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Where is this happening ???
CelluloidRehab7 January 2005
Michael Gold (Brandon Lee) is a mercenary hired by the CIA to find a German scientist (Ernest Borgnine). The scientist has developed a laser technology that everyone wants. After their rendezvous on the beach, both Brandon and Borgnine are captured. This sets up the daring escape by Brandon, after which he volunteers to go back and find the professor.

This movie is classically bad. It seems to take place in Africa, with Soviet, Cuban and German soldiers involved. Debi Monahan rounds up the cast as the professor's daughter. She is thoroughly annoying in this role, as her voice seems to increase in pitch as she gets louder and is also very whiny. The only redeeming qualities of her character is her push up blue dress, which seems to be the only thing she wears during the movie (she does wear a white jump suit at the beginning and a bed sheet after the "sex" scene).

Brandon Lee is suppose to be the star of this movie, however, he comes off quite flat. Its not just the acting thats bad but also the action. I haven't seen so many drop-kicks since Star Trek : The Original Series. He also tries to emulate his father by doing "characterizations" (see Chinese Connection). The slapping Manuel sketch is a good indicator how bad his acting is. It is funny though. He also seems to pull off an Arab beggar.

To complement Brandon (other than Debi Monahan), we get Mr. Borgnine (whom we see actually sleeping during a scene), a crazy Soviet Colonel (who refuses to die), a white big game hunter and a pair of bungling Cuban soldiers (a female Sergeant and the beloved Manuel).

Nothing sums up this movie more completely than the "theme song" of the movie (Mercenary Man), which seems to be playing in either muzak form or the 80's bad rock form and the dialog.

Dialog such as :

(Brandon) I did my job. Pay me and let me get the hell outta here.

(CIA suit) Kiss ... my ... ass !!!

(Brandon) NO !

This movie was definitely worth the $4 I spent on it. RIP Brandon.

-Celluloid Rehab
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At least it only cost $1!
leczorn9 November 2004
While roaming the dollar DVD bin recently, I picked out this 1990 action movie that stars the late Brandon Lee, Bruce Lee's son. The only movie from Brandon that I had previously seen is probably the only movie of his that you've seen, 1994's "The Crow," which made him a star but cost him his life. He was shot to death during filming of that movie by an improperly loaded gun. I knew that he had done a few minor movies before that but had never seen any.

I'm not endorsing "Laser Mission." From the opening credits I could tell that it was very cheaply done. And, at least on this DVD, the audio is about a full second behind the visual! The movie is about a maverick government agent named Michael Gold (played by Lee), who goes on a mission to save a scientist named Braun (Ernest Borgnine), who is being forced by the Soviets to build a nuclear weapon, combining a laser with a huge diamond. Great stuff! Brandon's acting is okay, as is Borgnine's. I like Brandon's sarcastic wit. But much of the rest of the acting is pretty amateur, especially that of his character's love interest, Alissa (Debi Monahan) who might pass for a decent porno actress.

The action scenes aren't bad for a low budget movie but the script is weak and loaded with '80s action movie clichés. And it's especially humorous to see Alissa - who looks and acts like a typical blonde, air headed bimbo - joining Michael in blowing away dozens of bad guys! She also does some pretty impressive driving - in a peace wagon, no less - while Michael blows away still more bad guys from the back seat!

But there are two things that make the movie worth the dollar for me. One is that parts of it are so bad that they're hilarious, including one time when Brandon and a guy who he's fighting both fall off of a building about 30 feet high and Brandon lands just gets up and walks away! The other guy wasn't so lucky, falling on the spikes of a fence and dying.

And the other thing I love about the movie is the music, done by none other than David Knopfler of Dire Straits. He has one straight ahead rocker that is played during the opening credits, closing credits and several times in between. I guess they were either on a tight budget so they could afford little music or they really loved that song! I think it's played six times during the movie!

I'm pretty sure that's the only vocal song in the movie. The instrumental stuff is great, too. I detect a little Pink Floyd influence in David's music.

