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Monster (2022– )
A brutal truth, a tragedy of a society, which needed to be told....
16 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
No film or series has ever been able to withdraw as much of a reaction from me as much as this one did whilst watching it. It is intense, gripping, horr-filled, sad, disturbing, and thrilling at times. I would struggle to mention having ever watched a better series than this, truly. It is much more than just being about a serial killer. Nay, it runs much deeper than that. It has so many aspects to it that one would find it hard to capture it in simple writing.

Initially, your first impression is that it´s about a serial killer. Then you realise that it´s about a broken family. Then you form the opinion that the blame lies with Jeffrey´s mother, but a while later you discover that his father was an absolute waste of an existence and actually a harmful creature to the society in general and a prime example of what-not-to-be as a father. Then, though, you think that it mildly touches upon the racism prevalent in America, but then you discover towards the end that the whole case is about racism and the preferential treatment of the whites by the authorities over there. You also discover about horrible cases of police negligence. Like, how many of you would believe me if I told you - and the series is based on absolute real events - that the "white" American police kept ignoring phone calls from a black woman who kept drawing their attention to the fact that something wrong is happening in Jeff´s apartment all the time throughout the years? How many of you would believe me if I told you that Jeff had "pieces" of a dead body in his car and was driving whilst being fully drunk but, him being a white, the poilice let him go with a mild, gracious, warning? Or, or, or - one of the most bizarre things and as one of the greatest examples of negligence - the police returned to this harmless looking white gentleman one of his victims so that he could kill him in peace in his apartment later on? The victim being a 14-year old boy who had managed to run and escape all the way down to the entrance of the building, only to be sent back by two white cops who were just suspended temporarily and returned to work soon. How sick!

On the way, you also feel quite clear gracious treatment on the part of a judge of a white guy who was charged for sexually assaulting a minor, and the judge shows very little respect towards the victim or his family. Towards the end you discover that, in America, there´re comic books about such serial killers. Then the final nail in the coffin arrives when, in prison, Jeff receives money and letters of admiration from his fans. All in all, this series holds out a mirror to the great America: its society, its culture, its system, and the way it is run by the authorities. I just cannot praise this Netflix series enough; just can´t. Still, though, here´s a word of respect for Jeff´s paternal grandmother who seemed to be being the only white who was worried about Jeff´s doings and throughout suspected that something was fishy with her grandson.

Initially, I had this problem with this series: I questioned the need for making a film or a series on such a creature. My opinion is that such people or their doings should not be made common or be a part of common knowledge or become a topic of discussion in households, and this series does invite that. The thing is that people like Jeff do exist, but only very few of them end up implementing or practising the evil within them and manage to hold their such thoughts to themselves. Such individuals, though, I fear, could be seeing this series as kind of an inspiration or see ideas and suggestions in some of Jeff´s methods as shown in the series. However, given all the factors that I´ve mentioned above, I changed my opinion by the seventh or eighth episode and I, in fact, agree that this was a story, a tragedy of a particular society, which needed to be told. It absolutely had to be told. It was necessary. However, however, I might´ve ideally refrained from making some of Jeff´s acts as graphic and clear. I would´ve rather taken the approach of not showing a lot of the stuff on the screen.

Sometimes, a film or a series can be so good that even giving it 10 out of 10 doesn´t suffice, and that´s how I feel here. It deserves way more than just 10 stars. Oh´, and, did I even mention how amazing its fear-inducing background music was? It was terrifying, plain terrifying, folks. Awesome to say the least!
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Messiah (2020)
An entertaining and thrilling series ruined by a confusing ending.....
8 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I got to know about this particular Netflix series back then when it was released, but I avoided watching it on purpose, lest it should consciously or even subconsciously let it influence any passage of my book ('Zacrodonia - the Sacred Land'. Google it if you´re interested), or even make me omit parts of my book to avoid similarities and, hence, the thought about the borrowing of the concept, given how similar the topics are. I was two months into my book when this came, but then, afterwards, watching it completely escaped my mind, even after I had finished with my book. The case of this series and my book is similar to that of two cars or vehicles which start their journey from the same city or point but end up driving in the completely opposite directions. One big similarity, though, are the most charming and alluring talks of the claimant of this series and the claimant in my book. But, that is it about it, from what I noticed.

Now, coming to the series itself, I actually got done with it around about two weeks ago, but I just wasn´t sure how to review it because it leaves one with more questions than answers, offers no satisfying solution to anything, and leaves you confused when it ends. Was he truthful or false claimant? This inevitably leads to the big question: does God exist or is it just a fantasy entertained by the founders of religions and their followers? Again, was Golshiri a liar and just an enchanter who used his trickery to hoodwink people? Was he someone who suffered from mental health issues and had hallucinations? Or, was he planted and used by Russia? However, the series answers none of these questions and leaves everything open in a rather foolish way and tries to show as if it´s a case of all of the three. Therefore, did Russia use a mentally unstable man as an agent? This made little sense. However, seeing that some are interpreting to imply that there was an element of divine support in Golshiri, based on the way it ends, I don´t get it either because the little boy who saw all those events down on the ground, just a while prior to that he too had been shown to be suffering from hallucinations like Golshiri. So, as I see it, the series implies that there´s no God and there´s no truth to the claims of the founders of religions and that they just saw, imagined, or fantasised things like that little boy. That´s my interpretation of it, and it makes most sense to me, actually. It´s a pity, to be honest, because the series entertained heavily and kept you on your toes until they spoiled it towards the very end in the last two episodes or so. Besides, the events occurring in the Middle East all the while whilst Golshiri was in America also made very little sense.

