
31 Reviews
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Titoudao (2020–2023)
It's a mess..
19 December 2023
An honest review.. They try to make a drama out of Singapore history and cultures in english.. The feel is totally off, messy uninteresting plot that led to nowhere.. The story are so boring and corny.. I was yawning throughout trying to randomly watch few episodes for test drive was unbearable.. Even supported by some channel 8 experienced casts, it didn't help much.. I just randomly pick out a old drama in the nineties about Singapore history 'The Price of Peace' are way much better and interesting than this.. Channel 5 dramas seriously need lots of improvements.. The high ratings here is because nobody cares to rate.. Just 1 10/10 review obviously written and vote by people relate to them. I watch this is due to my dementia father was sitting there staring at the tv. I was just keeping him company until i fall asleep trying hard to stay awake watching this.. I feel someone should say the truth otherwise channel 5 drama will not have any improvements if they think to themselves this standard is 10/10?
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Those who give 7 stars above r under the influence of the demon to spread lies.
7 November 2023
Just look at the rituals, it's a mess... How can anyone have multiple religion believes in an exorcism at the same time in one house?? I thought the bible says God is a jealous god? Anyone can google it.. Then which gods shall the demon react to? LoL.. Trying to use Beni theories from The Mummy? In the end that demon just left after the choice is made.. Not being exorcised.. So many religion n people in that room for what? Proved to be so useless.... Simply just wait for the demon to give choices and settles the problem.. What waste of time.. Hollywood these days have no soul in their productions, just make movies for cash grab... Stop going to cinemas for many years due to this reason..
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From Black (2023)
Overall it is a nice movie if u know it's intention.
9 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think there are few details missed out by most viewers. I just happen to notice n hope to share.. People are angry why can't she just drink up n finish the ritual.. It's because Abel are trying to pay what he owed to the demon. Right from the beginning he trick her to believe he can bring back her child. His intention was only wanting to sacrifice her to the demon.. The salt bath are not protecting her in anyway but just cleaning her up to be taken due to the demon hate unclean sacrifices.. On the last rites, if u pay attention, he only chain himself to the ground but not her cos she is meant to be taken.. Even she follow all his instructions, she is still not getting back her son.. When she realize what was his intention, she got pissed, refusing to drink up n drop it off.. It was the demon making a new pact with her so she start doing Abel job.. She trick her druggie ex to be taken but got killed for nothing cos he was unclean to the demon n so on... Overall i feel it's a nice movie just some things are not detail enough..
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Brain rot Within
11 September 2021
I got tricked by all the front good reviews into watching this movie.. Luckily i download for free and didn't waste a cent on this movie.. First 5 minutes i thought it's going to be a nice comedy horror movie.. Then i realize i got tricked based on the conversation they speak on and on were just plain boring with a certain degree of stupidity, not even funny at all.. I decide to stop watching this movie after a slow miserable 20 minutes, trying my best to hope things will improve but it didn't.. Another lousy movie has been made here, nothing more honestly.. This Finn is still the same failure as the one in Star Wars. This kind of brain rotting movie for anybody with a sane mind would have realize within 15 minutes.. U have been warned.. If anyone is looking for a real comedy horror to watch, i would recommend Vicious Fun..
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Kingdom (2019)
Boy will always be a boy..
27 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First 10 minutes i wanted to stop watching this movie already... OMG.. I thought they are trained so someday they will be somebody great... But no... They have no mentor or teacher.. They just monkey around swinging tree trunks from kids to teens.. Wow.. They became expertise in martial arts just like that... Is that even possible? That is so childish plot.. Even Bruce Lee took years of learning from a master before he is inspired to create his own martial arts.. Not jumping around like monkeys and suddenly become a martial art expert.. Producer shouldn't make this movie of the Qin Kingdom... Instead Journey to the west suits this 2 monkeys better.. The Monkey King is born with skills, there is no argument on that.. Problems solved.. Able to fight without learning anything... And it's still a King.. See without even thinking i can suggest better plot.. If you are below 15.. Maybe its for you...