One other note of unintentional humor from "Laser Mission," in the movie, Brandon's character wants the mission so bad that he's not doing it for the money. Yet the aforementioned song that's featured over and over is titled "Mercenary Man!" 3/10
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Lee's charisma and Monahan's cleavage make this "mission" tolerable
gridoon11 February 2006
In only his second leading role, Brandon Lee already shows charisma and even a gift for self-parody, and he particularly shines when he's allowed to show his terrific fighting skills....unfortunately there is much more gun action than hand-to-hand combat here. His co-star, Debi Monahan, is not much of a fighter, but she's sexy, she can handle a gun and if there was a "best cleavage" award in the movies then I think she would have won it that year. Watching these two almost makes up for the forced "comic relief" from the secondary characters, the monotonous action, the confusing geography and the low production values. But who thought it was a good idea to have Ernest Borgnine waving a shotgun and running around in the desert at his age? (Happy belated 89th birthday, by the way!) (**)
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Best $1 DVD I've ever bought
natedido24 November 2004
Sometimes you just have to raid the DVD bin at the dollar store to have a good laugh with some friends. I found this jem today and promptly purchased it, sped home to toss it into my DVD player, and basked in the glory of my home theater.

Okay, not really. Obviously the movie is ripped from a VHS source, with the highly bleeding reds and hue saturation that would make a drag queen toss out his makeup bag.

The audio is pretty lo-fi, except for the odd instances where glass breaks and it magically turns into a life-like experience.

Brandon Lee reminds me of a young Bruce Campbell in this movie, believe it or not. Lots of corny dialogue and one-liners throughout. He gets beat up and shot at, and actually takes a few of the hits once in a while. There's TONS of continuity errors with the editing.

The accents are hilarious, as well as the spoken and written Spanish that was so poor I thought that I might have written it. Since I don't remember the movie actually saying they were in Cuba, it's funny to just imagine some fictional land of VW vans with unlimited fuel supplies, disappearing camels, and 400 mile deserts that are very easy to navigate through as long as you find a horse after it ran away a day ago.

The movie is actually somewhat fast-paced, unlike most of the garbage that was intolerable even while inebriated that I've grabbed up from the $1 bins.

Next time you run by it, pick yourself up a copy, then pour out some of your 40 in memory of the late, great, Brandon Lee.
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Getting Straight to the Points
wes-connors6 March 2010
Well… "Laser Mission" is obviously not a good film. But, Brandon Lee does show what good breeding can do for a man. And, Debi Monahan does show what good cleavage can do for a woman. The low-cut blue dress Ms. Monahan wears on her date with Mr. Lee makes its points. She keeps it on for almost the entire movie. You also get a lot of fighting, shooting, and Ernest Borgnine.

"Kidnapped by Soviet agents, Professor Braun (Borgnine) is forced to work on a powerful laser weapon that could be used to enslave the world," according to the DVD synopsis, "The CIA decides to send agents Michael Gold (Lee) and Alissa (Monahan) into Cuba to retrieve the scientist and a cache of diamonds being used to build the weapon." The soundtrack, by David Knopfler, is rare and well done.

