
38 Reviews
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For Love & Honey (2024 TV Movie)
Hurrah Maltive Bees
4 June 2024
Now this is a movie. Hallmark is producing real honest to goodness movies. Great characters, excellent supporting actors wonderful and heartwarming themes. As always Andrew Walker gives an outstanding performance The lead actress Margaret Clunie and Andrew have terrific on screen chemistry. They can't miss with thier acting The sister also does a very good job of supporting them You really believed they are sisters.

The plot is real and the clues are always leading to the next one I was following along and could not wait to the final clue. I also was in love with the scenery and the tourist attractions Hallmark did a great job and it seems spent a great deal of money and it definitely shows. No cookie cutter plots or predictable outsomes.

Keep it up Hallmark.
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Branching Out (2024 TV Movie)
2 May 2024
Wow another good movie by Hallmark. I liked the plot and the cast were very good. I must say Cora Bella who plays the daughter steals the movie from the other Review Wow another good movie by Hallmark. I liked the plot and the cast were very good. I must say Cora Bella who plays the daughter steals the movie from the other actors the two leads were very good and had excellent chemistry Sara Drew and Juan Pablo. The supporting cast did well but not enough time to develop their roles. What makes this movie special for me is it was realistic and the two lead characters were romantic just not waiting till end of the movie to kiss and embrace. A lot of hugging and kissing not typical of Hallmark movies. In addition to the plot the music was very good here again not typical of Hallmark movies. Also no misunderstandings by the leads just a change had to be made.

Once again if Hallmark keeps this good movie making they will blow away their competitors the two leads were very good and had excellent chemistry Sara Drew and Juan Pablo. The supporting cast did well but not enough time to develop their roles. What makes this movie special for me is it was realistic and the two lead characters were romantic just not waiting till end of the movie to kiss and embrace. A lot of hugging and kissing not typical of Hallmark movies. In addition to the plot the music was very good here again not typical of Hallmark movies. Also no misunderstandings by the leads just a change had to be made.

Once again if Hallmark keeps this good movie making they will blow away their competitors.
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One of the best
28 April 2024
Wow what a great murder mystery. I think the best one ever. Andrew Walker & Nikki DeLoche are the new "Hart to Hart " duo crime solvers. This movie had it all. Great sets excellent costumes perfect location and oh a blizzard to boot. It was a very good who don'e it with a touch of rom/com.

The ebb and flow of of solving the mystery was done very well. As a long time fan of Hall Mark Mystery's I can really see the time money and effort was spent for this movie. I can honestly say I could not guess who the murderer was and was definitely surprised I have been waiting for a long time for Hallmark to upp their game. If they keep developing these types of mysteries they will leave competitors in the dust The cast of characters were excellent. Each party member was added value to the plot. The twist and turns were very good.

Keep it up Hallmark.
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An Easter Bloom (2024 TV Movie)
Flowers Flowers Flowers
5 April 2024
I enjoyed this movie but could not give it a high rating. Same old same old plot of misunderstanding The two leads are very good , nice chemistry and believable. It was a little slow to develop and the ending was a little predictable but overall a cute movie. I do feel here again Hallmark writers could have done do much more. Excellent cast beautiful scenery and not enough substance. There was very little development of the CB cast and could have done more with the two leads. I hope Hallmark can get out of theses predictable plots because they are wasting good acting and not developing their cast parts. There are no spoilers but than again it's the same old story.
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Swing Into Romance (2023 TV Movie)
Swinging Out of the Park
24 March 2024
I dvr this movie and watched it today. This is a very good movie. As usual Danica is always at her best. Her partner did a very good job. I enjoyed this movie because it wasn't the typical cookie cutter movie. The movie kept you on your toes and never sure how it will end. The DEWTS dancer was a good addition. And brought a little completion to the lead. Glen did a nice job. And the dancing was excellent my Danica with Gleb The surrounding cast were very additions with their limited roles. The young girl was cute in her role. No over acting.

