40 Reviews
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Scoop (2024)
A perfectly entertaining and serviceable outing but still a huge missed opportunity
27 April 2024
I didn't know alot about the events leading up to or the broadcasting of the Prince Andrew interview.

Now I will say that Billie Piper, Gillian Anderson and Rupert Sewell give good performances. Especially Anderson and Sewell.

But I couldn't help walking away from this movie feeling like they squandered a golden opportunity to dig deeper. To expand the story beyond the logistics of scheduling and delivering the interview.

The story that was told in this movie was... fine. Very surface level. But where was the guts?? Where was the drama?? Where was the uncertainty, conflict and big human emotion reacting to such a volatile and critical moment for everyone involved?

It was just... meh. Not bad, not good. Just a simple re-telling of the events.
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The Diplomat (II) (2023– )
I have no bloody idea what this is
27 April 2024
Let's clear something up right upfront. This is not The West Wing nor has it earned the right to be uttered in the same breath as one of the greatest political drama series ever made.

Ok now that's over with, to the review.

I have no bloody idea what this show is. It's like if Madam Secretary was delivered on crack. Look I'm all for fast paced, smart dialogue (ala The West Wing) but the dialogue in this show is so fast it's basically incomprehensible without subtitles. And the conversations veer wildly between topics multiple times in a single scene you get whiplash trying to keep up. It's like a bloody fever dream. And by the way, story pacing is important. The storylines move so fast that by the end of each episode the viewer is left out of breath!

The general premise certainly had potential. A reluctant career woman thrust into an Ambassador role to England after a terrorist attack. She has to navigate her discomfort with the pomp and ceremony of her role, the difficulties negotiating with all the political players and her imploding marriage. Brilliant, fantastic concept. And you got Keri Russell to star!! A brilliant actress who has proved she can carry a series quite easily. How do you mess this up???

I'll tell you. By creating a satire and not treating it like one. This series totally works as a satire. It would be really really funny. But apparently this is supposed to be somewhat grounded in reality.

The characters are unlikeable, juvenile, mentally unbalanced or a combination of all of these. The situations the characters find themselves in are completely ludicrous. Hell there doesn't seem to be ONE person in a position of power/authority who actually acts professionally.

What the creators, producers and writers intended this series to be, they missed the mark. By a mile.
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12 Monkeys (2015–2018)
Great potential let down by bad casting of the male lead
19 February 2024
All the elements are here for an excellent scifi story exploring deeper themes and evolving character arcs.

Amanda Schull in the lead female role is actually quite good (I've never been a huge fan of hers but she pulls it off here).

Aaron Stanford is the real problem. He doesn't have the charisma necessary to pull off the role of Cole. He's... for lack of a better term... blah. Stanford's performance doesn't grab your attention and force you to want to engage with Cole. In fact quite often Cole simply disappears among other characters or even the set.

When I was watching I just kept asking myself "why the hell would I follow or even care about THIS guy?"

Cole doesn't have great social skills that make him infinitely persuasive, he's not remarkably intelligent (beyond his knowledge of the future), he's not healing through past and ongoing trauma in a redemption-type arc, the character is not physically intimidating in a fight and hell he's not even really that handsome.

His performance is boring. I don't care what happens to this character because I'm still trying to force myself to stay interested in anything that Cole has to say. He feels like an NPC.

All of which is incredibly disappointing. This show had real potential.
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Paper Dolls (2023– )
Excellent production design let down by character & writing issues
14 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As someone who was a teenager during this time period (late 90's/early 00's) the production design is very good. From the Nokia phones and cars to the costumes, this show definitely reflects Australian culture during this time period.

However there's a real issue here with balance and restraint in terms of the writing. In particular with the back stories of each of the band members.

I enjoyed most (not all) of the individual girl's back stories and how their dysfunctional and often self destructive behaviours are a result of and/or exacerbated by this high pressure environment they are living in. It does lend a feel of authenticity to the girls' experiences, especially in terms of the sacrifices and compromises they have to make to chase fame.

I also applaud the writers for not shying away from some sensitive topics (for example, self harm). However there are a few scenes that took this a step too far and graphically depicted things that they didn't need to (like projectile vomiting).

The problem is that they ALL have messed up backgrounds and self-destructive behaviours. Every single one of them. As individual stories they are compelling but if you put 5 of them together, it becomes overwhelming. There needed to be one or two of the girls who are emotionally stable to provide a necessary juxtaposition between each of the girl's individual experiences. There's no room for the audience to breathe or compare each girl's experience against a baseline of what that experience would be for a "normal" person.

