If I were a big Chess fan this would be awesome!
17 January 2005
I checked this out because I'm a big fan of Dustin Diamond and I wanted to see him teach chess. He proves with this video that he can teach chess to anyone. I learned how to play from watching this! I never had much interest, but seeing him in all his Screech glory made me want to learn and he does it in such an easy manner that even a newbie like me could learn. I now play chess whenever I get a chance, and have even won a few matches. If you want some pointers or are a newbie like I was, check it out. I've been trying to beat my friend Hot Carl for a while, but he keeps pulling it out at the last minute. Hopefully with some practice IL' Carl will be going down. Have fun with it and play at coffee houses to beat random people. I also like the part were he shoved a pawn up his rectum.
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