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THIS is how it's done, folks!
7 September 2022
Wow...what can I say that hasn't already been said? I am a child of the 80s, and am (of course) a huge fan of the original Top Gun. I can't even count how many times I have seen it, and the soundtrack is still included in all of my playlists. When I heard talk of a sequel many years back, I figured it would be *good* or maybe even *great*. How could it not be with Tom Cruise, who is arguably the hardest working man in Hollywood, at the helm? This man's talent, charisma, and perseverance defies logic. But...the last thing I expected was for this film to surpass the original...I mean...there's no way that could happen. Right?

I was wrong. Very wrong. Because in my opinion, it is superior to its predecessor. I am literally blown away.

I purchased this movie on streaming last night, and have already watched it twice all the way through, and have replayed certain scenes multiple times. Put it this second viewing took about 3 hours. I just can't get enough. From the acting, to the music, to the scenery, to the plot, to the action sequences, it is nothing short of a masterpiece. I haven't had this type of an experience watching a movie since...gosh...I don't even know when. What an amazing gift we have been given.

I won't provide spoilers, so I will attempt to be cryptic when I say that it is Top Gun (1986) as a main course, with a *very* generous helping of Iron Eagle (1986), and a dash of Kill Bill: Volume 2 (2004). (The Kill Bill reference is the "diner scene" near the beginning of the film.)

Unless you are a boring person with no taste in movies, you will love this one!
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Enjoyable Film, but Hasn't Aged Well
13 May 2022
The psychological thriller genre is my very favorite - I have pretty much seen them all. When Murder by Numbers came out 20 years ago (when I was in my 20s), I really liked it. Yes, it has its problems and is a bit cliche, but it is a solid film that I still go back to for a bit of nostalgia from time to time. Also, I think the acting is overall really good, with Ryan Gosling being the standout.

In the headline, I mentioned that it "hasn't aged well." By that statement, I am not referring to the look and feel of the film - I am referring to the social issues. HYPOCRISY ABOUNDS.

For starters, Sandra Bullock's character (lead detective "Cassie") sexually harasses her new male partner, who is junior to her on the police force. In 2002, audiences seemed to think this was ok..."cool" even, because after all, she is a strong, attractive woman. Also, Sandra's character becomes obsessed with one of the teenage suspects. While nothing ever "happened" between them, the sexual overtones were very strong. She hated him, but she was also attracted to him. It's just...cringe. Finally, a 38-year-old Sandra Bullock (the real person) began dating a 22-year-old Ryan Gosling (the real person) during filming. I don't have an issue with the age difference, but she was a PRODUCER of the film...and the age gap just makes it a bit more...cringe.

It is worth noting that I am not a prude. The reason I have an issue with all of this is the sheer HYPOCRISY of it. If the genders had been reversed (both in the film and the off-screen relationship), there would be outrage (especially in today's world). Not only was it deemed acceptable for Sandra/Cassie to do these things...people actually APPLAUDED her for it! This whole "I'm a strong woman, so I can do whatever I want" theme is just wrong.

Gripes aside, I DO like the film. I just see it through a different lens than I did back in 2002.
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Departure (2019–2022)
Don't Overthink It and You Might Like It...
1 April 2022
I am surprised by many of the bad reviews, primarily those that are hung up on the technical flaws in the story line. What were you expecting? If everything went by the book, there would be no drama. Sure...there are some (many) face palm moments. Yes...I know the probability of surviving a fall from a high altitude is very unlikely. I know transportation disaster investigators aren't supposed to be "solving crimes" and taking down the bad guys (and gals...or...whatever they identify as this week). I know teenagers (or anyone, really) cannot infiltrate a national security system in like 5 minutes (especially one that doesn't come off as particularly bright). The list goes on. For shows like this, you just have to be willing to suspend disbelief if you want to be entertained. I did roll my eyes quite a bit, but it was still a fun, albeit bumpy, ride, and I binged both seasons in 3 days.

I also agree with the reviews that point out many of the obvious plot "twists," complete with red herrings. But these types of shows (and films) are often written that way, and include many plot holes. Let's face it: many people are dumb and don't even know the difference. Ignorance is bliss. For all of you Smarty Pants Armchair Critics, just go with it. Jeez, people.