I would still give it six out of 10, based on how it succeeded in entertainment and thrill for the most part of it. The ending, again, was incredibly poor and nonsense.
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Padmaavat (2018)
Great visuals, stunning dialogues, admirable performance, especially the legend of Khilji, form the heart and soul of 'Padmaavat'!!!
26 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It has its flaws, many of them actually, but stunning cinematography, awesome dialogues and three great performances make it an experience of a lifetime. How awesomely awesome was Ranveer Singh as Alauddin Khilji. A mesmerising performance by him, fully meeting my expectations that I´d set of him seeing its trailers. Not only the film´s dialogues, but the story itself contains many great metaphors: Khilji´s unquenchable quest for power, glory and love, and Chetan´s fire of revenge that took him with it, and Mehrunnisa´s inability to see the the animal within Khilji, being blinded by love, and many other sequences. What I loved the most was the scene where they play chess, where at being surrounded by weapons, Khilji remarks, "Now, even the king is in danger!" Plain awesome!

Being based on a popular folklore, a person expecting too much of a story or plot twists will be disappointed, and it is long without too many events taking place, fair enough, but the film goes much deeper than just that in significance.

Although I do understand that the whole point of the film lies in Khilji never being able to even see Padmavati, but in my view it would´ve made more sense to show him having seen her. Love doesn´t require the need to see a person, but if there´s no contact established between two people, then looks play an integral role because love may not need a reason, but it does require a background. So to have shown Khilji having fallen in love with her or having developed feelings as to have penned poetry and yearning in separation, it would´ve made perfect sense to show him having caught glimpses of her someday somewhere. Only then it would´ve been his defeat at not being able to have acquired her. Now, without contact, without the element of looks or even observing her talks and actions, what this was from Khilji can´t even be termed as infatuation. It´s something much more unheard and mysterious, and people get over such feelings quickly, especially considering the missing elements that I´ve mentioned, which are essential for love or even infatuation. This way, one can never ascertain whether this was a lesson, a life-changing, a ruining incident in Khilji´s life or just a minor setback which he would´ve overcome with time. Therefore, the ideally lesson would´ve been for him if they´d shown him falling in love with her, if she´d won his heart. Only then would it have been a defeat and an ever-lasting lesson.

Regardless, this is more of my idea than criticism, and I certainly would´ve preferred it the way I´ve put it. Again, whereas I understand the basing of the film on the whole idea of him having never seen her, but no person, sane or insane, burns in such rage of love and passion merely at a Pandit´s/priest´s saying, without having ever known or seen Padmavati.

The 3D effects were completely non-existent, so it made no sense at all releasing it in that.

All in all, a great experience! If not for others, watch it for the legend of Alauddin Khilji! What a powerful performance from a literally mad actor!
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Everything that 'Run Lola Run' (1998) should've been!!!!
19 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm seriously surprised by how for an enjoyable, entertaining, gripping and engaging this film turned out to be! Every instance of her murder brings with it new thrills and new revelation and every time you feel as if you will end up dying with her. Its length is merely 97 minutes but it engages you so much as a viewer that you end up getting the feeling of having watched a four-hour long film.

There must be flaws in this film, I doubt not, but I'll be amazed if people managed to find faults in a film that runs at such a relentless pace. I was so awestruck by it that I couldn't.

It brings its lessons too. It makes her realise the fault in her actions (such as the affair with a married man), the sacrificial love of Carter who trusted and helped her each time she asked of him, her harsh stance towards her father and all in all makes her realise the value of life and being grateful - although just when you thought so, it still doesn't solve her problem, and in that lies the beauty of this film.

Not to mention its biggest quality though, which is the way the thrills are wrapped in comedy. In general, despite the horror moments due to the murder(s), you still will watch this film with a smile on your face.
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Sweet, cute and.... well, very sweet!
11 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
We're so used to love stories (between unmarried couples) who've to face hurdles and villains before they unite, that a love story like this, over a matter as trivial yet very important, between a (married) couple seems so fresh and unusual. The troubles he takes everyday and the arrangements he makes for his wife to go to the toilet provides moments full of laughter (due to the theme that it touches, the film in general is very funny) but is in every way very sweet too. It takes off further after she leaves him as he literally starts a war for the sake of his love.

Only Akshay Kumar could've pulled off a role like this. Not many heroes of Bollywood can play the role of a common man, a villager as efficiently as he does - Ajay Devgn is another but he wouldn't have suited to a role that required a touch of comedy. Bhumi too plays the role of a stubborn, determined woman very well. A very likeble couple.

The film is very informative too mind you. As an outsider, this was an eye-opener for me on many levels as I'd no knowledge of this kind of prohibition in the Hindu tradition and culture, although I'd refrain from commenting on the religion as almost every religion of the world has been twisted and misrepresented over centuries. Initially, since I'd no knowledge of it, I was at first not too unconvinced but then the references to their holy book gave me an idea as to how for a serious matter it is after all.

A minor objection, and I don't exactly know why, but the ending looked a bit forced upon and out of place to me, especially how the Pundit was convinced through an accident of his own mother. Although not necessarily bad, but I would've ideally shown him to have been convinced through the way women of the village were harassed and were made photos and videos of. This would've changed his thinking and made him see the flaws in his argument in a more convincing manner.

Some issues raised and dialogues said were gold, such as.....

"Women are the ultimate enemy of women,"

... and....

"Very conveniently way lay the blame of everything upon the government."

These are two of the many points that I always make. So, all in all, a very good film. Kudos to everyone involved!
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Sweet, funny and inspirational! I just loved it!
26 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I can't in words describe how sweet this film is despite the lack of overflowing emotions. The role of the mother, the bond between her and the daughter, the innocent romance of two teenagers. All of it looks so real almost all viewers will be able to relate a part or the other of the film to their own personal lives; not least the bit about our childhood dreams full of obstacles, coupled with which is the prisoner-like life that a wife and her children live in a family where the husband is like that man. And there's no doubt about the fact that such husbands and fathers exist in numbers in our society. A special mention should go to showing the role the Internet (games, Youtube, Facebook) play nowadays in the lives of a housewives and daughters who're confined to their homes. Incredibly sweet!

