The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. (TV Series 1993–1994) Poster

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An amazing hilarious half-a-bubble off universe
skoyles24 July 2006
This is one series you either get or you are far too enamored of reality. It was obviously made by a group of people who escaped from an institution featuring padded halls, probably on some other planet in a galaxy far, far away where the residents were tortured by watching too many old westerns spiced by the occasional grade "B" science fiction movie and bedroom farce. Billy Drago has never been better, utterly over the top and so far off the wall that he is in the next room; John Pyper-Ferguson gets to speak some of the most bizarre lines in television history; Bruce Campbell is simply perfect as the titular lead; and nobody lets down the side in acting. The music by Bunch, Edelman and Graziano is among the best ever composed for a television series, perfectly complimenting the Western theme of the series and the absurdity of the incidents chronicled. The writing of the first episodes is unsurpassed though it, as so many series, fails in some later ones. Still the most amazing writing: where else can one find a character criticize Impressionism, refer to Existentialism, and make references to "The Wizard of Oz"? And, by the way, Sergio Leone should sue over the gunfight in the pilot. I have been forced to wait far too long for the DVD, and purchased it on the day of release. I must say that "Brisco County Jr." is even funnier than I had remembered. I cannot recommend it highly enough, though not for children who would miss most of the jokes anyway. Simply great, if quite entertainingly bonkers with the most absurd one liners.
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A brilliant combination of fantasy, whimsy & comedy! Bruce Campbell RULES!
christine_bundy4 May 2006
A fun series that was just too good to last, with a great assemblage of wonderful character actors including the King, Bruce Campbell (Praise Him)! Includes several guest starring appearance by the original Gomez Addams, John Astin. A lot like the original "Wild Wild West" and just as inventive. Although it's set in the Wild West, it's no more a 'western' than that series was. Speaking of inventions, many that would rival anything Q came up with for Bond were featured, although of course they were rustic in keeping with the time frame of the series. It was interesting to see how the creators/writers worked anachronistic inventions, mostly by Astin as a "mad scientist" type, into the plots. From one of the creators of "Lost" and just as inventive! This was a fun series that I recall fondly.
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Fantastic adventure/western
Pythe17 January 2010
I wish I had seen The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. when it first aired on television. I was 6 at the time, and it would have been the perfect addition to the lineup of shows I watched from the greatest of all vantage points, my dad's lap: Bonanza, The Rifleman, Zorro, a one-season wonder called Bordertown, and Star Trek: The Next Generation (the western in space). Unfortunately I didn't discover it until its fortuitous DVD release a few years ago, but better late than never, I suppose.

The pitch for Brisco County was probably something like "Indiana Jones in the Old West"--in fact, co-creator Jeffrey Boam penned the screenplay for Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. The show obviously took its inspiration from the same old serials George Lucas was so influenced by, where the hero was forever caught on a wagon about to go over a cliff or standing in the cross hairs of the vile villain. Like Indiana Jones, eponymous protagonist Brisco County is armed with an unconventional set of weapons and tools, a quick wit, a square jaw, and a smarmy sense of humor. The show was generally light-hearted in tone, getting a lot of comic mileage not only from the quirky banter between the denizens of Brisco's world, but also from a deliberately anachronistic and absurd sensibility. One episode, for example, features a sheriff who's a dead ringer for Elvis Presley, decades before the star was even born. The viewer is also treated to inaccurate origin stories for Dunkin Donuts, drive-through windows, and the phrase from which a certain Robert Plant-led rock band took its name.

The strength of Brisco County lies in that miraculous intersection of great writing and the perfect cast. Bruce Campbell is perfect in the title role. Brisco County Jr. is a hero who relies mostly on strategy, intuition, a Harvard education, and a wise guy outlook to get him out of scrapes, but he can still throw a punch when he needs to. Because Brisco is generally a noble character, the writers tended to invent more clever solutions to problems than simply having him whip out his pistol and shoot someone, and for that reason the show is both more inventive and surprising than it might have been, and also family-friendly.

