Taking Care of Business (1990) Poster

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The lot of a younger brother.
Bing-1817 May 1999
This is a nice, light comedy that floats along to the end so fast that you do not even notice it.

Grodin turns in another winning performance as the up-tight advertising executive that has his life taken over by an escaped convict, Belushi, who only escaped to watch the big baseball match which he has won tickets for, when he finds his Filofax at the airport.

What follows is some wonderful scenes as Belushi lives it up in the lap of luxury and does Grodin's job for him as he tries desperately to catch up with him.

Belushi is best as he tries to break back into jail so he can be legally released less than twelve hours later. Throughout this movie Belushi proves what a star he could have if he had arrived on the scene independent of everyone else, and without being over-shadowed by his self-destructive big brother.

Nevertheless, a very basic, but still highly enjoyable comedy.
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Fun flick for veg'ing guys
=G=13 April 2003
"Taking Care of Business" is a sort of "Trading Places" knock-off with Belushi playing an irrepressible and always upbeat con who escapes from prison to attend the World Series and stumbles into the identity of a lost workaholic exec (Grodin) after finding his Filofax personal organizer. A rather ordinary but lively B-movie romp, "TCoB" makes a fun watch for guys in need of a little decompression after a hard day's work. (C+)
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`Taking Care The Absolutely Funny !!!'
salciuco@inwind.it26 April 2003
Funny, funny, funny and funny! This is the only word to define this lively comedy starring to James Belushi and Charles Grodin and directed by a master as Arthur Hiller. The pasted 80's were the best years for the American comedy, started to the later John Belushi till to the Chevy Chase's `Flecht' came to the Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd `Ghostbusters' the entertainment industry had generated a great lot to funny comedy, that it's true many funny movie are do still now, but the elegance and intelligence in the old movies are insuperable and unequalled. `Taking Care A Business is a comedy that it's do in the early 90's but it include all the 80's funny spirit thanks to a fast script and a professional directed to Arthur Hiller, but also thanks to the two leading players Belushi and Grodin two great comedians and also two great actors(You can see them in many drama movie). Belushi is surprising in his naturalness and expressiveness, he succeeded to give at his character a reality dimension where it's very believed his carefreeness and his `live a day at the time'. Grodin is very funny and professional in the measured and unlucky business man. The story is easy and simple in fact it's based to the classical Hollywood theme `the guy changed'. A rich business man Spencer Burns, lost his precious note-book where there all his life during a business travel, and this note-book is found to a likely jail man Jimmy Dworsky (Belushi) that he's escaped for see the baseball macht of his favourite league. Naturally the lucky fugitive take the place to the Spencer. You can not consider this movie as a great movie or a social flick with many reflection, but you must see the movie only for that's it's, a long and crackling unity to funny and laugher. And if I see under this aspect I give to the movie a good 8 to rate.
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can you say underrated??
mcfly-317 August 2002
An extremely well-paced and funny mistaken identity movie that got no credit. Belushi pulls off perfectly the exhuberant, boy-like fugitive who breaks out of prison for a couple days so he can see the World Series (wouldn't you)? The tickets he won on a radio show are to be picked up at LAX, where a bigger pick up awaits. While dodging a set of cops he spots Grodin's day planner atop a phone booth with the note of a reward to anyone who returns it. So he heads to Malibu looking for Grodin who has found himself in the slums of LA trying to get people to believe who he is. He's come to town to close a big advertising deal but loses his beloved orgonizer ("My life was in there!"). In the process he's mistreated by gang members, can't get anyone to believe him, has to resort to help from DeSolvo's mind-numbing nitwit, and ends up walking Pacific Coast Highway in the rain. Meanwhile Belushi takes it upon himself to enter Grodin's boss's Malibu mansion and even assume his job which includes a tennis date and dinner with a witchy female executive. Belushi even scores with the boss's daughter, leading to one of the film's funniest lines: "I slept with Walter's daughter?! How was I??" "You were great!" "I knew I could be great in bed!" It all culminates in an extended finale that goes from the World Series to prison. A lot of people point out the film's inplausibility, but as I always say, don't all films have a level of that? Just ignore it and enjoy the laughs. Though the film does feature the nicest set of prison inmates in history, maybe a little too far-fetched. And when Belushi gives a stolen car to his date, he's obviously unaware that cops are probably on the lookout for it (and he's supposed to be a car thief). He and Grodin also get along too well, but again, movie magic. All told this is a lot of fun and oddly enough was very reminiscent of Belushi's other work from 1990, "Mr. Destiny" (guy's life is altered with riches and adventure).

