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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Everything suggests this shouldn't work...
17 November 2020
The premise of this film is so outlandish, its almost ridiculous to fathom as a reality. It could almost be considered a spoof, however when you look beyond the impossibilities and get down to the bare bones of this fantastic series you understand that the sport being used is simply a vessel within the story, a story primarily focussed on the profound effect of a positive mental outlook.

Sudiekis brings pits of depth to a role that could otherwise be frustratingly irritating. A mediocre US Football coach whos credentials would never bring him near a football pitch, let alone become manager of a premier league football club. And yet, a few episodes in you realise that the positivity he wields in a weapon like manner to those who frequent his daily life, heartbreakingly cannot be used to re-establish his relationship with the woman he loves.

This series really isnt centred on the sport at all, its about relationships and growth, the impact of those around you and the idealism of a positive mindset being all you need to succeed.

The casting is absolutely nailed on, the mix of supporting characters only add to journey of the humanised Ned Flanders as he sets out to enhance the qualities of those around him, qualities that the individuals themselves have come to overlook due to their own backstories.

Hannah Waddingham's Rebecca is captivating throughout and undeniably funny in parts. The quality of the production and writing shines though her. Her battle hardened public persona is raw and real, a woman scorned by a failed marriage and public humiliation, she showcases the wheelhouse of emotions to elevate the character to something profoundly human and relatable.

Juno Temple is another stand out, she has a loveable naivety coupled with bags of self confidence, despite being a bit directionless when it comes to her own life. Another pure soul, trying to find her way which seems to be an underlying theme for so many of the characters within the show.

Even the footballers themselves, whilst most are a caricature of some of the real life personalities within the game, they still have enough depth and value to keep you involved and interested.

I watched this show on the back of a recommendation which pitched it as "a feel good show" and "exactly what we need in the current climate" and it certainly is that, however it is so much more and I found myself laughing hysterically at some points and choking up at others. Sudeikis has shown that he has the ability to be funny time and time again, but in Ted Lasso he has the capability to be so much more in addition.

Whether you are in to sport or not (in this case it really doesn't matter) I would recommend this show to anyone. A comedy that packs an emotional punch which is enjoyable throughout, a perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon
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Upright (2019– )
Tim minchin is a genius
30 November 2019
This show is nothing new in terms of format. Your typical getting from a to b with some hyjinx along the way. However the onscreen chemistry between lucky and Meg are what elevates this show to deeply funny and emotional ride across the breathtaking aus outback.

I didn't do any research before watching and went in blind but I was not disappointed. Equal parts hilarity and pure emotion and the season finale had me in bits.

Highly recommend and the soundtrack is suitably stunning.
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Atypical (2017– )
Netflix at its best.
2 November 2019
I don't have enough superlatives for this show, it's got everything you want from a really well produced show and the writing is near impeccable. I've never had any experience with anyone on the spectrum so I really wasn't sure what to expect from a show where the protagonist is autistic.

It takes you on a ride through every emotion, the character development throughout the season gives you an understanding of each of their perspectives whilst highlighting the independent issues each one will face.

There are scenes which draw pure emotion only for Sam to say bluntly what's on his mind, breaking the emotional tension resulting in belly busting humour.

The writers being this show should be very proud of what they have produced season after season. The sub plots are interesting and have depth and highlight the interactions between the character relationships.

A must watch in my book, enlightening, entertaining and as funny as they come. It's very difficult to find show these days which really make you laugh out loud. Not only will this show have you laughing but it's heartfelt and endearing to watch. I for one would love to see at least another two seasons.
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Daybreak (I) (2019)
Netflixs agenda is clear as day
26 October 2019
This show started with a lot of promise, the character narrating direct to the camera gave it an unserious and almost mockumentary version of the current social climate. However towards the back end of the season it becomes patronising and almost instructory. The five minute pre sex segment on consent was embarrassing and completely unreal followed by the stud comparison which is as old as time. Could have been so much better but divulged in to a naggy, overly politically correct instruction manual on how to act as a teenager in the modern Post metoo 1mil genders crap, which is not a bad thing but the execution on this show is shameless and insulting to anyone.
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Phenomenal cinema
16 March 2019
I gave this a watch after reading an article on it. I have never been into cartoon/anime or manga which this feels like in some episodes so a bit of a gamble from what I would normally watch and wow has that gamble paid off.

Extraordinary throughout with each episode giving you something to think about afterwards.

My favorite was ep 3 the witness which is provoking and unique and left me thinking about it for at least one hour after.

The yoghurt takes over in a world where trump is president seems oddly achievable.

I would recommend this to anyone and would advise to go in without looking into and without any prejudements and enjoy it for what it is. A well thought out and beautifully produced extraordinary piece of cinema, that you will likely watch over and over again. The imdb rating is highly justified and this is something completely different to anything I have seen in the past.
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