The late Julius Carry is perfect as brash, pompous rival bounty hunter Lord Bowler, another testament to the writing. It would have been easy to make Lord Bowler a bumbling, incompetent fool who was never any real threat to Brisco. Instead, Bowler is actually a worthy adversary who simply fails to come out on top because he can't swallow his pride. Watching the relationship between Brisco and Bowler grow throughout the series, from rivals to grudging allies to, ultimately, friends, is one of the highlights of the show.

Christian Clemenson is Socrates Poole. He's officially Brisco's lawyer, but as Brisco is a lawyer himself Poole is more often relegated to the role of babysitter, clean-up crew, and sidekick. Poole is essentially the straight man, reacting to and commenting on the endless absurdities that Brisco more or less takes in stride.

Kelly Rutherford is Dixie Cousins, the obligatory on again/off again love interest who draws out Brisco's inability to settle down and commit to a relationship. Dixie is sexy and beguiling, the Bad Girl with a Past who ultimately possesses a heart of gold. John Astin is a charming riot as Professor Wickwire, a spacey but forward-thinking brilliant inventor who often shows up to provide Brisco with the "coming thing," usually in the form of futuristic gadgets such as rockets, diving suits, and blimps. John Pyper-Ferguson is hilarious as Pete Hutter, the strangely likable outlaw who just won't stay dead (a running gag of the show is that Hutter returns in a future episode with no explanation as to how he survived a seemingly fatal incident). Billy Drago is coldly menacing as John Bly, the villain with the viper smile who gunned down Brisco's father and who always seems to be just a step ahead of Brisco and justice. And R. Lee Ermey is great as Brisco County Sr., the father with whom Brisco Jr. had something of a troubled relationship (shades of Sean Connery and Harrison Ford in Last Crusade).

In the "odds and ends" category, Brisco has the same brilliant scope as classic westerns of yore, having been shot on the Warner Brothers back lots that, as I understand it, simply don't exist anymore. Randy Edelman's theme music is brilliant, heroic, and moving, and was appropriated, after the show was canceled, for many NBC sports programs.

Was the show perfect? No, and there's one big reason for that: the Orb. Apparently the writers didn't think Brisco's quest to track down the members of John Bly's gang was enough to keep the show going, so they introduced a vague, powerful, mysterious artifact, the Orb. It's clear that nobody on the writing team figured out exactly what this plot device did or meant, which resulted in its uncanny ability to do whatever was needed for a particular episode, including resurrecting the good guys, incinerating the bad guys, giving people superhuman strength, and enabling time travel. It was the failure to clearly define the Orb's mythology or purpose that makes it feel like a clunky, frustrating deus ex machina, and toward the end of the series its storyline starts to get both convoluted and pretty silly, resulting in a very unsatisfying exit for the character of John Bly.