And a little sidenote about all the dumb brother comparisons by critics: Belushi is his own performer, judge his ability on that alone and stop comparing him to his sibling, please. At the point of this movie John had been dead nearly ten years and James had made his mark in great offerings like "About Last Night", "Red Heat" and "K-9". Be it comedy or drama, he can hold his own and needn't be put up against his brother's incomplete career.
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Will the real Spencer Barnes please stand up.
Hey_Sweden5 January 2019
Jim Belushi is fun in one of his most engaging roles: Jimmy Dworski, a car thief and die-hard Chicago Cubs fan who escapes from prison in order to attend a pivotal World Series game. Along the way, he happens upon the forgotten Filofax organizer belonging to uptight, ambitious Malibu executive Spencer Barnes (Charles Grodin). The whole weekend ahead of him, Jimmy first figures to return the organizer (a combination wallet and daily planner) to Spencer and collect the reward advertised inside. Instead, he ends up pretending to *be* Spencer for the weekend, leading to the expected wacky mishaps as unwary people expecting a different sort of behaviour from this Spencer character get something else entirely.

Although quite predictable, formulaic, and overlong (the script is by Jill Mazursky (daughter of Paul M.) and J.J. Abrams (his earliest screenwriting credit)), "Taking Care of Business" is indeed a cute comedy that travels far on Belushis' easygoing charm and the perfectly cast Grodin. Spencer will have a long road towards meeting this temporary nemesis, enduring some hardships, while Jimmy will enjoy this brief opportunity to live in the lap of utter luxury. (That Malibu mansion is a wonder to behold.) Entertaining side characters also help a lot: Anne De Salvo as a persistent, annoying, but endearing old school chum of Spencers', Mako as a tough Japanese businessman, Stephen Elliott as Spencers' ailing boss, Hector Elizondo as the weaselly prison warden, Veronica Hamel as Spencers' fed-up wife, the enticing Loryn Locklin as the boss' daughter, Ken Foree as a convict, and 'Star Trek' universe actors Gates McFadden and John de Lancie, as employees in Makos' company.

The picture is silly, and reasonably amusing, and may not exactly be very believable, but it serves as a good diversion for people who aren't demanding something of substance. One does feel good for the unlikely lead duo when all is said and done.

Naturally, the title invites the expected use of the classic Bachman-Turner-Overdrive hit tune.

Seven out of 10.
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It's silly, it's fun and it makes you feel good
Carson_Wells24 November 2018
Taking Care of Business is a movie that was never meant to win any Oscars. It's a silly comedy that pretty much does what silly comedies are supposed to do. If you love the '80s (this movie was filmed '89) and miss the simplicity of that era, then you'll probably enjoy Taking Care of Business. Yes, there's cheesy dialogue and overacting and all that good stuff. The bottom line is that the jokes work. Not to mention that both Belushi and Grodin are perfect in their roles. Grodin does what is expected of him and Belushi plays the type of happy go lucky character he should've always played. This is a great movie for those who want a short and well deserved break from the digital age.
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Silly and implausible, but incredibly fast-paced and often very funny!
mattymatt4ever12 September 2001
When I first watched this movie, I laughed and laughed and laughed! I was dying! Yes, it's a silly comedy that mostly depends on slapstick, but it works. The plot becomes more implausible by the minute, but with a film as fast-paced and funny as this, you tend to overlook all those flaws. Unless...it's your second viewing.

Some comedies are incredibly funny on the first viewing, and are almost as--if not just as--funny on all the following viewings. You even start to laugh at jokes you didn't get the first time around. And there are comedies that are incredibly funny on the first viewing, but the laughs decrease on all the following viewings. Unfortunately, "Taking Care of Business" is an example of the latter. And as the laughs decrease, I felt more obligated to observe the plot. Though it succeeds in delivering big-time laughs, "TCOB" is a shallow farce that doesn't know when to quit.

