
30 Reviews
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Fantastic show, with great game story adapation to tvshow.
13 March 2023
I wish it bit longer, I guess I can start with that, thats the only negative thing I can think about it, that there was room for more episodes, but that aside story was still executed very good, everything from casting, acting, writting, cinematography, everything was beautiful, very few low points, pacing was good for almost all episodes expect maybe one but even then, all episodes on their own tell a great story and make this show just as the game, one of a kind.

It earned every bit of praise and good ratings and my recommendation for everyone to watch it.

It was fantstic watch, and I am looking forward to watch season 2.

Rating is 9/10 only because of pacing and because there was room for more episodes in season, or doing it in 2 seasons, I think if that was done then I wouldn't even have issue with feeling that some things could be bit better, and then I would gladly give this show 10/10 to go with few others who have that rating for me.

Still again, thats just small nit picking, maybe personal feeling, subjective, overall show is great and you should watch it!
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The Walking Dead: For Blood (2021)
Season 11, Episode 8
Cheap midseason.
4 October 2021
Low effort for midseason episode, one side of episode was just big filler, and other side while decent not, as good as it could be, felt cheap and without good payoff. Instead just cliffhanger.

Overall still decent but it had way more potential.
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The Walking Dead: Promises Broken (2021)
Season 11, Episode 7
Fun episode, only feeling that story and answers this episode gave us, had more potential, to be even better.
27 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
To be honest, it was good episode, but at same time it reveals some stuff that you just kinda hoped or expected that will be deeper (Pope marked you), story had potential to be deeper, when actually all intrigue from previous episodes honestely just has simple answer (Maggie being marked is just because they survived so Reapers are hunting them as they feel that they can't leave people alive, at least, that is how it looks after this episode), and while that answer is also probably most realistic, I was hoping for more depth and some good twist this in story they have going on (was hoping that Maggie is hiding something, that maybe she did something to provoke them, would be good twist in my opinion).

That aside it is great episode, very happy that Negan talked about how Rick group killed his people and that he had to act on that, because everyone forgets what our group did, they killed Negans people in sleep, they were acting as mercenary for Hilltop.

All in all good episode.
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
What happend to this show?
21 October 2020
It was good at start, even mid-season it was okay, but then from episode 8 it took a huge turn to somewhere else, like I don't even get it why, nothing led to this, it was promising and fun, but that change that starts in episode 8 made this show into something I really don't enjoy, because it just doesn't make any sense.

To make it worse last episodes tries to make some sense of it but it makes everything even worse, why it is so hard to keep direction of the show, why the sudden change into nonsense.

For start you could show felt like some BSG-mix, it was good as long as it going in that direction, but sadly for whatever reason, they changed it into something else, if show was what it ended to be from start, maybe I could like this too, change of direction, change of what I watched into something that doesn't make sense, and doesn't connect to what I was watching is what makes it bad, it makes no sense since nothing before was giving indication of going there, no build up, and it is just also ridiculous.

I watched the season and I did enjoy in at least 7 episodes but they ruined it with chance of direction and non sense writting.

I hope still hope to watch season 2 and that maybe season 2 will try to get away from what they tried to do in the end of season 1, I don't mind not knowing ever what happend with that thing on end, start fresh and direction from season 1 before episode 8, is what I want, wish.

I still recommend you to watch show, it just isn't what it could be...
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The Walking Dead: A Certain Doom (2020)
Season 10, Episode 16
I was waiting for this?
4 October 2020
First what a disappointing "fight", what a disappointment of episode, waiting so much. Even if there was not pause, waiting 15 episodes for this episode to be like this, so dissapointing, slow, weak on dialog, weak on "epic" moments (what should be epic moments are not epic at all)...

I even feel like 4/10 is too generous because ye it 4/10 episode but since this is episode 16, expectations are higher and they definitely did not deliver.

Drag of a episode with small moments where you finally think this is it, you think to yourself "they are building it up, okay, be patient, and then I was waiting for this", but nothing cool happens, what a shame.
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The Platform (2019)
Good but had potential to be better.
26 September 2020
I watched the movie, and you see rating, I like it. Obviously.
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Not for everyone and not for me
24 September 2020
Its not what I expected, I can see why some people like it but its just not for me.