That aside, The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. is a top notch western/sci fi/adventure/comedy/action/romance with great performances and a unique, fun flavor. I hate writing conclusions so I'm just going to stop
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a great show gone way too soon
MichaelM2416 July 2001
Without a doubt, THE ADVENTURES OF BRISCO COUNTY JR. was one of the most unusual shows on television at the time. One part Bond, one part Indiana Jones, one part western, and one part sci-fi, it was also one of the most fun shows. It had the right combination of cast, characters, comedy, action, and adventure. And unlike the shows that would try it later (HERCULES, XENA, and others), BRISCO knew how to make its contemporary stylings work. The show never took itself too seriously. Billy Drago was a great villain as John Bly, a character that appeared in a story arc running through the season. Whenever Brisco wasn't busy tracking Bly, he was busy searching for one of Bly's gang or some other bad guy. It was also interesting to see the buddy cop concept (one white, one black) in a western setting. Bruce Campbell and Julius Carry had great chemistry. The interplay between them was often hilarious. I also liked how Brisco and Bowler weren't friends at first, but rather were more like competitors, and only after several episodes of crossing paths and being forced to work together did they learn to like one another and partner up. Of course, Kelly Rutherford was hot as Brisco's on-again/off-again love interest, saloon singer Dixie Cousins. Many episodes featured some nice father/son moments as Brisco found himself talking with the ghost of his legendary bounty hunter/father, well-played by Lee Ermy. Those scenes, while sometimes brief, were always a nice addition. It's tame violence and family-friendly stories helped make it an audience favorite and develop a following that continues to this day, but Fox ultimately decided to pay attention to THE X-FILES instead, and they canceled BRISCO after just one season, despite it's big audience and decent ratings. But I'm glad the show was then and not now, as it would have been canceled after just the third episode to make way for some lame drama or comedy. Cudos to Carlton Cuse and (the late) Jeffrey Boam for creating such a good show.
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A great 1-season show!
rbsjrx7 May 2005
There were a lot of Briscoe County fans who went postal when it was canceled. I had mixed feeling about it. Yes, it was one of the best TV series of all time, but I'd seen too many other great series turn mediocre after the creative well ran dry. Given a choice between ending where it did and seeing it slip into formulaic mediocrity, I was satisfied. The original story arc was neatly wrapped up with lots of diverting side trips along the way.

I've always been a big fan of shows that aren't easy to categorize. This was one such show. A western with elements of SF, overlaid with clever writing and wit without self-consciousness. Each character was eccentric in his/her own way and great fun to watch.

There isn't a bad performance in sight! Bruce Campbell as Briscoe is perfect, as always. It's to his credit that the late Julius Carry as Lord Bowler was able to routinely steal scenes from him. Kelly Rutherford as Dixie does the best Mae West since the original. John Astin as Professor Wickwire is excellent, as usual. Billy Drago as John Bly has to be one of the creepiest villains ever, and John Pyper-Ferguson as Pete Hutter has to be one of the funniest and most bizarre villains of all time. All of the "minor" roles, stating with Comet "the wonder horse" are equally excellent.

But what makes the characters stand out is uniformly excellent writing from a team of certifiable eccentrics in their own right. With the talent in front of and behind the cameras, everything just clicks!

WB finally brought out a boxed set of DVDs and it's great! I just watched it again and felt compelled to update this review. The only sad note was learning of the death of Julius Carry this year. Highly recommended!
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Excellent show.
mb26567430 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"The Adventures of Brisco County Jr." was great fun, as long as the sci-fi story line continued.

Bruce Campbell gave a great performance, as always, and this was the most innovative western show I've ever seen. With a side kick like Lord Bowler, Julius Carry, and a villain like John Bly, Billy Drago, together with actors like John Astin, as Professor Albert Wickwire, and Christian Clemenson, as Socrates Poole, the show meant incredibly much fun and excitement brought to us by a great set of actors.

The love interest Dixie Cousins, Kelly Rutherford, was an almost unbearably beautiful character, just as the actress portraying her, that added quality to every episode she was in.

All good things end though. I will always remember this show with great pleasure.
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1 season wasn't enough
horrorfan0004 October 2017
This show had all the right ingredients.Iconic genre legend Bruce Campbell in the lead.Cool old west setting.Science fiction subplot about mysterious other worldly objects.Cool supporting characters that were just as interesting and enigmatic as the lead.I could really kick the idiot at FOX that was completely blind to this shows potential.This had future cult classic written all over it.
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Just good fun
piratecat-25 December 2006
Well I love this show, adventure in the west with comedy, Indiana Jonesness, a touch of Bond style, Wild Wild West creativity, and a spoonful of scifi. They covered everything in the short run. If they had more time Brisco and Boller could have remained at odds longer. Keep the Professor Wickwire making inventions, Bly, Big Smith, and Pete alittle more longer. Amanda, the waitress, and Dixie fighting for Briscoe affection. Then the orb could have been a whole season on. Also time travel down the road. But it was covered already by squeezing the series into 27 episodes. The chemistry of the cast is outstanding along with the writing. Great job done for family entertainment. Dixie meow.
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Brilliant fun
cremator32820 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A perfect example of a one season show. It was funny, well acted and the plot, though flawed (which one isn't?), were weird and engaging!

