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The Undoing (2020)
Too long
I still do not understand the reason for unnecessarily lengthening stories that instead of six chapters of a series, could be a very good movie. In this way they achieve a precious and precious result that could be summarized as two hours of entertainment
El doble más quince (2019)
Boring, boring, Boring.
Devoid of interest and with a dubiously personal aesthetic in the use of the camera.
Hasta que la boda nos separe (2020)
Really disapponited
Within three minutes, a good start turns into a boring disaster. It's a shame that a good setting and casting are not accompanied by a good script. which makes it clear that what is missing here is the script and the direction. I don't know what those who pay for these movies think when they read the scripts.
El inconveniente (2020)
surprising and fresh
A new story with some small error in direction that saves with the freshness of the interpretations and the well-chosen settings. Story that leaves the viewer wanting more and grabs you from the start.
La maldición del guapo (2020)
Bad script and worst acting
Boring from the start is a lifeless movie with a wacky plot. the only thing that is saved is the interpretation of Carlos Hipólito in a most absurd role.