
11 Reviews
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Pagan Peak (2018–2023)
One of the best psychological thrillers
17 February 2024
I watch lots of police procedurals ... partly because I taught Criminal Law and Procedure in Law School for over 25 years. This series doesn't raise legal issues of great import. But it follows police procedures and investigative techniques with careful detail. There are enough plot twists to keep you on your toes - and anticipating multiple twists that don't pan out. It also presents investigators, perpetrators, suspects, and victims with psychological depth and humanity. There are mixed motivations. Actors operate in various "grey zones" of criminality ad/or complicity. The use of flashbacks also requires close attention, and flashbacks in later episodes ultimately illuminate plots and motives that happened earlier. Like a good Raymond Chandler novel, there are sometimes more questions than answers. But that gave me more to think about after the episodes, and the series, ended. The incredible beauty of Austria, Germany and the lush mountain landscapes are a plus. Perhaps, at its core, it explores the basic question: 'Why do people commit crimes?" And it provides the simple, but obvious, answer: "Because they want to ... and they can get away with it."
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If you like Westerns about Outlaws
13 August 2023
I gave it a 7 to push the ratings up, but it is definitely a 6. Here are the high notes: Hendrickson & Berenger are really good actors and they did great here, evoking the necessary grit and sympathy. Railsback has always been a powerful villain, and he is great here. Outstanding acting among the leads ... and there is a wonderful brief scene, with three children ... very well acted and appropriate in a western. I love horses and scenes of great horseback riding; but here the horses are appropriately old, because the story is about coming to the "end of the trail." All the critiques noted in other reviews are probably correct. This would have made a great short film ... taking out the slow boring parts and awkward dialogue. But the themes of shame, regret & redemption are well played. Having a bigger budget, more flashy action, outstanding sets might have helped, but I doubt it because this movie was not about action ... it was about failures, inaction, and death. I took a bunch of film classes. I bet this film could have been edited better. But I recommend, if you are interested, that you ignore the boring parts and enjoy the themes and the acting.
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Next Exit (2022)
More a humanistic comedy than a sci-fi thriller
20 March 2023
Do not expect aliens, monsters, scientific theories or thrilling action scenes. Yes, the movie begins with a wonderful sci-fi premise - similar to those in Kurt Vonnegut tales - that life after death is real (for some people), but this is not a ghost thriller. However, like all great sci-fi from Frankenstein to The Thing to Hellboy to Avatar, this movie explores the issues of "the nature of human life' and "what is it that haunts us." It is a slow burn, ok, but it fills the slow spaces with realistic, natural humor. The acting is superb. The directing and script are compelling. The pay-off at the end is satisfying. You don't even need the "sci-fi premise," because everyday my true-believer Christian friends try to convince me that the afterlife is real. So, I ask ... why not die and move on to "the better place?" I enjoyed seeing these characters trying to explore their reasons for dying and their reasons for living. I can't give it a 7, but it deserves more than a 6. I was pleasantly surprised and impressed by this one.
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Interceptor (2022)
Fun like "Die Hard'
25 June 2022
This is not a pretentious movie. You get what you came for ... a lot of "die hard" action & heroism ... no wasted footage ... straight to the point ... with uncomplicated villains. The hero is a woman, which explains why some reviewers gave low ratings, ... although I bet they have no trouble loving the impossible feats of male superheroes. So ignore the poor reviews. Sure it is mostly predictable, and there might be some "holes' in the logic, but the same came be said of the new Spider-Man, Fantastic Beasts, and other superhero blockbusters I've recently seen. Watch this one if you want a fun film, well-structured with a few twists, great fight scenes and better than average writing and acting. I was not disappointed. This was worth a fun afternoon. In fact, if you have low expectations, I think you might enjoy it more. And don't forget to warch for the cameo by Chris Hemsworth.
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Better than the movie ... is my recollection
19 January 2021
The movie, "A Big Hand for the Little Lady" stretched out the story and had great actors. But I recall that the DuPont Show of the Week version of the play was succinct, dramatic and packed a bigger punch. I would love to see the DuPont episode once more.
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Da 5 Bloods (2020)
Insightful and compelling
23 June 2020
Riveting. Engaging. A fresh perspective. At times, humorous - especially the many internal film references. But most of all, it was an emotional experience. The ending brought me to tears. I felt a vicarious catharsis, believing that the tormented characters had achieved heroism and/or found comfort. But I think the filmmakers were correct in asserting - through the voices of more than one character - that some wars never end. And, in the words of Marvin Gaye, "only love can conquer hate." This is another outstanding film from Spike Lee, who should be considered one of the best filmmakers of his or any generation. This film, like so many of Lee's films, is worth seeing more than once and worth studying in film courses.
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If you liked Twilight Zone and grew up in the 50's
30 May 2020
After reading the various reviews, I suppose most of the higher marks came from older folk, of whom I am one. I must add that I grew up with radio dramas as well as reading sci-fi. Yes, the film is based on ideas that had been developed before, but I was still intrigued by how they were presented here. I liked the acting - even the actors who appeared as disembodied voices on radio and telephone lines. I liked the stories within the story. I liked how the camera moved around the town. I liked the little bits of humor - was it a chipmunk or a squirrel? I gave the movie an extra point simply because it was not the product of a major studio with accomplished seasoned and famous actors. Indeed, the acting was better than I expected and much better than some of the recent Hollywood blockbusters with famous actors who appeared to be "phoning in their lines." Here, the "apparently" naive amateurish small town characters are amazingly and enjoyably believable. The beginning seemed a bit weird until I realized how much the fast paced "stepping-over lines" dialogue was reminiscent of - perhaps even a tribute to - Orson Welles. And how many of you out there remember Welles' radio play of "The War of the Worlds?" I suspect that if you like classic sci-fi, Twilight Zone, X-Files, One Step Beyond, - and you like "camp," "kitsch" and "retro" - then you'll enjoy this homage. The "truth is out there" - and you won't find it in this film, but that is the hallmark of good, weird sci-fi. It keeps you guessing.