James Belushi is the main saving grace. Comic talent and energy obviously runs in the family (his brother, the late John Belushi) and he's doing a terrific job at carrying on the Belushi name. His starring roles in little-known films haven't given him the opportunity to show off his knack for comedy, but every once in a while he steals the show, one of which was his supporting role in the underrated romantic comedy "Return to Me." Jim's an underrated talent, who has an amazing comic energy--without being obnoxious--and I hope to see him in more and more comedies. Charles Grodin is amusingly deadpan. Then again, portraying his stuck-up character wasn't much of a stretch. But towards the film's conclusion, he shows off his more outrageous side and he's quite good. That blonde chick who plays Belushi's love interest is an absolute knockout! I didn't get her name, but I hope to see her more often.

Despite its flaws, I can't completely downgrade a film that made me laugh hysterically the first time. Sure, you won't like it as much the second time, but who said you have to watch it a second time? Just watch it once and indulge! Plus, it has that great title song!

My score: 7 (out of 10)
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Classic underrated 90s comedy.
oneguyrambling27 December 2010
Taking Care of Business is less a "Ha-Ha" funny comedy than a likable guy running around getting into mischief at the expense of an uptight business guy. What is more of a shock is that James Belushi is the likable guy, and that aside from the "I can't believe you tried that" mini ponytail that he sports for the film you really hope he gets away with things such as escaping from prison. Now thanks to According to Jim I actually hope Belushi doesn't get away with things and is thrown to prison.

Belushi is Jimmy Dworski, an inmate at a small time prison who is due for release any day. When he wins tickets to see his beloved baseball team in the World Series he begs the warden to let him out a day early. No dice. (I agree too, a sentence is a sentence. You do the crime…) So with the ease bestowed upon movie characters within hours Dworski is out while his fellow inmates cover up for him by staging a strike and holding "Jimmy" hostage.

Charles Grodin is Spencer Barnes, an uptight advertising exec working and slaving under a demanding boss hoping for the ever elusive promotion. Much to his wife's chagrin he is sent to LA to win a big account with a Japanese firm. Spencer's life is dictated by a folder that he carries with him at all times with schedules, phone numbers and vital info in it… nowadays we call it a Blackberry but this was 1989.

Guess what he loses? And guess what Jimmy picks up? So 1 lost folder becomes one guy's mistaken identity and one guy's misfortune. Spencer is mugged, dumped by his wife, fired and thrown in jail all in the same day, each time falling back in desperation on the same shrill voiced woman that he met on his flight.

Meanwhile Jimmy lives in a massive house, is wined and dined, plays tennis, drives fast cars, and bangs the hotttttttttt daughter of Spencer's boss, all the while going by that same moniker. Of course Jimmy becomes a successful ad-exec in about 10 minutes, impresses everyone with his "maverick" style and no-one realizes the mistaken identity, but these are the sacrifices you make to enjoy films like this.

When Spencer and Jimmy finally meet they each learn something about themselves, awwwww, and Jimmy must break back into jail unnoticed so that he can be released and they can both continue their friendship. It must be said that it seems the businessman learns more than the convict, I'm not sure what type of message this sends to the kids… As I mentioned there aren't much in the way of big gags in this film, but it generally keeps a smirk on your face and is a quite enjoyable 90 odd minutes. Perfect for killing a couple hours on the weekend with offending the missus with a violent film or a horror, whilst avoiding the inevitable rom-com suggestions that arise at such times.

