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The Dressmaker (I) (2015)
Fabulously charming...
5 May 2024
Good, vengeful, beautiful colors, beautiful dresses, Kate always adorable, beautiful photography... The title led me astray, I thought it was a comedy, but so much drama, poor Tilly, just when you think everything will be fine, another loss comes , poor thing, but it could be cuter, I almost got tired of it... Rewatching it by mistake... But fabulously charming...

An attractive woman returns to her hometown in rural Australia. With her sewing machine and haute couture style, she transforms women and exacts sweet revenge on those who didn't believe in her achievements, but fabulously charming...
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Ridiculous and despicable.
22 April 2024
For these and other reasons, I hate reading synopsis or anything about the film before seeing the film, I hated knowing who directed and scripted this work, rancid... Initially not as boring as the others, at least the dialogue is more pleasant, despite being stilted and cultural excess... And Allen constructs the protagonist in the worst and most misogynistic and sexist way possible, a beautiful blonde, stupid, naive and self-serving, and her faithful and intelligent partner, disgusting... Ridiculous and despicable.

Young Ashleigh (Elle Fanning) and Gatsby (Timothée Chalamet) are a couple planning a romantic trip to New York. However, when they arrive at the location, plans change: Ashleigh discovers the possibility of doing an interview with famous film director Roland Pollard (Liev Schreiber), and Gatsby ends up meeting the sister (Selena Gomez) of an old girlfriend. Along the way, Ashleigh and Gatsby discover new passions and unique opportunities.
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A stupendous adaptation, strong and delicate, simultaneously, wonderful...
22 April 2024
Two well-deserved Oscar awards, best foreign film and best sound, I had to repeat some scenes several times, as the film incredibly draws itself between the lines, in the silence, in the broken conversations, and especially in the background sound (the screams from the concentration camp ), full of meanings imperceptible to my inattentive eyes, the normality of evil in the naturalness of everyday life, a stupendous adaptation, strong and delicate, simultaneously, wonderful...

Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss and his wife Hedwig strive to build a dream life for their family in a house with a garden next to a concentration camp.
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Film with a gospel background, very tasty and exciting to watch ...
22 April 2024
Just from the title we already know that something probably emotional is coming... Based on the work and life of Patrick, who lost his son at the age of 9 to cancer, and after his death discovered that he wrote letters to God, the postman is a fictional character, giving a more dramatic and even more poetic air to the story... Despite the loss, the film fulfills its objective of making us believe and have faith, until the end... Film with a gospel background, very tasty and exciting to watch ...

Boy with cancer sends letters to a god in order to find some comfort. Although these letters, for obvious reasons, do not reach heaven, they end up catching the attention of a postman who is depressed after losing custody of his son.
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Aftersun (II) (2022)
Impeccable acting, everything very simple and cozy, Passionate...
21 April 2024
There is a fantastic and surreal lyricism in the dialogues between father and daughter, in the same way that it relates a daily life, it implicitly exposes in a simple way the melancholy and complexity of family relationships between separated families, and the evil of the century, depression (I didn't notice, just like Sophie when she was filming, I only realized after reading the reviews)... Lightly based on the life, childhood and family relationship of Charlotte Wells... Impeccable acting, everything very simple and cozy, Passionate...

Sophie reflects on the shared joy and private melancholy of a holiday she took with her father twenty years ago. Memories real and imagined fill in the gaps as she tries to reconcile the father she knew with the man she didn't know.
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Regular to very boring, despite Thati and the cute Twist plot. ..
21 April 2024
Thati Lopes S2, it's a shame that these comedies, not so romantic, are so silly and almost boring, I'm boring and have no patience, the references are excellent, I love them, but it's not enough to hold the film from halfway through I I was dying to finish, lack of perspective on something surprising, after all, most are predictable and the jokes don't differ much from slapstick comedies, which I don't really like... Regular to very boring, despite Thati and the cute Twist plot. ..

Luiz (Caio Castro) is not a man who believes in love, which is why he strictly follows a rule that he should not go beyond "dating" for three months. However, he still lives with his mother, who begs him to get married and leave her house. One day, she faints and it is discovered that she only has six months to live. As a last request, she asks her son to get married so that she can feel fulfilled. Not wanting a real commitment, he gives in to his mother's requests and hires a surrogate wife. Lina (Thati Lopes) is an actress who lives off the work of being "rented" by other people, playing the desired role, a wife, a lover or a friend. The two then agree to a fake relationship for six months. But everything can change and the fake couple can actually give in to their feelings.
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it's not every day that a person decides to marry themselves, although we all should do it at least once in our lives...
21 April 2024
The idea was better than its execution, it was something closer to "On a very distant island", but Tom was dull, the photography didn't help, the slapstick script didn't help, much more than I expected and what Rosa deserved, it's not every day that a person decides to marry themselves, although we all should do it at least once in our lives... The toast to the bride, made by herself, was beautiful and memorable, but not enough to erase average film...