I hope GAC continues with plots that are not your typical HM This had nice interaction between the two leads Also a little bit sexy dancing.

I highly recommend this movie.
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Romance in Hawaii (2023 TV Movie)
25 February 2024
I loved this movie. Not a typical Hallmark movie type. A real good story ececellent acting and beautiful scenery. I like the way the leads played off each other. The Hawaiian customs were interesting and extremely informative. In addition I appreciated no politics no hidden agenda just a very nice entertaining movie. I often wonder why more movies are done like this without the politics or hidden agenda. The story was original with good substance and very realistic Hackle the lead actress demonstrated very good range and believable. Hackles colleague can't act to save his life. He was comical and not in a good way. His part was ridiculous plus again his acting was forced. All in all a very nice movie with UpTv.
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Christmas by Design (2023 TV Movie)
Great Cast and Noce Christmas movie
28 January 2024
I first want to say Hallmark always asks for spoilers but all the plots and twists are the same Having said this I liked the movies and the cast is excellent. The two leads are fantastic together and rise above the story. The supporting cast were also very good and brought Christmas warmth and tradition to the movie. I wish Hallmark would be more inventive and retire the same old themes.

They really wasted the two leads. I look forward to seeing them in future romcoms. Why can't Hallmark come up with better themes and plots. People like myself are dictated but getting g tired of the same old stories. Wake up Hallmark before it's too late.
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A Cowboy Christmas Romance (2023 TV Movie)
A very nice Christmas cowboy movie
10 December 2023
I must say I liked this movie very much. Was surprise it was rated very low by the critics the lead actress Kramer was very good and very convincing as a cowgirl. The lead actor not that good he seemed to play a old fashion cowboy but to slow for me The supporting cast were fine The mother was terrific she's a scene stealer The whole story though not original but I think they all did well. Lifetime is on the right track with these types of movies particular Christmas. They are competing with hallmark who's dropped down a peg or two and now GAC. Lifetime holiday movies are good and l am looking forward to future ones.
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To All A Good Night (2023 TV Movie)
A great Night
9 December 2023
Kimberly and her partner are very good together Though I never understand why most hallmark male actors never shave. He's a good actor but please take a shave. The story is original and the scenery was beautiful Here again Hallmark spared no expense with the location and the supporting cast. I felt this was a real town and community The people seemed so real and oh the dog was a great addition. Here again a good old fasho mystery with a rom com to boot. The ending was def a surprise and plausible I liked the way it all came together Would like to see more of these mysteries and a simple plot. I do not like the mysteries that have so many twists and turns that never makes sense All in all a good job.
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A Biltmore Christmas (2023 TV Movie)
The best ever Christmas movie
30 November 2023
This movie is one of the best movies Hallmark or any other network has made. The two leads are so realistic and on screen chemistry is incredible This is what hallmark can produce if they continue to hire these fine actors The story was very original casting was good and it feels like no one spared a nickel The costumes were beautiful, the hairstyles so authentic. And the sets were wow.

Why can't Hallmark do more movies like this. I think the actors a should be nominated as well as the supporting cast. I'm sure this production coast more money than the average movie but well with it The director should also be up for an award Movie was great Thanks Frank v.
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Christmas at the Chalet (2023 TV Movie)
Chalet superlative
27 November 2023
Teri Hatcher was fabulous. Material was not the best but she did a terrific job. Her lead actor not so good. Mother of the son was very good and brought warmth to the role. Lifetime should def do more rob coms and def use Teri Hatcher. She is a great comedic actress The surrounding cast was fine but not to much to do. My biggest criticism is the amount of commercials. It ruined the flow of the movie. The x husband was fine should have given him more to do the hotel atmosphere was a great backdrop. Reminded me of that fabulous series hotel with Connie Selleca. All in all a very nice Xmas movie without all the Xmas fluff.
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My Christmas Hero (2023 TV Movie)
Wow Wow Wow
25 November 2023
This by far is the best GAC movie to date. Candace Cameron hits it out of the park. Outstanding beiivzble acting coupled with a light comedic touch. The sentiment and sense of tradition was overwhelming Her partner was also very good.