Final Rating – 7 / 10. Probably hard to even track down nowadays, but a harmless film and worth watching if only to remind you there was a time when Belushi was less annoying.
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What a great comedy, a classic!
BatmanTheGreat7 August 2001
I fell in love with this movie the first time I saw it, although the script is not brilliant the cast made a great effort and made it very convincing, James Belushi plays nice guy convict Jimmy Dworfski as he plans to escape prison for the weekend to see the Chicago Cubs in the World Series, getting his fellow in-mates to cover it up. While out he finds business executive Spencer Barnes (Charles Grodin) filofax and takes over his life. Belushi & Grodin are great together in this feel good comedy, as a lover of Baseball I was drawn to this even more, but if you're not you'll still find it just as enjoyable. This is the best James Belushi film I've seen!
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A toast on that the Cubs may win the World Series... , and big tits.
lastliberal13 December 2008
No football this weekend, so what are you going to do? I didn't feel like driving an hour to see a flick on the big screen, so I scoped out this little comedy. I am certainly glad i did because it had the right combination of stars to make it really funny.

James Belushi was perfect as the con out of water looking to see the Cubs in the World series. he looks like a con and really carried the film as someone who was just stumbling through impersonation another.

That other was Charles Grodin, the perfect person to play a tight-assed executive who was more in need of a blow-job than anyone I know.

Add a wacky Anne De Salvo, Hector Elizondo as a perfect warden, and Mako, and you have the makings of a good movie. A quick peek at Loryn Locklin, and I do mean quick despite the movie;'s "R" rating, and it's all good.

It all worked out great in the end as you would expect.

Check it out.
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the illest
suprflycat1 July 2003
this is probably one of my favorite movies ever made, (sentimentaly anyways). james belushi is a perfect fish in this flick. the baseball undertones are great, not to mention walters daughter, jewel, who is just a 4 alarm fire. belushi and charles grodin have an undeniable chemistry together. is it a little chessy? yeah. was it the early 90's? hell yeah. is it a great little flick? betchorass it is.
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Underrated and loads o' laughs
lllama17 March 2008
I was surprised to see such a low IMDb voter rating for this movie. Silly movies don't get much credit, but this one deserves a lot for making you laugh over and over again at some of the most ridiculous stuff, especially the antics of Jim Belushi, who was a scream in this. (I also think Jim Belushi is underrated, and many of his movies are great, though people seem to miss out on that fact.) Sure, it wasn't perfect, so I didn't give it a 10, but it was still something I can watch over and over again, and in my house, we all laugh repeatedly. Whoops! I can't forget Charles Grodin, who played his usual funny deadpan goof ball role.

I love artsy, intellectual movies, tense, smart thrillers, and well-made, beautiful, meaningful films, but a good dose of silliness that I can watch over and over again, is just wonderful.

Laughter is the best medicine, and this movie is cheaper than drugs and alcohol, and it makes you feel better fast.
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Belushi's Best
ric_me_ric22 April 2004
this is one of my favourite film, if not my favourite film of all time. i thought it was absolutely great and i can watch it and watch it again without getting bored of it! its funny, got a good plot and is a really enjoyable film. the film hasnt really made it big anywhere (as you can tell from the amount of votes on this website) but i would advise it to anyone because the film is great. i think belushi plays his part brilliantly and he is a great actor in film like k9 and k911, many more also!

the film is fun and there is no doubt that i would give this film 10/10 and i cannot fault the film!- please watch if you have not seen it- you will not be let down.

One of my personal favourites!
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Filofax Yuppie Swapathon.
hitchcockthelegend17 January 2010
Jimmy Dworski {James Belushi} has two days to go before his release from prison {he's a car thief you see}. Upon hearing a contest on the radio to win two tickets to see the Chicago Cubs in the World Series, he promptly phones in a wins the tickets. But after unsuccessfully haggling with the vengeful warden {Hector Elizondo} for early release, Jimmy breaks out of the big house and stumbles upon the treasured Filofax of advertisement executive Spencer Barnes {Charles Grodin}. As Spencer stumbles around a broken man without his Filofax, Jimmy starts to live the high life as Spencer Barnes.

Well it's not really an out and out buddy movie till the last quarter, something that some writers have failed to mention. The preceding three quarters of the film follows the two role switch protagonists as they go about their merry/miserable ways respectively. Sounds like Trading Places eh? Well yes, that's because it is really. Here in lies the problem with Taking Care Of Business {AKA Filofax}, it's been done far better before and director Arthur Hiller and writers Jill Mazursky/J.J. Abrams either hadn't the nous, or the need, to at least instill some much needed deviation from the formula of such movies. So in the pantheon of role swap comedies, Taking Care Of Business is pretty much little league. So with that in mind it's something of an unexpected surprise to find it's actually very likable, thanks to the spirited turns offered up by Belushi & Grodin.