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The Plot Against America: Part 1 (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
First episode riveting
17 March 2020
If the first episode is any indication, this cinematic version of Philip Roth's novel will be even more powerful and foreboding than the novel. By the end of this first episode the personalities are established as well as the frightening conceit that America will be turning into a fascist country aligned with Hitler. The photographers and designers recreated the America of the 1940s. The actors easily inhabit their roles. The drama builds slowly. The use of old newsreels at the end of the episode helped recreate a reality that my father had once acknowledged to me - that back then millions feared and believed that Hitler could defeat Britain and win WWII. And some, like Lindbergh, even supported Hitler. This HBO presentation is a political event. It must not be ignored. The resurgence of interest in Roth's novel dovetails with Trump's presidency and his vitriolic attacks against immigrants, the press, and everyone who opposes him. We should never forget Trump's support of the Nazis who marched in Charlottesville VA in 2017. Similarly we should not forget that more than 20,000 Nazis held a rally in Madison Square Garden in 1939. This program might be classified as "alternative history." But it is based on true history. And as George Santayana taught us: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." I remember what it was like in the 1950's being the "Jew kid" that other people pointed out on the street. I remember how Catholics were vilified when Kennedy ran for President. I recall that just a couple of years ago some students at a school sporting event taunted their opponents, chanting that they were illegal and should go back to Mexico. Need I mention lynchings and KKK cross-burnings? America has always had a problem with people promoting hate, fear, discrimination, nativism, segregation and anti-immigration policies. How absurd that is when everyone, other than Native Americans, is either an immigrant or a descendant of an immigrant. Kudos to David Simon and HBO for realizing Philip Roth's vision and once again bringing these important ethical, social and political issues to the forefront.
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As good as "Chinatown" - destined to be a classic
21 February 2020
Incredibly well written and acted. Edward Norton is transformative. I grew up in the 50's, and this film recreates the mood, music, disparities, and dysfunction of living in a big city, filled with both depressing poverty and powerful affluence. It is an engaging complicated detective story that seems satisfyingly straightforward once it is all unraveled. At times it is reminiscent of The Maltese Falcon, and other times like Chinatown. At times, you can hear an echo of Donald Trump explaining how powerful people take what they want without regard to law, facts, or the opinions & feelings of others. And if you know anything about Robert Moses and the building of modern NY City, you will be thrilled by the plot as well as Alec Baldwin's performance. Indeed, every actor was given opportunities to shine in their roles. At times tense, frightening and sad. Other times very calming and introspective. This movie has so much to offer. I rarely give a 10. But certainly this movie deserves a 9. It is worth seeing a few times for the visual clues, the attention to detail, the music (Wynton Marsalis etc), the beautiful photography and the nuanced performances. Thank you Edward Norton.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
What I liked
7 August 2019
I was surprised by the many negative reviews and ratings. So I figured I'd add my humble opinion. I am nearly done with episode 6 and I am glad that I didn't give up after the first episode. Sure some of the acting appears sophomoric & I am generally used to sci-fi with characters who are more professional and less burdened with emotional baggage. On the other hand, my years in academia - among scientists, researchers and legal scholars - have showed me that many highly intelligent professionals have serious emotional issues, often associated with their incredible egos, intellectual accomplishments, need to control and even narcissism. So I found some of the 'childish' behavior of the young scientists to be both realistic and refreshing. Sure I could criticize other aspects of the show, but I want to avoid spoilers and just tell you what I liked. I liked the computer graphics - much of which was worth replaying. I liked the basic theme of extraterrestrial contact. I liked that they were able to travel faster than light but were still constricted by time, gravitational pull, the need for air, water, etc. I liked that there were aspects of space travel and sleep status that remained unexplained and confusing. I liked the character of the artificial intelligence. I really liked the cliff hangers at the end of each episode - definitely encouraging me to keep binging. I don't know how the season will end, but I can imagine a second season and more space exploration - like the first seasons of STAR TREK. It doesn't have the grit, the political dimensions and the excellent writing of The EXPANSE - my current favorite. But I hope some people who did not go past the first couple of episodes, return and give it a second look.
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The Testament (2017)
Patient, suspenseful and emotionally powerful,
29 January 2019
Memorable and captivating cinematography. And I will add that the acting was perfect. Believable characters were rendered alive and sympathetic by performers who were sometimes subtle and sometimes intensely engaging . I know how exhausting it is to research my family genealogy and uncover the truth about family members murdered in the Holocaust. Many - including my parents - hid the truth, or refused to speak of it to their children, or were simply unable to endure the emotional pain of recalling the horrors of Nazi Germany and Eastern European pogroms. This film - focusing on just one massacre - encapsulated the frustrations of research, the poverty of memory, and the intense desire (or need) to uncover the truth. I was fortunate to see the film via my library's subscription to HOOPLA. I also recommend readers to read the other user comments for background on the events giving rise to this film. The payoff at the end was very satisfying.
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