Bruce Campbell is brilliant as Briscoe, though Billy Drago steals most scenes he appears in. The supporting cast is excellent, from Bowler to Socrates.

This is a sci-fi, fantasy western with old time serial style cliffhangers. If fun is your forte, then this show is a must see. If, however, absolutely everything must make sense, then avoid this. It is chaos incarnate and one of the most enjoyable shows I've ever seen. Oh, did I forget to mention......time travel!!! Find out for yourselves. 9/10 for Briscoe!
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A genre-mashing delight
Mr-Fusion12 February 2017
"Brisco County, Jr." was another show killed off before its time, and really does epitomize the cult classic; but it's gotta be one of the most inspired series, especially, from the early '90s. It had a real knack for playing with Western convention, and always had futuristic gimmicks around for a laugh. It was a great cast, playing a wide array of memorable characters, and the writing was also a contributing factor: that big arc with the orb really swung for the fences.

But a big part of its appeal (huge!) was Bruce Campbell - in full leading-man mode. He was the real heart of the show's likability, always walking into a situation with an open mind and ready to flex his action hero muscle. If there was any question as to his ability to transcend the role of Ash in the "Evil Dead" movies, this is absolutely it.

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Off beat/track
kosmasp2 November 2007
A TV Show/series that many people liked, but that got canceled anyway. Sounds familiar? It's not only Brisco County Jr. who suffered this fate. But although I do kind of miss the company of the pack/lot, I have to say that the producers might have a point there ... but let's start from the beginning.

Or better, with the actors. I'm a big fan of Bruce Campbell and he plays his leading role really great here. And the chemistry between Brisco & Bowler is superb (especially later on). Sokrates is a bit annoying to me, but then again not that much. Dixie was/is great and other part time/bit players are thrown successfully into the mix. The dialogue is funny and it has a nice storyline (although one could say it challenges "Alias" for the title "Most absurd/bizarre story shown on TV").

But unfortunately after Episode 20 this seems to be all lost. Now either the pressure of the studio, the audience or the writers themselves felt like, it was time to move on. I can't say what the reason was, but it got very devious ... until the last two episodes. Where some really great characters were thrown back on the screen again and a good story was found. And although you really get attached to the characters, Episode 20 just felt like all was over. The recurrent theme was gone and so the stories that followed weren't that good (apart from the last two as mentioned).

And I didn't even mention the production values. Not very high but today standards, it doesn't help/elevate the series either. I'm on the side of the underdog, but you have to say things like they appear (on the screen), too. So that's why it's only a 7/10 for/from me ...
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Basically my favorite show of all time
Hippiesetter9914 February 2009
I was about 5 years old when I was watching Brisco County Jr discover the "coming thing" and chasing John Bly & his gang. I don't know what it was about the show but Bruce Campbell was my hero. He had the quick thinking attitude and the bravery I was looking for in my prince charming :-P Brisco County Jr. is the type of show that really can't be put into a certain one genre of TV shows. It is a western but also includes SciFi, Comedy, Action, Love. The list goes on. Lord Bowler and Socrates added just as much fun as Brisco did to the show. The messes these three got themselves into was amazing. I found myself talking to the television trying to help them out of a jam they were in. I was sad to see a show like this go but every good thing must come to an end. Too bad that end had to come too soon, after only one season.

Now in order to get my Bruce Campbell fix, I have begun watching the sitcom Burn Notice and he possesses some of those same characteristics as Brisco did. Bruce Campbell always has a way to make me smile :-)
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It doesn't take full advantage of its unique selling point!
RAY-OUT2 March 2024
Back in the 90s I liked watching it on TV and watched it again in 2024 as a complete rewatch.