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Stupid and boring movie..
14 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I watched He never died ( Part 1) and She never died (Part 2) on the same day.. The part 1 is really nice with a nice build up in story.. This part 2 is really stupid right from the start.. It's like they purposely make this movie for extreme feminism agenda.. The silly plot is the same old stuff like Captain Marvel and those stuffs of man got beat up and punish by super hero female character.. Main female lead here is such a show off... It's like she go around telling and showing everyone she is immortal.. What's the point of that? Another stupid thing is she can just kill those 2 villains at the car park who tries to kidnap her very easily when she sees them since that was her intention of killing that guy with lots of rings right from the beginning but she didn't.. She purposely ask that guy to hit her with a baseball bat instead so that is to make guys look really bad and evil for doing that i guess that's their main intention and then got caught out of plain stupidity.. I thought she is immortal? A guy with a baseball bat can defeat and capture an immortal?? Hah.. She got tortured after being caught and blah blah blah... ( Scenes just for making guys look bad and evil) and all the way to the end its all predictable.. Poor acting and lousy script.. Not recommended..
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He Never Died (2015)
You have to check it out who is Cain (Jack) then you will understand this movie better.. Just google it.. It's interesting....
23 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I found some interesting facts to share here so all of you will have better understanding of this movie. Cain (Jack) is actually 1st born son of Adam and Eve.. Due to his jealousy of God favours his brother Abel more.. He killed Abel.. In short so God punish him and mark him.. It's called Curse and Mark of Cain.. Wiki explains ''The mark of Cain is God's promise to offer Cain divine protection from premature death with the stated purpose of preventing anyone from killing him.'' That is why Jack (Cain) in this movie never dies...God wanted to punish him let him living like a fugitive for life and he cannot farm or harvest anything from the earth cos the earth will not produce for him anything due to curse of Abel's blood that soak the earth.. I guess that is why he won't die unless God allows him to die.. No wonder he always sleeps.. Cos he got too much time and he don't want to keep track of time... If you can live for eternity i think you will be really sick of keeping track of time and he try to sleep it out as much as he can... Hope this helps people who are confused with the movie...
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Vampire Clay (2017)
Nice movie gets more and more interesting to the end...
21 February 2020
I really like this movie.. I wasn't very keen to watch at 1st by seeing the title and the picture looks like some cheap lousy movie but luckily i did watch it... Never judge book by it's cover.. I like how the story pick up and ended.. I surely recommend my friends to watch it too..
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
My love for this turn into hate starting from Season 8, Episode 3
5 December 2019
If this is the lame ending it's going to be, just end at Season 8 ep3.. I would rather see the Night King win the battle and raise all the dead of Winterfell. Then march to Kingslanding.. The Hound, Jon Snow, Tyrion, etc (As in undead form) and the other undead horde invade into the Red Keep and tear The Mountain and Cersei and others apart.. Avenged for her betrayal.. Everybody live forever after that.. The end... No need for those craps that happens after episode 3.. Much happier with a bad ending.. At least all the characters in GOT will live in a fan's heart forever..
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I got tricked into watching this crap movie by the fake reviews here.
26 October 2019
Seriously this movie has no way to be 10/10, 9 or 8.. Not even 5 stars for such poor script full of plot holes and boring dialog.. I think the reviews here are 90% fake.. Got lots of fake clickers for sure.. When started watch this movie for 20 minutes, i ask my wife should we just stop and change another movie? Cos i'm bored and totally not interested at all the directions they are heading, the words that comes out from their mouth makes me sleepy.. And we did change to John Wick 3.. I enjoyed that 100 times better than this for sure.. I watch this movie alone again later on just to proof my judgement is right.. Indeed after 2 hrs of my time wasted, this movie is really bad to the max.. Lucky thing is i watch for free online.. Didn't pay them a single cent.. I made this review cos i'm angry with such dishonesty in promoting this lousy movie with over 95% of fake reviews.. You have been warned guys..
