Joker's Wild (2016)
Stylish and Insane
8 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
From the writer of the abortion themed saw rip-off The Life Zone comes a Postal themed slasher film for the ages, 2015's Joker's Poltergeist: The Aurora Massacre, starring Eric Roberts and Lacey Marie Meyer and directed by Christopher S Lind.

James Jennings commits a mass shooting in a movie theatre during the screening of this film's American title. Protagonist, Aurora. You see what they did there? Aurora witnesses her father get killed and is only spared by the actions of a good guy with a gun. Aurora gets engaged with said good guy with a gun and decides to reopen the movie theatre in tribute to the shooting victims. Little does she know the extent some extremists will go to get their message across and her and the other remaining survivors are soon subject to spooky goings on on the anniversary of this based on real events massacre.

I have confidence that i have as much respect for the real life victims of the 2012 Aurora mass shooting as writer/producer/actor/wasn't hugged enough as a child Kenneth Vel Vecchio demonstrates with his work on Joker' Poltergeist when i say that this is a loaded gun of a screenplay.

Kenneth sure as hell wasn't born with a double barrelled name, but let's not get too salty here. Let's stick to the FACTS. Joker's Wild gives us one spicy meatball as it sugar's over classy right wing trolling with gore and nudity to give mentally ill horror fans pro-second amendment propaganda disguised as something Neil Breen would conceive if he up and decided to have surgically removed his morals.

To Kenneth Del Vacci-no and co's credit, Joker's Poltergeist: The Aurora Massacre is a genuine psychotronic experience and in contemporary independent genre cinema where it seems every other film is made by industry climbers thinking they are one director's credit away from working on the next Marvel movie, it's good to see a modern example of a true white male outsider visionary splooging his reactionary angst all over the screen.

Joker's Poltergeist: The Aurora Massacre does to the terrorist attack movie what Mandingo did to the slavery movie. It uses real life tragedy to promote political views that are let's just say not my cup o frappe and therefore i should despise it, right? Well, it's hard to say. I don't review many modern horror films.

The gen X/millennial dogma of making a film good, not big has made a sad scene out of independent genre films. But it's not like recession era DTV filmmakers today have any other choice than to believe shooting on DV with has been or never were stars was enough to get noticed. Nope, the entire independent theatre is underfunded and overexposed.

With this context, Joker's Wild's politicisation is like a fresh breath of chemtrails. It is sincere, insane exploitation, a gold rarity in contemporary genre films. sixty-four or so minutes of no tone, ill taste and persecution complexities.

Must also be said that this is stylishly directed by Christopher S Lind who adds a distinctive approach to the insanity. Although it is the smoke and mirrors screenplay that is the true star and provided great entertainment for me.

In other words, i find it more preferable to watch over-ambitious exploitation made by people who advocate for the liberal distribution of utensils of war rather than watch academy award winning productions directed by a rapist. You know who i'm talking about.

Also, I wasn't a victim or related to anybody who was a victim of the Aurora mass shooting of 2012 or any other terrorist attack for that matter. If you are, stay well clear, as this film does not make any effort to be your friend.

For everyone else, i do wholeheartedly recommend this descent into American sickness with gusto as it's truly deluded beyond measure, for our pleasure.
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