The actress who played her mom was excellent choice and did a marvelous job. It's amazing how well done and believable this movie was. Please do more movies like this. The directing storyline were tops. More and more movies like this will propel GAC pass HallMark hallmark has lost its way but GAC has brought back wonderful wholesome movies please use this review because more people see this the more viewers you will get Hurrah for GAC.
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Mystery on Mistletoe Lane (2023 TV Movie)
A big hit
10 November 2023
Best mystery movie of the year. Great cast leads are excellent and terrific chemistry. The story is unique and something never covered by traditions of past movies. The movie flowed so effortlessly and very believable The clues were so good and the two kids were very good and really played excellent detectives. The secretary of the organization gave a nice warm touch. She did more with her expressions than most actors do with words. The leads Father did an ok job but probably did not have much dialogue. All in all if they continue with these mystery movies and keep the quality I think we are in store for enjoyable movies.
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No chemistry
3 September 2023
I liked the movie despite no chemistry between the two leads.the actress krabe was very good in the role. Her partner really can't act and again no chemistry between the two. Supporting cast were good and the Mgr of the dog really looked the part and the Indian culture this movie I think was very aggressive for hallmark. I enjoyed this new way they are going. It seems they are back. No hidden messages no hidden agender than just a good rom com. I would like to see more movies with the lead actress. She is very good and can carry a movie. Like to see her in murder mysteries and of course Christmas movies.
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Dream Wedding (2023)
You have to be kidding
28 August 2023
I was looking forward to one of your premier movies. Boy was I disappointed ! I have been a big supporter of GAC and very happy about competition with hallmark. If this is any indication of what the other movies will be Hallmark has nothing to worry. This rom com was not funny not romantic and absolutely not good. The leads have no chemistry, the first 15 minutes was agony with the stupid premise. The supporting characters were terrible. It seems this movie was made in 15 minutes. I don't understand why GAC would put this garbage out. The actors are decent the wedding idea though not original was fine. Who ever wrote this movie and or directed it should not be working at GAC Sign a value supporter but only if you guys and gals improve the quality.
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Romcom with Teeth
21 May 2023
One of Hallmarks better movie. Busby never disappoints the viewer and the love interest was so so. I Like the Grandmother who I thought stole most of her scenes The scenery was beautiful. What ever location it doesn't disappoint you.

Here once again no hidden messages, no wile issues It was a very good romcom and a nice Saturday night movie. If Hallmarks keeps this up maybe they will get back to producing family viewing movies. The cast was convincing and the story line to me was convincing. I liked that this movie had an educational value plus a mystery.

I hope Busby stays with Hallmark. She always delivers and nice to look at.
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When Love Springs (2023 TV Movie)
A nice movie ?
7 May 2023
I really wanted to like this movie. The leads are very good and supporting cast very likable except for boyfriend It seems Hallmark produced this movie with cheapest budget in the world. The characters wear the same clothes throughout the entire movie. Also the rest of the cast the same. Did Hallmark not have a budget for clothes hair etc. This movie had the makings of a good romcom but lacked any kind of production. Everything was the same from the first scene to the last.

I was hoping more from Hallmark but what I did like very much there were no social messages. That's to me was the most refreshing part. Maybe that's why they gave it no budget.
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Ride (2023)
Bickering bickering bickering
24 April 2023
This show has a excellent cast but the writing is terrible. All they do is argue and argue. There is no action no love scenes nothing but people having ridiculous arguments. Please the brother in law and the trick rider just bicker and constantly talking about stupid stuff. Same old items each week. They have time to develop the characters so let them move on. Every week they don't trust the girl who's been missing. The brother-in-law has no idea how to win the sport. The best roll is the millionaire with the rich parents. And all they do is kick him around it's so stupid.