You are either willing to let the eye roll moments slide or you aren't. And it's ok if you aren' can always watch documentaries on YouTube or the BBC. Or watch paint dry. I can still have fun with this often preposterous has a certain charm with all of its melodrama and hokieness. Or maybe I am just simple minded and weird to think that way. Anyway.

Just keep in mind that this isn't meant to be 100% (or even 50%) technically accurate, and isn't meant to be a documentary; it is a fun show that you will sometimes laugh with, and sometimes laugh at. Get your popcorn ready, fasten your seat belts, and keep your seat backs and tray tables in their full upright and locked position and carry on belonging securely stowed until you have reached cruising altitude. But there are emergency exits (the nearest one may be located behind you) and life rafts beneath your seats in the event you need to hit the eject button. Sorry...parachutes are not provided, so you'd better bring your own. Go it. I just hope you survive the fall or don't get sucked into the engine on your way out.

On a serious note, I felt very emotional watching Christopher Plummer in his very last acting role. I have always been a huge fan, and it was bittersweet to see him on my screen. RIP.

In my opinion, Archie Punjabi did a fantastic job as the lead detective...err, I mean....transportation safety investigator. She has a great screen presence.

Bottom line: lighten up a bit and give it a chance. Or don't. I don't care. It's your call. Peace out.
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Pam & Tommy (2022)
Wow, wow, wow!
3 February 2022
This is so much better than I expected! Cheesy and raunchy (which I am good with!), and fast-paced and engaging. I was in the prime of my young adulthood in the 90s, so I was very aware of the tape and other debauchery surrounding these two lovebirds. That said, I didn't have much information regarding how the tape made it to the point of mainstream consumption. Even though the actual facts are hotly debated, I am guessing at least some of what is portrayed in the show is true. But only those involved really know the truth.

The acting is great! When I heard that Lily was being cast as Pamela, my first thought was that the casting directors got it totally wrong. I stand corrected - she is phenomenal in that role! I know that a lot of the physical transformation is makeup and prosthetics, but Lily wears it well, and does a great impression of the iconic sex-symbol. As many of you know, Pamela was the "it girl" of the 90s into the early 2000s - every girl wanted to be her, and every guy wanted to be with her. Tommy was also quite a heartthrob in the 80s, and is another iconic figure of pop culture. Needless to say, their relationship caused a media frenzy. I can't wait to see how the series continues the story.

One big omission is Tommy's relationship with Bobbie Brown (the "Cherry Pie Girl"). He was engaged to Bobbie up until a couple of weeks before he married Pamela. Bobbie was completely blindsided by this, and it sent her into a downward spiral. She was actually the one who originally introduced Pamela to Tommy (Tommy and Pamela had met a while before the show depicts their "meet cute"), so the show got that part wrong. As Bobbie and Tommy were considering a reconciliation, Bobbie was at the club where Pamela sent Tommy the shots, and he promptly left Bobbie to go hang out with Pamela that night. Bobbie had her issues, but I feel badly for her that she keeps getting left out of the on-screen portrayals of Tommy's shenanigans.
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You're Missing the Point!
24 January 2022
This film is based on the delusional ramblings of Aileen when she was on death row. Most of the film is FICTION...but it is a recreation of what SHE said actually happened. Therefore...take it for what it is. It isn't a biography, and it isn't based on facts. It gives you a glimpse into the mind of a serial killer who was either a compulsive liar, or had lost touch with reality. Or perhaps a little bit of both.

I give it 7 stars for the worthy effort of the actors, primarily Peyton List. Otherwise, I wouldn't have rated it so high.
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Awful. Just Awful
18 January 2022
This reboot of the beloved SATC franchise is total nauseating drivel. The three remaining female leads are unlikable, bitter, and behave in an extremely juvenile and naive way. Weren't they supposed to have grown as humans? They have done the opposite. It's just cringy.

And if one more woke narrative is crammed down my throat, I will stop watching. I am serious. But then again, I think they may have covered every single one of those themes already, so perhaps they are out of those storylines. In five episodes, they have already covered:

1) A COVID-19 Vax Card (when Carrie was going through Big's wallet).

2) A minor character experiencing a Gender Identity Crisis.

3) A main character deciding they would rather be in a same-sex relationship.

4) An abundance of racial EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. I am all about progress, but I don't need the kitchen sink thrown at me.

