
10 Reviews
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Let Him Go (2020)
Was calling child protective services not an option
29 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As most Costner movies this one is very slow as well. Fast forward to the first 45 minutes and you still want to be lost. Every cliché a movie like this could have it has. Also, for retired policeman Costner's character(don't even remember his name) should know how to use a gun in a situation that requires the use of a gun. He seems to figure it out at the end though. When you pull a gun on somebody and they still come at you trying to get your gun , you shoot them. He deserved to have his fingers chopped off. And why did they put the fingers on ice and take them to the hospital with them to be reattached. That is something that is fairly easily done nowadays. Things like that is what made this movie so frustratingly difficult to watch. There's no surprises if you think it's gonna happen, it Happens. Why didn't Costner not that guy out to begin with instead of holding a gun to his head. So many stupid things like that in this movie and there's also so much time filler it's painful. Hope the grandson was worth it now your husband's dead..
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I'm glad I didn't pay to see this
13 March 2021
Like everyone else says, the movie part is terrible. The challenges were no different than the ones you see on their show, which I do like. Although, I have to admit I'm starting to find the show not as funny anymore. Since I streamed it, after the first 20 min I just started skipping through "the movie" part of it and just watched the challenges. It was that annoying. This movie also kind of changes the way I see these four life long friends. They used to seem like people I could relate to but now they're coming off as pretentious and arrogant.
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And people say superficial romance is dead
25 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Amazing how overlooked the in your face superficiality is in this movie. Girl meets boy in diner. After brief convo pretty much falls in love. That I can believe isn't just about looks. Maybe she liked his personality. Guy changes personalities completely when, well, he dies and death becomes him. Ha ha get it. Anyway girl meets completely new guy in same brad Pitt body again falls completely in love with him after I'm guessing maybe 12 hours. In movie time it was 3 days but they were together only a couple hours each of those days. Not to mention this new brad is walking around like a clueless idiot licking peanut butter from a spoon like pop sickle but that's adorable to her. She loves him. Then that guy disappears only to reappear as a the guy she met first. Completely different personalities, speech patterns(which is one of the things she loved about dead brad "well spoken" she said), mannerisms, the works. The only thing that's the same is the Brad chassis. And guess what. She's falls right back in love. This doctor is the most superficial character I've ever seen on film. It's soooo funny reading peoples reviews calling this a great romance movie. And that's just one of the things wrong with film. To Brad Pitts credit, he has definitely gotten much better at acting since this film. Why was death emotional when speaking in Jamaican and then sooooooooooo monotoned when speaking English. Of course that's more the directors fault. I say if you have time to waste get it on demand and just skip through the dumb scenes. It'll cut it down to about 10 minutes
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All Is Lost (2013)
Every once in awhile something happens to add even more questions about this reality
15 August 2020
I have mixed feelings about this movie All is Lost. Not one of them is positive. What makes it even more cringe worthy are the reviews. It's sad when I knew exactly what they all were gonna say before I read them. Almost exactly. That wasn't difficult considering I knew they were gonna all say the same thing just with a few variations in wording. Now it's easy for me to get carried away so I'll do my best not to vent for too long about how it seems so easy to trick audiences into thinking they seeing something special. It's sad. The thing that people are going on about is the dumbest thinking and reasoning I've read in a long time. I can't imagine how if it had been in black and white. They would've gone on about how artistic the cinematography was. You have to be high to think he could've not said a word the entire time. It actually started driving me crazy. Granted he was an idiot and maybe if he had talked out his problems out loud he may had better luck. It seemed like he was putting more effort into not saying anything than he was trying to fix things. I also can't believe, yes I can, that somehow that translated into great acting. Was his breathing believable. I've never been sailing but I think it's a safe guess that he did more than a few things wrong. I actually caught myself laughing. Like when he tumbling upside down and then knocked himself out on the pole. Throw Ben Stiller in that role, add a few one liners and it's a comedy. Nope the no dialogue was a huge gimmick and it's sad how many people fell for it. The critics I'm not surprised. All you need to do for them to love your movie is make sure it's in a foreign language. As for the normal audiences who thought the no dialogue thing was something special, Shame on you for being such big suckers.
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In a world without John C Reilly, where would Will Ferell be?
30 July 2020
Will Ferrell has proven he can act(stranger than fiction) once. Other than that he has done nothing. he's coached by on his SNL skits which the funniest ones consisted of ones where he broke character and couldn't even maintain the scene. It's sad when Adam Sandler has more good rolls under his belt. If it wasn't for John C. Reilly Will Ferrell would be nothing.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
So many specific things are great
29 July 2020
Rebecca Ferguson's hat, her acting, the Concept and my favorite Jacob Tremblay doing his best simple jack impression. "Are you gonna hur hur hurt me." Bravo
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Night School (2018)
Funniest thing about this movie are the people that are surprised it was a bad movie
23 February 2020
Well I can't really fault the movie too much with one star. It was everything it set out to be and everything I I expected to see when I finally watched it for free. I can say that I wasn't surprised at all. That's why I didn't pay to watch it. If you've seen any Kevin Hart movie, it's his one character with a night story instead of a cop or jungle story. It's as simple as that. That's not saying it doesn't have some fun scenes. Just like his other movies.