Belushi here was on the back of buddy buddy comedies Red Heat & K-9, which, like or loath them? Garnered a cult fan base and showed Belushi to have an appealing comedic charm that people could warm too. Grodin had done the quite excellent Midnight Run with Robert DeNiro three years earlier, so both men were in familiar territory and both deliver entertaining contrasts of character. Belushi does his street wise child in a mans body act whilst Grodin lays on the softly spoken, anal whiner for maximum impact. The result of which just about stops the uninspired script from sinking the movie. Anne De Salvo, Loryn Locklin, Stephen Elliott, Veronica Hamel & Mako are in support, with Locklin not only providing a truly sexy moment, but also playing off Belushi's ebullience rather well.

With some nice gags, genuinely funny scenes, and its two enjoyable leads, Taking Care Of Business is just about worth giving your time to. But any expectation of a new and interesting slant on the Prince And The Pauper theme will only end up in crushing disappointment. 6/10
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Short haired beauty
boytaconic13 December 2021
What stands out to me is the actress we see in a bikini thong!also why I prefer long haired actresses,this one has very nice short hair!loryn locklyn pulls it off like nobody can!lovely!
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Jim Belushi's Best....
jenreneejb12 January 2017
What a fun movie! I've seen it over and over again never gets boring. So funny I laughed and laughed. Jim Belushi is just great. Its his best movie by far. Love the baseball theme. Such a fun entertaining movie. I like Charles Godin in this too. Him and Jim's chemistry is very good. Jim's love interest is a beauty too. They are good together on screen. I like the story line with the prison and the poor to rich theme. Just a great fun movie. I'll watch again and again. I always loved both the Belushi brothers. Jim is a great handsome fun actor. I like the title of the movie and always loved that song. Taking care of business I give it 6 stars out of 10.
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business drift
lee_eisenberg6 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I noticed a couple of things about Arthur Hiller's "Taking Care of Business". One was the obviously silly plot. Jim Belushi's inmate manages to sneak out of jail to watch the World Series and assumes the identity of Charles Grodin's executive. Another was that this was Grodin's second movie in three years about someone assuming another person's identity (the previous one was "The Couch Trip", starring Dan Aykroyd as a mental patient who poses as one of the doctors in the institution).

But there was something else. Posing as the businessman, the inmate goes to the business meetings and upsets everything (in the craziest way possible, I might note). The '80s were all about greed, with the mergers and acquisitions that accompanied it. Now, a man who had suffered from Reaganomics was having his revenge.

Yes, that's tangential and probably unintentional. Nevertheless, it was what I liked most about the movie. The movie is nothing special, but makes no pretense about what it is. And was Loryn Locklin a real babe or what?
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Light hearted humour & fun for Trekkies too
mjp.carino-229 July 2001
Brilliant movie -especially good as a pick-me-up when you're feeling down. In the 'old days' this film was known as Filofax. Comes highly recommended and in my opinion is one of Belushi's best films. If you're a die hard Star Trek fan, then look out for some of the faces that appear these days in <Star Trek Voyager> and <Star Trek The Next Generation>. I've spotted three, though there could be more -BTW, one of them is really difficult to recognize, despite being one of the main characters -to help you -it's one of the women... ENJO
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Very silly, dumb and childish, but still undeniably good FUN as well...
imseeg2 February 2020
James Belushi and Charles Grodin make this silly, childish comedy worth watching. Best suited for teenagers, but I (as an adult) cant help but like it as well.

This story is what teenage fantasies are made of: suddenly being rich, dating hot chicks and partying. This rich and carefree party lifestyle suddenly is possible for James Belushi when he accidentally is mistaken for another rich guy (Charles Grodin). How long will James Belushi get away with impersonating someone he isnt?