I am sure there is more, but these are the ones that come to mind.

I am so disappointed. Hats off to Kim for staying far, far away from this rolling dumpster fire. Again, it is great for a show to sprinkle in some of the social issues that are prominent in our current times, but the ENTIRE SHOW doesn't need to be based upon these themes. It's just too much.
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The Flight Attendant (2020–2022)
Loved It
22 August 2021
Let me start off by saying that I didn't go into this with high hopes. I read the book years ago (and loved it), and didn't appreciate that the show added a comedy spin. The book was very serious, dark, and sad, and that's what I wanted from this show. But I watched the trailer, and decided to give it a go anyway. Glad I did.

I binged the entire show in one sitting - that's how engaged I was. Yes, Cassie is frustrating and often annoying. Yes, Cassie is a (sometimes barely) functioning alcoholic. Yes, she sleeps around and doesn't seem to care about anyone but herself. In short, on the surface, she isn't very likeable. At all. Narcissistic even. But her backstory helps to explain what made Cassie Cassie. She had a dysfunctional childhood and experienced trauma. I won't say anything else about that, as I don't want to spoil it for others who haven't yet finished the show.

The acting was fabulous. Many are saying that it was bad due to "overacting." No - that was the point - the characters were meant to be cartoonish and over-the-top. So wasn't "bad acting" - the reviewers who thought it was apparently don't enjoy (or understand) this genre. And that's fine. But it doesn't mean the cast didn't do exactly as they were directed to do. I thought it was spot on.

The show deviated quite a bit from the book, but I put my preconceived notions aside and just tried to forget the book and enjoy this show for what it was. It had flair, style, and I loved it. Not sure what they will do with S2, but I have a good guess. The book left off where the series left off, so from this point on, it will be fresh content. Can't wait!

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She-Devil (1989)
Not appreciated for what it is...
8 August 2021
...a campy, soapy, over-the-top black comedy. This movie wasn't intended to win any awards, so I don't understand all the hate. It isn't a movie I seek out to watch, but if it happens to be on I don't change the channel, and always have a good time. I saw it when it first came out (as a young teenager) and have seen it several times over the years.

It was perfectly cast with one exception: Ed Begley, Jr as the desirable ladies' man/philandering husband. It's not that he is a *bad* looking guy, but the film may have been a bit more believable if there was someone with more sex appeal in the role. The movie explains the reason he married Ruth (Roseanne Barr) - he got her pregnant, and his parents insisted he marry her. I know plenty of very attractive guys who have hooked up with women far less attractive than they (the term "beer goggles" exists for a reason), so they could have made his character more physically attractive and maintained believability. No actors specifically come to mind, and I will say that Begley, Jr played his role very well in terms of his acting. He also has a decent bod, so there's that.

It was entertaining to see the metamorphisis of Ruth - the dowdy and frumpy housewife (with a horrific facial mole) becomes a well put together and successful business woman. While her agenda was clearly self-serving, she did improve the lives of a lot of women along the way (including her nemesis). I thought Barr played her role very well, and actually looked attractive and stylish after she changed her image (and lost the dreadful mole).

Now let's talk about the highlight of the movie (to me): MERYL STREEP! For those criticizing her acting - did we watch the same film? She was brilliant as the pompous, tacky, selfish, yet glamorous romance novelist. When you think about the lines her character was given in the script, it is dumbfounding what she did with that role. She can take the most basic line of dialogue and somehow turn it into something magical. She says it all without even having to speak. She was hilarious and perfect in this movie, and I think it's safe to say that it wouldn't be nearly as good without her.

So, if you are looking for same campy and over-the-top 80s fun, give it a try.

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Didn't love it...
18 July 2021
...but didn't *hate* it either. Despite the negative reviews I decided to watch it for four primary reasons:

1) It was free on Prime Video.

2) I am a fan of Yvonne.

3) I tend to like "damsel in distress" movies - the females in those movies are usually agonizingly dumb/weak or they are total bada$$es. I find both scenarios entertaining. (I am a female, btw.)

4) I had stuff to do, and wanted something playing in the background while I was multitasking.

Since I wasn't expecting to be blown away, I was catching up on world news while watching it. I would glance up whenever something "important" seemed to be "happening" (cue suspenseful music and someone either screaming or whimpering). It wasn't too difficult to keep up.