I like when things are explained, why he knows what he knows as soon as he comes to Earth, how does he do things, I want to see it from alien perspecitve as that I why I was looking at this movie, but this is not it, and because of it, for me, it is boring, I don't like time jumps as solution to now show you some things because they don't know how to write it or show it, so they leave it to you to imagine it, I don't like that and because of all these things, this movie is just not that good in my opinion. Not for me at least.
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The Walking Dead: Squeeze (2020)
Season 10, Episode 9
Well this episode is just something they had to deal with after they ended midseason in way they did...
24 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I understand they had to show us them working their way in that cave, but man I just wish it was little bit faster, this felt more like 3D platformer game in cave with monsters than TVShow, with more extra stupidity from Carol...They are writting new plots based on Carol stupidity, it is lazy and annoys me more than anything, they wouldn't be there if it wasn't for her, they wouldn't be in new situation again if it wasn't for her stupidity even after she was called out (honestly shes doing really weird things since like season 7 when she decided to run away but right now it is whole another level of stupid decisions that keep hurting everyone but her), she keeps going and we are getting new plots because of her stupidity, I don't like that approach, I don't like Whispers but their small screen time felt better than all screen time they gave to that cave. I hope Carol gets revenge, but considering what she did in order to try it so far, I think it would be fair that she also dies that process, as I wouldn't be able to stand new season with something new that will again make Carol do stupid decisions... It was watchable but not really enjoyable compared to the episodes before.
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Its funny because what breaks my immersion is that they care too much about civilians. (mild spoilers about civilians that apear in the movie)
17 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
How much focus they put on trying to save few civilians during Alien invasion feels way too fake, maybe it is acting, maybe it writing or maybe we all know that when war in general comes, there are many civilian casualties and army will hardly sacrfice whole unit for sake of few civilians, now try to see it as sci-fi movie, fight against alien troops, whole planet might be destroyed but you are looking to save these few civilians more than your own man or to destroy aliens, feels fake and more like propaganda stuff. Like they lose their man but they kinda keep focus on fighting and then civilian dies because wounds were too severe, suddenly they all stop doing everything they were doing (checking for extraction points, talking about plan), that is real sci-fi here and not that movie has aliens in it, and it is really what ruins it for me, if there was no civilians or if they were treated like how they would probably be treated in this situation (we can try to protect you but you are not priority). In anycase even then movie is average at the best, story had potential but it felt short and not deep enough.
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Legacies: Kai Parker Screwed Us (2020)
Season 2, Episode 12
This is what I want Legacies to be!
12 February 2020
There, this episode, I want this.

If other episodes were not goofy stuff with extras as main characters...

More powerful characters, with powerfull things happening, vampires being vampires from time to time at the very least, witches do witch things and so on.

And what its says that I like this episode and there was no Hope in it, it tells me that they wrote Hope bad, she doesn't feel powerful, she doesn't feel as someone who is coming from Michelsons line, this episode was better than any episode with Hope because finally we get some good and strong stuff happening. And I am just using this episode to make my point about Hope, if they wrote her to be what she is, powerful witch, vam and wolf (altho vamp needs to be activated but wolf is activated, we seen her transform but we never feel that she is strong as wolfs are for some reason..) we could have amazing TVShow and episodes all the time....

I wish they stopped with goofy stuff like with that "fairy" from 2 episodes ago, it's not even fun and start being more like how TVD was, there was romance and stuff but there was some real fights and realistic characters doing these powerful stuff, not some fat-random-joey but main characters and main villains who were not like this goofy-overthettop-necromancer and his stuipt helper...

I want villains like Kai, like these other characters that we had in this episode, not TED and endless badly written plot about Malivore...