The writers were so busy trying to pack in as much drama and "shock value" as possible, they completely lost perspective of the fact that these types of shocking dramatic storylines only work when there's also related characters or plot lines that are more neutral to contrast them against.

The other major problem with the relationships between the band members is that the writers never really took the time to establish the group dynamic and the relationships of each of the girls as a part of the whole. There is no collective group here. There's just 5 disparate individuals that orbit each other. One of the taglines in the ads for this series is about "tearing them apart". They were never together in the first place.

So overall an interesting mini-series exploring the toxicity of chasing fame but with some flaws in terms of storytelling.
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A confusing mess
8 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So finally got around to watching this movie. And honestly I wish I hadn't. IT'S A MESS.

Jess Eisenberg's interpretation of Lex Luthor is confusing, chaotic and almost psychotic. His dialogue is so convoluted it's hard to follow.

Cavill seemed to have lost any sparkle, charm or humanity he previously bought to Clarke Kent/Superman. In this movie he always looks pissed off. Affleck as Batman is even a little flat, as if Ben's only doing this movie because he's contractually obligated to do so. Not to mention Bruce's logic for going after Superman makes ZERO sense. Pick a fight with an immortal alien just in case he MIGHT be a threat in the future or learn more about him and see whether or not he's really a good guy who might have Earth's best interests at heart?? Hmm tough choice.

The story is all over the place (in no small part due to the editing). It's obvious that many scenes on the peripheral of the main story were cut down substantially and therefore have no place in the narrative (no lead in, or lead out).

Now of course this movie sets up the Justice League. But honestly it's not worth having to sit through the remaining 2hrs + of this convoluted, soulless nightmare.
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How movies are meant to make you feel
23 March 2023
Full disclosure: I've never seen Top Gun (and yes, I was born when it was released. I just never bothered).

I watched this movie because I'd heard it was a call back to the great action movies of the 90's & 00's. Before the MCU & Star Wars turned our favourite popcorn flicks into mindless, CGI choking, woke nonsense. Movies with likeable characters you care about, real stakes and an aspirational & uplifting tone.

And yes Maverick absolutely ticked all these boxes. Now is the plot/story perfect? No. Is the primary romance of the story well developed? Not really. Did I pick exactly how it would end really early on? Of course.

But Maverick does deliver 2 things in spades.

One, it keeps you engaged the entire time.

The flying sequences are pretty great, in no small part because of the practical sets. And the cinematography is stunning.

And say what you want about Cruise but he's still got the juice to carry an action film. Sure this movie didn't stretch his acting chops much but he delivered.

And two, I got the hit of positive, aspirational feelings I was looking for. I was on the edge of my seat when I needed to be and cheering when it all came together.
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Hawaii Five-0: Aloha (2020)
Season 10, Episode 22
Ends with a whimper
21 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously??? That's all you got for the ending of a series that ran for 10 seasons???

This episode is weak. Pathetic. They scraped the bottom of the barrel with the antagonist, the pay off for the cypher was lame AF and not having recurring characters like Kono, Chin, Kamekona, Grace and Charlie there for the goodbyes was totally messed up. Honestly it's a reflection of the dip in the quality of the show since Kono and Chin left. It was never the same. They just kept pulling stuff out of their asses and trying to make them work.

Unlike other reviewers I have no issue with Steve going off to "find peace". The man's been a WARRIOR for 20 years+ it's only fair he gets to take time for himself. Honestly I could've done without the return of Rollins. Sure she was the love of Steve's life. But her showing up right at the end was just cheap.
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Space Cowboys (2000)
22 years later and it still makes me laugh out loud
4 February 2023
This is one of those classic late 90's movies that you can always return to if you're looking for a easy and enjoyable movie to watch.

Sure the plot makes no sense. No one in their right mind would put 4 old men into space. That's not really the point of this movie. It's about redemption and friendship.

The writers did a fantastic job with the individual personalities of the four main men. Especially Clint Eastwood's bitter, inflexible Frank and the perennial reckless Hawke played by Tommy Lee Jones. They play off each other exceptionally well.

If you were born after the late 90's you probably won't get it. But for those of us where it's a nice shot of nostalgia.
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Elementary (2012–2019)
A unique show about a beautiful partnership between two people
20 January 2023
Let's be honest the weekly crime drama genre has been done TO DEATH. There's really nothing new left to explore. So it would've been very easy for Elementary to get lost in the noise of the dozens of different shows, never to make an impact.