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Truth or Dare (I) (2018)
One part "the happening, one part "it follows", throw in a dash of the joker and smoother it with lots of cheese
17 June 2019
That my fellow horror lovers is this movies recipe. I can't not recommend simply because I did find myself laughing at most of the "serious" scenes. And I couldn't help think if Sam Raimi(I know I misspelled it I think) had directed this movie I would be giving it 10 stars. This movie could have so easily gone that route and to be honest I'm surprised it didn't considering how much it ripped off others. There was one moment when a filter was mentioned that I thought it might. Unfortunately it took itself too serious and believe me it had no business doing that. Watch it if it's free. As predictable as every scene was it still had me wanting to see it through.
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MDMA (2017)
I must be the 3rd person Writing all these bad reviews
27 May 2019
First of all that's in reference to a reviewer actually saying that there's one or two people writing bad reviews. It also screwed up the headline I wanted to use which was: an inspiration for all who think they're not good enough to make it in Hollywood I was just irritated by that comment. But there's something good about that. That comment is the perfect thing gauge if you should watch this movie or pass. If you read that comment and you didn't understand or didn't think it was an assinine comment, then this movie is the one for you. You'll love it. If you noticed that all the "positive" reviews, Wow there are way more there should be, description of why they liked it has nothing to do with what's important when making a good movie. I read more than I wanted to just to see and they all say the samething. Strong, honest, brave, Asian, real. The last one being the most laughable. I'll say this they must not know a single person who's ever used drugs. And that itself is a sad statement. If the say something acting and directing related it's very short. Hey I love a strong brave Asian woman as much as the next guy rolling but a good movie this is not. Why is this a bad movie you might ask? Oh where oh where do I begin? To be honest I missed some of the points the other one or two of my fellow negative reviewers brought up. Like being shot in all close ups. That's huge. How could I possibly not notice that scince I'm writing about it. Easy. I was so fixated on the completely impossible to believe dialogue and words being completely mispronounced and just left I couldn't believe another word wasn't used that could've been so much easier. What kid says "familial". I coukd see them doing so many retakes and giving up and using it instead of doing what most directors would have done. Gotten an actor who could pronounce it if they had to leave it in that bad. That right there should sum it up. That's the whole movie in all areas. After the Thanksgiving diner scene ,when the hurt daughter runs to the bathroom, I was thinking I'm right there with you. And then she told herself, "I will be cast in better movies, my acting will get better." And she finished the movie. I think. I honestly couldn't finish it. Two stars bc I have seen worse. I pretty sure there have been worse. There has to have been.
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Iron Man (2008)
Have you ever wished you hadn't rewatched a movie?
25 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If I was asked to rate this movie 2 hrs ago, I would've said 10 stars. I have to say I can't do that now. And if you haven't seen this one there are SPOILERS!!!

I never rate movies so this is my first so it's says something at how much I was aggravated by huge inconsistencies, granted not many, but game chantingly big nonetheless. I'll be quick. How in the hell was Tony able to get away with building the mark 1 in the first place. I know all about the suspension of disbelief but if your going to have the kiddnaopers watch him 24/7, even noticing something was off at one point, then it's like you're intentionally putting said suspension to the test. Sure there's one corner but apparently it's only big enough for one person. How about just having one camera and guards taking shifts. And when the boss comes in to inspect and sees nothing that even resembles a rocket and Tony's new reactor he's just like "I want my muscle system tomorrow" and doesn't even ask to see what they have so far. Come on man, really? That's the first one. There's others but I'll just point out probably the biggest of them all. The villain(don't feel like looking up spelling) knows Pepper knows about him. Pepper knows he knows she knows and so on. And then there's Tony at his house and the mr bad guy is standing right freakin behind him at the moment Pepper calls him. This is after he,the villain, goes the R&D and chews out his engineer for awhile. Either he's really fast or Pepper just didn't think it was that important to let her boss and best friend know the VP is wanting him dead and that he knows she knows this. And how did Tony not know he was in the house. Jarvis decided tgat this was the one person he wasn't going to announce. I guess what irked me was how easy it could've been to not make such ridiculous mistakes in what is such a fun movie. I think I was to amazed by RDJ , the suit and anticipation to notice or more like care the first time I saw it. Now that I'm desensitized to it all I was able to focus on the movie as a whole. That off my chest it still gets 8 because it's RDJ , it Tony Stark , it's freakin IRON MAN!!!
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