Yune driven watch
30 January 2017
Here's a unsuccessful comedy, you feel really tries, but still manages to be really entertaining, mainly thanks to Yune, a natural comic performer,and it's story and characters. Although really, does he look like Bruce Lee, "I think not". Parts of his face, around the eyes, yes, but really. He becomes a drug muel for a mafia organization he works for. He really isn't the sharpest tool in the box, but it's great watching him make his famous spaghetti- the best in the world, or make a vase magically break, by executing a karate strike, while standing nowhere near it, or too, eating chicken with numb chucks. His sidekick on his drug round, Freddy, is very likable, who, unlike his partner, knows what's really in those sacks, beside flour. The film's music score is the best thing about this lively, colorful film, that hosts some beautiful woman, none more than that sexy CIA agent, Bruce falls for, sort of. He's a really mislead lovable sort. This isn't a badly made film, but as I said, it really tries hard, where Yune is the film's star saving grace. This very talented guy should of done much more, film wise. Hemmingway is very good as a feminine fatale.
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