What a cameo by Aamir Khan! I haven't watched 'Golmaal Again' yet, the film that this one is competing with at the box office, but I'm already sure that that film won't in its whole length of it won't have as many funny scenes as this one does in Aamir's cameo role alone. Myself and my sister were literally rolling on the floor thanks to the comic relief that it provides.

A minor issue though. I'd have ideally shown either a tragic ending, or shown them pulling off a grand plan to separate from that man. A last-minute change of heart is too Bollywood-like and it would've been nice to see something different. Why I mentioned a tragic ending at all is, because that would've made it look even more real because considering the culture, the society, the dependency on the male head of the family, pulling of such a dream is almost impossible.

But,... I understand that the aim of such films is to inspire people and to show that impossible things happen and impossible dreams come true. So, overall, I'm fully satisfied by this film and, being an Aamir-starrer, it fully met my expectations!
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"Sachinnnnn Sachin, Sachinnnnn Sachin!
15 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Sachin Tendulkar, the man, the cricketer, the personality, is such that it is almost beyond anyone to write a review on him, and the same applies to this film for the memories that it has brought back. My elder brother who has watched him from day one must've felt even more nostalgic, but from 2003 onwards, the narrations made me full of nostalgia, especially seeing what cricket used to mean those days.

The film makes some very interesting revelations that might otherwise have never come to light, such as that earlier the BCCI would themselves pay an amount to Doordarshan telecast matches live, but with the advent of Sachin and the attraction he held in the eyes of the public, they were then able to sell the rights to ESPN for a good price. Not many facts underlines the value of Sachin to the cricketing market as this one does.

Although otherwise completely tight-lipped on issues, but it was nice to see him express it in his voice with those emotions as to what he felt about the match-fixing scandal, with him saying with a firm look that something such should never be forgiven. Alongside it was of course his disappointment at the BCCI not even bothering to inform of his sacking as captain, and his sharp observations quite earlier on that he could see Greg Chappell as a recipe for disaster - it is often complained that Sachin never spoke openly about controversial issues, but it's a foolish conclusion to make based on him not delivering media statements, because it otherwise is clearly evident that he did speak to the authorities or the relevant people whenever needed.

All in all, a great experience, although a minor criticism would be that instead of it being a documentary, a film with actors should've made instead, because the former can never quite convey the emotions of a man at the time of an happening like an actor can. Besides this, perhaps a little more focus should've been on his off the field life, and also I felt that his earlier years before his career started ran at a little more pace than they should've.

An extremely important part that was skipped, or in harsher words, misrepresented, was that India's revival from the first round exit from World Cup 2007 started from the Chennai Test 2008, whereas the reality is that it actually began immediately after that disaster: India won an ODI series against South Africa in Ireland, the famous Test series in England, the inaugural World T20 (okay, Sachin sat out of that himself), and then finally the CB series in the finals of which he made a century and a 90 odd, something which I thought should never have been missed given how huge a success that was.

But, again, despite pointing to such flaws, I'm compelled to give it 10 out of 10 for the man, for his journey, for the revelations it made and for the memories it brought back. #ThankYouSachin indeed!
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One of my life's most awful experiences on the big screen!!!
8 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I just cannot begin describing how for an utterly awful, pointless and boring two hours and 43 minute long piece this is. A piece of nonsense and garbage! I wonder what the point was to have it in 3D when there wasn't even a remote need of it.

I know there'll be people out there who'd say that I didn't understand the film. Well, alright, I really have no further time than the 163 minutes that I already gave this dustbin to understand it. For the first time in life that I felt so bored in the cinema that I would've literally shot the screen had I had a weapon! I think the reason behind such extreme frustration from me for this particular film is its really long length.

Avoid at all costs! Don't go by the positive reviews and the money that it must be making.
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Baadshaho (2017)
Highly enjoyable despite the flaws!!!
3 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'll be very honest, the film has so many flaws that you might lose the count of it midway through the film, but the film is not a failed project that you forget all that once it takes off. So I myself and those from my family watching it with me fully enjoyed their time. The twists keep you engaged, the ending and the revelations that surround it at some point make you overlook the flaws.

As always, Ajay Devgn's performance stands out and really admirable is how he adopts those local accents in films, such as of Bihari, Punjabi, Rajasthani etc. The film has the occasional comedy to make you laugh in between, but the best bit of the film lies in its really powerful dialogues. Very really do we as viewers look beyond what's on the screen, but the powerful dialogues were really hard to ignore when in conversation one opposing person replied to the other - or vice versa, and were really good, especially, again, in that voice of Ajay.
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Jagga Jasoos (2017)
A noise-fest to literally haunt your ears!!!
22 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Pardon me on this, but I've no idea what the story or the plot was, neither understood the characters much, because the awful background music and the story-telling in singing is by far amongst the most irritating experiences of my life! And no, I'm not mocking people who stammer, neither am I against them adopting any method to cope with their issues, but perhaps this wasn't the most pleasing way to make a film. Certainly, the others, who weren't those who stammered, singing their dialogues made it most irritating. Also, decorating the sung dialogues with a background itself made it most hard to understand.

As for the story on the whole, of whatever I understood of it, I thought it was boring, very boring and pointless.

Besides, it's high time that Ranbir Singh does a role something different to his depiction in 'Barfi!' (2012). It worked once or twice, but with time it's getting very predictable and one- dimensional.