*** Laser Mission (11/89) B.J. Davis ~ Brandon Lee, Debi Monahan, Ernest Borgnine, Graham Clarke
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Wow, that sucked!
wimdall29 August 2006
Let me just say this is by far one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Brandon, buddy, what the H-E-Double hockey sticks were you doing in this piece of trash!? Don't get me wrong. I'm one of those guys who loves the worst kind of movies, but this one is just too much. I watched this hoping for a combination of the misty classics Warrior of the Lost World and Space Mutiny, but instead got a combination of a bad James Bond, a silly episode of MacGyver, and experiencing a root canal without Novocain. There isn't a single character that isn't nail bitingly irritating, and any hint of a plot is completely absent. Unless you're a die hard Brandon Lee fan, or you're some kind of film masochist, avoid at all costs.
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This Is An Awesome Low Budget Action Film, That Does Not Deserve The 2.5/10 Rating It Gets!
callanvass28 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is an awesome low budget Action Film that does not deserve the 2.5/10 rating it gets on this site!. All the characters were really cool, and the film, is action packed, and it also had a really cool story to it as well. There are a lot of action films that are much much worse that this that deserve to get this rating, in my opinion, and hey it helps if you got Brandon Lee as the main star!. it had a lot of cool fight scenes, and the prison escape was exciting, however there was one moment that i found a bit too corny , and that's when the main villain Col. Kalishnakov, survives 3 or 4 gunshot wounds,and being hit by an explosion, until they finally kill him. This is an awesome action film, extremely low budget, but i enjoyed it very very much,sure it has lots of flaws but it's tons of fun and i feel it's a great film. The Direction is very good . BJ Davis does a very good job here, with stylish action scenes, some cool shots, doing awesome with the low budget he had, and he kept the film at a very fast pace!. There is some blood. we get quite a few bloody gunshot wounds,knife in the chest,slit throat,severed heads, and a gory impaling. The Acting is surprisingly very good. Brandon Lee Was AMAZING as he always was, he is extremely likable,excellent in the acting department, hilarious,had great chemistry with Debi A. Monahan, kicked that ass, and was tons of fun to watch, he also had some great one liners!(Brandon Ruled!). Debi A. Monahan is GORGEOUS!, and does very well here, a little annoying at first, but she quickly grew one me and became very likable, i also enjoyed the chemistry between her and Lee, great job!, where is she now?. Ernest Borgnine is good as the Prof, and added class to this. Graham Clarke is excellent as the main villain, and was very menacing, he was an interesting character. Pierre Knoessen and Maureen Lahoud are okay as the comic relief. Overall don't believe the 2.5 rating it got on here, i say it's a must see! **** out of 5
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correction on location
bverreau28 January 2005
This turkey came with the "50 SciFi Classics" pack - a real treasure trove for the bad cinema aficionado. I can't add much to what's already been said about the lousy scripting, acting and directing, but there's one scene near the end that's the pièce de résistance. Michael Gold takes a carefully aimed shot in the back less than twenty feet away. The front of his shirt just oozes blood and he staggers around at first. It got my hopes up for a minute. Miraculously, however, he seems to recover more and more as time goes on. Before long we see him running, knocking off more bad guys and making his usual wisecracks. Once in a while he grabs his shirt to stanch the blood, but he by the end of the film the wound is all but forgotten. Well, you knew nothing bad was going to happen to him when Kalishnakov inexplicably removes the handcuffs and allows himself to be overpowered.

A couple people speculated that the film's fictional setting was Cuba. I believe it opened in some made-up sub-Saharan nation - I'm not going back to look up the name - but it was stated during one of the briefings that the bad guys were on their way to Namibia, a real desert country in southwest Africa. I only make note of it because I traveled there a couple years ago, and I swear I recognized one of the street scenes they used as well as the distinctive color of the Namib desert sand. It makes me wonder if they blew most of the filming budget on a boondoggle to Africa for a few location shots.
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Diamonds are not forever.
mark.waltz24 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Have you ever seen an Academy Award winning actor in a film so bad that you just wanted to take that award away from them? That was the thought I had while watching this Brandon Lee film before 1955 Best Actor winner Ernest Borgnine showed up as the villain in this cheaply made dullsville convoluted mess of a cold war film, one of many made in the late '80s, and probably one of the worst of those themed movies ever. Had this actually been done as a comedy, I might have found some interest in it, but outside of its audacity, there's nothing to be amused by.

With a truly horrible Eastern European accent, Borgnine shows up as an old man sitting on a bench on the beach, basically a male version of Natasha Fatale, or a live action version of her fearless leader. When Borgnine knocks Lee out, I half expected to hear a "being, bang, bong" as he fell. It takes only a few minutes to realize how bad this is going to be, especially with the opening theme song, not one to rival even the worst of the Bond themes. By this time, Borgnine seemed to be showing up in practically every film offered to him, much like he had early in his years as a struggling actor. Every bad stereotype and cliche shows up in this film nearly right from the start, and it is painful in every way to find anything enjoyable about it. Even when it goes out of its way to try to be funny in a way that spoofs the genre, it ends up crashing with a thud. Even worse is the editing which is the worst example of cutting I've ever had to suffer through.
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No lasers.
BandSAboutMovies8 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Michael Gold (Brandon Lee) tries to convince Dr. Braun (Ernest Borgnine) to defect to the U. S. before the KGB takes him and his stolen diamond to create a laser. He doesn't go with him and is captured, which means that a rescue must happen. Gold and Braun's daughter Alissa (Debi A. Monahan) must find Col. Kalishnakov (Graham Clarke) and get back the weapon, the diamond and the scientist.

