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Door Mouse (2022)
Fun small-scale thriller
16 March 2023
A fine, small thriller - the plot was a little far-fetched, especially the absence of any kind of police investigation - but the movie wasn't meant to be taken too seriously to begin with, so that wasn't really a problem. It also never stumbles into the style-over-substance abyss (though it's walking on the brink sometimes).

The reason for this: a fun and interesting lead and a likewise fun sidekick. Mouse and Ugly are two well-written and interesting characters (written with bold brushstrokes) which work even if the acting was not stellar; especially Mouse is so endearing you could watch her an hour longer and it would never get boring!
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The Fox (2022)
Strong and very personal movie
1 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was obviously a very personal project for director Goiginger, filming some episodes out of the life of his great-grandfather (whom we get to hear for a few seconds just before the end credits). While most of the "story" happens during Franz's time in the Wehrmacht during WW2, it's not really a war story - it's a story about poverty and speechlessness. Many children had to leave their homes because the small mountain farms were not able to sustain the families, so Franz's fate was in fact pretty common in Austria (my father-in-law and my grandfather had a similar upbringing). The only scenes where grown-up Franz lets down his defenses are the ones with the fox, and then there's the last scene where he comes home, learns of his father's death and the effects a letter from the front had on the old man ... strong stuff, I don't want to go into details but that was a perfectely handled and hard-to-bear coda.

This movie is not for the faint-of-heart ... no, there's not much violence, and nobody is dying on screen, but the emotional impact is powerful and there's no levity at all. As to the acting, Franz was perfectly played by Viennese actor Simon Morzé who really buried himself in the dialect and taciturn character - all other characters are just support, played naturalistic and effective. And the foxes (of course, they had to train more than one for the scenes) were perfect, too, no wrong notes here.

The music was unobtrusive, flowing with the scenes but never taking over. The images were cut to 4:3, with rounded corners, so the movie's optic recalls those photographs from early compact cameras - the scenes from Franz's childhood were probably even colourgraded a bit to strengthen the effect, at least I got that impression.

Overall, highly recommended, one of the best movies out of Austria from recent years!
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Fun "adaption" of a well-loved opera
29 November 2022
This is a straightforward movie - a framing story about our young protagonists in musical school, and the opera itself, played out simultaneously after the hero passes some magical gate every day for a few hours. The framing story seemed a bit cliché but never got the upper hand; the fantasy sequences are perfectly realised, with respect to the fairytale atmosphere of the libretto, so not too realistic but rather colourful and dreamlike.

As to the music, well, I'm not an opera gourmet; I rather liked how some of the arias were blared out with gusto and not too fine an intonation, but on the other hand, the queen's soprano really put goosebumps on my skin - it's quite an event hearing such a perfect and dramatic voice over a cinema sound system (pretty loud, too, in our case).

(I'm a sucker for choir movies, btw ... the human voice is the most beautiful of instruments!) The one thing I didn't understand about the music was the generic end-credits song, why not use Mozart again?

Overall, a hearty recommendation for all music lovers. We liked it very much, even though we're 50ish and the movie is clearly targeted at a younger audience - the school scenes, interior and exterior, are clearly inspired by Harry Potter, they even put in an Austrian railway viaduct similar to the one on the Mallaig line :)
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Nightlife (I) (2020)
Fun crime comedy, doesn't miss a beat
30 January 2021
Title says it all, it's nothing special, but a fast-paced, witty and colourful crime comedy, with a nice romance thrown in for good measure (which doesn't get too much screen time, just the right amount). The first few minutes (and opening credits) are slower paced to introduce the three main characters, but once the pieces are on board, the story picks up speed and, while sometimes going pretty much over-the-board, never diverges into pure fantasy - as crazy as some situations may be, the protagonists stay believable, and so we're able to stay with them. Well done!
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Ok sandals-and sorcery flick
24 January 2021
This Cannon production is not:
  • original
  • suspenseful
  • intelligent
  • required viewing