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The Outer Limits: Zig Zag (2000)
Season 6, Episode 19
I love every single episode from season 1.. This is the worst episode i encounter.. Unbearable i have to stop..
17 October 2019
First 5 minutes already got pissed by the ridiculous music, i don't understand what are those idiots blabbering about.. The just blah blah blah and blah blah blah with that ridiculous music non stop.. Oh my God.. I lasted 20 minutes, i could no longer stand anymore so i forward it bit by bit to have a glance what is going on all the way to the end... It's just non stop blabbering things that you don't understand and you are not even interested to know whatever they are talking cos it's so boring, non stop stupid music through the whole time, confusing plot keep going back 1 hour earlier, 2 hours earlier, several hours earlier.. Delivers nothing but just empty talks.. I watched all 6 seasons of Outer Limits, I'm a big fan... But this is my first time to forward half of this crap and end this without understanding what is the story about..
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This Doom is not related to the Doom in 2005. Phew.. I'm glad for that..
1 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
At 1st i was so disappointed in this movie thinking it's a sequel to the Doom in 2006 but after i go do some checking it is not.. So just treat this as a new movie.. It's quite bad script, bad acting and nothing special.. The aliens are quite funny in a bad way.. They shoot off fireball like Ryu and Ken in the Street Fighter.. I was shocked seeing this.. (In a bad way) Total madness.. Who thought of this silly, lame and ridiculous idea?! They try make the male actors look weak in here.. There is this scene the guy got a hard slap in the face for no good reason by one of the female actor.. (I don't know who their names are and i don't care) making it worse.. So don't take this movie too seriously.. Overall not worth watching..
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Instead of a real movie, its another feminism advertisement pretending as a movie again.. Insulting and belittling men seems like a trend in english action movies these days..
10 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There is this part Jean says to Prof X.. It's funny. I can't actually remember the last time you were the one risking something. And by the way, the women are always saving the men around here. You might wanna think about changing the name to X Women.. Wow.. What an insult to men in a way... I thought heroes are suppose to be selflessness and humble for good personality.. Need to be so narrow minded and calculative to men in X Men? These days superheroes action movies started a trend on insulting men.. Here i have got a list of these low IQ feminism movies : Dark Phoenix, Captain Marvel, MIB International, even Aladdin (2019).. OMG.. These don't seems like movies to me.. They are like just long feminism advertisements tricking everybody to watch it using those movie names which we are familiar.. Disney done a great job on this, spoiling STARS WARS, Marvel, remake of Aladdin, Lion King etc.. Those magical good movies and cartoons they had produced back in 90s and early 2000 where everybody are happy watching long gone.. I urge all people who loves good movies not to pay money to watch movies by these production and especially Disney till they stop these feminism crap.. Ever since i got trick into watching STAR WARS the force awakens 2015, first STAR WARS movie by Disney, i stream online and watch their movies for free till this day not paying them a single cent.. I'm glad i did cos they feel no remorse at all till this day.. I just want pay to watch good movies... I don't care about feminism at all.. Movie producers, directors and writers ought to be ashamed for giving audiences this kind of movies which are advertisements for feminism instead of real epic movies..
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Shallow movie just like Captain Marvel
25 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has shallow plots.. Chasing around just for a weapon? Are u serious? Alien hiding inside Agent High T and no one detect that?? With all those high tech device in MIB?? Come on.... Who u are trying to kid... I smell feminist agenda here too.. Blockbuster movies in Hollywood these days trying to promote feminism very desperately which is one of the cause that makes movies failed badly.. Audiences are tired watching craps like this over and over.. Why must be so focus on the word Men in the name MIB? Men = Both sexes right.. It's like we must spoon feed the feminism for every single rights they need and makes them comfortable with imaginary powers over men these days.. Oh please don't cry just because MIB are not named it WIB.. Enough is enough.. By the way this movie failed in many ways.. Female lead look like Micheal Jackson which is a such turn off every time i look at her.. Unlike before those sexy female leads in MIB part 1 and 2 are wonderful..