This series can become a good series but you got to move faster and more action.
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The Rookie: S.T.R. (2023)
Season 5, Episode 20
Was this a joke?
19 April 2023
By far the worst episode for the Rookie. Are they trying to be a comedy? Worst yet who is casting such ridiculous actors with absolutely no talent. I really like this show but lately the episodes make no sense , no direction and worse yet where's Fillion the star. Tonight's show ihe was a bystander at best. So predictable and going nowhere. What is happening with this show. They keep this up and for sure next year will be it's last. I know it was given another year but please cut down a On all the characters. Every week it's more of a comedy than a drama. Please someone Ho back to the original way.
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The Wedding Cottage (2023 TV Movie)
Wow finally a realistic rom com
16 April 2023
One of the best movies of the year for Hallmark. Erin Krakow is perfect in this role. Not only is she beautiful but conveys a warm loving performance. Supporting cast is excellent and the Vermont characters are spot on. Erin's love interest does a very convincing job and a good stretch for him. From his previous roles at hallmark.

Also as a long time viewer off hallmark movies I do appreciate there are no hidden messages no racial issues just a good olde fashion romcom. Also there was more romance than normal which made the movie more realistic. Congrats to all who produced, directed and wrote this movie.
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The Way Home (2023– )
One of the best series
18 February 2023
Hallmark hits out of the park. The acting and cast are fantastic. Story line is so well written and flows so creatively from one episode to the next. Each time I watch N hour I can't wait for the next one. McDowell has done an incredible job and every scene she's in she amazing. The actress who plays her daughter is excellent as well haven't seen her in much but I think moving forward she will be acting a lot more. I am so happy that this series is the way Hallmark movies were in the past. The new movies shows etc seem to carry messengers about todays political climate. It's refreshing to see Hallmark is going back to its roots. Viewers want to be entertained not reminded about political and sole issues. I hope more of these types of series are in the future.
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Fall Into Winter (2023 TV Movie)
Welcome Back Lori
30 January 2023
One of the best great American movies this year. Having Lori back makes a big reason why. She is by far one of the better actors working at great American . A very good romcom. It's a very good movie with a good supporting cast. Also I like no hidden messages just good old fashion movie. No hidden messages no political statements and best of all a movie that includes all nationalities without putting it in your face. I can truly see how doing movies like this hiring good actors will surely take over the " Hallmark movies" genre.

Again brining back Lori Laughlin was a great move by GAC. Love the fact she talks about her daughter in college. Done very well and in good taste.
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A Magical Christmas Village (2022 TV Movie)
Hurrah for Marlo Thomas
14 January 2023
Enjoyable Hallmark typical movie. What stands out is Marlo Thomas. She stole every scene she was in This is what Hallmark needs good supporting actors. The criticism I have is the other daughter in a interracial marriage Have no idea why Halllmark drops this in without exploring this cast or vision. I'm all for interstice marriages etc but why HallmRk has the need to put this in without any exploration or any comments makes no sense to me. The rest of the cast gave their typical hallmark acting. McFarland who now has come out seems very incortable on his role. Allison is always good. I love her in the wedding vail movies too.
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Fit for Christmas (2022 TV Movie)
Great rom con
6 December 2022
One of the better hallmark romantic comedy's Amanda Koots was an excellent choice for the lead. Great chemistry between two leads also no distractions with other characters. Almost felt like the original hallmark movies were done. Just an good old fashion Christmas movie. Not overdone no hitting you over the head. Enjoyable movie.

Supporting characters were just that good supporting cast. But the best part is Amanda Koots. I was pleasantly surprised by her actong OK and how much she jelled with the lead. In addition no hidden messages by hallmark or characters this was. Refreshing movie and much better typical rom coms.
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Magnum P.I.: Close to Home (2022)
Season 4, Episode 20
It happened
7 May 2022
Long time coming Magnim & Higgins finally Getting to get her. It had to happen and now look forward for the next season on how it plays out.

Best thing they did for this series.
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