But unfortunately I have to say that as charming as the idea of the show is and as charismatic as Bruce Campbell is, it doesn't help that at least 2/3 of the episodes are totally standard for TV at the time.

Just like unfortunately hardly any of the episodes make use of the unique science fiction twist that the show could offer. It has a few really funny moments here and there, but nothing really convinces, just like the rest of the cast, who often seem rather annoying and out of place, apart from Kelly Rutherford as Dixie and of course Comet ;)
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The Quick and the Evil Dead (just kidding)
deemes27 August 2003
I love this show ! I used to watch it every Friday night--my sister and I started watching it because it starred "that guy from EVIL DEAD", but it wasn't till "Brisco" that I considered myself a Bruce Campbell fan. The show also introduced me to another favorite actor, Billy Drago, who made John Bly the weirdest Old West villain in TV history. The camaraderie between Brisco, Bowler, and Socrates was great, and I loved the anachronisms and bad puns ("You got the sheriff!" "Yeah, but I didn't get the deputy."). Some great guest stars from earlier Old West shows, and John Astin as the recurring Prof. Wickwire. Sci-fi, Old West, slapstick--this show had something for everyone. Find it and check it out!
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I did really enjoy watching it.
marjan-496-84645626 March 2021
Thank you make me having fun with you. I added to my watching list to se that, well after almost 25 years. I'm not sure , I have the same feeling after watching the show. Thanks.
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Brilliant Family Friendly Pulp Style Western
sanmentolabs10 June 2022
I just watched this for the first time on Tubi and it is one of the best western series I've ever seen.

Perfectly cast, all of the actors are spot on, the writing is great with a lot of hilarious little jokes (Hondo Accord lol).

Great action, very little blood, just classic weird pulp style western fun for the whole family. Highly recommended.
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Not your father's western
ATellyFan14 September 2007
Brisco County was truly *different*, something television so seldom does and when it does, so seldom gets right. They got it right in spades with this goofy, off-beat series. If you like clever humor and good writing with a little weirdness thrown into the mix, this series may be for you.

It's a western, but don't let that fool you. The anachronisms alone are worth watching it for - the blimp episode with comments about "Stairway to Heaven". Brisco yelling, "pull over, pull over!" to someone speeding through town - on horseback! The episodes with Terry Bradshaw.

It was a breath of fresh air with a fabulous cast. Special kudos to Bruce Campbell and Julius Carry and an honorable mention to Billy Drago. Buy it on DVD.
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Love this show, hate the bad guy....
davekelly26410 December 2020
I really enjoy watching this show, very entertaining and fun to catch the references to modern times. The one thing that unappealing in this show is the guy playing Brisco's nemesis, John Bly is awful. His demeanor and character portrayal is so fake and unrealistic. The other characters all did a phenomenal job with this type of show. Just wish they had made a few more seasons.
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parkermitchell-4425724 April 2019
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Only one word: wow!
catuus20 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The pity of this series is that it was short-lived. Still, 27 episodes isn't a bad run.

The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. is a western series with a lot of humor, bizarre characters, and several bits of science fiction. If this mix sounds familiar, think "Wild, Wild West". However, this isn't just an imitation.

Brisco County Jr. is the son of Brisco County Sr., one of the great bounty hunters of the western territories toward the end of the 19th Century. Sr. is killed by the Bly Gang and Jr. (also an accomplished bounty hunter) swears revenge. (Sr. later shows up later, at least once, as a ghost.) Aside from the Bly gang, Brisco has a number of shoot-ups with the Swill brothers (Will, Phil, Bill, Gil, and Ed) – not to mention the Swill sister (Lil) – and of course the Swill mother (Ma). His companion through all this (first a rival bounty hunter and later a partner) is Lord Bowler. On occasion there are encounters with yet another bounty hunter, Dixie Cousins. There are also regular appearances by Briso's main contact with his employers (some western robber barons), Socrates Poole. Special mechanical needs in several episodes are met by Professor Albert Wickwire. And then of course there's Comet the Wonder Horse.