All in all, avoid it if you love your ears!
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The disappointment of the Planet of the Apes!!! A three-year wait ends on a sad note!
5 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As was the case with my cousin who (went in to watch a film at a cinema for the first time and) hadn't watched the first and the second film of the series, anyone watching this film as his first from it will be awestruck and really the way this film depicts the relation and the conflict between humans and apes, but I and those from my family had watched them and were, in a nutshell, disappointed. Don't get me wrong, the film uses great philosophies to depict the nature and the mercilessness of such circumstances, the dialogues and the emotions are indeed very touching, but the film lacks twists or a proper plot, has countless flaws (in our view at least), and I'm sorry to say, is in parts boring. Talking of the first of the flaws which could've still made a much better despite the issues was the intervention from the third party - the army that arrived. Needlessly, it makes it a triangle affair and drifts itself from its main theme of it after all being between apes and humans. So a better and a powerful ending would've left a better taste in mouth, because here the apes were completely robbed off their intelligence all of a sudden and were simply shown to have been just lucky due the attack by that army. The previous two films had certainly set higher standards of the apes.

Talking of standards, the biggest weakness of the film yet lies in the brutal murder that it causes of the legend of Caesar before he finally dies. It completely ruins the character of the greatest leader ever presented in an English films. Far from being a man of morals and a leader with a great foresight, a peace-loving being, the film in the end declares Koba as the winner and as being someone who was always right in his campaign that Caesar wasn't necessarily a great ape, but just lucky, unlike Koba, to have instead received love from humans. As soon as he got a raw deal like Koba did, he resorts to being after all yet another Koba-like ape. Surely, as someone with even more experience and having grown into a wise, old ape, this could've been the ultimate opportunity to show that Caesar was never going to resort to settling grudges, and cared more for the community. A wasted opportunity, an incredibly sad end to a legend like him.

Also, the 3D effects are grossly over-rated, many films have had them better, and don't form the basis of the film by any stretch of the imagination - as do the sound effects for example in 'Dunkirk' 2017.

I'm personally undecided on a sequel, and a bit skeptical too. My advice would be to not to tarnish the legacy of the series if something similar to the first or the second installment can't be repeated - because despite this one, it'll in my books still go down as the greatest series of English films.

Not the fault of the film-makers here, but I myself and we as a family have had a very strong kind of emotional attachment to this series, because it was the second installment of the year 2014 that led me to watch films at cinemas. Three years to that and I've watched 47 different films and 49 shows. For someone otherwise completely confined to his home and who only steps out to visit doctors, that means really a lot. A three-years wait came to a sad end.

Regardless, for now though, this goes down as the biggest disappointment of the year - an honour divided into halves by it and 'Alien: Covenant'.

And oh', by the way, how was that bad colonel ever going to get a wall build above which even the army's planes and helicopers weren't going to fly in? Plain dumb! I added this as a footnote because this came to my mind as a separate point, after composing my review.
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Dunkirk (2017)
Two hours in the war zone, Nolan's best work!!! Hans Zimmer you beauty!!!
1 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What a fabulous film, what a great depiction of the battlefield. Nolan has doubtlessly pulled off his best work and one that he'll himself find it hard to surpass. Right from the scene where the first aerial attack takes place and the Allied soldier trying to gun down the plane gets wiped away from the earth, the film never looks back and provides one gripping moment after another. The dogfight between the air forces yet will forever go down as the most thrilling scenes in the history of any war film. Mind-blowing work!

As many World War Two films do, this doesn't resort to showing blood and gore, or deformed dead bodies to depict a war (which isn't necessarily wrong), but yet makes the point of the horror of a war in a most eloquent way. It seems as if Nolan had over the years been watching war films as a layman instead of a film-maker, and had realised that the public is demanding for something more than just deformed dead bodies. Yet on the other hand, it doesn't show any false bravado on part of the Allied forces. It just depicts the reality of the battlefield, and gives a hint of Forces beyond their control having made it happen.

Hans Zimmer's background music will forever be remembered as the ultimate decoration of any Nolan film. That music was killing and created nail-biting suspense even in moments of relief, coupled with it the sound effects that make you feel as if bullets are coming your way from every direction - another highlight of epic film-making. I'd a time of my life, two most thrilling hours ever spent at a cinema. #ThankYouNolan - thank you for the heart palpitations and the shortness of breath!


Now, let me address some of the criticism directed at this film by a minority of people, two of which were my brother and my brother-in- law, who went to watch it yesterday with me (first time by the way that I've walked out of the cinema with a split opinion with anyone that I've gone in to watch a film). Yes, the film doesn't show a background or even a short history for the laymen watching of the Battle of Dunkirk. So anyone going into it with expectations of a proper story will be disappointed, as will be those who haven't done any bit of a research on the battle.

Secondly, yes it has no characters and doesn't even show a single German soldier, and as a last bit of the criticism, omits reactions or the talks of the people in command from either sides, or discussions from the offices as to what the plan is to get them evacuated and how much under stress they're regarding this, or how the Germans are plotting to attack them. But that's not criticism, that's a misinterpretation of the purpose of this film. Showing all of that to please some viewers would make it a film, and this isn't a film. This a literal presentation of what war is or what the happenings of the surroundings of a battlefield are. Ask yourself, if you were amongst the Allied soldiers stuck there, would you on that beach have an idea of what the people higher up are planning to save you, or what the Germans are plotting? No! The problem is, showing any of that would make it a film with breaks and stopages and will never give you the feel of a battlefield. A war zone, a battlefield is exactly like this and it offers no time to wipe a sweat from your forehead. It is relentless, it is unfair and it constant. Watching it, by the 40th or the 50th minute I myself was exhausted and was saying that such a film should have an interval of 15 minutes, but again, the battlefield has no intervals and being exhausted is a part of it. There are moments when you scratch your head as to whose plane is flying overhead, but here too one has to study to understand that it is after this particular battle that the Allied forces chose to draw a colour- based distinction on their planes for identification. So here again Nolan makes you go through exactly what the Allied soldiers on the ground had to.