Anyway episode is great, show needs more of this to be great.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Off to a good start (very mild spoiler or not sure if I can call it spoiler it might be even like small tip that could help you understand some stuff better)
9 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 review - Giving it 9/10, as giving it 10/10 is overlooking things, some things could be better for sure, especially for non-book/non-game readers/players, but they still did pretty good job of telling story, introducing us to all characters and also have action, and for that to happen it needed to be timeline "shenanigans" and they could have done little bit better job at giving hints for timeline but on end in my opinion they still they did good job at connecting all the stuff and it all made sense on the end, it felt good, that they did it this way because on understood starting episodes that maybe were little bit confusing but if you pay attention to all dialoge you might find things and understand timeline right from the start. Also I am not fun of Netflix way of just giving all episodes in one day but I will that this show benefits from it, without that, some people wouldn't be very happy waiting episodes as first few can be as said before little bit confusing for some viewers, so Netflix way of just giving us all episodes at once works with Witcher quite nicely. Now time to wait next season.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
Great show that got sadly cancelled and then renewed but at what cost...
28 December 2019
This was amazing show, first 3 seasons had great pace and good story. It was fun to watch, then it was cancelled, later, much later on, finally continued, and many people I believe are happy that they can watch what happens next in show that was really good, and maybe because of that, some of them just don't see or they are just okay with new pace of the show, season 4 is much slower than how show used to be, story is good, it is continuation but at much slower pace, many episodes feel like they have a lot of filler stuff in it just to get minutes for episode, it is not as good as it used to be but it is not bad.

I am happy that we will see what happens next and have more seasons, but I do see that season 4 is not as good as 1st 3 seasons, I hope season 5 will be better.
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Fear the Walking Dead: End of the Line (2019)
Season 5, Episode 16
Bad, so bad that makes you stop watching show.
1 December 2019
HATE NEW CHARACTERS! Their voice, acting and writting is horrible! Show writing and direction is boring and stupid.

I wish NEGAN would jump for 2 episodes here and bash everyones with Lucille, it would be happy and fun ending to this show.
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The Walking Dead: The World Before (2019)
Season 10, Episode 8
It was so good, season, but then this episode made WD into Sleeeeping Dead...
24 November 2019
After so many good episodes, after bringing show back and recovering from some of bad previous seasons/episodes, after so many hard work, this, this is what they do for mid-season finale.

Never! Never in my life I watched mid-season finale that was boring as this one, every single scene apart from last 3 minutes could be skipped.

If you ever need to explain someone what is meaning of word "boring" means, you show him this episode.

I feel so dissapointed, season was going so good, what happend here, this is mid-season finale episode?
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Legacies: That's Nothing I Had to Remember (2019)
Season 2, Episode 6
It got better, still lots of room to improve.
23 November 2019
Show overall just as this episode shows, got lot better, however there is lot of room to improve, it is little bit hard to stand "powerless" Hope or Hope on same level like some "normal" witches/wolfs and even fact that she has wolf side activated like I didn't even know because she never felt strong, I want to see that show acknowledges that she is coming from ORIGINALS family, not by her last name but by her powers, she is not just some student, I want more from Hope, I want her vampire side too. If they stop treating Hope like some regular supernautral then show will be way better, at least for me, also I hope to see more characters from Originals or VD to appear from time to time, it would be nice and it makes episodes better.

CGI improved too, altho same as show, still feels bad for TVShow in 2019, they can do it better....

However 7 is reasonable score for this episode, and I am using this review as opportunity to also kinda review show, it is better, if you can get thru season 1, season 2 is way better and hopefully it will continue to improve (Hope better starts showing that Mikaelson power soon)
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The Americans (2013–2018)
Great first 3 and half seasons, hard to get thru 4-5, and okay 6 season.
18 November 2019
Good shot overall, especially 1st and 2nd season, from 3rd there is mixin, some episodes are good but then show really drags one plot and main characters for me felt very depressing, and I started to dislike her daughter and everything around parenting that felt for me that it was dragging show down, mostly 4-5 season, so because of that sometimes it I got annoyed watching episode. On end still okay finish, worth watching, just I feel that if there was less depressing parenting repetitive episodes show could have been better.
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Homeland: Rebel Rebel (2018)
Season 7, Episode 2
Everything in this episode can be put under sci-fi genre....
27 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
CIA agent, SPY, killer visits 4chan and that where she tries to find information, then downloads rware, are you serious, then same hacker that somehow is in possesion of ransomware that noone can crack, fails stupidly and wants to get in face to face meet with SPY (as he knows shes spy, he seen her pc files), then more sci-fi, once she gets to him, in her mission against PRESIDENT and this guy just hacked her and has info that could not just kill her but kill anyone she ever been in contact, she deciedes not to kill him, even tho in past she killed many people, what a CIA agent is this, I can't believe I watched this episode, it ruins my image of this whole show...
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Falling Skies (2011–2015)
Good idea, very poorly executed.
10 July 2019
Idea and theme of the show is the only thing that kept me going after season 2.

