Semi-Pro (2008)
Will Ferrell can hold a 15 minute skit, not an hour and a half movie
2 March 2008
I work in a movie theater part time and we got Semi-Pro, now I hate Will Ferrell with a passion, I don't get how people love his movies, some of them are funny, but it's more of his side characters that get the laughs from me. But I figured, I needed a laugh after work and I decided to just go ahead and see the movie, it might have a few good laughs, I saw it for fee and even that was too much for what this film was. I'm very much not kidding, this movie, the theater was about 75% full and there was only two people who laughed, even that was just a chuckle. I don't get what is so funny about making Will Ferrell puke, in fact let's play on that joke quite a bit so it becomes more awkward. Let's also put in jokes that refer to "the future" since it's set in the 70's, that'll be a blast. And also, let's put in some extremely uncomfortable shots of Will Ferrell's crotch, yeah, that was so funny, that I wanted to puke.

Jackie Moon is a one hit wonder in the 70's, but with the money he made off that, he buys the Flint Tropical's, a team that once was great, but now stink. They have an opportunity though to go to the NBA if they can be one of the top four teams to win the games. With the help of a former champion basketball player, Monix, who has lost it basically, they'll try to achieve the best, by getting fourth place. Jackie comes up with some stupid publicity stunts to get an audience as well.

Semi-Pro is seriously, just stupid, I'm not saying that because of Will Ferrell, I just mean this film is very unfunny and the only part that made me laugh was the bear attacking Will Ferrell, sad, huh? I'm really not trying to be a hater on this film, but how do people laugh at this junk? Will Ferrell plays the same character in each of his films, doesn't anyone catch on? The characters in this film are not likable at all because they're not explained well. Semi-Pro was just a bad movie, I promise you, I'm not saying this because of Will, I'm saying in general, just stay away from this film.

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