Director BJ Davis is a stuntman who has been in so many movies - he did stunts in this - as well as the director of the video for Meat Loaf's "I'd Lie for You (and That's the Truth)," which is kind of cool. This has the worst accent ever coming out of Borgnine's character to the point that I thought he was dubbed. He's not.

This movie has the most sexist dialogue ever.

Alissa: "What do you want me to do? Get on my knees?"

Gold: "That would be nice."

This would have been a forgotten movie if Lee hadn't died. Then it was all over the place on VHS, as it was public domain in the U. S. It's better than a lot of the other bargain bin action movies from then, but Lee would improve quite a bit by the time he starred in his last movie, The Crow.
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Ernest Borgnine uses his fake European accent again.
Bernie444420 December 2023
We are entreated with a song that sounds like leftover sixties or a Hallmark love story; they keep playing it over and over and over. Michael Gold (Brandon Lee) independent agent or mercenary is tasked with bringing back or killing a laser scientist Prof. Braun (Ernest Borgnine) probably related to Eva. If the scientist's laser knowledge is crossed with the world's biggest diamond it will create, are you ready for this? Nuclear weapons. To do this mission Michael must team up with the professor's libeling daughter Alissa (Michael).

The only problem is that the CIA does not trust him. The daughter turns out to have an annoyingly negative attitude.

Is she for real as she can shoot, drive, and cross 40 miles of desert in high heels?

Is the professor what he seems as he seems chummy with the bad guys?

Is Sgt. Roberta (Maureen Lahoud) a sergeant or a girl? In any case, she is part of a Laurel and Hearty team.

Like a cheap Bond movie will Gold get the professor, diamond, and daughter? Does he want to?

After you get the bad taste of this movie out of your mouth, watch Ernest Borgnine put his accent to effective use in "Ice Station Zebra" (1968)
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"I just dropped in to say....Bon Appetite!"
sixtwentysix9 August 2004
Probably one of the best bad low budget movies I've ever seen. This movie was purchased by a friend and I at a gas station in a 50 pack with other equally bad (but not as entertaining) films. That means it cost me around.70 to watch this and it was worth EVERY penny!

More great bad lines than you can ever imagine. Bad ideas and worse acting, this film is stone cold terrible but I doubt you won't be even a little entertained by it!

"Bad News, it appears the Russians are on some kind of LAZER MISSION"

Ok, so the Russians are on a Laser Mission... for a huge diamond and Ernest Borgnine... in Cuba.... which doesn't have a desert but still manages to appear as part of the scenery. This film has more than you could ever ask for, ALL STAR CAST, quality stock footage, crazy dialogue, a budget of $32 and a case of Schlitz beer.

I can't say enough despite that of how great this movie was to watch. This movie is so bad that, lines from this film have actually entered my daily vernacular! If you see only one movie this year, see Laser Mission!
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Laser Mission is a silly great time!
tarbosh220006 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Look at the above picture: Ernest Borgnine is IN the diamond. End of plot synopsis.

This laughably and lovably inept movie is just out and out silly - so take that as a solid recommendation. One of our readers, Gap, suggested we review this movie, and we always try to listen to our followers. Brandon Lee is charming as the CIA agent/mercenary who is a master of disguise named Michael Gold. There is a 526-carat diamond at stake called the Verbeek (?) diamond which will enable whoever gets it to build a powerful laser to take over the world. Naturally many bad guys are after him as he tries to rescue Professor Braun (Borgnine) who has been kidnapped. His journey takes him from Cuba to the Namibian desert, with Braun's daughter Alissa (Monahan) in tow.