However, you might give it a try, it's looking better than many movies with double the budget (some nice location shooting and sets), and it gets rarely boring even if there's little tension as everything proceeds along well-trodden lines. The male leads are really something, they're more a spoof of the "Barbarian" genre than anything else; the female leads and the villain are actually capable actors (at least for this kind ov movie).
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Good intentions on a low budget
24 January 2021
Firmly stuck somewhere between zero and shoestring budget, this prodution still manages to entertain. That's mainly thanks to a good basic idea and also a good script with some sitcomy situations. Sadly, this did lose a lot on its way to the little screen, thanks to bad actors and sloppy direction/editing. The low budget was not the problem here, someone should remake this script with actors who can deliver witty dialogue, and edit the thing with some comedy timing (the nuns with guns scnene should have been 20sec, max, fir nstance)

The 6/10 I rate this are rather generous and take the low budget into account, but the thing IS entertaining - I didn't feel the need to fast-forward more often than three or four times.
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OK Vampire movie
22 January 2021
This movie has a very low imdb ranking ... no idea why, it's maybe not A material but an enjoyable, entertaining B-movie with a nice mix between fun and horror. Eddie Murphy is acting a bit outside his usual schtick but I must say he gave us an impressive vampire; Angela Bassett is also great but maybe a bit underwritten - her character should be much more badass. Among the main cast, Allen Payne is the only one lacking - between the strong performances of the two leads, he's looking severely bloodless.

The action was low-key, at the beginning there's a massive ship crash which gave me hope for some big-scale action, but that's about the biggest set in the movie. No problem, there's good tension throughout which makes up for any missing car chases or explosions.
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Master Cheng (2019)
Slowly simmering romance
17 January 2021
A quiet story about a budding romance between two loners and the power of food. Nothing special, but charming in its simplicity - this movie doesn't WANT to be special, it just presents the characters (and landscape) in a relaxed, unagitated manner. There's exactly one urgent situation in the film (it concerns the boy) and that gets resolved in about one minute.

Not exactly required viewing, but for a nice evening, you can do worse than give this movie a chance.
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Starman (1984)
Grown-Up First Contact movie
12 January 2021
Other reviewers have said many true things about this beautiful film already, so no need to rehash the praise for director and actors.

But one thing that doesn't get mentioned often - and which pleases me as a SciFi buff - is that this is one of the very few productions which approach the first contact theme in a really mature manner. It's less far-fetched than any other first contact movie I know, and it takes its protagonists serious as individual characters. It never degrades into an action-movie despite some large-scale military sets, it stays focused on why the contact is taking place and how the proceedings affect the protagonists.

As a contact movie, Starman is kilometers above E.T. or Close Encounters, it is meters above The Man Who Fell to Earth, it is slightly better than Contact, and I also like it better than the (equally mature) Arrival.

Among Carpenter's works, I would call this his "quiet" movie (like A Straight Story is Lynch's) - and nearly my favourite of his, with the exception of The Thing (which I DON'T count as a first contact movie, even though it technically might be called one) and Big Trouble in Little China, which is maybe not as mature but so much fun I prefer it to Starman 9 out of 10 times.
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Unfinished but funny crime comedy
3 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
An excellent crime comedy starring two funny femmes, but it gets pulled down a bit by the fact that it seems only half finished ... the setup is ok with three involved parties (the gangster, the harmless and nubile protagonists, and the police) but it's not executed to the finish. The police seem to be set up for a bit of fun involvement but their story stops dead in its tracks about 2/3s in, so it's only two parties in the end - which makes the whole thing less intrigueing than it should be. This, together with the snappy running time (despite a muddy start) , makes me suspect the plot should have been a little more convoluted but got hit by budget considerations. (Compare for instance french comedy "Rebelles" which has a very similar theme but a third party)

