4 Reviews
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What a dud.
7 January 2006
I wouldn't give this movie a rating, it's not worthy. I watched it only because I'm a Pfieffer fan. I love her and would watch anything she made. Even in this dud, she didn't disappoint. Every scene with her in it, kept the viewer watching...waiting...for something to happen but nothing ever did. It had some good story lines but they ended abruptly as soon as it started. Some of the other characters had potential but nothing became of it.

Pfieffer was 29 when she made this film and at her most lovely. The wardrobe and set was surprisingly good.

I can watch mostly anything and rarely come across a movie I can't find something to like about it, but this was a dud. I don't understand.

The worst thing about it all, it had a big cliff hanger at the end. It had an ending scene that woke you up and say wow, this film is finally going some place, then the credits roll. Good grief.

I agree with the review that said .99 would have bought 3 cans of cat food and watching my cat eat would have been more exciting. Well said. Actually, that comment was more entertaining than the film because it sums it up so well. I too wasted .99 cents on this dud.dud.dud.
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I have a new life time favorite movie.
2 January 2006
The book enchanted me to the point that I began researching Geisha, plan to travel to Japan and tour the Geisha district, read numerous books on the topic since and became even more intrigued.

I didn't think they could ever make a movie to live up to this incredible book, or find actresses to live up the the pictures the book drew in my mind but I am thrilled to say I was wrong, so wrong.

This is the best movie I've ever seen, I love it more than the book and I really love the book. I plan to watch this movie numerous times. The beauty is a feast for your eyes from the actresses to the setting and the story is like nothing before it.

Why did they wait so long to tell a story of Geisha? The wardrobe and hair was second to none. I would love to see these actresses get Academy Awards and the film to get best picture.

I can't say enough good about it. It has a place in my heart forever.
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I Didn't Like It
22 April 2004
I had this movie recommended to me by a friend who loved it. My sister, my cousin and I all decided too watch it one evening and non of us enjoyed it. It had it's moments but I really just don't understand why everyone is so thrilled with it.

The main characters are hard to watch. They are annoying low life drug dealers who are getting high on their own supply. They are sloppy, sick individuals who seriously need and N/A meeting. These are the type of people that I make a point of avoiding IRL. I tend to avoid drugs, the drug scene and the parasites that it attracts.

I do like some drug movies like The Basket Ball Diaries, Blow, and Wonderland. This one was just dull IMO.

The fact that he lost his arm was just plain silly.

The old lady is the only truly enjoyable character. I liked her and her friends.
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This is one of the best films that I have ever viewed in my life.
17 April 2004
This movie is about love and romance. It is about 2 children who are stranded forced to learn everything about survival and life on there own. They are also forced to deal with very adult issues on their own such as Patty's death. Patty was the only adult to be stranded with them. His death came when he found a keg of rum, got drunk and decided to swim for his rescue. This happened shortly after they were marooned and the kids found him dead in the morning. Up until that point Patty had been giving them advice and trying to raise them the best that he could. I found it charming that they still had the vocabulary of a child even into adulthood but gradually they started figuring more things out, for instance, there is a big scene about Emeline realizing that there really a Santa and that the sun doesn't really make a hissing sound when it sinks into the ocean each night.

There was some press at the time about them, (Christpher Atkins, and Brooke Shields) doing nude scenes which resulted in them not actually being nude at all in the film, they are wearing body stockings in the water.

My review has nothing to do with the perfect beauty of Brooke Shields because I am a straight female. Brooke was at her most radiant.

One excellent part of the film comes after the two have been bickering for days and then Emeline becomes sick and falls asleep. It forced the viewer to think about how much grief would be felt by one if the other should die, really all they had was each other and eventually a baby. Everything depended on them both staying alive.

I believe that anyone who didn't love this movie as much as me, missed the entire story somehow. It wasn't about Brooke being nude and it wasn't about life in paradise it was about innocence. This was a huge hit film back in it's day and launched Brooke's career into super stardom.
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