There are inane action sequences involving shooting, blow-ups, guard tower falls, evil Germans, fruit cart chases and many other clichés, all done in what seems to be an unintentional cartoonish style. The "help the daughter find the kidnapped father" is a very American Ninja-style plot, and Ernest Borgnine's accent comes and goes. The unnamed song, which repeats many times throughout the film (plus all the nonsensical goofiness) reminded us of White Fire. The song is musically very reminiscent of "There's No Easy Way Out" and the singer sounds drunk. Apparently it was done by David Knopfler, and his husky, amazingly slurred singing makes Bob Dylan seem like someone with perfect diction.

Laser Mission was done in the golden year of 1989. It was directed by BJ Davis, who has a long history in the stunt world. It has since fallen into the public domain and thus can be found in gas stations all over the world for about a dollar. If you see it, we strongly suggest you pick it up, as it is well worth that meager investment. Sure, the quality is blurry (even the SOUND is blurry) but it will provide entertainment and laughs. And isn't that what movies are all about? Laser Mission is a silly great time. We'd love to find more movies like this.

for more insanity, please visit:
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Why Bother?
Hitchcoc24 April 2006
It's as if someone said, "There have been lots of good spy movies made. Let's make one that isn't clever, isn't exciting, makes very little sense, and see if we can get people to go to it." I doubt that many did. When I saw our boy Chuck Bronson killing armies of people with one shot in all those Death Wish movies, I thought I had had enough. These people that are able to run around with weapons and kill people by shooting them out of tower, off roofs, and right in front of them, gets really tiring. It's not much different than a bunch of ten year old's playing war. Every shot finds its mark and no one can hit the broad side of a barn on the other side. Of course, their approach to combat is to run at the guy with the gun, holding your weapon to the side, and stop. Ernest Borgnine must have been really hard up for parts (remember, he was once an Academy Award winner). This isn't tongue in cheek fun (although they try to throw in a little humor). It's just abjectly tiresome. Find an old James Bond film.
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Best of the Worst
mookiejava13 February 2005
I can't say much that hasn't already been said brilliantly. Obviously, many of you love the bad movies the way I do.

For those of you reading this who have not seen the film, I'll tell you exactly why you should watch it: It's Brandon Lee in a feature-length Mentos commercial. I kid you not. The look and feel of this movie simply scream "The Freshmaker." You know you want to see it now.

And just to correct one bit of info someone else posted, the one and only song used in this movie (over and over and over) is indeed by David Knopfler. David was not, however, in Dire Straits. That was his brother Mark. This movie was only able to afford David. Sorta like getting Ted Mellencamp. Not good.
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Low point of Brandon Lee's brief career
Leofwine_draca16 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There are bad films, there are really bad films, and then there's LASER MISSION. Okay, so maybe LASER MISSION isn't quite as bad as all that – the fact that it's unintentionally funny all the way through means that it's got a surprisingly high level of entertainment – but it certainly marks the nadir of Brandon Lee's brief career. It's an amateur night offering, shot on the cheap and with awful editing on what looks like the lowest grade film stock imaginable. This so-called "movie" was the result of a collaboration between the USA and Germany, and add location shooting in South Africa to the international brew. You may think that the resultant wealth of input would have led to a halfway decent film, but it's a case of "too many crooks spoil the broth" in this instance.

The title makes it sound like some sci-fi STAR WARS rip-off but in fact this is a run-of-the-mill spy thriller, with Brandon Lee's mercenary hero (who has his own theme tune in the form of 'mercenary man') battling evil Germans and Russians (one of whom is named 'Colonel Kalashnikov', believe it or not) for possession of a huge diamond that looks like it's made out of glass. The film basically involves Lee being captured, escaping, shooting lots of bad guys in bloodless displays of action, and engaging in lots of car chases with clapped-out motors. Ernest Borgnine's also on hand in an extraneous role as a scientist, and it's kind of fun seeing him run round with a rifle, shooting people – reminded me of THE WILD BUNCH made some 21 years before this. But it's also kind of sad.

There's no denying that Lee was an athletic actor and there's some fun to be had from watching him dropkick the bad guys. But his acting is a little flimsy here, and his attempts at comedy are pretty poor. But compared to his love interest, played by Debi Monahan, he's an Oscar winner. The dialogue between these two is groan-inducing and Monahan is the typical blonde bimbo in low cut attire, although to be fair she does take more of a role in the action than is usual. As for the villains, we have good old Werner Pochath, typecast as the villainous German as usual, and Graham Clarke as the ineffectual Russian.

