
14 Reviews
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The Crush (I) (2010)
This story is a first love
10 July 2018
This story is a first love. A male elementary student falls in love with a teacher. He gives her a toy ring as a engaged ring. But one weekend he knows that she has fiance. And he challenges her fiance. At first I think this short movie is psycho horror or suspence. I thought he were insane and he would attack the teacher because she doesn't accept his "propose". I know he is still child but I hate him. It is not love just to push his mind to someone without thinking her feeling. I really hate such attitude. I don't know how I interpret this story. There is no lesson. I could not laugh this ending.
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This short movie is about a quest that a little girl seeks tobacco for her father
10 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This short movie is about a quest that a little girl seeks tobacco for her father who is addicted to smoking although he is suffering from lung desease I'm really surprised when the girl buys a box of tobacco. Character of the father is real. He deadly wants to smoke although if tobacco is almost killing him. He is typical adict. All he thinks is himself at first. A genuine good father would not make his 10 years daughtor buy tobacco in a plaintive voice that makes her feeel gilty as if she suffer her father because she does not give him tobacco. It is illigal to sell tobacco to nonages in Japan. This movie, although, is set in a decade ago Japan, he should be blame ethycally. It is agony for her. It is difficult for children to know which parents they should listen to. Finally the father chenges his mind. But I don't think it is last time he asks tobacco. Adictation is hard to cure like lung cancer. The daughter has a chance to notice that tobacco kills people, but he doesn't. I don't know why his disire to tobacco simply disappear. Maybe because the daughtor comes home late and he is anxious her. Maybe other reasons.
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Agnes (I) (2016)
It is although neither affair nor incest, we can expect Walter and Agnes can not be happy.
7 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Agnes is a love romance movie in Berlin. Walter, an author in his middle age falls in love with a college student, who discuss about death with him. And Agnes asks him to write a novel about her. Walter writes a novel and after Agnes gets pregnant, he cannot distinct real from the novel. In the first thirty minutes, I thought this movie is a Horror movie. Agnes's eyes are really scared. She sometimes looks like a black-eyes demon in SPN. Her face is really scared except when she laughs. It makes me very anxious. It shows her mental vulnerability. It is although neither affair nor incest, we can expect Walter and Agnes can not be happy. I like this atmosphere in this movie, that something terrible can happen, something crucial can happen just after happy scene. This tragedy is not related to the novel. It happens just because they doesn't have enough conversation. A confusion of real and novel is worn-out but interesting theme. What special in Agnes is that Agnes who is wrote in a novel is more confused than Walter who writes a novel.
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A old man with a box comes in front of a white house
7 July 2018
I don't know there is any tendency that short films which settles on the subject matter of Nazi are won approval? This move is nice, but I don't like this sort of short film. I would like it if it were short novel. A old man with a box comes in front of a white house. And standing there. Whose house is it? What relationship do the old man and the owner of the house have? His missing daughter, or wife? This scene attracts attention. And story moves back to the past. Really nice. I like BGM in the beginning. It makes me fear. What's gonna happen? The tone is really sad, but not too dark. It contains positive foretaste for happy ending. In this short film, they can only use certain dialog in fixed order. I think the use of "Get away" is really nice. Usually people want to get rid of stranger from their territory, they say "Get away". They feel negative emotion, when they say "Get away". But, in this film, a boy says "Get away" for positive way. His goodness.
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I love this short film. It's the best comedy I have ever seen.
7 July 2018
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I love this short film. It's the best comedy I have ever seen. Terry Tate is astonishing. He is beloved althogh he just smashes offuice workers, even women. Of cource he is not a violet man. He just does what he has to do as a job. He is really serious, he cannot overlook incorrect thing. His attitude toward the job may attact his collegues. The most funny thing is like other comedy movies, something strange perfectly fits in an ordinary place. Terry, a linebacker works at an office, and no one think it wrong. Firstly, I was jus surprised when he attacks an office worker. but I found myself wating when Terry Tate appears and exciting how he smashes his collegues. My favorite scene is where Terry Tate explains management strategy in front of executives with glasses in his red uniform. He talks like a capable intelligent office worker despite of wearing rugby unform. And executives seem to respect him.
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Witness (1985)
This is the most moved mistery movie I have ever seen.