Eighties kind of comedy. Not highly recommended for sure, but this movie is a guilty pleasure of mine, because sometimes I just want to see a dumb and silly comedy, that is brainless from beginning to end, but is still quite enjoyable because of these 2 great comedy actors Belushi and Grodin.
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Underrated & continuously funny. See it. Enjoy it! Not for the humorless workaholic?
akg96-18 March 2006
Be ready to laugh! Very well done by everyone in front of the camera & behind it. Interesting social implications & it a comedy. Grodin & Belushi are casted perfectly & are a great counterpoint to each other. Unfortunately comedies don't get their deserved respect. The snobby professional critics are too wrapped up to even pay much attention to such a movie, but I found it worthy & will talk it up as a fun-packed delight. Is that so bad? Certainly not! It was fun to see so many actors & actresses that I recognized & appreciate. Movie-making is an act of suspended belief, so any film does not need to be totally believable or factual. But any story needs to be entertaining, & in this the film delivers.
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mattkratz17 June 2001
This movie was one of the funniest James Belushi films. He is ideal as a convict who wins tickets to the Cubs' World Series game, has to break out of jail to attend, get his fellow inmates to cover for him, and break back in before the warden knows what has happened. In between, he finds uptight executive Charles Grodin's little black book and assumes Grodin's life, turning it upside down and being a better "him" while he poses as Grodin.

Belushi and Grodin are magnificent in the leads, and the film is overall very funny. See it if you get the chance; you will not regret it! I happened to love it myself.

*** out of ****
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Cubs Win!
PredragReviews20 May 2016
"Taking Care of Business" is a fairly routine fish-out-of-water comedy, but it does feature some good performances (by Charles Grodin, doing that uptight Charles Grodin thing) and Belushi (doing his streetwise, wiseacre Jim Belushi thing), as well as some nice turns by supporting players Veronica Hamel, Anne DeSalvo, Hector Elizondo and the rather fetching--Loryn Locklin. But the film does belong to Belushi. He carries his good-natured car thief role off with aplomb.

James Belushi and Charles Gordin delivers excellent comic performances. Sharply written by Jill Mazursky & Jeffery Abrams. Directed by Arthur Miller (Outrageous Foutune). Watch for actor: Ken Foree (George A. Romero's Dawn of the Dead) as a convict and Look also for Actors: John De Lancie & Gates McFadden from Star Trek: The Next Generation. An fast paced entertaining comedy. If you're looking for a good laugh, Belushi hits the mark in this movie!

Overall rating: 8 out of 10.
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Everybody would like to have Jim Belushi as a friend or brother.
critic2-227 May 1999
Everybody would like to have Jim Belushi as a friend or brother. He truly seems to have fun in everything he does, it shows in this movie. I won't tell you the story but it is almost like some of the screwball comedies of the 1930's. The entire cast does a excellent job. Loryn Locklin as Jewel is a pleasure for anyone to see at the pool. And who has not seen an old classmate like Debbie, played to the hilt by Anne DeSalvo was really funny and sad at the same time.

Rent it you will enjoy yourself.
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Really fun movie!
carolyngjohnson26 February 2023
This is an oldie but goodie! I've seen this many times...I enjoy it that much. Jim Belushi is very funny in this movie ("Check out those buns!") as he pretends to be Spencer Barnes. Spencer, on the other hand is very annoying at first, but learns what is truly important in life.

One of my favorite characters is Debbie. Poor Debbie, so nice, trying to be helpful, and Spencer just dumps on her. She does put him in his place after a while and the way he makes it up to her is very sweet.

And the two horrible bosses get theirs in the end (Diane's secretary clapping enthusiastically at the end is awesome...and something too many of us wish we could experience).

It's a fun movie with happy endings all around!
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Grodin saves the show
Squonk16 June 1999
In "Taking Care of Business," James Belushi escapes from prison to see the Cubs in the World Series. He finds the datebook of overworked Charles Grodin and assumes Grodin's identity. The film is somewhat enjoyable, yet through it all I couldn't quite shake the feeling that I've seen all this before. There's not much that's original here. Grodin, saves the film. As always, he's a treat to watch. A big downside to the movie is that it has about 2 endings too many. But, it's not a complete loss, director Arthur Hiller has certainly done worse...he's also done much better.
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