The story is dotted with awful 'comic relief' some of it coming from a pair of Cuban soldiers – one man, one woman – who make the worst double act I've seen in a while. There's no denying the overacting in this film. The UK DVD is amusingly rated PG, although the last time I checked, the BBFC guidelines didn't allow f-words, headbutting and back-breaking in PG rated films. Really, this film is awful. From the cheesy one-liners to the scenes which reference COMMANDO, you don't get much worse – which is why this sort of stuff is just up my street. Best of all are the numerous silly/unbelievable things going on, from our heroine crossing the desert in high heels to our hero getting shot in the stomach and shrugging off the wound! The back of the box doesn't even relate to the real plot and why title a film LASER MISSION if you're not going to put any lasers in it? Why not just call it DIAMOND MISSION or something? If you like bad movies, you're in for a treat with the ultra-poor LASER MISSION.
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Really Low Budget
Neo-21222 May 2000
This might have been a decent movie if they had any money to spend on it. Brandon Lee is the only good thing about it. I think I could make about as good of a movie myself with a camcorder. In fact they may have used camcorders because the picture isn't very good and I bought it new! Brandon Lee displays a comedic side here that was interesting. Other than that, forgettable.
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They should've named this film Mercenary Man and been done with it.
Aaron137526 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Things that are featured in this film more than lasers: shotguns, bows and arrows, sand, deserts, diamonds, Ernest Borgnine and so much more as this film literally features no lasers! I did not think it would be like a Star Wars movie by any means, but I thought there would at least be a laser shooting something at some point in this film. There was a film called Danger: Death Ray and it featured the death ray very little, only used really once, but at least there was a death ray in the film. This thing is called Laser Mission and there is not a single laser shown and there is hardly any mission to be honest.

The story, a huge diamond is stolen which you see coming as the person presenting the diamond is really bragging about it. A man, a mercenary man played by Brandon Lee is sent to find an elderly man because he can make lasers, just not in the time frame of this film. The mercenary man is immediately captured by the Soviet German Brazilian army and escapes and must go back to rescue the old man and wander aimlessly through the desert with a very attractive, but very annoying blond who is also a mercenary man...I guess...

Brandon Lee was just starting out in the late 80's and early 90's, he was not bad, but not great either. Not sure how things would have turned out had he lived, but I am doubting he would have become a huge star even after The Crow. Ernest Borgnine uses so many accents in this thing, but then so too, does everyone. I am still unsure of who was the bad guy and who was the lackey, but that one bad guy sure could survive a lot!

So the film was not too terrible, but definitely not good. One of those films that distracts you from the fact there really is not a good plot by doing quick edits and strange camera angles. The movie kind of bogs down in the desert though as you will be happy when they finally get the heck out of it! Like I said, the lead female was pretty, but damn her voice was ack! A good movie to watch for the sheer badness where it is so bad it is almost good. Just be prepared to see absolutely no lasers, but be ready to hear the song Mercenary Man again and again!
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So much cheese...
AwesomeWolf29 May 2005
I've considered Brandon Lee to be one of my favourite actors for a while. Of course, I'd never seen 'Laser Mission'. I may be a blind fan boy most of the time, but even I can't accept 'Laser Mission' as a Brandon Lee movie. Then again, I never intended to, as it was my first foray into a pack of fifty "classic" sci-fi movie, and obviously one of those movies that are amazingly and amusingly bad.

'Laser Mission' would have made a whole lot more sense if it DIDN'T have a plot. Unfortunately, there is a plot. A plot that lacks any coherence, and some 'Plan 9 From Outer Space' style plot holes and continuity blunders.

Brandon plays Michael Gold, a freelance spy (a mercenary, perhaps?) working for the CIA. Gold's mission is to get to Professor Braun (Ernest Borginine, I've been told he was a real actor sometime before appearing in this) before the bad guys do. It seems Professor Braun has come up with plans for a doomsday device, but not actually built it yet, ensuring his status on the border between normal scientist and mad scientist. Prof. Braun is hiding out in a fictitious African country, being chased by what are either German or Russian spies / headhunters, and Cuban soldiers (being the comic relief). In order to find Braun, Gold must make contact with Braun's daughter, an American veterinarian and KGB spy. That's all I understood. I stopped trying to make sense of things after a while.