About to turn 45, Rosa realizes that she's always lived her life to serve everyone else, so she decides to leave it all behind, take charge of her life, and fulfill her dream of starting her own business.
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Stolen (2024)
I just don't know if it's me who let these things get me down or if we really have a negative impact on it... .
21 April 2024
So cute and causes so much anger... I thought it would be a calm, silly film, but it causes so much anger, indignation and rancidity that it makes us want to try to kill this disgusting being, it only gets worse when we see the protagonist being treated with so many blessings misogyny and sexism, I'm running out of patience for these fictions that cause me staleness and internal anguish... The film is very good, I just don't know if it's me who let these things get me down or if we really have a negative impact on it... .

A young woman struggles to defend her Sámi heritage in a world where xenophobia is on the rise, climate change is threatening reindeer inheritance, and young people choose suicide in the face of collective desperation.
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A beautiful film with a passionate ending, I cried a lot...
21 April 2024
It's much more than a cute film, about a simple childhood and the importance of friends, it portrays a harsh capitalist reality (a necessary evil)... Education sets you free, teaching is an act of passion, teachers should be overrated, we, workers we are replaceable... So beautiful and so sad, it moves us and leaves our hearts tight, in the same proportion that it leaves our hearts warm... A beautiful film with a passionate ending, I cried a lot...

At a school in rural Mexico, teacher Georgina is determined to make a difference in the lives of the bright young students she educates in a classroom converted from a train car.
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Motherly (2021)
20 April 2024
I'm between very bad and very good, a lovely predictable cliché, and deplorable dubbing... Calm down, wait a minute, it was all very conveniently forced until the deliciously surprising plot Twist appears with the twist in my heart, sarcastic and with a touch of unparalleled sadism... I love it, suspense, drama, chases, blood, deaths, good ingredients... That sarcastic smile at the end got me... Excellent...

Kate and her daughter Beth live alone on an isolated farm in the woods, but when Kate slowly begins to suspect something sinister is happening, her maternal instincts are put to the test.
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Locked In (V) (2023)
Well, I liked it...
20 April 2024
I finished the film a little afraid, fearing for its uncertain future, almost certain that it would be a big bomb, however it was gaining good contours, and even becoming convincing, the theme is not innovative nor does it differ much from those that address this topic. , But it's really fun to watch, we're waiting for the Twist plot to find out who the good guys and the villains are, nothing very surprising, it's a little boring... It wins and even convinces... Well, I liked it...

When Raphael met Olivia in high school, it was love at first sight. After 10 years of happy marriage and a thriving career as a best-selling author, Raphael has it all - or so he thinks. After a huge argument between the couple, Raphael wakes up in a parallel life where he is single, a ping-pong player and a high school teacher, with a life that is not very interesting and too close to that of his best childhood friend.
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Passionately delicate, colorful, fun, intriguing.
20 April 2024
It is a mix of complexity and subtlety, which delights and captivates us, so enchanting that it seems shorter than it is, when we realize it is over... It leaves us stunned with joy, vibrant colors, agile script and thought-provoking story... A story, within a story, within another story, loosely based on the real-life Pakistani mystic Kuda Bux, who saw without his eyes, the rest is all invention, like everything else. Passionately delicate, colorful, fun, intriguing.

The Amazing Story of Henry Sugar is a 2023 comedy-adventure short film directed by Wes Anderson and based on the short story of the same name by Roald Dahl. The film tells the story of Henry Sugar (Benedict Cumberbatch), a rich and eccentric man who becomes obsessed with a secret technique that allows him to "see" without using his eyes.
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Poor Things (2023)
And in my immense mania of trying to find meaning in each scene, several layers were presented here...
20 April 2024
I really liked it, mainly for the profusion of confusing ideas, a colorful and vibrant allegory, nominated for an Oscar for the adapted and freely altered script, which I think made the story even more interesting... Female freedom and libertinism reflected if there were no rules and we weren't raised by a patriarchal, sexist and misogynistic society, I love it... And in my immense mania of trying to find meaning in each scene, several layers were presented here...

The incredible story about the fantastic evolution of Bella Baxter, a young girl brought back to life by the brilliant and unconventional scientist Dr. Godwin Baxter.

