel its wrath.

    Shawn Hunter : And its goodness. You can feel love's goodness.

    Cory : I wouldn't know

  • [trying to straighten Cory's hair] 

    Cory : Is this stuff supposed to be burning?

    Shawn Hunter : Why, is it burning?

    Cory : No, I was just trying to make conversation, because we don't get enough chances to talk any more.

  • Shawn Hunter : If I was only going to be alive for one more minute, I'd spend it looking in your eyes.

    Angela Moore : And if you were only going to be alive for one more minute, I'd tell you to stop lookin'... and start kissin'.

  • Eric , Shawn Hunter , Jack : [gasp]  Topanga!

  • Shawn Hunter : He says one thing, and does another. He's a hypochondriac.

  • Shawn Hunter : I'm no rocket scientologist.

  • Cory : Shawnzie?

    Shawn Hunter : Yessie?

  • Mr. George Feeny : [finishing a speech]  And that, Mr. Hunter, is how babies are made.

    Shawn Hunter : I still don't believe it.

  • [on Cory's attempt to ask Topanga out] 

    Shawn Hunter : What did you do?

    Cory : I saluted her.

  • Shawn Hunter : No kissy?

    Cory : Just talky.

  • Shawn Hunter : And I guess I've been taking it pretty hard, and I'm sorry I disrupted the class and killed everyone.

  • Shawn Hunter : Mr. Feeny, I'm sure if you recall the pain of being stabbed in the back by a girlfriend.

    Topanga : I didn't stab him, he stabbed me.

    Cory : Oh, I'd stab myself before I'd stab you. Kenny, give me a pencil.

    Kenny : I don't have one!

  • [about to take a picture for the yearbook] 

    Eric : Dumped.

    Cory : Dumped.

    Shawn Hunter : Cheese.

  • [Topanga is interviewing Shawn about love] 

    Shawn Hunter : Well, love is the most rare and precious thing in the whole world.

    Topanga : Have you ever fallen in love?

    Shawn Hunter : About five times a day.

  • Shawn Hunter : [Cory and Shawn imagine themselves as old men; they are in Chubby's]  So how long have you been married?

    Cory : What?

    Shawn Hunter : [louder]  How long you been married?

    Cory : Who?

    Shawn Hunter : [shouting]  How long you been married?

    Cory : They *want* you to take the rolls!

  • Shawn Hunter : Was it the dream with the dummy again?

    Cory : Yes... he was on foot... and he had a gun.

  • Shawn Hunter : I need chocolate.

    Debbie : That's 16 grams of fat. And you have a purse.

    Shawn Hunter : Yeah, I do.

    Cory : That's not really his purse. He found that purse.

    Debbie : Well, he found an ugly one.

    Shawn Hunter : Hey. I happen to like this purse.

  • Cory : A girl wrote seven numbers on my hand. What could this possibly mean?

    Shawn Hunter : It means, call her.

    Cory : Shawn, how could I call her when I don't even have her- Aahh.

  • Cory : Shawn, I refuse to believe anything from those idiotic supermarket tabloids.

    Shawn Hunter : It's the New York Times, baby.

    Cory : The New York Times trailer park edition.

    Shawn Hunter : It's exactly the same thing, except you can eat it.

  • [after finding the janitor's squeaky bin alone in the halls] 

    Shawn Hunter : Angela?

    Angela Moore : Yeah?

    Shawn Hunter : Are you sick of screaming?

    Angela Moore : Yes.

    Shawn Hunter : Then don't look in here.

  • Eric : Done, Done, Done.

    Topanga : Enough already!

    Shawn Hunter : What, do we upset you?

    Topanga : Yes!

    Cory : Upset you enough to kill?

  • Shawn Hunter : Okay, I know I was wrong before about the janitor, but I really, really think guy's the killer.

  • [after reading a message written with blood on the chalkboard] 

    Shawn Hunter : It's Feeny.

    Topanga : There's blood on the black board, Shawn. I don't think it's because he ran out of chalk!

  • Cory : [after a date at a poetry reading]  I love poetry now! You know, I could be a poet: There once was a boy named Cory.

    Eric : Who now has an interesting story!

    Cory : He learned about kissin'...

    Eric : And all he was missin'...

    Shawn Hunter : When he and Topanga made out!

    Cory : [to Shawn]  Can you say summer school?

  • [Cory, Topanga, Shawn, Angela, Eric, and Jack are trapped in the high school with a murderer. He has just now murdered Mr. Feeny. They are hiding in a classroom trying to figure out what to do next] 

    Topanga : Feeny's dead... Feeny's dead! Mr. Feeny is dead!

    Cory : Feeny can't die, how can Feeny die?

    Shawn Hunter : He was the first suspect. It's my fault, the second I suspected him, I signed his death warrant.

    Angela : Well, is any one of us safe?

    Shawn Hunter : Yeah, virgins. Virgins never die.

    Cory : All right!

    [to Topanga] 

    Cory : Thanks for saving me.

    Eric : [happily]  I'm dead!

    Jack : I'm dead.

    Shawn Hunter : I'll get as sick as you can get without actually... dying.

    Angela : Feeny, he's dead.

    [Eric and Shawn lock eyes, thinking the exact same thing] 

    Eric : All right!

    Shawn Hunter , Eric : [cheering and signing]  Go, Feeny, go, Feeny, go...

    Cory : [annoyed]  Okay! Listen. As happy as I am for Feeny, I am scared to death here.