We all know plots are generally neglected in action movies, right from the Hollywood blockbuster to the b-movie with a tiny budget. That doesn't mean that a plot has to be so mind bendingly stupid that all you can do is laugh. A simple revenge story will suffice, not some crazy story that would probably be suited to a James Bond movie if it made a little sense. On the other hand, judging by 'Die Another Die', it won't be long before 007 ends up in a 'Laser Mission' remake. In fact, this does reminds me a lot of Jackie Chan's 'Armour of God 2: Operation Condor', both in story and location.

I think director BJ Davis assumed that lots of explosions would make up for the lack of any quality fight scenes in the film. It sure looks that way, but I'll give Davis credit: It must have taken tremendous talent to get Brandon Lee to look absolutely terrible in a fight scene. Half of the fights consist of stunt men diving in Brandon's general direction, and Brandon doing something to make it look he is actually fighting with the waves of diving stunt men. How symbolic is the fact that the best fight scene in the movie (a very ordinary scene by normal standards) is partially obscured by a horse's ass (I thought they used camels in the desert, and just where did that horse come from anyway?). Again, all you can do is laugh. Or cringe. At least the car chase is almost exciting.

As much as I hated 'Blind Vengeance', I have to admit that even 'Blind Vengeance' had better production values than this. However, 'Blind Vengeance' didn't have any rock ballads. Rock ballads make anything better. In this case, we have a rock ballad called 'Mercenary Man' that is played nearly non-stop throughout the whole movie. Apparently it was composed by none other than David Knopfler, once the guitarist of Dire Straits.

'Laser Mission' is a terrible, incredibly cheesy b-grade action movie. It'll either make you laugh, or make you cringe. For what it's worth, I laughed - 2/10
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Where the $#@ were the $#@ing lasers?!?
craigman13 August 2007
I only watched this movie because I was bored one Sunday afternoon and I had received a Sci-Fi Classics collection as gift, and because it starred the late, great Brandon Lee, whom I only have seen in the movie "The Crow", which I loved. I love to watch cheesy low-budget sci-fi movies, and movies that are "so bad they're good", but this was neither. It was just horrible all around. Probably the most annoying part was the terrible sound quality. I would have to turn my TV's volume on maximum and I still couldn't hear the muffled dialog, yet soon afterward there would be a deafening sound effect. Haven't these people heard of boom mikes?

Also, the story was a muddled mess, with basically Brandon running around, looking a lot like a poor man's Dean Cain, shooting black guys dressed in Army fatigues and being a jerk to the obligatory blonde sex-interest. I must admit, I liked the woman much more than Lee. Her cute 80's look and nice cleavage were the only things that kept me from completely tuning out this "movie". Someone else called this a B-movie, but that is giving it way too much praise.

The things that usually make these types of movies appealing are mostly absent, like gratuitous violence (there is virtually none here), a sci-fi element (none), sex or nudity (none worth mentioning). etc. Why this was in a Sci-Fi collection is beyond me. And the main thing that bothered me: NO FREAKING LASERS!!! WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU CALL A MOVIE "LASER MISSION" AND NOT HAVE A SINGLE DAMN LASER IN IT?!?
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So bad that it is no longer good!
Henry-1725 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Michael Gold, mercenary on behalf of the CIA, gets the assignment to arrest a scientist by the name of Prof. Braun, because Braun is going to develop a laser weapon with unimaginable destructive potential. The KGB is also interested in Brauns invention, so a wild chase after the professor is set in motion. "Laser Mission" uses plot and action elements reminiscent of the stereotypical Euro-Spy films of the 60s, in which dashing Bond imitators are rushing after some technical gadgets or secret formulas to prevent the "other side" from getting their hands on it. The only problem is that "Laser Mission", unfortunately, is a lot more boring than most of the colorful but somewhat naïve spy adventures from the heyday of European epigonic cinema. The absurd plot of the film, "refurbished" with some goofy humor, the inept actors and the clumsy amateurish action sequences become more and more annoying. The almost permanently used, unbearable song "Mercenary Man" by soft-rocker David Knopfler does not help the film either. Maybe there was not enough money to pay him for a complete score.