6 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is the most moved mistery movie I have ever seen. A cup was murdered in a station and an Armish boy Samuel saw the murder. John Book, a justice cop investigate the case. But soon it revealed who had done it. John reported who is the murderer to his boss, but the boss was an asshole, he ordered the murder and tried to elase John Book and Armish witness. John was shooted, but he escaped into a village of Armish. He did not go to a hospital, because doctors must notify gunshot and the dirty cops will find him and Sammuel. Instead of it, Rachel took care of him. After his recovery, he lived there for a while because if he had gone back, he would soon been arrested. John noticed Armish life beautiful but full of difficelties in this era. People don't understand them is very rude to Armish. They humliated Amish or treated them as animals in circus. John was filled with strong moral, he could not endure all of it. But actually he was them a few days ago. He stands in Armish side now. "Be careful amongst English" Mr. Rup told Rachel when she left the village, and he told John when he went home too. It means Mr. Rup now recognized him as one of them, Armish. It is very funny and surprizing that corn became a weapon while John Book ran from dirty cops. Soon after that he shooted to kill one. Gun is the power. He left his to Rachel, it means he agrees to obey Armish custom. If he had kept that, he would never have been found. He was found because of violence. The scene Armishes built a house, Armish guy passed John a cup of milk. Audience can see he also recognize John one of them without any words. We can see every Rachel's eyes on John as a sign of her falling love with him. He and she did not say 'I love you' but we can see process of their romance.
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Lifted (2006)
This movie is really funny from the beginning to the end
30 June 2018
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This movie is really funny from the beginning to the end. A quiet night, a young man sleeps in his bed. And an UFO flies outside the house. All of a sudden, he is lifted by invisible power! He sleeps sound and does not notice what is going on him. And now, he nearly go out from the window, he bumps against the wall! The alien which trys to do human abduction seems to be inexperienced. Actually, this is practical exam of human abduction. This short movie taught me the fundamental thing: Everyone is once beginner, even aliens. It is very funny if an immature alien pilot really stuggles to kidnap a human just like an immature driver struggles to carry his first passenger to her destination. And alien's expression is also just like human. I sympathize with the alien. Of course I won't encourage human abduction. Beginer has many trouble. Trial and error is nessecary. And the structure is really good. You don't know what happens for the first time and cannot expect what happens in the end.
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When a lonely woman gets on a train
30 June 2018
When a lonely woman gets on a train, then a man makes a speech for passangers that he wants a romance, and she must decide wheter just ignore this funny strange man, or candidate for his girl friend...? The woman must be very pure; she doesn't laugh his extraordinary speech. But the better person you are, the harder you live in real world. She looks not happy. She gets jealous to others because she is not satisfied with her life: She has no boy friend, maybe no best friends, and is tired of simple pattern which just goes to her office and goes home every day. The movie is set on only a station and a train. But I can see her miserable life through her tired face and attitude. The true tragedy is not this movie but her life. And actually it can happen to every single person. After watching it, I remember Japanese author, Ango Sakaguchi's words; The love is the flower in your life. And there are not other flowers. Love is essential for life, but I don't know where to find it. Maybe the woman neither. So, I cannot stop sympathizing with her.
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Embers (2006)
I like the awkward atmosphere in this movie after something crucial happens that caused a discord between marriage couple.
30 June 2018
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I like the awkward atmosphere in this movie after something crucial happens that caused a discord between marriage couple. Shortly after WWII, a young beautiful wife lives in a humble log house far away any human dwellings who is wating for her husband who has gone to a war. One cold winter day, after a short nap or half a sleep, she hallucinates that her husband kneels on the floor of her house and a dirty Japanese soldier holds a sword to behead hum. She screams and the soldier looks at her, then turns the tip of the weapon to her. Then she wakes up. This nightmare is of course not real. The husband comes back soon after. But because of dark shadow the bloody dream casts over her mind, she cannot delight in his return. Nightmare reflects real. Something happens in real causes dream. To her, that maybe assumption for her loss. But I wonder just assumption makes such a vivid dream. I think something more terrible happens on her. Perhaps between her and the soldier, or her and her husband. She does not want him back? And I don't get the main theme of this movie.
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Born with It (2015)
I don't like this movie, because It is too real.