The fantastic evolution of Bella Baxter, a woman resurrected by the brilliant and unorthodox doctor Godwin Baxter. Under Baxter's protection, Bella wants to learn. Eager to see the world, she runs away with Duncan Wedderburn, an elegant and debauched lawyer, on a dizzying adventure. Free from the prejudices of her time, Bella grows firm in her purpose of defending equality and liberation.
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An excellent adaptation of the book, which seems, without major changes, fantastic...
20 April 2024
So many doubts and questions and so few answers, everything open, but that's how I love it, with enough space to create our own conspiracy theory... The captivating and emblematic characters, like a normal family, the character's dubiousness and doubts about the another, the fear of an uncertain future... Unforgettable iconic scenes such as the ship docking on the beach and the road full of Teslas... An excellent adaptation of the book, which seems, without major changes, fantastic...

On vacation, a family rents a luxurious house in a remote location. After a cyber attack affects all electronic devices, two strange people knock on the door. When the world turns to chaos, who can you trust?
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14 April 2024
For the sake of a good biography, it satisfies me when presented in a linear way, containing at most a few flashbacks, here we have a beautiful biography of a charming, sanctified and necessary character, despite the somewhat confusing beginning, it gained expressive lines of the detailed facts of the miracles performed... Beautiful, fascinating, perhaps it can convince even atheists... It reminds us a lot of the biography of Chico Xavier... Due to the characteristics of the production... Exciting...

The story of Zé Arigó who, through the spirit of Dr. Fritz, a German doctor who died during the First World War, became one of the greatest phenomena in spiritual surgery in the world.
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The Perfumier (2022)
Just reasonable and regular...
14 April 2024
It is in no way similar to "Perfume", however it reminds us a lot, perhaps only because of the theme, perfume + murder, in search of the perfect aroma... Unfortunately, many of those who like that, lack in the drama, the detective story and the suspense, in addition to the subtly shallow and disdainfully simplistic... It could have been but had the potential to achieve higher scores, however the weak script didn't work a miracle, a film that was just reasonable and regular, with no major difficulties in understanding and hardly memorable...

To regain her sense of smell and get back her lover, a detective joins forces with a perfume maker who uses deadly methods to create the perfect scent.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
14 April 2024
Still trying to digest about the film, but the Oscar awards were really exaggerated, a stupid idolatry... Long though not so boring, I watched it in smooth installments... After the test detonation Oppe says: "And now I have become death, the destroyer of worlds" but he didn't seem that repentant to me, his desire for power and wanting to complete something unprecedented makes him an ambitious monster, but it is during the commemoration of the Japanese deaths by the scientists' families that gives me an extreme disgusting repulsion... The true Hero of the nation, but enemy of the world, to this day not only the Japanese population, but the Hispanics living in the Los Alamos construction area suffer from the radiation of atomic explosions, an unprecedented tragedy with infinite consequences... And Albert Einstein was never consulted about the effects of the bomb, they still blame it on the poor... I completely agree with the Strausses when they say that "Oppenheimer never actually regretted creating and helping to detonate the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagazaki, and that he would probably do it all again, and in the same way, because his greatest ambition was to be the first to build the atomic bomb, the man who shook the world, that this made him the most important man who ever lived."
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Ice Soldiers (2013)
Delicious, worth the time spent...
14 April 2024
Very enjoyable to watch, not only because of the high level of testosterone naked and in perfect condition, but also because of the hypnotic resemblance between Steven Seagal and Dominic Purcell, who I admire physically and professionally, the film itself is not very different from other science fiction films about superheroes. Humans used as a physical weapon by the USA's arch-rivals, with the addition of infinite glaciers, cat and mouse chase, good and bad, delicious, worth the time spent...

Buried for decades, the genetically modified bodies of super soldiers have been rediscovered, reactivated and are ready to unleash devastating destruction across society. Only one man can stop the carnage before it's too late.
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aggressive pathetic negative absurd disapproving
14 April 2024
I hate it, it's so disgusting, it causes me anxiety and a moral discomfort too, I believe, degrading, but oddly enough I liked the scene in the fictional film with the giant dick monster... But in this one they went hard, there were several injuries , burns, broken limbs, some people like it, I watched it reluctantly, it was leaving Netfix... And in this one they used several animals, which I'm against too... Everything bad, nothing good, rubbish of the worst kind, nothing more... .

