
4 Reviews
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...what an exhiliarating experience
8 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't seen a movie this hilarious in a long while. Every single joke and gag was absolutely spot. On. A lot of the funny moments to me, if not all (which takes up almost the entire film), feel incredibly fresh and extremely creative. So much so, that they all bring extra layers to the writing and character development, and fleshes out everything I need to know and so much more about these characters up to the point where I've been hit with left hooks during it's entire runtime. For setting up a fast-paced action movie, this decision is excellent and sheer genius. On top of that, there was not one scene that felt like it went on too long for me. It was just, exactly right. This movie just flowed like butter and no part of my satisfaction was left empty. The pacing was so good, it was actually pretty overwhelming to take in this first, or even presumably but very likely, eventual subsequent viewings. So yeah, I think it's execution is absolute perfection. Totally something that all excellent action movies should achieve in order to qualify as, you know, excellent.

Yeah, this movie may have a villain that's usually cliche at this point, but it's fleshed it out in a way where I didn't find it redundant or boring at all. There wasn't even that much focus on the villain until the very last act of the film anyway so it didn't bother me all that much. Besides, I don't mind corporate douchebags showing up in any movie, as long as it's purposeful to the any of the themes and is executed well.

Another thing that exceeded my expectations was how intelligent it was with it's concepts. I noticed that a lot of typical action movies made past and present follow the cheesy trope of using their 'substance' as a gimmicky excuse for a punchline that studios think would stick with audiences, which eventually got adopted by and become responsible for every single modern mainstream throwaway horror flicks you know today. Look at The Bye Bye Man for example. This movie is surprisingly a very insightful look at human spirituality and Buddhist ideologies. It's great dialogues proves it, and all the performances being on point sold me successfully. The film's own 'Chakra' concept just made so much sense figuratively and it made me laugh my ass off because it was just portrayed in such a fun way. It's just so funny because it's so true. It also makes so much sense to have a love interest as the fuel for the plot and not just for hot sex scene #69420, and I do not want to spoil anything, but I found it heartfelt. Very heartfelt.

The cinematography is surprisingly fantastic. There's a lot of noticeable green/blue screens in this movie, but the cinematography, editing and fight choreography totally makes for it, by a long shot. There's one amazing shot where the main protagonist's love interest, Bao'er, goes back inside from the pool after swimming, and her cousin creeped up right behind her and the scenes showing her cousin, who is at a completely dark area is only lit up by random occurrences of thunder. All of the music in the film were played immaculately in all scenes with it and it absolutely complemented the tones.

Overall, I was extremely impressed with this film. Honest to God, I think this may be the best literature on Buddhism and martial arts culture ever made (if you don't count boxing). It just works so well as a parody film and a piece of cinema at the same time. It's both a satire and true worship of kung fu. Man... what an exhilarating experience.
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Tampopo (1985)
Now THIS is a classic
8 November 2018
Movies about food could go either way. It could either turn out generic due to the lack of substance, or an insightful, introspective work of art using food for metaphors and subtleties of life, comparing it to spirituality. The latter is exactly what Tampopo is, and it's still a phenomenon even after more than 30 years later.

Every actor, I repeat, every single actor in this film gives their all here. I couldn't think of anybody in this film who wasn't spot-on with their roles. The highlight performances though, are definitely the ramen cowboy and the young and aspiring female chef. The use of food to connect everybody in this movie is extremely unique and is not like any other film out there, even until today. Also, did I mention that Ken Watanabe is also in this film? Shocker, right?

