
12 Reviews
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Nope (2022)
8 July 2023
So after reading all the hate about this movie I didn't want to pay to see it and so waited for it to be on sky, I got my comfies on popcorn ready and sat down ready to hate it... But I didn't! I don't know who put it in the horror genre but it was not a horror, there was nothing scary about it, but it had a strange vibe to it, solid acting, and although in places I found it plodded along, overall it wasn't bad & having seen so many horror movies I have definitely seen bad! And so it's worth a watch if you fancy a bit of weirdness, I shall resume my quest of finding a horror movie that actually scares me ( not jump scares they don't count)
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A little bit of so many movies does not always equal one great one!
24 August 2022
This movie was one long mish mash of other horror movies and with the solid score it has I was expecting a little more. It wasn't awful but it wasn't great, just ok. I didn't find it scary, more of a teen horror flick, I guess I'm getting old. I did however think the use of the pink Floyd track was brilliant. So it's a 6 not terrible just ok.
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Truly awful
22 September 2019
Oh dear, I don't know where to start! Loved the first movie, second movie was pretty bad and a huge let down then I saw this advertised and I thought ok It's Sunday, it's raining and I am so bored, I'll give it a try. I really should not have bothered. Terrible acting, re-used props , no originality and all on a budget of $10 ...
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Pet Sematary (2019)
R. I. P Pet sematary
6 April 2019
As a fan of the book and the original movie i wanted go into the movie with an open mind and to give it a chance, I knew within five minutes that this was going to be NOTHING like the book or the original movie. Although in some cases change can be a good thing sadly in this case it really wasn't! Where do I start? Jason Clarke and Amy seimetz had no on screen chemistry, they weren't convincing as a couple at all, I didn't have an emotional connection to the parents there was no warmth no real feeling of family, Gage was absent when Ellie wandered into the woods, with Louis at work had Rachel left him home alone? There was no building of friendship that grows between Louis and jud, it was like heres two men that have been neighbourly sure, but not even nearly close as they are in the book. My daughter has a cat, my neighbours are nice people , would they lead me to a magic place to bury it and bring it back from the dead ? No! That requires at minimum a huge amount of trust! A bond that wasn't there. No discussion about has anyone ever buried a person up there, no watching the children grow and flourish, that happiness and joy that seems perfect only to be ripped apart by the horror of the accident. No broken Rachel and Louis being overtaken by the power of the place unable to be there for his remaining family. No real background on Rachels parents and, the dislike they have of Louis or that he has for them, the hatred and horror that combusts at the funeral of the child. All these things that to me are key to building the bigger picture weren't there. They could have done amazing things with this movie, modernized it so its current but with the connection and the terror that is felt in the book and the first movie. All that and even paxcow as Ellie calls him didn't say what he was supposed to say, Zelda was really NOT scary, I thought they would make her equally if not more terrifying than original. and the end? Really??? Was this a remake? No, it was a different story that borrowed the original character names and the original title of a truly heart wrenching and horrific masterpiece and made into what felt like a cheap knock off. For me a stranger sat next to me in the cinema summed it all up when she said to me " I don't remember any of that happening in the book " I looked at her and said " that's because it doesn't".
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14 November 2018
Not a horror movie! More like a movie for good Christian kids add in sex and drugs to shock them enough so they won't ever want to be rock stars, because rock music and Satan go hand in hand. So was this a church commissioned movie? It sounded a lot like my mother when I was 14 and into gnr, Alice cooper, skid row ( you get the idea) "that music is demonic, Satan uses it to control stupid kids to rebel " I suppose the point of my rambling is if I'd wanted a lecture about good vs evil or rock music and the devil I could've just picked up the phone and said hey mum I've just bought tickets to see iron maiden..
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Demon House (2019)
Truly horrific for all the wrong reasons!
19 March 2018
Awful, just awful. Bad acting, bad narration, that man has one of the most wooden and annoying voices I've been unlucky enough to hear. This movie was so riveting I fell asleep, your life is valuable and time is precious, put those valuable 1hr 51 mins of your life to a better use, you never know what might happen if you use them wisely, or watch this and mourn for the time you've thrown away!
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Ryde (2017)
Beware of fake reviews !!
13 October 2017
Let me save you 84 agonising minutes of bad acting, ridiculous scenarios and one of the worst film endings ever. I watched it based on the score it had and the user reviews however, having just wasted those precious minutes of my life I will urge you not to do the same! There really needs to be a minus scoring system on IMDb as somehow there aren't always the words to describe how dire some films are. This would be a prime candidate for the best minus score picture of the year.