I'm a fan of Nolan but not a huge fan. I criticise his films when I don't like it, but here he has succeeded tremendously in making you as an audience feel like a soldier effected by it. It's a project, not a film. As for characters and a story, a war does have a story, but a battlefield doesn't. A battlefield just has gunshots, grenades and bombs, and soldiers fighting for survival. At most, the only criticism that I can remotely accept is that the action or the plot didn't have a prelude, which would've been useful for a layman watching this film without having studied the Battle of Dunkirk, But again, Nolan has his own thought process here and it has its own justification.

All in all, 100 out of 10 for this masterpiece. I wouldn't mind it getting a well deserved Oscar. Nolan and co. have richly deserved it.
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Good, very good!
27 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I've a friend who has this habit of later on claiming about such endings of films that he guessed it beforehand when this or that particular sequence happened. I never believe him, and I think it's just some kind of an attempt in not giving up to the film beating your intelligence, your observing and sharp thinking. So I wouldn't claim that either in this film's case. My younder sister did remark at the halfway mark of the possibility of the doctor being one of the spirits. I wasn't convinced by her but it turned out, she was right after all!

However, one thing that was stuck in my mind throughout and something that I saw as a genuine 'flaw' was the lack of report by the doctor to the child's parent - or whoever brought him into play. Because, as it is, the patient wasn't an adult, in which case it was incumbent upon the doctor to report the latest to an elder, especially the finding of the patient's 'supposed' schizophrenia. Turns out, it wasn't quite clearly a flaw in the film.

A good, engaging film. The acting by the child artist was out of the world, just awesome!

I don't quite know what to put it down to, but despite it being such a unique concept and having a climax as fabulous as it has, it didn 't quite, for me, make it to the level of 'The Shawshank Redemption' (1994) or 'Shutter Island' (2010). Possibly, possibly because as the climax approaches, the film begins to go in a lost direction, which fails in making you hold your breaths for such an ending. In the end, it wasn't as perfect despite such a brilliant ending. Certainly didn't convince me to give it 10 stars, something that I do very, very often.
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Very good despite an abrupt ending!
28 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
How did Sunil sacrifice his love? Did he sacrifice it or did Anna and Chris just casually push him out of the way? Or did the priest convince him into acting like a mature man after all?

Sadly, these questions will never be answered due to an abrupt ending. The film misses out on a golden opportunity, a lecture/speech kind of scene by Sunil which would've shown of him having finally learnt his lessons and become a mature man. Something like that would've been a cherry on top of which is otherwise an excellent film overall.

The reason behind this being one of SRK's under-rated films of the past, or possibly the most under-rated, is obviously the fact that this wasn't the kind of film that he's famous for. People are used to seeing him in the other kind of roles and those are the ones that appeals to the public the most. So that's understandable.

However, I'm deeply impressed by this film given especially the fact that it was made 23 years ago. The stories, the plots and everything on the mind of the film-maker used to be very different those days. The kind of topic that it touches, of a boy who lives in a bubble and hasn't manned up to face the realities of life and can never confront the truth is a story so true to almost every household. I can't remember from my memory of which the main issues lies in the main character's habit of hiding about lies. They never used to show anything such back then, as the hero was always the most upright, honest and brave man, and if anything unusual was shown, he was portrayed as a laughing devil who'd take the wrong path on purpose.

Again, this film deserves a lot of applause, as does SRK for such a commendable performance as an anxious, lazy and looking-for-short- cuts teenager.
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Alright action and 3D effects coupled with a boring story!
27 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is my first film from this particular series. If the earlier ones are anything to go by this installment, I'd have to conclude that it's vastly over-rated and pretty boring - or at least, this one is.

The action and the 3D effects do wake one up in between and begin to catch your interest a bit, but then the slow plot and in fact a very nonsense kind of story diminishes everything.

As a side-note, is that what Captain Jack Sparrow is all about? In this one at least, he plays the role of a passenger who's carried by others, and circumstances, here and there with him being in control of not even an ante. Some of his dialogues do provide a good comic relief, but surely that's not why they cast Johnny Depp? His role was nothing less than that of a joker.
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The horror is more nauseous than thrilling!!!
21 May 2017
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Although I wouldn't call it a disaster, but I certainly think that the film delivers way below the expectations. The action may make for some trembling moments, but the story and the overall plot is makes one yawn to be honest.

The horror has no thrills or hair-raising moments like the 1986 film had, and leans more towards making you puke as opposed to making you hold your breaths. I certainly expected better from a film made in 2017 - with more equipment, technology and resources available - as 'Jurassic World' 2015 so aptly makes my point.

The entrance of the Aliens has no build up, the reactions from the actors seemed so fake as if they dinner with such monsters every Sunday, and on their walkie talkie type sets they hardly tell the other members of the crew that they're seeing some extraterrestrial form of life or a monster, and just mumble through the words. Instead of a fight for survival, this looks like a dish where humans and aliens are randomly thrown into one plate and they keep on bumping into each other.

The story seemed to focus more on the android and his evil plotting than the aliens themselves. It gets increasingly 'facepalmic' when it begins to behave very creepily - attempting a rape! Ridley sadly got his priorities wrong I'm afraid. Michael Fassbender behaves more like a eunuch than an android, although this isn't the main point in my objections.

Still though, the film has its moments and was still enjoyable in parts. My criticism is based more on the franchise that it belongs to and more so the highly reputable director that made it. Whereas the great James Cameron fulfills the demands of the common man and explores his emotions and stimulates his mind, Ridley Scott sticks to what he believes will be right - on its way, often his vision ends up agreeing with the public and sometimes not. Due to this thin yet a deciding difference, I'll have to bury my desire of wanting to re-witness something as great as 'Aliens' (1986) - unless of course, Mr. Cameron decides to make one himself.

