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2 Reviews For A 43 Year Old Film ?
20 September 2023
2 Reviews For A 43 Year Old Film ?

1st review declares a spoiler and gives a good review, but the 2nd writes a review based on not even watching the film ?

Well... I have seen the film... several times over the decades since it was released, and have never once found it boring.

The film portrays a light-hearted view of how one woman deals with the grief of losing her husband after a rather unconventional turn of events.

It captures an epoch of time which probably does'nt appeal to younger audiences who may be unable to relate to the ambience of the late 70's early 80's.

Acting is absolutely on point... Liv Ullmann being the recipient of an award for her role, but not overshadowing the rest of the cast who were all superb throughout.
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Bright Hair (1997 TV Movie)
Fully Absorbing and Well Made.
24 May 2023
Well... a stunning broad scope of roles played by Emilia Fox, and you could expect nothing less from a member of a family of brilliant actors. In essence, Emilia play's three different personas with exceptional brilliance.

The plot twist was moderately predictable, but that scarcely matters as there is an actual story to follow, unlike the rubbish being churned out these days, full of social engineering and political correctness.

A film I could easily watch multiple times, even knowing how the plot unravels, purely for the extremely well directed, acted and edited film that it is... and there is a proper conclusion at the end... not pseudo-arty, leaves you guessing/cheated, as is so often the case with more modern films!

No spoilers!
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Infinite (2021)
The Film To End Careers !
12 February 2023
It may seem mean to give a film a 1* rating, and I would'nt normally do this if the film was made on a shoestring budget... but this film was'nt made on a shoestring budget. It was pulled from it's original scheduled airing, and I think I know why... it's not just crap... it's embarrassing.

I can only surmise that the film producers needed to waste a load of money for reasons unbeknown to the wider world.

Sometimes we watch films with an "All Star" cast thinking, "So and So" (whoever) would'nt act in a crap film, but here, one would be mistaken.

Sadly, this is happening all too often, and begs the question "Why" ?
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The Comedy Version of the H G Wells Classic... I Think ?
15 January 2023
Some out of work actors banded together to make a film. I think one of the "actors" has a relative who makes amateur gaming CGI in their parent's basement as a hobby between shifts as a food distribution executive (pizza delivery).

I will not be writing any spoilers in this review... I wish I could, but I'm still looking for an online explanation video to find out whether this was a comedy, romcom, or a wildlife documentary filmed in a farmyard ?

I think all those involved in making this, er... film, must've had great fun doing it... obviously, they were not taking it too seriously (as can be witnessed by the actors desperately trying not to laugh at their own scripts)
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Melancholia (2011)
When Precognition is Misdiagnosed as Madness
24 August 2022
If you watch this film once... you'll watch it again... and still not be disappointed.

Left me wondering who is sane, and who is insane when the comfort of a perceived reality changes... dramatically !

Almost Flawless !
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Something about computer hackers... I think :-)
7 July 2022
The protagonist seems to daydream a lot, when she should be cracking codes... she might have an attention deficit issue, but I think it could be substance abuse ?

If it's meant to be 'entertaining', 'thrilling', 'suspense', or there's a plot... (other than a subliminal, fully inclusive woke-fest)... I don't see it, 'but'... if it's "Predictive Programming", then yeah... I get it !

Let's see how many future events/scenarios are filtered into the wider, grand scheme of RL ? !!!
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Prophetic !
4 May 2022
I saw this film at the start of the 2020 plandemic, and was astounded that it had got past the censorship... a literal roadmap for anyone paying attention.

If you had trouble grasping the concept of this film... I really hope you are fine with your jabs !
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American Mary (2012)
Emotional and Artistic
20 February 2022
Eventually, I suspect this film will acquire cult status.

A bit too gory for me, but I can overlook this for the emotionally stirring aspects which draw you in to feeling rather sad for the protagonist (Katharine Isabelle).

At some point, this film is a "must watch" !
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Eventually, The Rating Will Rise Higher
20 February 2022
In truth, the rating for a good film will achieve it's deserved rating, making it easier to decide whether to watch, or not.

I watched it from start to finish, and was pleasantly surprised how easy it was to watch.

Excellent acting too !
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Maybe there'll be a season 2 ?
11 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Right... ending spoiler... either there is'nt an ending... or, perhaps it's one of those "interactive" films where you get to make up your own ending... ?
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Operation Dunkirk (2017 Video)
What... no canned laughter ?
7 March 2021
I gave it a 5 rating, mainly because it was made on a budget of just £8 pounds and 75 pence. Most of that was taken up with catering as the director said "if we see some good acting, we will all have a Cornetto"... but there was'nt any acting at all so the director invested the money on four scratchcards a bar of chocolate and some extra slim cigarette filters. There was a lot of running, everybody did some running, including a cameraman and a woman, who I think could've been part of the film, but I can't be sure... she was good at running and held my attention for a few seconds, but she fell and looked quite awkward. I don't think she fell intentionally, but since there was'nt much else going on I think they left it in to add some dynamics... either that, or they just could'nt be bothered to edit it out. So, to summarise... if you've just painted a chair, or something, you could sniff the fumes and watch the paint drying :-) !

