17 of 35 found this mild
There are several instances of sexual dancing including pelvic area and buttocks rubbing.
There are three topless scenes plus sexual references.
10 of 15 found this mild
A student shouts at a teacher and proceeds to smash several panes of glass.
There is a brief fight between two men, one man punches the other in the face
A 5 year old girl is said to have been attacked by a junkie
10 of 20 found this severe
"Fuck" is used 48 times, along with other profanities.
8 of 15 found this moderate
Two characters are seen smoking marijuana
Characters smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol
5 of 15 found this moderate
There is an intense scene where Leroy trashes a supply room at the school after he stormed out of Mrs. Sherwood's class after she realized he can't read.
There is an intense scene where a girl walks towards subway tracks appearing that she is going to commit suicide but she stops at the last minute.
There is a disturbing scene where a naive young girl is persuaded by a pornographer to tearfully bare her breasts. It is a very emotional scene.
There is an intense speech by an acting student about how Freddie Prinze's suicide affected him.