Season 1 was good, it started good, promising very interesting look on post-apocaliptic world and survivial and war against aliens.

However right from the start you can notice that while idea, acting, effects and whole world around is good, writting is not on the same level, it feels like it has been rushed all the time so we don't get enough of story background, and characher progersion and story. Still Season 1 had 7/10 writting and execution of the same.

And then as the Season 2 starts, we can already see that writting took a hit again, we get small time jump, even less background story around characters.

For moment during my time watching S1 and S2 I was enjoying show but still I was also kinda disapointed that I felt that show could be way better if they just had background story and that seasons were longer and that we had more time to learn about characters and spend more time with them surviving, Walking Dead - like, and main character could have been Rick, at the start they are very similar, Tom and Rick if we just look both shows early seasons, it is just that one had good, way better story telling and way more character and show background writting. Alians, it is kinda same as Walking Dead on the start, sure more advanced and bigger threat but these two shows have lots of similarities on start and it is just that this show could have been if not as good as Walking Dead but at least pretty close if writters took their time to write more detailed story, more developed characters and go for more seasons or longer seasons.

Season 3 is where I lowered my review score from 5 to 4 because, again we start of with huge time jump, and this time no explanation for so many things, so many things could been amazing, just from time jump and episode 1 of Season 3, using imagination you can imagine that 1 FULL season could be what happened before inbetween Season 2 and Season 3, it is like 1 full season is just missing, this season reminded me again on one other great show that knew how to write and give good story, you don't need action in each season, just good writting, show I got reminded was Battlestar Galactica and election time, all of what happend in BG and their election and post-election time, is what could have been that "missing" season, that we skipped with time-jump.

I have no problems with some time jumps, but I do when things that happened don't make sense and don't get explained in some way, there are many ways to explain them, flashbacks is one of probably most popular ones, most used ones when you have time-jump, dreams/visions, something, there is usually always something to give us at least a hint of how things went so we can accept time-jump and move on, we don't get this in Season 3, it just starts off with some new characters, many things in community changed and we need to just accept it and move on.

All of it is fault of writing, lazy, rushed, no effort put into it, for same reason in same season, both aliens and humans are starting to look and do stupid things, things that make you want to maybe quit watching, it is still not that bad, my review score and review itself is bad 4/10 but I watched show and that is something, there are many shows that I just quit, or just reading description on IMDB and I know that I will not watch it as it will not keep my attention, this show did kept my attention so I still recommend you to watch it, it is just that you have to let you imagination finish some things that are missing here and there, if you watched shows I mentioned here you can like I did think of them and how similar were at some points with this show, you can use Battlestar Galactica elections to think what maybe happend in this show during S2-S3 time-jump.

But sadly no matter what, this show could have been so good, it has amazing idea, lots of characters, just missing someone to take his time and write bigger story, bigger world, and when I say that I don't think on plots, plots in this show are fine, fault is in missing background of both enemy and our main characters stories, missing some small details that good writing with effort will take care of, that is what makes me mad, missed potential, I wish someone would write and create show like this one again but more developed like Walking Dead and some parts of Battlestart Galactica.

Season 4 same as season, no effort put into writing, just trying to rush it to the end, instead of running marathon, they went for sprint.

And I did not watch Season 5 as that is where I quit, I read reviews and as most people who "loved" for lack of better word, hated Season 5, so this show kept my attention, every episode I watched, I skipped very little of time during episodes but if these people who loved Season 1-4 hated Season 5 and said that characters become stupid and do things that make no sense and I am already seen and felt that they started doing that in Seaon 3 aready, I just do not want to witnes what they did in Season 5.

