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Good, but not as good as Mad Max: Fury Road
28 May 2024
We have to admit that both Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy are far better actors than Anya Taylor-Joy and Chris Hemsworth. Both Anya and Chris are beautiful, but their poor acting skills made this movie a flop. Mad Max: Fury Road's chasing scenes are epic, Furiosa just isn't as good, no major breakthroughs. Fury Road just raised the bar too high makes it too difficult to pass. Dr. Dementus performed by Chris Hemsworth is forcibly injected into the storyline with very little creditability. Anyway, a bad unconvincing script seems to be the biggest drawback of this film. Poor choice of actors is another problem, Anya has never done an action film before and Chris is just not suitable being a villain.
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American Star (2024)
This is a good movie!
1 February 2024
I don't understand why people don't like this movie? The scenery of the Canary Islands is breathtaking, especially Fuerteventura. I have to pay a visit to Fuerteventura. Ian McShane has done a decent job of portraying an old assassin with a good heart. Yes, there're some drawbacks, mostly script's fault, it could've been better. To be honest I think it's a shame the movie didn't tell us who is behind the curtain pulling the strings. Gloria, does she look like Pablo Emilio Escobar to you? Come on, someone has done a last-minute script modification that's for sure. Gloria's mother is beautiful, I wished she could show McShane the American Star instead of Gloria. I could never kill a person I slept with, what's wrong with this world?
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Fast Charlie (2023)
Mr. Bond is back!
9 December 2023
I have been waiting for a proper action movie tailored for Mr. Pierce Brosnan for a long time! I have to say it is a good story with a good cast and above all the sleek-looking Brosnan. I guess this is James Caan's final movie, he's still good in this film, too bad he passed away, he was a great actor and I am going to miss him. It's also good to see Morena Baccarin in this movie too, she is such a beautiful and talented actress. It is always fun to see an action movie with no cops involved. Is it a little bit John Wick-ish? I guess so. Even the mob has to follow rules otherwise we live with the animals. I also like the touch of love between Pierce and Morena. The one-dollar house in Tuscany Italy is a wonderful thought, maybe we should all get retired in Italy. Oh, after saying all the good stuff about this movie, will Mr. Pierce Brosnan cook me a wonderful Italian dinner?
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It is good but not perfect!
12 July 2023
The first five-minute submarine scene is awful, it is like a B movie and I thought I went into the wrong theater auditorium.

The motorcycle jump is pretty good, but the way Mr. Cruise crashed into the train is unconvincing, he should be like a bug on the windshield.

Oh yes, the hardware key, the biggest failure of the movie is the key. If the AI machine is as powerful as they said, it shouldn't rely on a hardware key and how was it fished out the water below the icecap?

The character Paris I didn't notice is Mantis from Guardians of The Galaxy at first. What a mean killing machine she is.

The old Fiat 500 wasn't a good choice either, maybe it represents Italy?
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It could've been better...
4 July 2023
Don't you think it would be a lot more interesting if they really went back to 1939 to kill Hitler instead of going back to 214 BC? Going back to 214 BC doesn't make any sense! Just to prove Archimedes of Syracuse got a modern wrist watch?

If Hitler was murdered in 1939 then the world would be much different than what it is today! Maybe there weren't communists thus no cold wars ever happened.

Anyway, I think Disney made a big mistake on the script to bring Archimedes into the story. And who can prove the Antikythers Mechanism was created Archimedes? Who said Antikythers Mechanism is a Time Machine?

Harrison Ford did a good job on performing Indiana Jones and he doesn't look 81 years old. Please ask him to make another Indiana Jones movie while he still can! Get a better director too! For all the money Disney has and the best they can find is James Mangold? What about John Favreau? Maybe another Han Solo too!
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The Chinese woman ruined it!
16 November 2022
Although she is very obscurity about her origin, but it's not difficult to find out she was born in China during the iron curtain period which mean she has never seen the original Star Wars Trilogy when she was a child.

What is the spirit of Star Wars? I think Star Wars is about faraway galaxies, exotic planets, high-tech weapons, good, evil, hero, sorrows, bewilderment and inheritance.

This Chinese woman just ruined everything single handedly. There are no great scenes of space and alien worlds, no innovative weapons, hero turned loser, and stupid empire personnel. And she found that ugly annoying kid to play Leia! My God it is horrible!
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This franchise is going down hills!
26 July 2022
Tails Waititi had a lucky shot with Ragnarok and he thought he can reuse the same recipe again. Duh! You failed! This movie is like being directed by an eight year old. What a waste of Mr. Charming of The Universe-The Sexiest Man Alive Chris Hemsworth. Marvel should bring back Kenneth Branagh for the next Thor project, Kenneth makes masterpieces!
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Morbius (2022)
This is a good movie
15 May 2022
Ignore the critics! If Doctor Strange can get 7.4 and Morbius is only 5.1? Something is definitively wrong!

I think Jared Leto gave his best to the character Dr. Michael Morbis but his buddy Matt Smith's part is a bit unconvincing.

5.1 is way underrated, this movie is at least 6.8.

Intriguingly, I found resemblance of Michael Mobrius and Michael Jackson after his face collapsed, what do you think?
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The Lost City (2022)
10 May 2022
Tried to make a sexy Indi-diana movie turned out to be Tomb Stupid-raider.