Does this review contain spoilers? Er... that'd be pushing it a bit !
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Ghost Stories (I) (2017)
Can anyone really be sure of their perception of reality ?
8 February 2021
Exposes an element of self doubt about one's own scepticism brilliantly... With me, ithis film played on my own retrospective regrets... something everybody has, but likes to keep locked away in a dark corner of distant memory ?!
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Matriarch (I) (2018)
Worthy of a review !
8 February 2021
Interesting storyline... captivating (no pun intended)... a bit dark, yes... acting was pretty convincing... no problem there ! I was going to pour a little criticism on this film until I discovered it was an indy with a shoestring budget... wow... am I surprised ! I'd struggle to compare it to anything considered better for what it cost to make... which is why I think it deserves a good rating and definitely worth watching !!
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Hero (2002)
Cinematic Perfection... This Is !
25 January 2021
I could write endlessly about how well made this film is... but I'd struggle to do it justice using the limitation of words to describe it... If you have'nt seen it yet... there's still time... but, be sure to !
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The Great War (2019)
I cried at the end... with joy... that it was over !
24 January 2021
I think they could'nt afford the canned laughter because they'd blown the budget on Pearlman and Zane's cameo appearances. In all seriousness though, when I was young, the kids in my street played war games with more historic accuracy !!! Does this review contain spoilers? ... Really?
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10/10 because it deserves higher than the current 6.5
12 May 2019
Watch this film for Emily Blunt's 'stunning performance', worth 10* for that alone, but the movie must deserve 8.5 minimum. Keeping up with the retrospectives may be a bit disjointed for some, but you will probably watch this movie several times eventually, whereby, the retrospective is necessary and is crucial to the plot.
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Bokeh (I) (2017)
Better than expected.. Deserves higher rating !
3 February 2019
We all expect CGI and special effects these days, but when a film does'nt rely on a ton of add on's to prop up an unfolding storyline you can often be pleasantly surprised. Not fast paced by any means, but I was drawn in as the characters were believable given the rather unusual apocalyptic scenario. No explanation as to how or why this scenario occurred, but how the characters handled/coped with the emotional aspect of their unanswerable situation was very thought provoking.
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Europa Report (2013)
Is This Even A Film ?
1 February 2019
I'm wondering whether the budget ran out just before the footage was to be edited...or like, whoever was responsible for the actually editing couldn't make a joined up story... because there was'nt one to begin with. Worse than this, as if digital TV signals are'nt bad enough already, they add pixelation and dodgy signal interference of their own in an attempt to make this montage seem like some kind of authentic "what you might expect" from a signal being beamed back from Jupiter.... as I say... that's what terrestrial TV signals are like already !!

Is This Even A Film
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The Beguiled (2017)
Sadly there is not a MINUS 10* option
20 January 2019
The only good thing to come from watching this Utter Garbage is that I will never waste my time watching anything directed by Sofia Coppola again. Best advice: Watch The Original... which is a masterpiece !
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Dulcima (1971)
A True Classic
22 December 2018
Interspersed with humour and comedic situation there is a darker aspect to how deceit and lust can end in tragedy, but for most part the light hearted aspect of this masterpiece will definitely elevate your mood. Never really a fan of John Mills, probably because I did'nt like his character in Ice Cold in Alex, but that was my problem for not realising just how brilliant an actor he really was. Here, in stark contrast, playing Mr Parker, is why he was truly Great !!! John Mills and Carol White worked so well together in this film, I only hope they enjoyed making it as much as I enjoyed watching it
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One Night Would Be One Too Many !
22 December 2018
Seven Nights in Japan... the boredom was unbearable after the first night. I had to give this film 1 star... not because it is utterly dreadful ( which it is), but because it has an unrealistically high rating from other reviewers who are either being extremely kind, they were extras in the film, or Michael York has numerous troll accounts..!? No spoilers in my review, if there were, it would be like admitting there is a plot worth spoiling... and there is'nt !
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Onibaba (1964)
No CGI, just a very well made film !
18 October 2018
Some films are like, well... Films. Onibaba is not like a film... it somehow left me feeling like I had not actually watched a film, but had been transported to witness a historic story with a dark and somewhat macabre twist. Is it "Horror" ? I would say so, but not by the standard and expectations of today's CGI viewing audiences. It relies on none of that, but as with a lot of Pre-CGI (Old School) era films it has a story which can stand up for itself.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
A Marmite Movie :-)
31 March 2018
Quite thought provoking, not necessarily from the sci-fi aspect, but as much from human nature/behaviour. There are some deeper, intertwined topics hinted at throughout the film, which may be interpreted as you will, some will see them... some will not !? I say it's "A Marmite Movie" simply because the reviews seem to be at opposite ends of the "love/hate" rating scale. If the reviews were consistently bad, that is usually a good indication as to whether a film is to be avoided, but I seriously think this will be a cult classic given time.
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Synchronicity (IV) (2015)
Would be good... if you're tripping... maybe?
29 March 2018
Appeared to be building a plot for the first 15 minutes, or so, then seemed to suffer from what I call "Topic Derailment Syndrome" and could not reach it's destination... if it even knew where it was heading to begin with. There's a bit of a love story in there (I think), but even that was more like an after thought due to the rapidly disintegrating plot.

Synchronicity is a word which I would use to describe things which have some sort of timely connection... not a word I would use to describe this film.!?

Does this review contain spoilers? If someone could add a spoiler, I'd be keen to read it... maybe it could explain what the film was about !
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The Babadook (2014)
The Human Mind... A Very Dark Place... !
9 March 2018
This film is like an exploration into the depths of mental trauma... the most horrific aspect is that it can happen to anyone, without warning... sometimes you don't even see it manifesting.

61 nominations and 55 awards for this film thus far should be recommendation enough !! 10/**********
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