watch the show, it has good idea/theme, just sadly it went sideways with writing.
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Bodyguard (2018)
If you don't use logic then it can be quite good, but if you start to think about it, then it fails.
3 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have simple problem, if there was this great conspiracy involving so many high power people, to kill very powerful person, and they did it, how come they let some bodyguard go around sniffing and talking to everyone like he is some kind of undercover or super agent, he is just bodyguard, even so, one that is not so high in power. When people in power want you gone, and they already made someone way more powerful than you gone, I am sure this body guard wouldn't last to do any investigation moment he started to sniff around. And as last, first 3 episodes are great, 4th and 5 are like "kinda little bit boring, starting to be predictable but maybe it is building to something good" and then 6 just confirms what you thought in 4th and 5th, predictable, more boring and also again logic fails, so many agencies and so many people want him dead yet it goes how it goes, no logic, if they wanted to set him up as some super "hero" type, they should have gone with something like from "Person Of Interest" aka John Reese type and not just some bodyguard that has family and is always pretty exposed to people who want him gone yet they aren't doing anything about it.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Did I miss Game of Thrones finale? This felt like huge joke, first tragedy but later just more like parody.
20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to write just something simple, maybe joke, considering they just pulled biggest joke on us.

But lets start with review.

That was not Jon, that was not Greyworm, that was not Dany, that was not Drogon, that was not Game of Thrones I watched for 10 years...

What was point of anything before season 8?

What was the point?

Everything looks pointless now. Not just pointless but meaningless.

Worst episode, worst finale in worst season of show that was for me best show ever before season 8.

I'm sad, you know when you are sad when your favorite character dies, or your show ends, well I'm not sad like that, I'm sad that

everything is ruined, they didn't kill my characters, they first ruined them, they didn't just end the show, they ruined it, even

good episodes now are pointless when I know they lead towards this, rewatching is impossible.

Almost all actors had to act something out of their character because of lazy, rushed writing that started from E3.

From this episode, let's go with something simple.

Jon, "HONORABLE FOOL", Man who is always true to his word, who can't lie, "not even a little bit" if we remember Dragon Pit episode

in S7, always does a right thing, and it is just like Ned to point that his honor could be death of him.

Now you want me to be okay how that guy, JON, he now TRICKS the women he loves so he can get near her and stab her, did they mixed

him with someone else, because that is not Jon way of doing things. They ruined Jon too on end, if he would be against Dany, he would go like Ned did against Lanisters, face to face with Cersei and Joffrey, not with sneaky stab... (so just like in E5 and this episode Dany was not Dany), same goes with everyone else in this episode.

Greyworm, like they killed his QUEEN!? And he does nothing!? Lets another prisnoer of his Queen talk to others so they choose King...this is joke, and if I go talking to others this review would be too big for imdb to handle.

Even a dragon, Drogon, they somehow managed to make CGI do something out of character. HOW?!

In what world Drogon does nothing to Jon and everyone around after his mother is killed???

Drogon we know would go on rampage and he would rain terror to all 7 kingdoms until someone kills him somehow, nothing makes sense.

Also nights watch? Really? Did they forgot that nights watch has no purpose anymore, all they can do now is to literally watch the night. This episode and season was simply LAZY, RUSHED, and written WITHOUT ANY FEELINGS JUST SO THEY GET DONE WITH THE SHOW and move on...this felk like parody outside from starting scenes that felt like tragedy, rushed tragedy.

I wish I could erase this episode, this season from memory and existence, if it never happened, I would be happy now...

Please HBO, give us alternate version of S08 and maybe go for more seasons if you can with just new writers. Yeah, I know...not gonna happen...

Just on end, I want to be very clear, this rating and criticism is going only towards writting and decision to rush this show, to go for 6 episodes, 1 season, to end something that in my opinion was not that close to the end, at least not in a way that would satisy viewers and feel good.

Music, effects, camera, and acting, acting was one of the best acting I ever watched, actors and actresses are the real MVP of this show, almost all actors and actresses were perfect for roles they were given, it was like they were truly them, like they lived these characters, people are wondering if in like 10-20 years we will get new version of GoT, we might, but if we do, biggest problem for new version of GoT is not be writing, or effects and budget, it will be finding someone who will fit role of these characters and be able to act and bring life to characters like cast crew of this show did, for example, how could anyone give us better Cersei than Lena Headey, Emilia Clarke was perfect Dany, Kit was perfect for Jon (not his fault he got no lines in S08)...and so on, who would be able to do this better, I don't see it.