This criticism aside, this is a well-executed crime caper with two nice leads which gets better the longer it lasts.
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Le brio (2017)
Little tension but excellent acting
14 May 2020
A fun dramedy about two opposed characters forced to work together - a grumpy old professor and a young student of law, an immigrant girl to boot. Well, the "drama" evolves along well-trodden lines, but it's really the actors (and well-written characters) that breathe life into this movie. Daniel Auteuil needs no introduction but Camelia Jordana more than stands her ground, the scenes with only those two on screen are what makes this story tick. All other scenes and actors are ok - there's not a single really bad one - but pale in comparison. Recommended!
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Entertaining mess
2 May 2020
I really don't know if I can recommed this to people who liked the comics; it's different in tone and characters. Spirou was always a fun adventure comic targeted at children or young teenagers; this movie will pobably not appeal to them - many of the gags are simply not for kids (they're not "adult", it's just things they won't laugh about). Making Spirou a thief was a strange choice, as was the inclusion of Zorglup as villain - some of the best storylines in the comics had no real villain at all, and the ones including Z were not among the best. Fantasio was a bit lame (but that was often his role in the comics, so ok) and Clavier as Champignac nearly forgettable. (I would have preferred Pierre Richard in that role ...)

The optics are ok, comic-y and simple, and the pace is quick - while I was pretty disappointed with the script (given the nice hoard of stories they could have plundered), the movie never became outright boring. It's just not as good as it should have been.
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Good comedy with a surprise ending
1 March 2020
Well, it's basically a simple romantic comedy (which the French are very good at) but it's got some not-so-funny themes - following the premise of a innocent but framed man spending 8 years in jail - which it manages to take a bit more serious than you'd expect from a pure comedy. Consequently, the ending is not quite what you'd expect - while most of the movie has some rather absurd scenes, the ending feels very grounded and shows respect to all of the characters. I liked that (it would have been easy for the screenwriters to create some miraculous happy ending but this one feels more satisfying).
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Sexy Sisters (1977)
Good sex, boring movie
27 February 2020
The most positive thing you can say about this movie is that it's looking fine. There's LOTS of sex and most of it manages to find the line between trashy and too clean; those are some good scenes and nearly nothing embarassing. Well done! Sadly, the movie is lacking in all other departments. The plot is paper-thin and the final resolution completely without any tension. The music - while not bad - pales in comparison to some other Jess Franco movies. And the camerawork, while excellent doing the sex scenes, stays boring and pedestrian during all other ones. (Man, what you could do on screen with a beautiful car like the Alpine ... no, doesn't happen).

Also, there is no levity ... it's much too serious for a movie with so much carnal lust; the only obvious "joke" is that the "hero", sporting a James Hunt hairdo, is wearing a Niki Lauda jacket ...

Not recommended save for Jess Franco completists.
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Rebels (2019)
Fun comedy with a realistic touch
1 December 2019
Nothing too deep here, this is a fun romp with three more or less charming leading ladies who happen upon a stash of dirty money whereras all kinds of troubles and mayhem arise. In tone this is close to some Coen crime comedies, especially the fact that there are no super-minds at work anywhere, the three ladies as well as the gangsters make a lot of stupid decisions, which makes "Rebelles" a rather realistic movie in that respect. What keeps it from being an A movie is that the characters stay pretty flat throughout the proceedings, with the possible exception of Yolande Moreau's "Nadine"; you don't care much what happens to the other protagonists. But overall, very entertaining and fun!
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Savage Beach (1989)
Okay effort a little different from the others triple-Bs
25 September 2019
"Savage Beach" differs from the other films in the series; most of its action takes place in a very confined space after our heroines find themselves stranded without fuel on what must be the most crowded lone island in film history as a lot of players turn up, lured by a gold treasure. Because of this limitation to the island, there's less flying and driving and technical gadgets than in the other Sidaris movies; however the amount of boobs and bombs is up to the usual standard; instead of flying or driving around we now have the ladies stalking through the "jungle" setting; in Dona Speir's case armed with a Steyr AUG which makes it a nice watch for male Austrians like me as this was our standard gun in the army. Sadly my comrades didn't look half as sexy as Dona ...

This was Hope-Marie Carlton's last appearence as Taryn; I'm sorry she got replaced by Roberta Vasquez - while Roberta was arguably the more beautiful one, Hope-Marie had an easygoing and joyful vibrancy which Roberta couldn't match - those happy and mischievous smiles everytime she offed a guy were priceless!