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Fantastic movie base on real fact.
17 March 2019
This is a must watch movie.. It really makes my day after watching the part 1 and 2.. I was humming the ending song for days.. Its so super nice... I wanted to add in something.. There is some guy here telling people to watch 'The Last of the Mohicans 1992 first before watching this movie.. Please please don't watch that crap... It's nothing near compare to this movie.. It's about the war fighting between the french and British and involve some native tribes.. But the main thing they focus on an unconvincing love story.. In short it's just a native tribe guy in love running around chasing after an English chick.. Nothing much happens till the end.. I fell asleep few times trying hard to stay awake cos i thought it's going to happen something great near the end... But seriously nothing at all.. Just that Mohican won the love of that girl.. It's such a shallow film with high ratings tricking people to watch it... Warriors of the Rainbow is the best!!!! There are a couple of movies which are close as nice as this similar genre which i recommend.. Apocalypto and Pathfinder.
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I LOVE IT! No matter what!!!!
28 September 2018
I love this along with other Purge.. For those who hate it, that's just too bad.. This movie are not meant for softies.. If you are one of them just pass this and watch Ellen the Degenerate.. ''Be Kind to One Another..'' I seriously feel someday this world needed this, not just in America.. This world is getting overpopulated in case you haven't notice it.. Is there really a solution to this? Everybody wants to live forever.. Before the day comes just enjoy the purge series..
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As i expected.. Since the day Disney took over SW.. It's a mess that can never salvage.
19 March 2018
Start with The Force Awakens , Star Wars Rebels, The Rogue One and now this THe Last Jedi.. I already expect ''The Last Jedi'' its the same pile of shit that first come out from JJ Abrams ''The Force Awakens''. I only regard those Star Wars before Disney took over as the authentic ones.. In my personal Star Wars Collection i never keep a single piece of those Disney Star Wars trash given out starting by JJ Abrams and all jokes and failures followed. The lead actors mostly looks damn ugly in this film.. Start off with Finn got such a big cheeks and mouth that look like a grouper fish, Rose Tico looks like an auntie trying to act young in those costumes. Her face is so big and chubby there is no way of hiding it.. Is there no other prettier females or handsome guys choices in hollywood these days to be pick as leads? Or is it cheaper to hire these as to squeeze out more profits from audience.. By the way Finn is a black, All Storm Troopers are clone from a bounty hunter name Jango Fett which look like more of a Latin. All clones should have the same face and similar skin tone.. How come when Disney took over, it clone out a black that look like a grouper fish in storm troopers? Defects in the cloning system? Each time i look at Finn in the movie, i can't help but laugh out.. Nothing personal ok. If you are a fan of Star Wars, 100% you will know this fact on Storm Trooper.. He is in the movie 'Attack The Block' and i like that movie.. It's just the Storm Trooper thing is not for him..
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Star Wars: Rebels (2014–2018)
A mess made out from Disney since day one when took over Star Wars.