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Mother! (2017)
Very disappointing
15 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Lets start this by saying now..this movie is NOT a horror movie !!If you want to See a Hollywood blockbuster scary flick then it is not for you ! I had tickets booked for opening night,I had no idea what it was about but still I was so excited to see this movie, the trailer made it appear fast paced and thrilling, sadly this movie was neither. As the film dragged on and got more and more strange all sorts of questions were going through my mind.. Is she dreaming? Is he some weird cult leader ? Are these people really there? There are lots of questions unanswered, what was the yellow powder she was drinking ? Why didn't she just go ? And finally the last Question at the close of the film... Erm what ? There were an awful lot of people who just plain didn't get it. In a sense its achieved one thing and that is that people are talking about it. Personally I felt it tried so hard to be "deep" it was pretentious, just overdone long winded and strange, really strange. I had to add this because I really am disgusted by a few who are not capable of making a point without being insulting. there are those who love this movie and those who don't, as with all movies its not for everyone, however because some feel its not a great movie does not give those who do the right to be insulting. sure have an opinion ..about the movie, but not other users, it doesn't make you look smart or by saying that those who disliked it have less intelligence and are therefore beneath you. It just makes you look pompous and shallow. OK I'll get off my soap box now 😞
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Please don't ...
24 December 2016
Well there's 104 minutes of my life wasted. I am at a loss trying to understand the scoring system on here, if there are no user reviews how is a score worked out ? Its Christmas eve and i am sat wrapping presents and i thought this movie has a pretty good score I'll give it a go... I really shouldn't have. The acting was just dire, Lee MacDonald was never really a great actor not even in Grange Hill and i guess there's a reason he disappeared from out screens. Anna, played by Mhairi Calvey who to be of school age looks more like she's in her thirties ( I am aware she isn't though ) The acting from EVERYONE in this movie is all awful! I cannot at this time think of a harsher word that is repeatable to describe it. I'd like to know who classified this movie as a horror, its not even a thriller, its only a horror in terms of how bad it really is. Truly unless you have 104 minutes of your life you'd like to give away go ahead and give it a watch. Personally i would rather watch my cat throw up.
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Poltergeist (2015)
Has everyone gone mad ? Possible spoilers ??
20 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When I heard there was to be a remake of what I consider To be one of the best movies of all time I thought oh dear this will be awful, and well I wasn't disappointed. This 'movie remake' is nothing of the sort, its a loosely based hash of a great movie. The acting was bad at best, the story was completely different and it wasn't even believable that they were an actual family. I couldn't relate to any of the character's. And how all of a sudden did they go from being destitute to being able to buy loads of new things, including the apple placement

I phone? Seriously ?? just after they grounded the child for cursing at the parents?? The end was corny and predictable. I could say many more awful things about this film but I'll let it speak for itself. I'm not anti remake, some have been really good, but I'll say it again .. This disaster was not a remake, the only thing it had in common with the original was the title! I thought if I had seen this movie with a different title I would say that was crap and they stole a couple of ideas from poltergeist, please don't be like me, sad that that's 1 hour 33 minutes and 33 seconds of my life I won't get back. So whoever has rated this as great,seriously??? .. I really do not get it! Each to their own I guess.
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Unfriended (2014)
How loyal would you be to live ? Spoilers
3 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have been wanting to see this for ages and it has seemed almost impossible to get on DVD,plus I didn't want to spend nearly £20 on a movie that might be poop. As it goes I was really impressed when a friend bought it over,the fact that its different from your average horror, and as the title suggests is set in current times and around the internet appeals to the younger audience. Its quick and I love how it made all these so called friend's turn against each other, I think the ending could've been better, it was a bit obvious that her so called Bff was involved, and I wasn't sure why she kept typing things then deleting them,three or four times before writing something completely different. But overall it held my attention, kept you on edge and was pretty good. Not scary, so for me more of a thriller than a horror but still I'll definitely get my own DVD of it ☺
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boring isn't the word !
27 September 2005
this film was boring and silly.... I'm a fan of horror movies , zombie films usually weird me out, but this film was so boring and so silly that i couldn't help laughing at it! the acting was wooden at best, the plot was predictable and the whole thing was lacking any imagination... there were a few bits that could potentially make you jump, but i was so disappointed ! I'm glad it was cheap day at the movies, if id paid full price i would have been an unhappy bunny ! the original romero classics were outstanding films and it seems that the director had run out of new ideas for this one, the ending also let it down without giving it away, all i can say is ... yeah right, as if you would do that ! sadly this movie was a waste of time and actually made time go slower for a while there !
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