So on end I just want them to thank for years for entertainment, it feels weird, doing this while giving bad score, if I was reviewing them it would 10/10 but sadly I'm not, it is episode review and I didn't like what writers did and I explained above why

Just my feelings, hard to really express them in review.
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
It does not feel like this is Game Of Thrones we watched for past 10 years, this episode feels forced and wrong in many ways.
15 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is not what Game Of Thrones deserved, it could had much better ending and something that follows story we have from 8 seasons, up to episode 3... Feels forced/rushed out of character writing to end show...

Emilia Clarke acting was perfect but you shouldn't put her to act like this in first place, because while this what happened is something that many fans did expect, problem here is that it couldn't be done in 6 episodes, it felt wrong in a way that is was out of her character, all the way up to E3 she was not this, then flip happened because this planned ending but without any build up to it, and that is why it feels wrong, bad.

You can't turn someone who was good, for 8 seasons, 10 years of build up into bad in just 3 episodes, many weird decisions are made in this episode, decision that are out of character and character development that we had.

Looks like saying is "writers flip a coin" and decide that she will go 'Mad Queen" and again, nothing wrong with her becoming "Mad Queen" just it in my opinion, it wasn't believable, it required more episodes, extra seasons, then nothing would be wrong, almost all episodes in season 8 and character development would be way better and would make sense if they had for every episode extra 1 or 2 episodes.

Dany that will learn to love and learned everything about her character, could go mad in a way that she goes straight for Cersei but not, never, to burn innocent in the street, that is not Dany but just DnD.

I am sorry that GoT came to this

Jamie whos redemption was built also for 10 years to be ruined in 1 episode...

Cersei end also feels wrong, and her strategy felt wrong and out of her character, she always had plan, this episode she didn't, no trap, no joker card.

And episode was way too predictable, in a bad way, also making next episode predictable and that is last episode, it feels like everything is ruined because they went for 6 episodes, and 1 season to end something that was no where close to end.

Acting however was one of best acting I ever watched, but it is not enough for me to give good score or better score to this episode as I am reviewing episode and not acting.

My watch has ended.
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
GoT didn't deserve this, Cast did not deserve to film it for 55 nights, for this, as end result, this is where fall begin...
3 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So first, I am not bothered with ending, as far as I am concerned that ending was fine, I am bothering with missed potential of episode and many loose ends left behind because of poor writing and rush to end the show for some reason...

I don't like how episode is filmed too, of course as everyone says, first it is too dark, then too many cuts, watch Battle of the Bastards and see proper combat scenes, or if you want to use argument that it is different as they are fighting humans then watch Hardhome, again better filming, being able to see things, to see single single-combat scenes along side with horde of dead, main characters in focus, we didn't have that in this episode, then to make everything worse, add weather effects, impossible to see anything...

Now my problem with story/writing, this espide was Jon story, yes Arya story was building up to this too so it is okay for her to end it. He didn't have to kill NK but making him useless after everything he went thru, it was insult to all GoT fans. Not giving us single sword fight or epic or shocking moment with Jon was big let down. We finish episode 2 showcasing around 100 White Walkers, yet during this episode only fight we get is dead vs humans, not single combat with White Walkers...

Then we have moment when NK survives fire (that was great), but then Jon chases him and instead of getting fight that could end up being even (again I am fine with Arya killing him as long as we get something before that, but we didn't) and fight could be then interrupted by dead, NK could then go and ignore Jon leaving him for the dead and Dany to save him, but instead we just get ignore from NK who just again raises dead and nothing, moves on, and not single single-combat focused scene in whole episode was seen, even fighting WW Hardhome-like style just maybe few of them instead of 1 would be amazing and this episode would create different feelings for many of us, also as they showcased for whatever reason that NK can survive fire (if this has some point cool, if doesn't then why?), moment later they had huge chance to use that to also now showcase Jon surviving blue fire as targ/stark combo magic that was resurrect by Lord of Light (this is what I expect from GoT, Dany surviving fire in early seasons, "Prince who is promised" Dragons, Jon being resurrect, so why not let him survive blue fire now when it was revealed that he is Targ and Stark, and also give some higher meaning for his resurrection in season 6), think about it, Jon survives blue fire out of no where and leaves us and him thinking about it as he always does (brooding about how he survived). If we had anything, any single combat scene with main heroes or any epic and shocking moment, like anything at all close to that then Arya kills NK and this episodes gets 10/10 from many fans.

