
9 Reviews
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Infinite reasons for not watching this.
21 May 2022
An utterly pointless telling of a true story with an incoherent plot and two characters that do everything possible to sabotage themselves. I want my 2 hours and $5.99 back.
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The history of fuedal told by white people
28 February 2021
As is often the case, the teaser looked promising but the actual show was garbage. Produced by non-Japanese for a Western audience. I couldn't get past the first 15 minutes of the first episode. Not only were some of the actors clearly not Japanese but their scenes were constantly interrupted every 3 seconds by the white "experts" droning on and on condescendingly with their pseudo-historical nonsense. If you enjoy sensationalist History channel shows like Nazi Flying Saucers then you'll love this junk.
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Oblivious to the obvious
25 September 2020
The only reason this documentary was created was because the Leftists (including the presenters) are scared to death that the Right finally figured out how to weaponize social media and fight back. THAT is what the real "dilemma" is.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
The search for intelligent life...
12 February 2020
Even if the beings that sent the Artifact to Earth have no malevolent intentions - that will change as soon as they make first contact with the unintelligent and annoying crew of the Salvare.

While most reviewers have focused their ire on the Real World-in-Space incompetents, I can't believe no one has commented on their ineffectual "leader", Captain Niko Breckinridge.

Portrayed by Katee Sackhoff, the writers want us to believe that she is a competent, strong, decisive female leader. Nothing wrong with that concept except she second-guesses, cries and ultimately apologizes for every single decision she makes.

Anyway I refuse to care about her or any other crew member. I'm hoping in Season 2 they meet the aliens who decide the hapless earthlings are too stupid to live and kill them all.
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History-influenced fiction
24 May 2019
Mary Queen of Scots is one of those films that contains just enough real events content in it for the producers to be able to market it as both a "true story" and a "fictional period piece".

Although this genre is nothing new, in 2018, it allows the makers to get away with as much creative license as they desire which is why you have POC portraying major roles in a film which is purportedly taking place in 14th-century Scotland.

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The Foreigner (I) (2017)
It's 2018 and terrorists are Irish?
24 November 2018
Completely ridiculous and unwatchable. Why not keep the plot set in the early 80's like the book? At least that way it would be somewhat believable. But I get it, it's 2018 so in the spirit of social justice we have to make all the terrorists white and all the smart people POC.

And while we're at it could someone please explain to me how Jackie Chan's character is Chinese and Vietnamese? If he's supposed to be Vietnamese, him and his wife are the most non-Vietnamese people ever cast in a film. And if they're supposed to be Chinese why were they in the Vietnam War?

Maybe the Chinese production company figured most westerners wouldn't care about such little details...Asian is Asian, right?

Gosh, that's almost as asinine as making an IRA terrorism movie in 2018 when the Islamic world is literally on fire.
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SEAL Team (2017–2024)
6 September 2018
Yet another military drama that's absolutely detached from reality. It's not realistic or entertaining just boring, insipid and a bit insulting to the people who actually do this dangerous work.

Are there women in support roles in special operations? Yes. Are there female CIA field operatives serving in the ME? Of course.

Likelihood of two of these females being attached to the same task force? Slim.

Likelihood of them both being attractive, assertive, experienced and confident enough to direct men in combat? Absolutely zero.

That's my review of every episode. You're welcome.
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Sicario (2015)
This film shoulda crossed the border - and stayed there.
29 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Agent Kate Macer (Emily Blunt) becomes a member of an elite cartel assassination team who instead of taking out narco-thugs spends most of her time crying or spouting moralistic nonsense every time a bad guy gets roughed up or killed. Opposite this unbelievable heroine character are all of the white male characters who are portrayed as bloodthirsty, inept, government goons.

When I rented this on the night before the Oscars I noticed that it was nominated for 3 Academy awards. Was one of them "Consistent Stereotypes in a Motion Picture"?

Anyway, if you've watched the previews or read any reviews you already know the basic plot line so I'll spare that and just point out the most glaring "huh" moments for me...

1) Criminals aren't supposed to be smart but why pack 50 corpses into the walls of a suburban home when you are surrounded by miles of barren land where they could have easily been buried?

2) Why does the team make a perilous daytime prisoner extraction via convoy into Mexico, risking ambush at every turn when they could have easily flown in/out with one helicopter? I mean, the CIA can provide Gulf Stream jets and military transport aircraft for Brolins' character to luxuriate on but they can't get 1 helo for this mission?

3) Since Kate is clearly a badass who's been "kicking down doors since day 1" I guess it's necessary for her to instruct Iraq War vet and gal-pal Reggie on how to put on a body armor vest?

4) One of the back stories of the plot is provided by del Toro's stone-faced Alejandro Gillick (Columbian with an Irish last name?); a ruthless hit man who previously worked for the Medellin cartel. Apparently the before-mentioned CIA bufoons think it's a great idea to use this guy to take out all the Mexican drug lords so that their industry can be better controlled via proxy by more "reasonable" drug lords like him.

Truthfully, del Toro's character was the only one I really enjoyed. It's just too bad he didn't shoot Kate in the end. I guess she was spared because she reminded him of someone "very dear" to him? Whatever.
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Fairly accurate period piece
10 December 2015
Saints and Strangers does a pretty good job of telling the story of the early encounters between New England's pilgrim settlers and their Native American hosts/antagonists. I felt the story portrayed a balanced (accuracy is debatable) view of the plight of both groups. The constant cultural dilemmas, physical dangers, and shifting alliances made for a good night of television. There's obviously a lot of history to fit into 2 episodes so hopefully this will return as a full series. One interesting note: when I read through the cast of characters, I was surprised to see Ron Livingston (of Office Space fame) listed as portraying John Carver? I totally missed him...I'll have to pay closer attention when I watch it again.
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