Celebrating the joy of being back with their best friends and a perfectly accomplished genital shot, the original team returns for another round of comical, highly absurd and often dangerous activities, with the help of an enthusiastic new cast. Johnny and the team stretch the rope even further in "Jackass Forever After."
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Faraway (2023)
All very delightful to enjoy... .
14 April 2024
I love these simple romantic comedies and sugar water, light and warm... Deliciously perfect soundtrack as we marvel at a stupendous landscape (beautiful Croatia), a mature woman who from one day to the next decides to leave everything back in search of her mother's inheritance, and discovers that it goes far beyond just material goods, she rediscovers passion, lust, love of life and love of herself... All very delightful to enjoy... .

Zeynap Altin is at the end of her tether: she works far too much and is not valued at all by her husband, daughter and father. To make matters worse, the funeral home dressed her beloved late mother in a man's suit instead of her favorite dress. Enough is enough: Zeynep flees from Munich to the previously unknown holiday home on a Croatian island that her mother secretly bought years ago - with the hope of finding quiet, peace and herself there. If only the previous owner Josip, a rough islander, didn't still live on the same property and annoy her with his views and wisdom.
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The Oscar was the perfect ending... Wow...
14 April 2024
A conventional and commonplace drama about a writer who criticizes what is conventionally stipulated as a Black work and its common facts, in short the hypocrisy, a great film, some exaggerated nominations, a fair award (Very well adapted screenplay, the final change was essential and necessary to maintain the film's complexity and reference), historical reparation... Necessarily valid for social criticism and racism... Fun, ironic and iconic, realistic (or not), the supporting characters are adorable, all in opposition to the grumpy protagonist. .. "The dumber I am, the richer I get." It took me a while but I understood, it's a film about the film, metalanguage, about the ending, in fact the Oscar was the perfect ending... Wow...

A novelist who is fed up with the system profiting from "black" entertainment uses a pseudonym to write a book that takes him to the heart of the hypocrisy and madness he claims to disdain.
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All very silly and cute...
14 April 2024
A female version of the film "Operation Christmas Drop (2020)"'2020, or with a dad reversal, as cute, cute, delicious, romantic kitchen and with a cute little drama as the other... They could have invested more in the little drama with the Tropical Cyclone, but It was just a subterfuge to ponder the kindness of the unknown man, of the united and selfless community, with a forced outcome, but all very silly and cute...

Dana Randall is an ultra-committed pilot for non-profit air service, Fullerton Airways, located in picturesque Far North Queensland. Along with her father Jeff and mechanic BFF Nikki, the small team works together to provide the essential air services the local island communities rely on. When London based ITCM Financial representative William is sent to Fullerton Airways to review the organization's financials, Dana welcomes him, aware that they rely heavily on his company's subsidies. What Dana doesn't know is that William's audit is to confirm the business's financial struggles and to prepare for its closure. As William spends time with Dana and the Island community, his loyalty is torn. He is falling for Dana and the feeling seems mutual... that is, until she accidentally discovers his true purpose.
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Win It All (2017)
14 April 2024
I love films about compulsive and extremely unlucky gamblers, I still root for the anti-hero to go wrong, hehehe, evil, I love it... Despite being a good man, what affects me is the irresponsibility of a grown man, at least he doesn't have children , to spend the pension money on bets... Excellent film, fun, I laughed after the credits, weak ending, rushed, even unfair with the drama as a whole, deserved better development, cold, no drama, no humor, stupid ending. .. Nice...

Eddie agrees to hold a backpack for an acquaintance who is going to prison. When he discovers that he has money in his bag, he ends up spending the money. When the prisoner is released, Eddie must race against time to recover all the money.
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Perfect and Wonderful...
14 April 2024
Ah, these French productions that enchant us, a dramatic and unsettling police thriller, little by little the anatomy of a fall takes on dramatic and deliciously emblematic contours... Courts that we love, especially when acts and facts merge and become confused, as much as they explain new facts, long dialogues that are still adorably convincing and mesmerizing, a different ending, no less intense and unsettling like every film... Perfect and Wonderful...

A woman is suspected of murdering her husband and her blind son faces a moral dilemma as the only witness. Palme d'Or at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival...
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"What strange creatures brothers are" Jane Austin...
14 April 2024
"What strange creatures brothers are" Jane Austin... There are older brothers who are better off being an only child, because I believe, only Jesus is the cause... A stupendously captivating and distressing film, anti the passivity of the youngest and evil of the firstborn, in addition to the mother's fragility, a script that holds you from beginning to end, a respectful plot twist, a necessary ending, all adorably convincing and passionately creative...

Two teenage brothers steal money to help their sick mother and, after a chase, security guard Hamby ends up falling and getting stuck in a deep well, creating complex conflicts involving these three people.
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