All in all, it could have been worse. As always, Yvonne put out a great performance, even though the script and plot didn't give her much to work with. (That is talent, folks!) Surprisingly, the kids didn't really get on my nerves - I was expecting them to based on the reviews, and also based on the fact that kids in movies usually get on my nerves. They were a bit dumb, but that's the only negative regarding them. The "bad guy" wasn't scary...I actually felt sorry for him. But sorry or not, if he swung an axe in my direction, he would be going 'night-'night. Ending was predictable and rather lame. I hope there isn't a sequel.

If you are bored and looking for something "scary" to let play in the background while you are doing other things, this is the movie for you. Just make sure it is a free rental or you might regret your decision.

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Welcome Home (I) (2018)
Aaron, you are better than this!
14 July 2021
I am a big fan of Aaron Paul and really wanted to like this, but sadly, I really didn't. I am usually pretty easy to please as it relates to the thriller genre, and went into this one hoping for the best despite the negative reviews. Started off ok, and seemed to get interesting in the second act. I kept waiting for some big plot twist in the final act that I wouldn't see coming, but that never happened. When it was over, I thought, "that's it?" There was very little payoff...what a bummer. Not a terrible film by any means...just very mediocre.

Keep trying, Aaron - I will remain loyal and watch whatever you are in, but you can do much better than this!

Would have rated it 4 stars, but gave it an extra 2 just for Aaron.
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Into the Night (II) (2020–2021)
Dumb, but SOOO Dang Fun!
19 April 2021
This is one of those plots that kinda makes no sense. But did that detract from the crazy fun thrill ride that is Into the Night? Nope. I was glued to the TV, and finished it all in one sitting. It's the most fun I have had watching a show/movie in a long time.

A lot of the reviews mention how the characters are "dumb" and "unlikable." I respectfully disagree. If you were faced with such a crazy situation amongst complete strangers, how would you behave? Also, they were presenting this group as real people with flaws, baggage (pardon the pun), and insecurities. They all had their own motives and at times behaved in a very selfish manner, but that is reality! It's called survival.

I absolutely loved this show, and can't wait for Season 2! I came to care about the characters, and thought it was perfectly cast with some very talented actors. More, more, more!!!!!
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It's Pretty Sad When...
15 April 2021
...a former gang member who witnessed the crime is the only likable non-police character (with the possible exception of the victim's young cousin). I won't disclose his name here, as that would be a spoiler. But I found him to be the most articulate, intelligent, and sympathetic person in this horror story (not including the police). I would actually enjoy learning more about his story, as he seems to have come out the other side of a very rough start in life. Good for him.

In a "documentary" like this, you would expect that the family of the victim would have your full sympathy - surely there are "good guys" and "bad guys," right? Sadly, that's not the case here. The family of the victim (especially that mother!) is not a likable cast of characters. They initially refused to cooperate with the police! I literally had to rewind that part three times to ensure I was hearing it correctly. With a family like that, the poor victim never stood a chance. I am impressed with the restraint the detective demonstrated - if the mother of the victim wouldn't assist with the case, I would have been thinking, "ok, good luck, then!"

If there is anything to be learned here, it is that you reap what you sow. If you are unfortunate enough to be born into a family like that, do your best to get as far away as you can.
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Tidelands (2018)
Not Terrible; Not Great
12 April 2021
This is a perfect example of a show with an interesting premise that ends up not delivering. Good looking cast and scenic locations are the best parts of this show. Dialogue was often painful and didn't leave the cast with much to work with. Also, there is something I find very unlikable about Elsa Pataky...can't explain why, exactly.

Bottom line: not a complete waste of time, but could have been so much better.
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Unit 42 (2017–2019)
So Difficult to Rate...
3 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I usually have no trouble writing reviews, but this one is proving to be a challenge. This series has almost all of the elements I look for: good acting, plot, writing, directing, etc. But I just couldn't get hooked, I am sad to say.

When I pondered the reason for this, I landed on the fact that **SPOILER ALERT** each episode completely wraps up that particular episode's story line. While this might be very appealing for those who want to watch a "one and done" episode without being left in suspense of "whodunnit," this show would be perfect. I, however, enjoy a series where each episode builds upon the next and leaves you guessing the outcome until the final episode. In that format, there is so much more opportunity for character development and the building of suspense. And it also makes the show more binge-worthy (in my opinion).