But Elementary distinguishes itself through the development of a wonderfully complex and loving relationship of the two main characters.

It's the first tv series I came across that actually managed to nail a loving, respectful but totally platonic relationship between the male and female leads. The pressure on the writers to turn the relationship romantic at some point must've been overwhelming. But it was absolutely the right choice.

The writers and actors set up right from the start that Holmes and Watson were equals in their relationship. With Holmes being the central character who has almost god-like abilities it would've been easy for Watson to be the "sidekick" that just carried his water. But right from the beginning Watson was never intimidated or afraid to push back or speak her mind. Watson forces Holmes to change his behaviour to learn to be considerate and respectful of other people (particularly her as his house mate and work partner).

Both characters are well fleshed out and can stand on their own. But the depth of the characters becomes even more apparent in the development of their partnership and friendship. It's like going from a 7 for them as individual characters to an 11 as a partnership.

Jonny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu's performances are truly fantastic. Jonny in particular manages to deliver a gut wrenching depth of emotion to Holmes that belies the episodic television format.

Now I certainly don't expect anyone to walk away with a deep understanding and recognition of the above points after only watching the series once. You'll probably be far too focused on the murders, crime solving, conspiracies etc. Which are perfectly good on their own. Enough to keep you engaged right to the end.

But take the opportunity to watch the series a 2nd, 3rd or 4th time. With each watch you'll see things in the actor's performances you didn't see before and gain an even deeper appreciation of the character's relationship.
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Man of Steel (2013)
Mostly good but I despise the Krypton storyline
15 January 2023
For a superhero movie there's definitely some positives here. Henry Cavill is fantastic and I enjoyed the take on Clark choosing to live in obscurity instead of the happy-go-lucky reporter at the Daily Planet. It felt very grounded.

I enjoyed Diane Lane's performance alot. Costner and Adams aren't given alot to work with. Whilst Costner kind of stumbled through Adams' performance outshines the limited story and dialogue. But I agree with others who have said that the chemistry between Cavill and Adams is VERY forced. And finally I'm always going to enjoy seeing Chris Meloni and Richard Schiff appear on my screen.

Now I pretty much hated everything Krypton related in this movie. Starting with the atrocious aesthetics between the costumes and sets. It's so black and plastic looking. And there were alot of names, references and long winded explanations of what was happening that never really made sense or came together to form a coherent picture. It's like they committed at the beginning to telling "Krypton's story" but halfway through realised it was going to be too much work so they did the bare minimum.

The actor who played Zod was terrible (a charmless, Cookie cutter bad guy) and who the hell cares who else was tagging along with him. Russell Crowe has a handful of good moments but it's mostly pretty boring stuff.

Overall it's a passable mild entertaining movie for a Sunday afternoon. But ultimately pretty forgettable.
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The Guardian (2001–2004)
The plot lines are interesting but the main characters are lacking
27 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I recently rewatched this series because I've always had fond memories. However now that I'm older there's definitely some glaring issues.

The Good: The stories about the clients of Legal Services are very interesting and basically carry the show. The corporate law stories are ok too but not as engaging. And I particularly like that our protagonist doesn't always win.

The Bad:
  • The character of Nick Fallin overall. Now I attribute this to the writing rather than Simon Baker's acting chops. But the character is just so wooden. He VERY rarely has an emotional reaction to anything. Now this could work if every so often the character lost control and confronts his feelings, but that RARELY happens. I mean the man can't even tell his father that he's pissed because his dad was a terrible parent to him but a wonderful one to his foster daughter.

And the difference in the character's behaviour between when he's with Lulu alone and all other times is quite stark. It's like two totally different people which makes the character feel inconsistent.

  • There is ZERO chemistry between Baker and Moniz (Nick and Lulu). It's just... not there. Every romantic scene between them is AWKWARD and they just take weird big strides in their relationship (e.g. Moving in together) without laying any of the character development beforehand.

Is the series worth a watch? Sure. But of similar shows of it's time about justice (e.g. Judging Amy) it falls short.
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Empire (2015–2020)
Terrence & Taraji deliver a messy and epic love story
18 December 2022
All 7 stars in this review are for the performances or Terrence Howard and Taraji P Henson as Lucious and Cookie Lyon. These two together on the screen are just chemistry personified. The emotions these two deliver are just phenomenal and it's worth watching until the very end to see how it all pans out for our King and Queen.

