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Beverly Hills, 90210: Ashes to Ashes (1991)
Season 2, Episode 9
The lowest rated episode in the shows run?
1 February 2022
How have so many people given this one star? In the context of not only the show but also in how it handles the tense subject of race relations this is absolutely a ten star episode. You could show this episode in classrooms TODAY and have it be relevant. It shows how yes, there may be issues from both sides of the table (how Devo talks about how it's unsafe for Brandon on the streets of Inglewood), but one side of the table has far more leverage and the privilege of blindness to racial plights (also demonstrated by Brandon going there full of naïveté about how dangerous is might be for HIM). It packs a lot to be analyzed into less than half an hour, and shows the real murkiness of race relations in America.

Funny, no one-star-people left a written review. I'd love to know their explanation for so intensely disliking such a well executed episode.
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