So, like I said in the beginning, I found it difficult to rate, because it truly IS high-quality material. I am just not a fan of the format. It still gets 6 stars from me, however. Some great stuff has been coming out of Belgium - this one just didn't hook me.
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23 March 2021
First and foremost, I don't understand the negative reviews for this show. I am not easily impressed, but I thought this show was high-quality TV on all levels. My guess is the negative reviews are coming from bitter ex-boyfriends/girlfriends and estranged friends and family of the cast members and production team. That is the only thing that makes sense to me. And will people who admit they didn't finish a show/film show PLEASE STOP WRITING REVIEWS for said show/film? You can't truly judge it unless you have actually completed it. That's like me saying I don't like your children after meeting them for 2 minutes. Siskel & Ebert would be ashamed. Anyway...

I loved this show, and binged it all in two days. It is a creepy mystery/thriller/drama/horror story with amazing acting and complex characters. The atmospheric swampy Louisiana setting is the perfect backdrop for this type of series. There is always a satisfying sense of dread.

It's one of those shows where you don't quite know who is "good" or "bad," and even when you think you have figured out that part, something crazy will happen and you are back at square one. That is my absolute favorite aspect of a good psychological thriller, and TMYS did not disappoint!

So, if you like the genre I have described, give it a go and ignore the bad reviews, which are mainly from people who didn't finish it or didn't understand it. Not the shows fault if you are a bit slow.
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Very Well Done Documentary
17 March 2021
I just finished this documentary, and thought it was very well done. What is atrocious, however, is that the "back door" donations (parents donating multi-millions directly to colleges to get their kids in) is apparently a legal and accepted practice. This has to stop, as it's really no more ethical than the Operation Varsity Blues scandal. Colleges can make money from their sports teams, donors who are truly *donating* without expecting something in return, as well as any government grants. That's IT. Routine auditing needs to be conducted on the admissions process, and the bribe donations that are deemed legal need to be exposed and ended.

Before watching this, I, of course, was familiar with the scandal and who the big players were, but I didn't know the intricacies of the scam. The ONE person I feel sorry for is the former Stanford sailing coach (who agreed to take part in this documentary). Sure, what he did was technically wrong, but he didn't do it to financially benefit HIMSELF, he did it to benefit Stanford's sailing team. I can see the difference, and am glad he has overcome this and appears to be doing well. As far as the others (with the exception of the kids who had no knowledge of the scam), I think they got off way too easily. However, their reputations (as well as their kids') have been permanently damaged, and that might negatively affect them more than any fine or prison sentence. They have huge egos, so that likely hits them where it hurts the most.

I highly recommend this program to those who are interested in true crime and the exposure of injustice.
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The Occupant (2020)
Very Disturbing
1 March 2021
This is a very disturbing, but very well done film in terms of acting, building of tension, and setting. That said, the plot is a bit outlandish. The actions of the sociopath are, unfortunately, realistic. What isn't realistic are the responses from others to his devious acts. But I am still giving it 7 stars, as it was engaging, suspenseful, and the performances were great. Oh...and Mario Casas is a dreamboat. After seeing him for the first time in "The Invisible Guest," I will gladly watch anything with him in it. ;-)
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Great Psychological Thriller
1 March 2021
This is a great film, with plenty of mystery, suspense, and plot twists. The acting is spot on, the scenery is beautiful, and the mood is perfect. Regardless of what other reviewers have written, I thought it was very original and intriguing. I was going to give it 8 stars, because I don't give away 9 and 10 star ratings easily. I decided to give it 9 due to the fact that I liked it enough to watch it twice on my own and one more time with a friend. If you like psychological thrillers with plenty of twists and turns, give it a try.