Problem with this episode is that as single episode it was okay, but as something that was building up for 7 seasons, old Nan telling stories that sounded amazing, NK building army for so long. and not to mention how show still didn't explain signs that NK left via dead bodies during 7 seasons , what, is he just artist? (I know that d&d said some things out of show about it, but no I don't accept that, explain it in the show).

They thought that 6 episodes will be enough but guess what, it isn't, not without extra season, Long Night should have lasted 2 episodes at the very least, first one could be siege and 2nd battle and some lore, or showcasing Jon being immune to Blue Fire or answering some things like "there must always be Stark at the North" or giving us true "Prince who was promised" or what about "Jenny of Oldstone" remember when music played huge part in show, was this just song, not any foreshadowing, if this was early season that would be foreshadowing song.... Honestly this show needed at least 1 more season as it is hard to end something in 1 season if you built it for 7 seasons and there is so much to be explained and deserves proper ending, not rushed...

I don't understand, so much more stories could be written, this show has so much more to offer, and even they are earning millions, so why end it, fans love it, with extra season there would be space to end it properly, to give us explanations, to give us epic fights and ending as it started, being the best show, there was no reason to end it like this, especially in 6 episodes, rushed, this show deserved more, cast and fans we all deserved better ending to White Walker story.

If there is no twist with NK, some kind of resurrecting twist or creating new NK as for example he wasn't killed by right person or right way. then I don't know what to say, whole story about NK and White Walkers falls apart, everything before had lasted longer compared to NK attack that was supposed to something that will stay in history of TV-Shows, some other themes in show that were less interesting had more time on screen.

Anyway...people keep saying there 3 more episodes, but unless one of them has NK being resurrected or new NK appears so we can have real "The Prince who was promised" scene, I will still feel disappointed by this episode. My dream, hope now is that he/NK is not really, truly dead and just temporary destroyed (because if we go by prophecy Azor failed to kill him 2 times, so 1. Dragon Fire attack, 2nd Arya killing him, but not really, is what I am hoping now) and I hope we see more of him or that show will give some story about him so we can at least have some sense of peace.

And even writing this review, it pains me, deep inside me there is fight between love for show that entertained me for 10 years and hate for this episode because it retroactively affects and ruins some episodes and lore from long ago.

Show needed more episodes or extra season, this battle should have lasted longer so they could deliver proper ending to NK story, longer than 1 episode, battle where Jon/Bran/White Walkers/NK won't be useles...I wish they would re-do this (I know that's not gonna happen).

I wish they would go for season 9 and fix it that way...

Game of Thrones did not deserve to have final season remembered as bad show...

Yeah, dam lots of words, I guess it is normal when you are invested in the show, I love this show, I expected more (and that is normal, this is GoT we are talking about, expectations being higher than what was presented to us is very normal as this wasn't good), and that is why this hurts, and that is why whenever I start typing to explain feeling, I can't stop, more and more words are being typed as I see and remember more and more things that had potential to be shown during this battle and also if show would have lasted longer than 6 episodes....

Is this how GoT will be remembered...
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Runaways (2017–2019)
Doesn't deserve to be called "Marvel's"
7 January 2019
It just doesn't make much sense, if you watched any good fantasy super powers shows, this one is not be good, many things just don't make sense, story is boring, lots of time-fill scenes with no purpose, and it is very slow, I tried to watch it, but as I got deeper into seasons from episode to episode I was fast forwarding more and more, skipping scenes because I couldn't stand to watch more boring fake teenage stuff and never ending same story, wrap it up, it is boring.
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Decent movie.
13 December 2018
Little bit slow on start but then it gets interesting and if it's not for mid-end/end writing and plot that gets little bit predictable I could give it even 9/10 but since somewhere from late mid it is very predictable, 7/10 seems fair. Still as far as I know unique idea and good scenes and effects, decent story for most part so I would recommend it to watch if you have nothing better to watch, you will not be disappointed but also it will not be movie to remember.
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Venom (2018)
Overall good and fun movie!
12 December 2018
Slow start but from early mid to end it is crazy fun movie, lots of action and great writing. I really liked movie, would love it laster longer or that start wasn't so slow but still I hope for sequel because I on end really enjoyed watching this movie and if you are fan of action, some sci-fi like superheroes and little bit of comedy then you will like it too.
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