  • Jonathan Turner : Anybody you like.

    Cory : Anybody?

    Jonathan Turner : Anybody.

    Cory : Absolutely anybody?

    Jonathan Turner : Absolutely anybody.

    Cory : I pick Shawn.

    Shawn Hunter : I pick Cory.

    Topanga : You know, you walked right into that.

    Jonathan Turner : I did, didn't I?

  • Mr. George Feeny : Nebraska, Mr. Hunter, Nebraska!

    Shawn Hunter : That's the 75th state. Major exports: tortias.

  • Shawn Hunter : I live in a trailer park.

    Cory : And what a trailer park. It's great. It's got a pool... when it rains.

  • Shawn Hunter : Pittsburgh: The Big Apple, City of Angels.

  • Shawn Hunter : Morgan, how do we really know the light bulb goes off when you close the refrigerator?

    Morgan Matthews : Why don't you get in there and find out?

  • Shawn Hunter : Cory and Topanga aren't together anymore.

    Mr. George Feeny : Yes, I know, I too read Teen Beat, Mr. Hunter.

  • Shawn Hunter : If the sun never sets in the British Empire, then when do they watch Letterman?

  • [after Feeny separates Topanga and Cory] 

    Shawn Hunter : Mr. Feeny, you can't do that! You're contributing to the furtherance of their apartness.

    Mr. George Feeny : I'm trying to teach a class here. Now Mr. Hunter, Nebraska?

    Shawn Hunter : Oh, don't try to change the subject.

  • Cory : So, do you know what the best part of being a virgin is?

    Shawn Hunter : What?

    Cory : No, I'm asking.

  • Cory : I'm thinking of becoming a poet. There once was a boy named Cory...

    Eric : Who has an interesting story...

    Cory : He learned about kissing...

    Eric : And all he was missing...

    Shawn Hunter : When he and Topanga made out!

    Cory : [to Shawn]  Can you say, "Summer school?"

  • [Topanga is choking him] 

    Shawn Hunter : [looks upward]  Dad! I'm comin'!

  • Shawn Hunter : Don't blow me off God.

  • Eric : How great is this.

    Jack : Do you know how great this is?

    Shawn Hunter : This is great.

  • Shawn Hunter : I'm real screwed up.

  • Shawn Hunter : How far are the slopes from here?

    Ranger Mark : Two miles.

    Shawn Hunter : How far walking?

    Ranger Mark : Two miles.

    Shawn Hunter : [to Cory]  Well, that's only one mile each.

  • Shawn Hunter : Today in class, I did something I don't normally do. A lot of thinking. And not about that whole war part two.

  • Shawn Hunter : She's got style. She's got elegance. She's got parents.

  • Shawn Hunter : Remember the goldfish I used to have?

    Cory : The turtle?

  • Cory : When I'm here with you, I'm fine, but over there with Topanga it's like I'm a... a... a sea monkey.

    Shawn Hunter : That's a bad animal.

  • Shawn Hunter : Where were you?

    Cory : [whispering]  There was a Fortune Teller at the yogurt parlor.

    Shawn Hunter : You tortured a feller named Yogi Tyler?

    Cory : ...Yeah.

  • Shawn Hunter : Angela, are you sick of screaming yet?

    [Angela nods] 

    Shawn Hunter : Then you'd better not look in there.

    [indicates the trash can holding the murdered janitor] 

    Cory : [peering into the trash can]  Oh my God!


    Cory : There's like a hundred retainers in there!

  • [Re: Cory and Topanga's break-up] 

    Shawn Hunter : How come I feel so bad?

    Mr. George Feeny : Well, because you're a troubled young man, I recognize that from the movie, "A Troubled Young Man"

  • Shawn Hunter : [when Topanga moves away, breaking his "TV is like life" philosophy]  What the hell kind of TV show is this?

  • Rider Strong : Hey, banana boy? Wanna be a star?

  • Cory : [discussing Cory and Topanga's breakup, and that Topanga went out with another guy the night before. Shawn has lost hope for the relationship]  So we're the only two guys in the world who think there's still hope for Topanga and me, and you're throwing in the towel?

    Shawn Hunter : [nods]  Yeah.

    Cory : Okay, all right.

    [turns away] 

    Shawn Hunter : You okay?

    Cory : Yeah, sure. It's a strange feeling though.

    Cory : What, that it's finally over between you and Topanga?

    Cory : [turns back to face Shawn]  No, being the only person who knows it's not.

  • [Shawn wants a bigger role with the thugs] 

    Shawn Hunter : What happens after I get the look down?

    Joey : All right, this morning... you get the bagels.

  • [Cory thinks he is turning into a werewolf] 

    Shawn Hunter : Come on, you couldn't have been bitten by a wolf.

    Cory : Shawn, look at the bite.

    Shawn Hunter : I don't see anything.

    Cory : Of course you don't. Everybody knows werewolf bites heal overnight.

    Shawn Hunter : Wow. Then, you're covered with them.

  • Shawn Hunter : Gotta love Halloween. It really brings people together.

  • Shawn Hunter : Maybe you haven't heard of Jennifer Lopez versus Carmen Electra on Celebrity Death Match... in pudding... on ponies.

  • Shawn Hunter : [to Cory]  She just broke up with her boyfriend, you know, the quarterback guy.

    Mary Beth : How does he know that?

    Shawn Hunter : I dreamed it, Miss Birth Mark On Her Tukas!

See also

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