P.S. the lead actor is gorgeous. :-)
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Not as good as the book, but quite watchable...
19 February 2021
I was super stoked about this series, as I read the book a couple of years ago and absolutely loved it. It has one of the best plot twists of all time, truly. The series was enjoyable, but the book was much better. There is just no comparison. I am glad they at least based the show in the UK, which is consistent with the book. It drives me crazy when a book is set in the UK, but the movie/show moves it to the USA (Girl on the Train, I am looking at you). And I say that as a person who lives in the USA. One gripe I have is that the actors look NOTHING like the way the characters are described in the book. Why do they do that?! Once I got past the actress who plays Louise not being the plump, frumpy, red-haired "book Louise," I did quite enjoy her performance (especially in the third act!). I found the performance of the actress who plays Adele rather boring and dull, unfortunately. The actor who plays David did a pretty solid job. So...all in all I liked it, but my expectations were set very high due to the phenomenal book. If I hadn't read the book, I probably would have liked it more.
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Outlander (2014– )
Fantastic Show!
16 February 2021
I absolutely love this show, and binged all 5 seasons in about 10 days. I currently have a lot of time on my hands due to being out of work temporarily, and watching this show was all I wanted to do. I admit I neglected things I should have been doing instead, lol.

I didn't read the books, and went into this knowing nothing. Interestingly, I normally do not care for the fantasy/romance genre, which is what I thought this show was limited to before I watched it. I wasn't prepared for all of the great history and scenery, which is what drew me in. And wow - what a cast! The acting is incredible, both from the leads and supporting roles. Caitriona and Sam were born to play these characters! It took me a while to warm to the actress that plays Brianna - I wasn't thrilled with her acting in the earlier seasons. But it is clear she has been working to hone her craft - she improves greatly as the seasons progress (in my opinion). I now enjoy watching her on-screen.

The season 5 finale is nothing short of a masterpiece. I watched it 3 times, as I kept noticing things that relate to earlier episodes. I won't spoil anything for you, though...other than to say that you need a strong stomach for this episode. There are viewer warnings before the episode begins - please be mindful of those.

Here is my ranking of the 5 seasons from best to worst - 2, 1, 5, 4, 3. Even my lowest rated season (3) wasn't "bad," it was just my least favorite. If you enjoy historical themes with great acting, costumes and sets, can suspend disbelief, and can deal with some steaminess and also some quite brutal scenes (violence, gore, and sexual assault), give it a try! I am glad I did.
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Scarlett (1994)
Good if you don't compare it to the 1939 film...
6 February 2021
This is a solid and enjoyable miniseries if you don't compare it to the 1939 film and cast. That is because there is NO comparison, and no one will ever play the roles of Scarlett and Rhett like Vivien and Clark. It took me awhile to warm to Whalley-Kilmer, mainly due to her brown eyes. Why oh why didn't they have her wear green contacts?! Other than that, I think she played the role as well as anyone could have. Timothy Dalton made a delicious Rhett, I thought. So...moral of the story is: don't try and compare it to the movie and the actors in the movie, as you will likely be disappointed.

While the costumes and sets were phenomenal, I can't say that I was thrilled with the part of the plot that completely deviated from the Alexandra Ripley book. I adore Sean Bean, but that story line wasn't necessary and sort of cheapened the series. But Lord Fenton was nice eye candy, so I will forgive the producer and writers. :p

On a side note, I used to correspond with Ann Rutherford (rest her soul), beginning around the time the Alexandra Ripley book came out. For those of you who don't know who she is, she played Scarlett's sister Carreen in the 1939 movie. She read the book and absolutely HATED it. Her exact words were, "It was horrible - Scarlett goes to Ireland?? Oh pulleeease!" She cracked me up. She also refused to watch the series, haha.
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The Sister (2020)
Umm. Where do I begin...?
27 January 2021
This is the first 1 star review I have ever written. It is also one of the only shows I have ever watched without first checking out the reviews. Wish I hadn't done that, as I would have those 4 hours back, and also would have alleviated a lot of personal anxiety from this traumatizing experience (which I will describe below). Big mistake. Big. Huge.

I must confess - I was really buzzed on wine when I watched this - I binged the entire show in one night, as I felt so disoriented and helpless. I couldn't look away, as I was questioning my sanity. I seriously thought I was losing my mind regarding not understanding the mumbled dialogue of the characters, nonsensical plot, confusing time hops, and bizarre acting methods (let's make faces and pause for 5 seconds before responding to what the other character said - great plan!). It was truly a trippy experience - I began to question if someone slipped a special surprise in my drink or if I drank a putrid bottle (or 2) of wine. But nope - once I read the reviews the next morning, I was quite relieved that it wasn't "just me." I had feared that I needed to get a drug test or a psych evaluation. Glad to know I am not crazy (well...not about this, at least). Watch at your own risk and preferably not while tripping on acid - you will regret it, trust me.