The direction is beautifully good, the cinematography is perfection, the screenplay is professionally written, and the connection between all of the characters are just so enduring. It seems clear to me that this director knew exactly what he was doing and that he was truly passionate with making it. One of the best movies I've ever seen coming out from Japan. Now THIS is a classic.
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Don't be fooled by what you think this is. This is an amazing piece of animation.
25 March 2018
Like most of you, I found this show/anime from watching the OP on Youtube, and I loved it. The fantastic animation quality of the opening intro, paired with an amazing cover of an iconic song to fit the modern age actually bloody worked, for some reason. It's just magical how an intro actually made me want to watch this bloody thing. Now, this isn't the first Cutie Honey iteration I have watched. I managed to watch Cutie Honey Flash (Cutie Honey F) before this. It was lame and average. I didn't like it. It had a great story but it was waaaaaay too melodramatic and way too cheesy, and the animation is really dated. Episode 1 was just plain garbage. Episode 2 was slightly better, although it wasn't enough to make me watch more episodes. I give it a 5/10. Despite my disappointment with Cutie Honey F, I still wanted to watch the other versions due to my anticipation of the upcoming Cutie Honey Universe, I went out my may to watch Re: Cutie Honey. This version. This anime..... oh my goodness. The first out of the three episodes of this short, but satisfying OVA is one of those things you HAVE to watch for yourself. It is... insane, and bloody hilarious, and I mean that. If there's anything that created the birth of Studio Trigger, it is this. First of all, art direction is absolutely fantastic. The show begins with a cartoonish art-style that is extremely exaggerated up to the point where it is done on purpose, until the show suddenly becomes the joke itself. There is... a lot of innuendo humor in this show, but unlike a large majority of stuff like this, the jokes are genuinely written in ways I didn't expect. Realistic consequence is actually present within the character's actions, and it makes the presentation of the jokes a whole lot better. Even Ren and Stimpy couldn't write better innuendo humor than what this has to offer, in my opinion. But there's more than that. The animation drastically changes by around episode 2 and completely in the third and final episode, from comically exaggerated to super realistic, as Honey is gradually unlocking more and more of her heart. It's such a purposeful decision that literally made my jaw drop. I'm not kidding. I wasn't surprised with how immaculate the framing is, considering that this was directed by Hideaki Anno, the guy behind Neon Genesis Evangelion. The show looks great and still holds up 14 years after its release, and this is extremely impressive for an OVA. In fact, when I was watching it, it didn't have the impression that this was direct-to-video quality, especially during a large bunch of the last episode. I was at awe with how attached I was to the characters as the final episode ended. I only have minor issues with this show, with the most glaring one being the President of The United States speaking in Japanese for no reason. But besides those, this is truly animation as an art form. Now I know what you're thinking, "this is another one of those fanservice anime with no substance, isn't it?". Well, that's what I thought before watching it, but I'm telling you right now. It's not. It's a wild, but thoughtful story about the depths of the human heart, and it worked for me. This show really struck me. I'd even go as far as saying that I personally like it more than the first animated Ghost In The Shell movie. So please, do yourself a favor and give this a shot. It's not fanservice, it's an experience. Just let me warn you that there's a lot of boobs.
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The Noose (2007– )
the most overlooked anime in the past 10 years
4 December 2017
I am in disbelief of how unknown this satirical masterpiece is outside of Singapore, which is the country it was made in. Like, seriously? Come on.

I discovered this show back in the day when Comedy Central was available in my country, and ever since, I was blown away by how freaking INSANE it is. I kept watching it until my TV-service shut down this channel. This was around 2 years ago.

Now, the reason why I think this show should get widespread attention outside of its own country is because it hilariously ridicules daily situations. This pretty much parodies the local news (noose) and Singapore itself. It observes the usual environment of Singapore and its people there, but you don't have to know anything about Singapore to enjoy this amazing "anime", although you do need to know a little bit about race. You can just imagine the world of this show as its own fictional location and it still feels legit.

It makes fun of the news, it makes fun of itself, and it's really, really meta. There's also a ton of phenomenal "action" scenes in case if you're interested, not to mention the amount of careful detail put into the "character development". Unlike Dragon Ball Z, there is no such thing as "filler" in here, because the point of this creampie is not to fill but to BE filled.

I've watched a butt-load of episodes, although not all (as I said, I couldn't manage to watch it after the demise of that channel). Don't trust IMDb on this one, there's a lot more episodes than just 3. The show currently has around 7 seasons if I'm not mistaken.

There's only one problem. This show is not available anywhere online. It's broadcasting channel, Mediacorp Channel 5 only released short clips of the show through its YouTube channel. There's no DVD release either. So I guess if you want to watch this, you can go to Singapore itself but otherwise, this review is pretty much pointless. Oops.
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