17 August 2017
From movie to series failed so bad. Those positive reviewers who gave 7 stars above.. What are they thinking? Disney are like zombies tearing the flesh of those true Star Wars fans apart and feed on their money paid to watch these garbage. Killing Star Wars slowly with really stupid plots and ideas. Those who enjoy the Rebels and the Force Awakens, I dare to say that you are not true fans but just Star Wars addicts or mind of a kid or an immature teen. Anything that brands with a Star Wars logo SW addicts will support it blindly i notice that.. I never hated Disney before, they do well in Pirates of the Caribbean. I like that. But ever since they took over Star Wars, they have been producing garbage and mass feeding it to the world to people not knowingly who eats it. How can i like the Disney now who tries to feed me rubbish. (Except that if you are kids,its normal for you to like the SW Rebels) Cos there are some level of childishness in this series, not to mention the predictable story line yet. From all their positive reviews i can tell they have no clue at all what is the true force of Star Wars that binds together fans who truly understands it. Basically if you at least correctly understand about the conspiracy of Chancellor Palpatine on why he is helping The Republic and Separatists at the same time then in the end why did he gave up on the Separatists then you are a true Star Wars fan or at least someone who watch the movies seriously. If you think Star Wars is good due to some romance, action, cool outfits, light saber, some heroic speeches etc... Then you are someone who are just passing by just to watch a movie to pass time.. This SW Rebel is just some kids show to me honestly. Disney seems trying to make it look cute for kids, might as well add in Donald Duck and Mickey into SW rebels to make it more cute so all kids will have a good laugh. Seriously Disney production are getting lame these days. All the Star Wars made by Disney are not link at all. They just try to make it look linked up.. The book of the Star Wars already ended before Disney took over. I feel much better to think this way.. I never add any of Disney Stars Wars Production to my collection cos they are trash and not related. Real version of Star Wars ended with The Clone Wars. After that its just Disney's make believe Star Wars not link with the book of Star Wars at all.
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Amazingly lousiest Spider-man ever..
17 August 2017
The Amazing Spider-man is a total failure before.. So this part 2 still fail quite bad.. I'm really sick of the whole plot.. There are no basic responsible of a super hero.. He is trying to show off that he is spider- man every chance he had.. In part 1 he is taking off his mask very often showing his face and showing off his new skills to people.. Now wooing Gwen like a spoiled kid in his spidey suit trying to make her stay when she is leaving? And spinning a huge web saying I Love You telling the whole world.. W T F? If he is wooing Gwen as Peter Parker, that is still acceptable.. Wooing Gwen in spider-man suit makes him look like a skirt chasing whim who tries to impress girls with his spider-man identity.. Totally spoils the image of spider-man.. Just watch the Spider Man 1-3 by Tobey Maguire.. At least he brings out the spider-man with discipline and of some sense.. And not behaving like some brat trying to show off and chase after some girl he had a crush on with his spider-man suit.
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Origin of 300, Totally Destroyed by this..
17 January 2017
I really enjoy the part 1.. It makes me keep wanting to watch over and over again.. But for this 'Rise of an Empire' its totally twisted the fact and lots of loop holes in the story.. Lots of corny before battle speeches that makes me sleepy, overuse of slow motion effects,killings that makes no sense.. I really regret watching this. The greatness and inspiring 300 in my mind is ruined.. If you are going to watch this movie seriously and expect it to be as good as part 1 then trust me you are wrong. I don't even recognize this as 300 part 2.. It's just a lame movie trying to imitate 300 legacy and fail miserably. The high ratings obviously more than half are fakes.. Just go read those positive reviews.. So much loopholes. They can name the crews, actors and actress so well like a book. Wow.. And i saw one of them prompting people to buy DVDs when out. So obvious they are insiders that came here to make fake votes and reviews.. I dun even know the names of the actors and actress so well.. Hey.. Stop cheating yourselves that this was a successful movie. It is not at all..
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The 5th Wave (2016)
Starts well but ends stupid.
14 January 2017
It started off really good.. That is till the 3rd wave.. When 4th wave start everything begin to go down hill.. I find the 4th and 5th wave are totally not needed at all and stupid. Its not logical. If you are the aliens, all you need are just to keep the 1st 2nd and 3rd waves coming. And its the end. I don't even want to touch on the romance. Its just plain cheesy for kids. So when we see the alien spacecraft hovering i can't believe the US government got their power back and did not try fire missiles at it or try to shoot it down? They just leave that alien spacecraft hovering till the end, i did not even see anyone try to shoot at it. Just blindly ground battle killing each other and let the main source of this problem floating. So we humans are just going to sit there and wait for the aliens to keep on sending waves after waves and we are going to keep our HOPE going and kill each other over and over again? I'm really amaze that someone would think of something like the 5th wave are the aliens using a bunch of teens and kids train to exterminate the adult survivors. I had a good laugh on that. LoL.. Ohhh i'm so afraid and peeing my pants now. Please.. I can easily knock out 5 of those 10 year old kids out cold with or without weapons. I bet most adults can overpower kids easily too OK. Seriously an army of brainwashed kids and teens are going to exterminate everyone age above thirties suspected to be aliens?? That is the most childish and stupid invasion plot ever.. If i'm those aliens i would rather brainwash the adults and exterminate kids.. Isn't that more efficient? Those who thought of this movie plot, please use your brains to think of plot with some sense in future. Start really well but ends extremely bad and lame. I had enough of these 4th and 5th Waves of Stupidity. If there are going to be a part 2, i guess just download for free to watch it.