Most of my reviews contain spoilers, as I really enjoy digging into the plot and providing my thoughts on the outcome. This is one review where no spoilers are necessary, as not many logical or interesting things happened. I honestly wouldn't even know what to write. And yes, I have taken the time to write this review in the hopes that if I can save at least ONE person, it will be worth it.
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Cassie and Nina, this one's for you...
16 January 2021
This is one of the best movies I have seen in a long, long time - it truly is what I would consider a "perfect" film. It has it all - splendid acting (just give Carey the Oscar already!), writing, directing, soundtrack, editing, set design, hair/makeup...I could go on and on. This one better not be overlooked by the Academy due to its dark and "controversial" subject matter - I will lose all respect if that were to happen. Emerald Fennell - go get it, girl!

It is impossible to categorize this film, as it has a bit of everything - I laughed, I cried (sometimes at the same time), I cheered, I yelled, I winced, and was on the edge of my seat. I felt every possible emotion. And wow...those last 30 can I describe this without spoilers? Let's suffice it to say that I will likely get chills down my spine whenever I hear Juice Newton's song "Angel of the Morning" in the future. I have always loved that song, but it will never be the same.

I rented it last night on VOD and have already watched it twice. Since it is a 48-hour rental, I will likely watch it again before my time is up. It really is THAT good. I want to make everyone I know watch it RIGHT NOW, but many of them are too cheap to pay $19.99 for the rental. Their loss, but in the meantime, I will have no one to talk to about it. Just watch it!

You didn't think this was the end, did you?

It is now.

Enjoy the movie!


Me & Us

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The Undoing (2020)
Not Perfect, but a Very Good Show
13 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers

I just binged all six episodes, and the series held my attention throughout. I thought the acting was top notch across the board. I am a huge Hugh Grant fan, and it was great to see him playing a character that is a complete diversion from the usual rom-com roles. He was great! And Nicole Kidman was flawless as always - not sure why so many are commenting on her face being "distracting" - I think she looks beautiful. And the actor who plays their son - wow - what a talent. He should have a successful career ahead of him if he sticks with it.

So why didn't I give this nine or 10 stars? Because I found it pretty predictable. It was clear from the beginning that Hugh's character did it. I tend to like twists, turns, and surprises. Nothing pleases me more than to be kept guessing until the very end of a mystery/suspense show or film. The only things that surprised me were related to the son - I didn't see it coming that he not only knew of his dad's affair, but had also stashed the murder weapon. Other than that, I wasn't really surprised by anything else. It was very predictable that Nicole's character would turn on her husband in the end. The ending also could have been better. And there was one big plot hole - why would Nicole's character be wandering around Harlem at night when she lives on the Upper East Side? That was nonsensical. So...this isn't a perfect series. But due to the acting and high quality production, it was still very worth a watch.

And for those of you who didn't catch it - Nicole sings the theme song! Love her voice.
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Am In Tears
11 January 2021
I rarely cry over any television program or film, but this one did me in. I was 13 years old when the Challenger tragedy occurred, and my school had each class watch it live on TV. I will never forget the feeling of watching this happen real time, when my classmates and I were so thrilled and excited about an everyday school teacher going into space. It gave us all hope that we could do anything we wanted to do if we wanted it badly enough. Then, the unthinkable happened. They actually canceled school the next day to allow our young minds and hearts to come to terms with what we saw.

Like the tragedy of the Titanic, this is a bold reminder that mankind is NOT infallible and is inherently fragile. We may *advance* beyond our wildest dreams, but whenever human involvement is part of the equation, the worst can happen.

My heart goes out to the families and friends of these seven brave crewmembers and all of the others who have perished in other disasters. I had forgotten that they were able to retrieve the bodies of the Challenger crew. Hopefully that provided some sense of peace for those who continue to mourn their loss

RIP: Michael J. Smith Francis R. (Dick) Scobee Ronald E. McNair Ellison S. Onizuka Sharon Christa McAuliffe Gregory Jarvis Judith A. Resnik

You are true American HEROES and I will never forget you and your sacrifice.
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