But I have to say that Sandra Bullock hasn't aged one bit! Sandra is 16 years older than. Channing Tatum and yet they can play lovers, how amazing is that? Or Channing Tatum aged badly perhaps?

This movie is just poorly made, stupid dialogue, incomprehensible love and fake scenes, my god it's horrible.

Sandra, please make more good movies like Gravity!
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Simply bloody stupid!
7 May 2022
People who watched this movie will get completely madness!

Come Marvel, you guys can't hire a better person to write a decent script?

I don't want to give away any spoilers because there's nothing to give, a total waste of time and money!

Dumb actings too, Mr. Cucumber is a complete idiot, only Wong gave his best!

Just don't bother seeing it, the first one was much better! By the way, can you guys give Mr. Cucumber a better toupee? I know he's getting bald, but these wigs looked really fake and made him more stupid!
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Ralph Fiennes's Best Performance!
11 February 2022
I like this movie a lot! A little poor in CGI though otherwise I would give it a 10.

It is rare to see a British actor gave a negative comment to the British Empire's dark world domination history, way to go Ralph!

War is evil, there's no glory in war! Reputation is how people see you, a character is how you see yourself.
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23 December 2021
What happened to the Wachowskis? Lost all ingenuity without the Testosterone?

I hate to tell you that this is worse than an average B movie, no glory of the previous installments, no nothing! Don't waste your time and money to see it!

And what's wrong with Warner Brothers? You used to give us great trilogy like Lord Of The Rings and The Hobbits, this latest Matrix is how you rewarded your faithful Matrix fans?
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A horrible movie!
8 November 2021
The first 2018 was a classic, it's original and fun. The squeal was a BIG disappointment! It's like a mixed leftovers from a month ago!

Does anyone share the same idea with me that Stephen Graham and Aidan Gillen are lookalikes? I always thought they are the same person, both short and both are from UK!
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4 September 2021
Lame actor Michael Madsen actually made a good movie?
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An A movie director created a B movie!
22 May 2021
It just felt like a B movie, stupid actions, lack of love, poor partnership, and a bad story! There're a lot of zombie movies and this is one of the worst ever made! Come on Zack Snyder, you can do better than this!
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This espionage movie predates everything
14 March 2021
World War II, Japanese invaded China and soon occupied half of China. China moved its capital to Chongqing in Sichuan province and the Japanese troops advanced to Hebei province (near Wuhan) in 1940 only 500 miles to Chongqing.

China placed 60 miles of water mines across the Yangtzi River near Wuhan to stop the Japanese vessels, Japanese had to take the land route in order to move on to Sichuan province.

China deployed its best espionage agents to a strategic city Janli to lure the Japanese troops to a trap while Japan has its own counter intelligence agents as well. Who will win this battle?
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So stupid!
30 January 2021
Who is the killer? You gotta catch the bad guy on site ma!
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Stupid Story!
18 December 2020
For almost a full year I finally stepped into the movie theater to watch this movie and I was extremely disappointed!

My God what a horrible script. It is like someone being forced to create a story based on nonsense! It was agonizing and painful to watch it for two and a half hours. In fact, I want to money back.

If you don't believe me, go ahead and watch it! You will know what I was talking about.
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Arsène Lupin (2004)
A Master Piece, definitely underrated!
16 December 2020
I watched this movie last night and I was so surprised, a great movie!

I read every Arsène Lupin novel when I was a kid and I always thought Lupin kicked Holmes' ass. Much better stories!

I didn't know this movie until recently and I was stunned on how good it is! This movie was beautifully made, good acting as well. Eva Green and Kristin Scott Thomas have both done outstanding performances.

I hope Hollywood can make more big budget Arsène Lupin movies because people are quite fed up with Sherlock films!
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Tenet (2020)
Something is not right!
30 November 2020
First of all, the CGI is quite good!

The rest is questionable! Perhaps someone could contact Kip Throne for help...

I have a PhD degree in astrophysics and I have difficulties understanding the theories behind the plot the so called "algorithm."

1. How can you move forward in a reversed universe? By putting on a stupid mask? I don't think so!

2. How can you shoot someone in a reversed universe? The bullet will get ended up in your gun eventually, isn't it?

3. A nuclear explosion will destroy the world? Where did you go to school Mr. Nolan?

4. The actress is so much taller than all the major male actors, she is like a GIANT, are you out of your mind Mr. Nolan?
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Enola Holmes (2020)
Don't believe the reviews, it's not bad!
25 September 2020
Well yes, it's a bit cheesy! But it's very entertaining! Relax and enjoy!
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Ava (IV) (2020)
Stupid movie
11 September 2020
Bad script, poor acting, and horrible editing. Total waste of time watching, it should be zero star!
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Ghosts of War (2020)
Horrible movie, could've done better!
17 July 2020
1. A stupid B movie tried to be an A movie!

2. Stupid story, a lot worse than Overlord.

3. WWII soldiers had same military training as modern days training or vise versa?

4. The mansion is not convincing, not luxurious enough, cheaply made!

5. Why the director thought all audiences are idiots, the movie is full of flaws and contradictions!
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The Old Guard (2020)
14 July 2020
Charlize Theron is pretty as usual but the movie is a total disaster! It's bad, don't waste your life watching it, watch Atomic Blonde instead.
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Greyhound (2020)
The best movie this year till now!
13 July 2020
If you love war movies and this is it! Mr. Hanks is the expert in War War II.
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