One of the reasons this series works is its casting. Brisco is played by the veteran actor Bruce Campbell. Campbell, who is vastly underrated (perhaps because he doesn't get asked to do Shakespeare or Scorsese), has before the age of 50 appeared in 92 films and TV series, produced 16, directed 7, written 3, and done just about everything else in film except sell the tickets. He brings to his role here a professional and keenly calculated sense of timing and of humor – not to mention very athletic performances.

Brisco's partner, Lord Bowler, is played by the accomplished Julius Carry. Barely over 50, Carry has appeared in 58 films and TV series (mostly the latter). His performance here is characterized by athleticism, bluster, humor, and authority. In addition to Carry's star turn, the producers of the series have regularly cast black actors in roles not tailored to nor requiring African-American actors. For a long time after black actors began to appear in mainstream films, they only got roles specifically race-oriented. It's Hollywood's great strength that they have done a lot toward moving away from that sort of pseudo Jim Crowism.

Third in the series' trilogy of stars, playing Socrates Poole, is the delightful and talented Christian Clemenson. Not yet 50, Clemenson has appeared in 60 films and TV series. He's currently doing a bang-up job in "Boston Legal" as the socially handicapped Jerry Espenson. As Poole, he's an Eastern tinhorn who's not doing a bad job of adapting to the rough-and-tumble of the Old West.

Other actors in smaller roles are talented and believable. As Professor Wickwire is the fabulous John Astin, whose 140 acting credits include various stints as Gomez Addams and Professor Gangreen (you know, the Killer Tomato movies). All of the people appearing here are a pleasure to watch; not a dud in the bunch. Billy Drago is outstanding as the crazed John Bly and manages to look every inch the psychopath Bly is. Drago is a well-represented film veteran, with 90 films (including some TV work) to his credit.

The various episodes are well plotted, full of action and humor, witty lines, good character byplay, and the Orb. The Orb (of which there are 3, although 1 is destroyed early in the series and another vanishes into the future ... I suppose some oversensitive spoilsport might consider this a "spoiler") is an extraterrestrial spherical device consisting of a number of blue rods each with a gold end. The Orb has a number of interesting powers and can also confer powers and abilities. The attempts by Bly to get an Orb for himself and the efforts of Brisco to prevent this form the backdrop of many episodes.

The production values of this series are very high. Scenery, sets, costumes, livestock … everything is exactly as it should be. Photography is clear and colorful. Most episodes are about 44 minutes; the pilot is 2 hours. The last 2 episodes constitute a 2-part series cap. The scripts display a good deal of originality, if one credits the amount the series owes to its predecessors. I'm not a big fan of westerns in general because of their predictability. "Wild, Wild West" (the series and the film) is of course an exception, and so is the Brisco County Jr. series. I highly, highly recommend you get this set. It's 22 ½ hours of pure entertainment.
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Great fun, and it stars Bruce Campbell! What more could you want?
Rob_Taylor5 October 2003
It's one of those sad things that sometimes, shows don't really market themselves very well and, as a result, are woefully undervalued. Such is Brisco County, a western genre light comedy show with a hint of sci-fi thrown in for good measure.

When this show first came out I didn't watch it, primarily because I assumed it was simply another Western series, like Bonanza, or High Chapparal, to which I had been forced to endure by my parents as a kid. So I missed out (first time round) on something really fantastic.

Luckily, I have since started gathering up any episodes I can find and have been able, at last, to appreciate the wonder that is Bruce Campbell. Is there nothing he can't do? If ever there was an actor that is deserving of fame and fortune, it is him.

As for Brisco County, Bruce's portrayal is surprisingly subtle to those familiar with his Evil Dead work. But the trademark quips and facial expressions are all still there, just slightly understated.

As a show Brisco is harmless and great fun. It won't tax your brain, and is a welcome way to unwind with a beer or two. The supporting cast are all good, even the Mr T clone, Julius Carry. I haven't seen all the episodes yet, but I look forward to watching Messrs Campbell and Co eagerly.