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Seriously underrated. It's my kind of gory movie.
25 October 2016
Those negative reviews here almost prevented me from watching.. Luckily i ignored those negative reviews and try watching it. Turn out its my kind of movie. There is a reviewer here saying this movie "cheap low budget movie almost a SCI FI movie,no blood, no action, no FX, nothing.." Is he bloody blind? The minute you start to watch this movie you will see a lady bathing in a pool of blood and spilling blood from her mouth. Its really a mystery to me why the negative reviewers hate this movie so much even have to lie about how bad this movie is trying to put down this movie.. It may not be fantastic to some of you but its not lousy for sure.. 1 thing for sure those haters are weirdos..
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Antisocial (I) (2013)
Inspiring Ending
6 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I kind of like this movie.. Maybe a bit slow start but it gets better.. I love the ending so much when the 2nd wave of the infected occurred. And the music really excite me a lot.. Its like my heart goes out there with the female lead too until the credits comes up.. I intend to give 7 stars at first. But i really really love the ending part so much.. I give additional of another 2 stars.. Thanks to all the people who involve in making this movie. I don't know about the others but the movie sure captured my feelings at the end part.. For those who does not like the movie, just too bad.. I hope there are people who appreciates this movie like i did.. Cheers..
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Another World (I) (2014)
Movie plot makes no sense.
7 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I think all the exciting moment of this movie is in the trailer.. Just see the trailer and forget about watching it.. The minute the movie start, hearing the narrator intro, i feel like giving up watching already. I bear with it watching the next 20 minutes is like a slow mental torture. Only when the infected chasing after those survivors i felt alive again cos i want them all to die so as to end this crap movie. Each time the survivors escape the infected, they will end up in some room and start all those unrelated slow boring talks again and again and again.. There is this guy who waste so much time giving a slow boring tutorial to impress the girl trying to invent some really really 'stupid to the max' steam machine thing. Not sure is he trying to make it explode to blast the infected. Cos when it actually explode in the car park, as far as i can see there is nothing there and even no damage done to the car park. Cos its a really weak explosion. Then he run towards the survivors screaming and shouting he succeeded.. WTF?? Why he must go though so much nonsense? Is he an idiot? Simply just use the gun and shoot at some gas tanks. Then Boom! It will explode. Need to go though all the stupid research just to invent something for such a small explode? Then i really lost my patience,i keep skipping some scene.. Then when i reach the end scene, it makes me burst out laughing. Its actually the 1st scene of the movie where the survivors send off their dead comrade. Really idiotic.
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Eat (2014)
I love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17 February 2016
I just finished watching this movie 2 minutes ago and i came straight here to make this review.. It really makes me wide awake even when i watch it rather tired.. The actress and actors are well chosen for their roles.. Really got my full attention watching. Scenes captured in very detailed manner and captured my feelings too. The music and soundtrack fits in really good.. I love it so much.. I could also feel every emotion of the main lead (Novella McClure) in the movie. Kind of feel sorry for her when she encounter problems and stressed out. Its rather extreme the things she do to vent out her stress.. Apart from that she is quite pretty and attractive lady. Love the strong gore.. I'm not sure how others rate this movie and i don't care, its a 9/10 for me. But i still give 10/10 to show my appreciation for this movie. Well done to all the people who are involve in making this film. I love this movie so much.
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