Outside of any Lucious and Cookie story lines I pretty much started fast forwarding through most of it from Season 4 or 5 onwards. But ESPECIALLY season 6.

And sure there's ALOT I could complain about when it comes to how awful these people are and how ridiculous the story lines become. But I don't care. I loved the journey of Lucious and Cookie.
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The Practice (1997–2004)
A retrospective re-watch
8 December 2022
And WOW this series has not aged well. Sure the nostalgia factor is still there. I got happy memories of the whole gang and there's some funny clients and good moments particularly in the beginning.

However after season 5 it quickly nosedives into a show full of morally and ethically ambivalent narcissists that don't think the rules apply to them and basically never get any personal consequences for their horrendous behaviour. And let's not overlook the blatant bashing of the police, labelling them all corrupt liars who would plant evidence and falsely arrest people without batting an eye. When they're not being weaponised by the DA's to skirt the law.

It's a difficult watch and I didn't finish it.
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The Gray Man (2022)
It could be a reasonable movie if...
22 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I could clearly hear any of the damned dialogue without having to resort to subtitles! Even when there's no explosions going on I can't understand what the hell most of the characters are saying.

This aside what we have here is a very cookie cutter Bourne-esque type movie. Spy goes rogue to expose corrupt CIA boss, boss sends killers to take him out. Yawn.

Now I will give props to Chris Evans who does give an entertaining performance as the sociopathic foe with a penchant for torture.

Finally they really should've used Jeffrey Donovan in the lead character role. No one does spy-out-in-the-cold better in my opinion.
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Star Trek: Picard: Watcher (2022)
Season 2, Episode 4
Preachy drivel & a beloved character trampled
9 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The constant reminders throughout this episode of how f-d up humanity currently is relating to things like immigration, homelessness and global warming is just unnecessary. You get beaten over the head by it over and over again and it pisses me off. I watch Star Trek to get away from my reality. And it's not like you're "opening my eyes" or teaching me something I don't already know.

But I think the biggest tragedy of this episode is Young Guinan. Not because she doesn't recognise Picard (given the timeline changes it makes sense). It's about 2 things:

1. In "Time's Arrow" it's August 11, 1893 and Guinan looks exactly the same as 2364 Guinan. The whole point is that El Aurians age very slowly. SO WHO THE HELL IS THIS YOUNGER CHICK IN 2024???

2. When have you EVER heard Guinan take such a negative, defeatist stance on any race, person or situation?? (Borg excluded of course)

You mean to tell me that alternate 2024 Guinan has decided to totally give up on human race??? Guinan has always seen the potential opportunities for things to be better in the future. You cannot convince me that this portrayal relates in any way back to the original Guinan.
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Burn Notice (2007–2013)
A fantastic series that was not given it's due.
4 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This series is just lot of fun. A group consisting of a former spy, a retired Navy SEAL and a female former IRA guerrilla turned gun runner using their unique talents to help the downtrodden whilst simultaneously bringing down corrupt government conspiracies. There's guns, there's explosions, there's undercover missions, there's bad guys getting busted and there's beautiful scenery.

The real standout of this series is Jeffrey Donovan playing the brilliant but conflicted burned spy Michael Westen.

There's not a single scene in the entire series where Jeffrey Donovan isn't acting his ASS OFF. You see the hard work and commitment he brought to the character in every episode. From heavy emotional scenes to fight sequences he brings it everytime.

Even when his character isn't speaking and is just in the scene you can't take your eyes off him because he's reacting so brilliantly to what's going on. Donovan is so good at times he can make you cry with a single heartbreaking look and then quickly (seemingly effortlessly) change it up so you find yourself smiling at some off-handed sarcastic comment.

To be honest this show would've likely been a total dud without Donovan's performance. Donovan is almost too good for this series but you're so glad he was in it.

Now certainly Donovan's Michael Westen would not have been nearly as engaging without the characters of Fiona & Sam (and later Jesse) to bounce off. In fact the tight friendship these characters have and how it balanced the challenges the characters faced individually and as a group was integral to the success of the show.

As usual Bruce Campbell doesn't fail to bring the comedy element which is invaluable. Gabrielle Anwar does a good job at playing the fiery Fiona who really has an important role as the angel on Michael's shoulder, making sure he doesn't completely lose his soul in his quest for justice.