As to acting- while Sidaris' triple-B series seems to be considered some sort of pinnacle of bad acting, that's very exaggerated - no one of the regulars were really good actors, but they were not that bad either. If you want to witness real bad acting, well, we have that too, it's guest "star" Teri Weigel's and it makes you thankful her apperance was strictly one-time - and appreciate the other players some more.

Definitely one of the better entries in the series, 5/10
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Heartwarming and quirky
17 September 2019
A young Japanese emplyoee embarks on a business journey into the heart of China, where he's completely out of his water in every conceivable way. In the end he will have found something completely different from what he set out to find in the beginning. An excellent movie despite lacking many of the ingredients we expect from a Miike production. It's a bit like Lynch's "Straight Story" in that respect, and also in the fact that the plot itself is rather thin; it's the locations and people and little events by the road that make it so engrossing. (Another good comparison would be "Local Hero", thematically very similar and with a near identical hero, though anchored in a wholly different culture) Highly recommended! The only little drawback which prevented me from rating it 10/10 was the Yakuza character; he's important but rather obnoxious; you could easily cut five minutes or more of his more annoying scenes without losing his pivotal role.
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Entertaining and intriguing
26 July 2019
While strictly an arthouse film, The Holy Mountain shines by a relentless pace and absence of self-indulgence - no scene is longer than necessary, and many of the takes which ot must have taken weeks to compose and prepare are only 10 or 20 seconds long in the finished cut. Plus, there's a lot of humor. As to the "plot" or content - some reviewers have pointed out that you need at least a basic understanding of the esoteric arts, the Tarot or something - well, I'm not interested in any of those things - in fact consider myself rather a rationalist - but nontheless I found the film thoroughly entertaining and intriguing. (Not to mention the fact that Jodorowsky is not too serious about those themes and in fact pokes fun at those too credulous in the final scene)
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Pets (1973)
Not bad considering the budget
23 November 2018
While "Pets" might be shelved among other "erotic thrillers", it's much too relaxed for that genre, and sexuality is generally portrayed as fun, not dangerous. Dangerous, here, is linked with possessiveness, and so the movie is firmly grounded in the 60s with their non-possessive ways. Also very 60ish - the meandering plot, with our "heroine" Bonnie (nice play) drifting through various more or less strange episodes and always getting some satisfaction out of it. The small scale of the production is clearly visible (sometimes painfully) and takes away some enjoyment, but overall Pets is a fun romp with very few boring moments and some real erotic tension without much sleaze.
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Love (II) (2015)
Mostly disappointing
13 October 2018
The dissection of relationships is a wellknown theme for films but this is not a good one - the main problem is the protagonist, Murphy (played by a rather bland Karl Glusman) who is, self-admittedly, only good at destroying things. It's simply neither nice nor captivating to watch a bunch of self-destructive people do their destructing, and it's also far from enlightening or enriching. Basically it's more than two hours of painful watching without any levity; the only touching scenes are the sex scenes which are really well done, far from any porn aesthetics but beautiful and the only sequences where the characters seem to enjoy themselves. Which was maybe the point but doesn't carry the story far enough to make it interesting. The camerawork doesn't help - mostly very severe central perspectives and neatly composed still images, very much like a Wes Anderson film, but without the humour. The music was very good, a rather eclectic mix but well chosen - along with the sex scenes, this is what saves 'Love' from being a pure disaster. Still, after the terrific 'Enter the Void' I can't feel but pretty disappointed with 'Love'.

Parental advice: The characters use rather violent language in some scenes, shouting at each other and there's even face-slaps, so you might consider leaving the kids at home for this one.
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A truly mesmerising experience
12 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Enter the Void doesn't tell much of a story (the plot could have been squeezed in 10 minutes), but it offers an experience like few other films ... this is for people who find Aronofsky maybe a little bland and Cronenberg too silly; it's also a great date movie if your date happens to be a nihilistic buddhist junkie. The whole "plot" gets foreshadowed in the first minutes where Oscar's friend Alex tells him about what happens to the soul after death, according to the Tibetan Book of the Dead. So, no big surprises that after Oscar's premature demise, we follow exactly those steps - but that doesn't take away any enjoyment; the scenes Oscar witnesses, the memories of his and his sister Linda's crual and/or tender past - it all makes for a truly mesmerizing piece of art. It's not only the images (quite revolutionary and visceral in themselves), it's the rhythm, the music (fantastic selection, with Bach's glassharped Air breaking the ice), the human brutality and the little spots of tenderness. And just when I was thinking the one thing the film couldn't offer me were any surprises, and Elton John would sing 'Circle of Life' (the scene with the pregnancy test), I looked at the watch and, what?! - there's an hour more?! I was hooked for good ... This is not an actor's movie, very little in the way of dialogue or development, and most scenes are filmed from above anyway, but the cast do their job and I was positively surprised by Paz de la Huerta whose Linda radiates a heartrending vulnerabilty I wouldn't usually associate with this actress.