For now though, give me 'Life' (2017) over this one any day!
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Stunning visuals, jaw-dropping stunts make it a lifetime experience!!!
17 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the first Bahubali film back then and, although thought it was a bit over-rated, I still rated it highly for the special effects, and also held it in some respect for being first such film in the history of the Indian cinema.

This however is one of the greatest films of all times! Right from the scene where Bahubali climbs the elephant in an amazing manner, the film and its special effects take off and never look back! Stunning visuals, jaw-dropping stunts and war strategies/tricks make it an experience for a lifetime. I loved every stunt so much that I ended up rewinding almost all of them to watch again!

And it doesn't end there. The real specialty of this film yet lies in its plot, combined with the stunts. A touching story that contains turns, twists, 'misunderstandings' and 'evil plotting' that would make Shakespeare proud.

For these and many reasons, I've to conclude that at least I've never watched even a Hollywood of the same genre that matches the standards of this epic. Bahubali is one of the greatest legend presented in a film, possibly the ultimate super-hero the world has ever seen!

I thought Sharad Kelkar's voice in the Hindi dubbing really suited to the protagonist's character. Was it him? I guessed the voice.

A minor criticism though. The end-war was too mainstream and the kind of fight we see in every other Bollywood film. I'd have ideally shown Bahubali just run away with the show with his usual great war strategies. Yes, some tricks were still shown even there, but the film presents the great man in a way from whereon it never befits him to engage in a mainstream war like that. In the favour of the film though, it can be argued that that Bahubali was the father, a man brought up under the royal guidance and special training, whereas the son was brought up as a layman. Either way, I'm not going to extract stars based on that.

It deserves 10 stars!
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Get Out (I) (2017)
The hype is fully well deserved!
7 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
My friend from Canadian recommended this (although I'd have watched it anyway, as I do with most of the well rated new releases), and he spoke very highly of it. So I was just eagerly waiting for its release in Germany.

This film goes down as one of the greatest mystery films of all times, as simple as that. The turns and the twists that it follows as the mystery unfolds are jaw-dropping, disturbing and scary. The connection put between one event and the next is really commendable and gripping. The weird behaviour by everyone over their, especially the black servants, builds one's interest in a way that it never dies down. The suspense is killing....

So a highly enjoyable film, a very unique concept and a film that I 'm sure to watch many more times! Here I wait for its release on BluRay and DVD.....
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The making of Ranveer Singh!!!
10 April 2017
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This film has many flaws, certainly the bit that prolonged it further that of Romeo and Juliet originally is, to be precise the part where, after their parting, Raam and Leela go on to lead their respective tribes, is one biggest flaw that this film had. One thing I'd have personally changed about the story here was, Raam was played a very big role in the fight that broke out which resulted in him killing Leela's brother. I don't remember anymore how this particular event occurs in the original play, but even if it was that way, I'd have changed this bit and shown Raam to have murdered him by accident - certainly not by playing such a big role in that quarrel!

The other negative point about was the extremely dirty wordplay and the language used. That wasn't needed, although I know Shakespeare was famous for such cunning use of words, but you've to keep in mind the cultural difference between the two kinds of audience.

But beyond all that, this remains a thoroughly enjoyable film where the chemistry between this couple of Juliet and her Romeo makes you forget any other shortcomings this film carries. They so well depict the inner feeling that a lover has about the other that no matter what, he/he can't be betrayer, despite the circumstantial evidence always pointing towards the negative.

Ranveer's work alone makes this film worthy of watching it again. No Bollywood hero would come even close to playing the role of a wicked Romeo with such efficiency. This film was in a way the making of Ranveer, it gave him a direction of what kind of roles would make his way to stardom. From this film, his career took off and never looked back, and was of course the one made me a fan of him.

As a side-note, those were the days of 2013... I'd completed my way to being a wicked and yet tragedy Romeo. A funny and wicked guy who made his company worthwhile to so many people, had a tragedy sealed on his heart, wore a smile, composed poetry, and was deeply, deeply in love (and still is!). I thought as if someone's made a film on my character! Those were the days!
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Gunday (2014)
A bromance that runs high on emotions!!! Ranveer & Arjun fans cannot miss it!
8 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This film dishes up emotions like drugs, and if anyone is addicted to such stuff he's sure to enjoy this flick. It has the unbreakable friendship bond, enmity, betrayal, courage, emotions and above all four excellent performances in Ranveer, Arjun, Irrfan and Priyanka. I'm a big time anti-Arjun, but I think even he did really well here in this film.

Of course, the story and the plot may not be something entirely new or extraordinary, but the films doesn't go dull even for a moment. However, let's touch upon the controversial aspect of this film:

1. It shows of India mistreating Bangladeshi refugees. It offended some Indians I read.

Then we move onto the two biggest controversial parts of it, the third being the one that caused protests!

2. It shows that, for no apparent reasons, Bangladeshis consider themselves Indians. This is best seen in the scene where they kill that man on the train and shout out at him "How are they to be blamed for having been born on the other side of the border? How does it make you any better Indian for having born on this side?" Absolutely cringe-worthy patriotism propaganda!

3. In its very introductory few minutes, Bangladesh's independence is portrayed as a by-product of an Indo-Pak war. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the reason why this film ends up as the worst- rated film on IMDb thanks to the mass voting by the Bangladeshis - a campaign that was kind of officially led by some organisation of theirs on social media; and I totally understand their sentiment. Maybe I would've understood their objection to it better had I myself been a Bangladeshi, because they take great pride in their struggle for liberation and the number of people who lost lives for them.

