In the workhouse, after Oliver eats the gruel, his piece of bread remains on the right side of the dish. Soon after, the piece of bread is in front of his dish.
In the pub, Sikes finishes talking to Fagin and puts the bottle on the table to give him a poke. The next shot shows him holding the bottle and drinking.
In Dickens' novel "Oliver Twist," the character is spelled as Bill "Sikes." In the credits of this movie, the name is spelled as "Sykes." However, when the name is seen on a "Wanted" poster, it's spelled correctly as "Sikes."
When the crowd chase Oliver down an alleyway following the theft at the bookstore, the brick wall wobbles, revealing its flimsy structure.
In multiple occasions, shadows of people and objects do not match the position of the candles in the scene, revealing the use of external sources of light.
When Oliver is in the dock being tried for pick-pocketing, after the judge says "Oh stand away" the camera becomes an Oliver POV shot. Just before Oliver totally collapses, he looks up to the ceiling, (and, therefore, so does the camera) briefly showing the full studio rafters, complete with lights, and the set microphone, and part of the set ceiling.
17 minutes into the film, Oliver is delivered for his apprenticeship and the old gentleman is holding a candle. As he approaches the door you can see an electric cable powering the candle being pulled quickly along by his feet.
At the beginning as the storm rages, there are two successive shots of shaking bare tree branches silhouetted against the storm clouds. On the second shot, a crew member's hand and forearm can be seen shaking this branch.