There's not a single joke in this movie and very few sceens anyone would find funny ... so, as mentioned, as a date movie it really depends on your date - but if he/she likes 'Enter the Void', well - you're lucky, that's obviously a person worth knowing!
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Works better as a comedy than romance or drama
23 April 2018
A bit of an uneven ride, "Un profil pour deux" works mainly as a comedy. That's because the story feels extremely contrived - you don't mind that for a comedy, but anything more serious falls flat if you can't believe in the story or the characters. As to those characters, they're played mostly for laughs, too, except the three leads who have to carry the romance and drama. While Pierre Richard and Fanny Valette are excellent, Yaniss Lespert seems miscast, he's the weakest part of the trio. While those shortcomings keep it from being an A movie for me, "Un profil pour deux" is still a quick-footed and somewhat cute comedy with some bite to it, too - you won't be bored and you will snicker and smile.
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Mildly entertaining, but too faithful to the source material
12 April 2018
Nick Knatterton was a successful comic in the 50s; the success led to this big screen adaption which is an ok movie but suffers from being too faithful. The comic was a firework of visual gags and wordplay (on top of being a spoof of the superhero genre as well as agent and spy stories). But it was appearing as a weekly installment, so the storylines were always rather jumpy and erratic, and the characters stayed very flat.

So, while the ingredients of the comic are all in place - stupid criminals, trussed-up low-cut girl victims, dangerous low-cut ladies, techical gadgets and the (more or less) all-knowing, cynic and invincible (in the end) hero - it's too little to make the 90 minute film really gripping. Another drawback is the low budget: the actors were mostly B material and there's a very limited amount of sets.

At least it's not boring, most gags are ok, the pace is not too fast but relentless, many scenes even felt a few sentences short. Recommended for fans of the comics or completists of 50s german cinema.
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On the Comet (1970)
Quirky as expected, but not very captivating
12 April 2018
This falls a bit short of Zeman's best works, and the shortcomings concern the plot and characters as well as the images. Plot-wise, there's little tension despite the big scale; it is more a political satire than an adventure (already a "fault" of the story it's based on), and the characters stay flat and unconvincing, more like prototypes than real men or women. As to the images, the different kinds of animation and the real-life sets don't blend as well as in other Zeman's productions; the scenes onboard the ship with the ubiquitous hatching (everybody is wearing stripes, too) look as if taken from "The Deadly Invention" while many of the outdoor scenes resemle not very good B&W movies from the 20s; the animation of the giant lizards look completely different again as do the celestial effects.

Recommended for Zeman and animation fans; on its own merits this film is a bit boring.
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A powerful fairy-tale
20 February 2018
A modern fairy-tale centered around the uncanny power of sexuality. Perfect art direction, and Sally Hawkins is a force (she was the best thing about Blue Jasmine, too). The beginning was more Jeunet than delToro, a few hints of Amelie and City of Lost Children, but the movie found its voice about 20 minutes in. It positively revels in its B-movie tropes (Michael Shannon's first scene sets the tone) and takes them to extremes which were not possible back then when the originals were shot, without changing the basic sensibilities.

Was there something not to like? There's a side-plot about enemy agents which is completely superfluous; every scene we spend with those cardboard Russians is a scene wasted imho; ads nothing to the story and takes us away from the protagonists. In a fairy-tale things should be kept simple.

But overall, while not delToro's best, The Shape of Water is definitely worth a ticket.
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