Add some brilliant writing, great real-life special effects with car chases and explosions (this series was made before everything was CGI) and excellent direction and you've got a series worth a watch.
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12 Monkeys (1995)
Far too convoluted
15 August 2021
This movie has everything I would like. Dystopian future, time travel and conspiracy. The problem is that the storytelling is just so damn confusing.

I tried to hang in there, I really did. But the constant jumping between times and delusional states were just too random and indistinguishable.

Willis did an OK job as Cole but Pitt absolutely owns the screen with his performance.
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Stargate SG-1: Window of Opportunity (2000)
Season 4, Episode 6
One of the best episodes of the series
28 June 2021
After 21 years and innumerable re-watches this episode always brings me immense joy to watch.

It's the best example of SG1's unique brand of humour. It's Anderson getting to play for 40 mins and it's fantastic.

Of course the time loop trope is a staple in episodic television (particularly sci-fi). But in my opinion this is by far the best example of it.
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I'll try to write a balanced review here..
18 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love Chris Meloni as Stabler. F-n LOVE HIM. I stopped watching SVU when he left. So bringing Stabler back automatically brings me in as a viewer.

And Meloni still has it in SPADES. It's the same Stabler but he's also very different. He's still the hard-headed door kicker with little time or patience for rules. But he's also more emotional and honest which is refreshing. And Meloni and Hargitay together again? TOO MANY FEELINGS I SERIOUSLY CANNOT DEAL.

So for Chris Meloni's work in this show so far my rating would be 10/10.

Now putting Meloni aside, the rest of the show is pretty weak. Especially Dylan McDermott's character who is just a mess. I believe this is the fault of the writers and not McDermott's acting chops.

Bottom line: Would I give this show a chance if Meloni wasn't in it? Hell no.
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Just... Why??
10 June 2021
I don't understand WTF I just watched. Seriously, there's no genre that this movie comes even close to... And hopefully no movie will EVER try again.

I'm a West Wing tragic so when I saw Bradley Whitford and Allison Janney in the same movie I was beside myself with joy.

This movie is SO BAD that not even the talents of these two exceptional actors could save it.
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Manhunt (1989)
Season 2, Episode 19
An amusing diversion
2 June 2021
As always the appearance of the delightful Majel Barrett as Mrs Troi delivers a wonderfully humorous outing.

Btw Jonathan Frakes basically steals the show in every scene he's in, even when he's not speaking.

His amused cheeky grin in one scene to is total shock and mild horror in another is a delight.

The reason for the low rating is because of the boring holodeck scenes.
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The most important episode of Star Trek ever made
1 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When people ask me why I love Star Trek so much, why it's had such a profound impact on my life, I point them to this episode.

This episode encapsulates everything I love about Star Trek. The moral & ethical questions with no easy answers and wonderful relationships between the main characters.

A fantastic script and equally brilliant performances by Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner and Whoopi Goldberg. It's hard to believe that the scene between Picard and Guinan in Ten Forward wasn't in the original script. The episode would not have been as impactful without it.

P. S. I've lost tracked of how many times I've watched this episode. I still get teary when Riker switches Data off. Every time.
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What the hell was that?
26 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously what the f- was that??? It was like the lamest clip show EVER. Nothing reminds you of how lame the movie you're watching is than a flashback to previous movies that were infinitely better.

Stupidity at it's finest.
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The lesser Trek
1 May 2021
I watch Star Trek for the deep moral dilemmas where there is no "right answer", insight into humanity and humour (not silly, but observational and dry, sarcastic humour).

Let me tell you getting through the entirety of DS9 was an absolute chore. An unmitigated bore.

I could make an extensive lists of my reasons for this above statement, however I've limited it to the top few:

1) Sisko is an arrogant, pontificating blowhard. He made up his own rules and gave the finger to anyone who disagreed regardless of the outcome.

2) The Ferengi are just annoying. I don't know what possessed the writers to dedicate so much time to telling their stories.

3) The Bajorans. The neverending victims. There's never a moment that you're not reminded how they were brutally enslaved by the Cardassians. And then once they were freed they constantly bickered amongst themselves about politics and religion.

4) It's just not fun to watch. I don't remember a single remarkable episode of DS9. It's all just a blur of mediocrity.
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Favor the Bold (1997)
Season 6, Episode 5
You've got to be kidding me...
30 April 2021
So apparently all it takes to find out the top secret plans of the Cardassians & Dominion in control of DS9 is to get one of them drunk.

That has got to be the laziest writing in Trek history.
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