But I would think beyond those introductory notes read by Irrfan the first few minutes and rate it as a film based on its own story, film-making and performances. As a fan of Ranveer, I fully enjoyed this emotion-fest, complemented by three wonderful songs, especially that soulful Qawwaali. I can watch it any day and enjoy it all over again!
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Silence (I) (2016)
Poses some powerful questions but provides zero answers!!!!
30 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It started off as something very unique and extraordinary, then you prepare yourself for the path that it takes, but then comes such a twist (by showing Rodrigues dying with a crucifix in his hand) that makes you feel robbed off a good ending, makes you question the whole purpose of those 160 minutes.

It's really confusing as to which idea or what concept this film sides with.

1. That, that faith can be practised even privately even after apostatising? That's problematic because they then shouldn't shown Rodrigues help the Japanese government further Christians who'd try to sneak in Christianity-related symbols and objects as means of propagating the religion. Why doesn't Rodrigues make even a slight attempt at saving a single Christiant by not even pretending not to have known that a certain symbols/object was a Christianity-related one? How would such an act go with God - that is, the act of helping the others catch and punish your fellow believers?

2. If it favours faith and also shows that it can still be practised privately, then why did they've to make Father Ferreira's argument to Rodrigues sounds so convincing? It suddenly sounded as if it's against the concept of Christianity.

3. If, again, the purpose was to show that faith never dies and can never be taken out of an individual who believes no matter what the circumstances are, then why did they show on countless instances Rodrigues question himself and his faith? Such scenes actually gave a strong feeling that it questions the purpose and the idea of faith.

4. If it's whole idea was to criticise the Church, then at least this film hardly holds the right to point fingers at Church/Christianity/faith because it's exactly as confusing and impractical as it portrays faith to be.

Make no mistake, this film poses some powerful questions with the circumstances that it creates: for example, showing Rodrigues question himself as to what Jesus would've done in his situation, a unique situation where he's given the choice to apostatise in order to save other people's lives. A powerful question indeed, because, as it is, the Bibical account is solely of Jesus tolerantly facing the violence upon himself which, as hard as it is, is still a decision and a choice that brings far less regret than when someone else is killed because of your action, or inaction in this instance. But here too, it shows something strange: Jesus' voice is heard by Rodrigues which actually asks him to step on that symbol, which is a fair interpretation of the noble man that Jesus of Nazareth was, but why doesn't the same voice guide and stop him from helping the Japanese government in catching other Christians?

Kichijiro's repeated offences and confessions were a masterpiece though and extremely thought-provoking, and Rodrigues questioning himself about him and whether Jesus would forgive such a man too was very powerful.

Coupled with that, I loved the atmosphere that it shows of the persecution of Christians and how for a fearful life it must've been for the minority of any faith living in a place where any day could bring about your death; and equally creative yet very painful were the punishments shown that they handed to the people caught by them. However, the thing remains that the film this film had the ingredients of all-time greatness, but chooses to take a route that confuses you more and more. It pretends to be knowing the answers, but in the end doesn't have a single solution.
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Life (I) (2017)
Exceeded my expectations by 20 times!!!!
26 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I get it, it doesn't belong to the original Alien series, yet forms most of its basal concepts on 'Alien' (1979), a lot of its scenes almost mimic the trapped-in-space troubles shown in that, but all of that goes out of the window once you start watching this film. It has its own feet and legs to stand on, its own horror to scare you and is special in its own ways. From one scene to the next, from one trouble to the next, it engages you so successfully that if you'd any predetermined thoughts of comparing it to the Alien series, you gradually forget all of that. The way it kills the rat and its first victim was a jaw-dropping start to the game, visuals that'll stay in my memory for some time, and from then on it just takes off.

I saw someone over here complain that the difference between the scientists of this film and 'Alien' (1979) was that these were shown to be highly incapable bunch of guys who're making one mistake after another. Whereas I don't dispute that observation, but I don't mind that. Thinking from a realistic point of view, irrespective of how capable you're, anyone would goof up things dealing with a creature like Calvin, a monster with abilities beyond their expectations and calculations. So that can happen, it's human.

And as it is anyway, a point that makes it different from the Alien series, this film shows the alien as having succeeded in the battle, as opposed to the others showing that there's always at least one human who kills it and survives to tell the tail - not something that I think is an any lesser concept than this. So the mistakes by the crew are justified by the note that it ends on.

The end-plan being goofed up totally is exactly what this film stands on, something that makes me give it 10 out 10 for its originality in that regard, and it ends on a tragic note. With the last 20 minutes approaching I'd that look on my face of having seen it all before, but then it surprises you with a brilliant ending. So, extremely sharp work by the film-makers. I was literally like "wow" when they showed the wrong capsule having landed in the water. I loved it!

I hope they make a sequel of this, because it's been always a fantasy of mine to see a film that shows the aliens on earth, as opposed to just in the space or on other planets. If they don't, well, I'll be bitterly disappointed. But I can still where this is coming from, because if I were myself a film-maker I'd be a specialty of mine too to end films on a tragic and unfinished note, because such an ending makes the film stay stronger in the viewers' memories.

All in all, an intensifying cinematic experience of my life that I 'll cherish for some time. Eagerly waiting for the next film from the other Alien series this May!
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Patriots Day (2016)
Intense thriller, nail-biting moments!!!
22 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, I know about the Boston Bombings just as a headline, so there's a chance that people who followed every thin detail of it would be acting far less edgy whilst watching the film, given they'd be aware of a lot of the stuff anyway. So for me, some of the scenes were really intensely thriller, especially the Chinese guy whom they held as hostage and who escaped. The way he runs away to the store and bags for the police to be informed, awesome acting and extremely well made scenes. Gripping and engaging is the least way of course to describe the encounter between the terrorists and the police. That period of good 10-15 minutes was really high voltage stuff.