30 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER: Born with it

I don't like this movie. It is too real. In Japanese school (or company or society), there are a phenomenon called Ijime, which people who belongs to a group ignore a member or talk behind her/his back. Protest is no use, because perpetrators are amused at the protest and more bully her/him. Some people think that victims of ijime have reasons to be bullied and not a few adults support this absurd thought. And victims whose pride are deeply hurt begin to think they may have good reason to be bullied. This movie shows this feeling vividly. Perpetraitors exactlly know what they do. They enjoy hurting someone and someone's agony but they don't think Ijime is dirty violence. It is said that children are innocent. Mean people are born with it. Villan in this movie is a typical peretrator of ijime. He says Keisuke is AIDS because he is "foreigner". He knows it hurts Keisuke but it is a joke for him because that joke hurts Keisuke not himself. And there are other perpetrators: other class mates who talk behind Keisuke's back. They know that "joke" is inappropriate but almost no one blame that mean boy. It is also common in Japan. I can feel this helpless atmosphere through screen. Keisuke cannot get out of this situation by himself as many bullied Japanese students do. His mother's irresponsible encouragement and indecisive information about AIDS his friend finds on internet will not help him. I know Keisuke's school days ends up in tragedy. There's no hope unless perpetrators change.
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Whacked (II) (1998)
You will be filled with many questions, when you watch Whacked at first
15 May 2018
You will be filled with many questions, when you watch Whacked at first!! This movie is set in a city. Some people who walk along the road or are taken picture one moment ago, suddenly fall down. You can not understand what is going on. Those victims seem to be chosen at rundom. But is it so? They have no injure. Are they attacked with the epidemic or by invisible assasins or shooted by magical alien's gun? You cannot even sure what kind of movie you watch now. Is it SF or suspence? Will amount of victims increase? The siren of ambulance drives you anxious. And soon man who gathers around golf balls as a job appears. Then you got another question. Who is this guy? And how about victims and misterious attack? Don't worry you will learn what role this tired man plays. I laughed because the truth of this attack is too surprising. It is painful scene but it is really comical and rythmical. You should check it.
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This movie shows me how people connect.
15 May 2018
This movie shows me how people connect. This story is set on Kamakura, near nice ocean. David, who teaches in Kindergarden has trouble about his wife. Keiko recently has a abortion and gets depression. (That shows just a scurr on her belly.) Their relationship becomes now a little bit awkid. Oneday, David brings Jay, a boy in Kindergarden, whose mother does not come to fetch him that day. David thinks if his mother is died in a train accident, he and Keiko can get Jay instead of their dead baby. David is a good citisen and beloved by children. Such an ordinary person who hides sadness is venerable of temptation of crime. And it depends on love around him to bring him back to good. I like the scene David, Jay and Keiko lay on a same bed side by side. I'm really sympathized David. But, I cannot feel like she is real. She does not mention their missing baby, although she just lose it. There are no baby bed. Does she really care about baby? What does she do when David goes to work? Just sitting whole day? She is not as kind to Jay as David is. Actually, does she not like children? I doubt Keiko is a little bit cold woman. A cold woman feels sorry for her abortion. It is strange.
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Fish out a Wash is a very nice comedy.
1 May 2018
Fish out a Wash is a very nice comedy. First of all, the main character is a really unique guy, who wanted to comute so quietly and relaxingly that he dared to row a boat in morning. Such strange idea does not come up to ordinary people's mind. In this short movie, 8 people appeared. You can see what kind of person they are, because someone ate snacks in morning, someone always wears a headphone to listen music. Props are used very effectively. I didn't know firstly what kind of role a woman who fished on a harbar which his boat came every morning played. I think she is a symbol of quietness. It is happy for usual men to commute with a hot blond woman, although he prefered silence and peace to unkonwn woman. The fishing girl looked worry and jelous when he was firstly with the blond woman. And then he ignored the fishing girl, although he had smiled at her every moning until other passangers got on his small boat. In this view, this movie is a love story of a business man and relax commuting in morning.
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It deeply impressed me without a word.
21 April 2018
Father and Daughter is a great movie. It deeply impressed me without a word. This movie begins with a scene where a young man and his small daughter head for a cliff by bicycle. There are a small boat below the cliff. The father leaves a little girl there, and rowes for the horizon. After that she comes there to expect her father for life. Although all scenes are set in this cliff, you see how went on her lifetime. All she did in this film is riding a bycicle and stoping. But she sometimes brought her friends there, sometimes her boyfriend, and sometimes her son. I wonder if she is happy. Even she has many friends and her own family, she must feel lonely. She could not give up a empty hope that her father would be back someday. Because she is too young to understand why he leaves. And music is amazing. The piano sound added sadness. Everyone should see it and be amazed how beautiful and immortal a love of father and daughter is.
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