The only bright spot in the whole dreary mumbo-jumbo is the late great German actor Werner Pochath, who plays his small part as villain "Eckhardt" with his usual intensity. Brandon Lee is running around all the time in a white undershirt and thus he is sitting in a briefing at the embassy of the USA, surrounded by blasé bureaucrats in business suits. An absurd sight.

Laser Mission is an abstruse, uninvolvingly staged movie with no redeeming value. So bad that it is no longer good. In Germany the film was released in an uncut (84"45 Minutes/PAL) FSK 18 version and also sold in a cut to 79 minutes FSK 16 version.
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The Biggest Laser Weapon Ever
bkoganbing1 January 2012
Laser Mission finds Brandon Lee as an independent contractor who occasionally works for the CIA, kind of like a private eye on retainer. And like the private eyes of the Sam Spade and Philip Marlowe mold, he earns the enmity of the regular CIA operatives the way those detectives were hated by the regular cops.

Would that Laser Mission be only approaching the quality of a Dashiell Hammett or Raymond Chandler work. What Brandon's mission is, is to get both scientist Ernest Borgnine and a big Hope Diamond like diamond out of the hands of some Russian and Cuban operatives working out of some nameless East African nation. These guys want to build the biggest laser weapon ever and start shooting down planes, missiles, anything that flies.

Sad to say that times overtook Laser Mission, as it was coming out the Cold War was coming to an end. Not that this film was destined to be a classic in any event. The Russians and Cubans are some of the dumbest villains ever, you'd have to go back to the worst World War II era flag-wavers to find villains as dumb as these.

Unless you like Brandon Lee's karate moves, skip this one.
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Brandon Lee - Superb!
RSJENK21 January 1999
You can tell that is movie is a low budget film, but Brandon Lee still shines through.

My favorite part of the film is when Michael Gold sky dives out of the airplane and drops into the army encampment disguised as one of their own. The voice characterization is truly amazing!

If you are a Brandon Lee fan this movie is a must see.
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Crazer Mission
Bezenby14 September 2014
This is another quality bad film from the eighties that makes little to no sense, but has plenty of explosions, gunfire and daftness to keep you happy.

Brandon Lee is sent to some country to rescue randomly accented scientist Ernest Borgnine. What country it is I have no idea, but it has plenty of cubans, a desert, camels and diamond mines and seems to be run by Germans and Russians. The German bad guy here is Werner Pocath, who somehow must have got lost trying to find the latest Italian production and ended up in this film instead.

Brandon puts us through our paces by doing impressions of beggars and military officers before hooking up with Borgnine's low-cut dress wearing daughter and tearing off looking for Borgnine, who can somehow use lasers and diamonds to make nuclear weapons, all done to the tune 'mercanary man" by David Knopfler, over and over again.

To hell with the plot. You've got many impossible gunfights (even Borgnine gets involved), things blowing up real good, terrible banter between our heroes, lots of standing around laughing, bad guys that won't die and other bad guy who do really stupid things, like releasing Lee from handcuffs and getting immediately killed.

You've also got a punch up filmed from underneath a horse's stomach, editing that makes no sense (especially a fist fight with Pocath, where they randomly teleport onto a roof), and the battle at the end while have you going "how did they?" and "Why did he?" to yourself (or friends, if you have any of those). There's even a spelling mistake at the end credits by the people who did the end credits, in their own credit!

This SCi-fi free film is part of Mill Creek's 50 Sci Fi Classics box set. So it'll cost you barely anything.
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bronsonskull7213 July 2003
Brandon Lee stars as Michael Gold a mercenary who is hired by the U.S to capture a scientist who has the expertise to make a nuclear weapon out of laser in this lackluster effort. Brandon Lee sure has charisma but this pedestrian effort is far too cheap and lame to be taken seriously. Very bad stuff, but some unintentional humor remains through out.
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