Secondly, since I don't really know exactly how much of the film or how accurately it is made on the bombings and especially the whole search of the culprits, so I'd just take it as a film that I highly enjoyed. The emotional aspect of the film of course cannot be undermined or dismissed. It must've felt very personal to all the affectees, and it was very nice of them to have included short little interviews at the of people who were related to this. The case of that young couple of whom both lost a leg each is really touching and moving.

It's a bit hard to conclude that it's anti-Muslim propaganda based on the answers given by one of the terrorists' wife, the one about Muslim wives being slave and all that, because from the side of the film-maker, it can be argued that they're not attributing such mentality to Islam or the common Muslims, but instead to the wife of a terrorist, and it's no secret what the line of thinking is of religious fanatics, be they be from any religion. The mention of terror attacks in other countries' cities was really good, especially of a city like Islamabad which belongs to a Muslim country of course.
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Two hours of intense terror!!!!
18 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What a cracking time I'd yesterday watching this in 3D! Two hours of intense terror, thriller and entertainment that I'm unlikely to forget for some time. What a giant animal, wow! The best visuals that captures how big he's is the one 'he' stands tall with the sun in the background, which's also the poster of this film. A weapon of mass destruction is Kong!

The scene where they fly into Kong's territory with helicopters will go down as amongst the greatest scenes I've ever seen at the big screen. It involves you so much as a viewer that at times it gets to the point of causing you dizziness. Simply unbeatable, the way he crashes, crushes and dismisses helicopters from his presence. I couldn't help but compare that to us humans dismissing flies away from our presence, and I'm sure the thought process behind that particular scene must've been the same for the film-makers.

Samuel Jackson was very good here as the colonel, a role most suited to him and especially his so expressive eyes. The scene where immediately after the aforementioned scene he stands there and, instead of escaping from the destruction, looks Kong into the eyes is an awesome scene. It looked as if we're set for an epic war between the egos of two relentless personalities.

But then the film drifts a bit, but the action remains. Monsters after monsters they come across, which only adds to the excitement, ultimately. Then, when the team stands against the colonel to prevent him from killing Kong, I feared that we're in for a disappointing, action-less ending, but then very intelligently the war re-ignites but against a different but yet another unrelenting creature. So the ending was worth it, especially the unbelievable scene where Kong rescues the girl from the other monster's gut. That was just wow!

The questions asked by that soldier from World War Two, who stayed stranded on the island for 28, provided the much needed comic relief. Some of his questions about the years gone by were really funny, especially the one about the Cold War. "Do they take the summer off?" Hilarious!

Lastly, although I haven't watched the previous King Kong films, but I did watch the one from 2005. I understand the progress made from that time to now in terms of the technology and the equipment available now, but that wasn't my main issue with that film. My problem was with the over three hours of length and the plot itself. King Kong going mad for the girl and wanting to take her with him looked so odd. That was depicted better here, as just the friendship or love that can exist between a human and an animal.

So then, 'Kong: Skull Island' is one of the greatest monsters films that I've watched, giving the Jurassic Park and the Aliens series a good competition. 'aliens' 1986 still wins the race though, any day.
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Maalik (2016)
The most hard-hitting Pakistan film ever! Hollywood style film!
15 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The acting by almost everyone involved, the professionalism in terms of the action scenes, the equipment shown being used, the very hard- hitting nature of the film has really, really surprised and actually shocked me big time! I least expected this from the Pakistan cinema, even though there's been great improvement in general in the quality of films. So a big thumbs-up to the film-maker here and all who've worked so hard behind the scene for this Hollywood styled film.

Before I proceed to touch the controversial aspect of this film, I must add here though that that love story between that Punjabi guy and the Pashtoon girl was really needless; on top of all, Maalik and his cronies taking him to that place with them to hand her brother's dead body to the family looked so odd since he wasn't even a part of their team. That whole story could've easily saved them good 10-15 minutes, especially given that it'd nothing to do with the plot of the film.

Secondly, the film glorifies the army to no ends. It just pushes the agenda further that's so prevalent in Pakistan's media nowadays, which is that the army is at the forefront of all good things being done in the country and it's them who're the sole well-wishers of the public, completely overlooking the genocide of the Bangladeshis in the 1971 war at the hands of its army (of East Pakistan then, its own public), and the absolute lack of progress made by the country during the years governed by the military dictators. Besides, General Zia-ul-Haq is the biggest reason behind the mess (of extremism and terrorism) that Pakistan finds itself in even years after him (although Z.A. Bhutto too deserves tremendous "credit" for that). Even the terrorists who they showed being killed by the army, they were the adopted sons of the ISI until the last few years.

As for the controversial bit in it, Following Salman Taseer's assassination by his own bodyguard, a film of this nature was always going to be a bit controversial. So I can understand where the ban was coming from; and in an educated society this might never have been an issue at all, but I believe that a film needs to be treated as a film, as a sources of entertaining. This wouldn't only apply to the common man, but also to the censor boards and governments, especially given that this was neither hurting the sentiment of the public. Besides, tons of such films are also made and approved in India, a country with similar issues and problems in terms of its politicians.

One needs to be consistence in making such decisions, because if they ban this, what would they do tomorrow if a film is made about a person avenging the murder of his family after not being helped by the police, what that be interpreted as promoting the practice of the common man taking the law into his own hands? Obviously not! So the problem here was of course the insecurity of the politicians and the rulers who kind of saw this as a threat.

So leave to the public to like or dislike the film, and I'm sure there must be also those who would reject such an idea. I for example wrote at length against it when a Bollywood film very openly encouraged mob justice for rapists, but that doesn't mean I'd ban that film. Leave it that way, simple. I'm very undecided on this film as to which way to go; it's like a can of worms. However, I'd just say that this is extremely well made as a film, very efficient, hard-hitting and bold, but I'd given it 10 out of 10 had it not been about such a sensitive issue. But again, since I'll treating it as just a film, I'll still be giving it nine out of 10.
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