Look out for Comet, Brisco's horse. He's as much a character as any of the human cast.
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The most hilarious western on TV
susis23 October 2003
I loved this show! I spent more time laughing at this show than any other on tv with maybe the exception of I Love Lucy.

Bruce Campbell plays Brisco County, Jr. who is a bounty hunter trying to find his father's killer, John Bly. Julius Carry is his friend Lord Bowler. While Brisco and Bowler travel around looking for John Bly, they run into Dixie Cousins, Brisco's sometime girlfriend and saloon girl, and a host of other characters that make up this show.

My favorite episode is one I've always called The Elvis Episode because I can never remember the real name of the episode. In this episode, Brisco and Bowler are aided by Aaron, the sheriff, who happens to dress in leather, has his hair slicked back into a DA, and runs around acting like singer Elvis Presley. In one scene, with the gang in jail, while Brisco and company are given a meal of bread and water, Aaron gets a huge tray full of food. He then gives the delivery person a tip and then says to him "This don't feel like no pound and a half of bacon". When the delivery person hands over the bacon, Aaron takes his tip money back.

What I love about this show is it is just plain hilarious from the get go. Brisco's horse, Comet, thinks he's human and not a horse. Socrates Poole is a friend of Brisco and the proverbial wet blanket.

I'm just sorry this show had to be canceled so quickly because it was such a laugh.
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One of the best TV shows that ever aired!
jellyneckr28 August 2002
THE ADVENTURES OF BRISCO COUNTY JR. was a really bizarre show, but I guess that's why I loved it so much. Bruce Campbell played the title character who was a Harvard-educated attorney turned bounty hunter that fought bad guys in the year 1893. Most of the episodes were focused on Brisco chasing after John Bly [Billy Drago], the criminal responsible for the murder of Brisco's father during a train robbery, though it was the episodes with more tongue-in-cheek humor that I liked the best. Sadly, Fox canceled this fantastic show after only one year on the air and in my opinion, it was the biggest mistake the Fox network has yet to make. The show will most likely never become available on video or DVD, which is a shame since this is possibly the most underrated show in the history of television.
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The re-visited Adventures of Brisco County Jnr
jim-156114 January 2006
I totally agree with the shape23's comments. I first saw TAoBCJ back in about 94/95 when it was first aired in the UK and really liked it. I have recently downloaded the series and watched it again 10 years later. I now see far more than I did then, the chemistry of the cast is superb between Brisco, Bowler, Socrates and Dixie. You can see how the relationships have formed due to the 'adventures' they have shared. If I had to give this series a liking, it would be an Indiana Jones cowboy series, where the violence is enough to set the scene but not graphic, the humour is enough but not distracting from the story, the stories & plots enough to ensure you forget the historical inaccuracies and see a really good family programme. Unfortunately only released on video shortly after its TV release, its gonna be released on DVD supposedly in the summer of 2006 ( follow this link for more details ). I suspect this release will be on R1 only. A great pity unless you have a multiregion player, but then this series is worth the cost of investing in one.

I am now sitting down to watch it again, this time with my stepson who is curious to see "whats it all about". After all who doesn't enjoy a good cowboy.
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A Reinvented Western
Gislef26 March 1999
Adventures took the TV Western in a direction that hadn't been seen since Maverick and The Wild Wild West: light-hearted comedy. As an additional twist, they tossed in the TV-parodying elements of Maverick (we see 'Dr. Quintano, Medicine Woman' and Terry Bradshaw leading a team of football players/bounty hunters), and the futuristic (by 1890's standards) gizmos of the West (motorcycles, dirigibles). Throw in the story arc of John Bly, master villain of the future, and you've got a story that is a very weird blend of so many elements its hard to describe. Bruce Campbell show she has the stuff to be a series regular, but another strength of Adventures... is the continuity and the supporting cast - many of which are given a chance to show up often and get some character development. Catch it on TNT.
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