
16 Reviews
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Basmati Blues (2017)
Like sharknado
31 May 2021
Like Sharknado, so bad it's good! Terrible movie, but glad Scott bakula is still getting work, like him!
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Interstellar (2014)
Unwatchable, give me the three hours back
24 November 2014
This is a formal request to Matt Damon, Matthew Mccougnehey, Christopher Nolan and the rest of the people behind this movie to give me three hours of my life back.

I warn anyone that is considering to watch this movie, Don't. This movie is riddled with plot holes, a storyline that is so formulaic and predictable that it borders on something a 5th grader could have wrote. If you watch the first 20 minutes of the movie, the rest of the movie you will just be waiting for the stuff that you know will happen to happen. There is little room for surprise, and even less room for enjoyment.

Adding to this, the visuals in the movie are a huge problem, in watching it I got a headache and motion sickness. So not only was I left with a feeling of wasted time after leaving the cinema, I also felt physically ill.

I feel the actors in this movie are all outside their comfort zones, and the acting feels very forced, and it feels like not even the actors in the movie want to be a part of it.

I would recommend this movie to anyone that enjoyed "The Room" with Tommy Wiseau, or Gigli with Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez. Because I think we have a new winner in the unwatchable movie hall of fame: Interstellar.
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Just an awesomely funny movie
5 October 2014
I have to say this, I watched this movie not knowing what to expect. I knew I was looking forward to it as I like Miles Teller as an actor, but other than that I did not know what to expect.

This movie was not only awesomely funny, but also had a good, if somewhat predictable storyline, however, the steady stream of humor allowed it to soar beyond its tried and tested storyline. I have never seen a movie where even the sex scenes made me laugh, this one did.

The movie did not only have great writing, but the performances of Miles Teller and Annaleigh Tipton were in my opinion highlights of the movie. I would recommend this to anyone who has seen Miles Tellers previous work, anyone that is looking for a romantic comedy that men can enjoy as much or even more than women, and anyone just looking to laugh.
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Good acting if you like laura linney
14 February 2014
Well, I would like to say that i like ruffalo and everyone else in the movie except for laura linney... I do not like her. it might be just because i feel that she always plays the neurotic bitch, but she really off-puts me when it comes to movies. she never adds anything. She only subtracts from a movie for me, even though the academy likes her i think she is utterly useless. I feel that Ruffalo really gives a good performance. I am a fan of his, so that does not really say anything, but I would like to say that his performances are usually equally great, with drinking buddies and avengers as topping performances! Still, an utterly disappointing movie, except for Ruffalo!
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A good Will Ferrell movie, who knew
14 December 2013
I am not a fan of Will Ferrell to be quite honest. He often reprises his same roles throughout his career, however this is something different. It might be because of the incredibly strong performances from his different co-stars. The strength of performance by Maggie Gyllenhal is great and really makes you fall in love with her character and her as an actress. It is also a very real performance by Emma Thompson, and also with some great Dustin Hoffman tidbits. I really liked this movie, partly because I like movies that break the fourth wall, something this movie does masterfully. Watch this if you like movies in the tone of Garden State, you will be glad you watched it.
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Life Happens (2011)
wow this is a stinker
4 November 2013
This movie sucks. From the horrible fake Aussie accent of Ross Coiro, to the horrible acting that comes especially from him (he is particularly bad even though he gets little air time. This movie has a lot of mediocre and better talent, but put together they do not add up at all. Seriously save yourself the hassle of watching this and if you still think it is a good idea, you are a jackass, but hey, I do not have the same tastes as everyone else, but there is a reason this movie was not successful and made very little money and that you can find it in discount movie bins all over the place. Honestly this is one movie that shouldn't have been made. If you are desperate for a comedy of the same genre but better, check out what to expect when you're expecting
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The Crazy Ones (2013–2014)
A tour de force by robin Williams
1 November 2013
This is a great and funny show and a true tour the force by robin Williams, but also a strong showing from Sarah Michelle Gellar as well as Hamish Linklater. I see it as a series that may take over from such comedies as HIMYM. This is a series where Robin Williams returns to his comedy to the likes of Patch Adams and flubber. Sarah Michelle gellar proves that she does have some comedy chops even with many really bad movies behind her. Maybe this will be her triumphant return to the spotlight since Buffy. Hamish Linklater should only take such roles as this as he is a perfect fit for them. All in all it just works, and That is why it'll probably get cancelled, because the funniest shows usually do. Watch this if you liked better of Ted, as it may go the same way.
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This movie is an awesomely funny one
23 October 2013
This is one of those movies that you cannot help but enjoy. It has something for everyone. It has Simon Pegg reprising a similar role to that in Shau of the dead, as he fits perfectly into the role of lovable looser it is a very good fit here as well. He is joined by his happy gang of misfits like in his other masterpieces of comedy, being a group not unlike the frat pack of the us, only infinitely more comedic proace between them. This is a movie I would recommend to anyone that enjoyed hot fuzz, Shaun of the dead, how to lose friends and alienate people, or in fact those who like British comedy at all. I would also recommend it to those who like more American style comedies as well as it has enough humor that does not only resound with those people who do not understand or enjoy British comedy. Basically it is just a hilarious movie, watch it and than me later.
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Soo bad
14 July 2013
When you see names like john krasinsky, robin williams among others on a cast list you can usually assume that it is an OK film. This is wrong about this one. This movie is garbage. This movie is not funny, it has a bad storyline, and Mandy mores acting in it, wow, it was awful. This is one of those movies that if it was not one largely overlooked and filled by experienced actors it would be a career ender. I like Krasinski in it to an extent, but that is more because I like krasinski than because he is good in this one. This movie is a classic example of a rom com that has very little going for it and aims to sell just on the star power of it's starring actors. Just don't waste your time and watch it...
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Coffee Town (2013)
10 July 2013
This is just one of those times where you get someone who has yet to produce a feature film do so and hit it out of the ballpark. It has a funny storyline, a great cast, and a veritable who's who of cameos from college-humor actors. The best thing about it however is it's writing, it is one of those movies that doesn't take itself too seriously and in that allows it to have quite juvenile humor. Josh Groban plays a great antagonist in the movie, and I hope to soon see him in more comedies as he certainly has a nac for acting (what is he not good at?). I would recommend this for anyone who wants to see a good and refreshingly original comedy. It follows movies like Ted and 21 jump street as refreshing and original comedy on the silver screen.
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A really average movie
24 June 2013
In all fairness this movie is one of those movies where you are not really missing something by not watching it, but you won't kick yourself for watching it either. It has several good protagonist but the antagonist falls a bit short. Nobody completely misses the mark, but nobody really shines either. Watch this if you liked the deadpan humor of Zombieland or if you just have some time to waist on watching a comedy that is watchable... All in all I recommend this movie to anyone who is bored, stoned or just really likes any of the actors in it. The one thing that I didn't like most is the fact that Ken Jeong is an above title character on many sites even though he is only in the movie for a couple of minutes...
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worst movie ever
29 May 2013
I have seen a lot of bad movies in my time, this one is the most awful one. the premise is good but the way it has been made is horrible. Don't watch it. I wonder who thinks making these movies that are basically plot less with actors and actresses that couldn't act their way out of a paper bag and that have the combined attractiveness of a lepor colony. Things that i would rather do instead of re-watching this movie involves but is not limited to: being beat up, having the flu, going to school naked, hitting my head repeatedly... I might be going a bit far in saying that but seriously, I don't want anyone else to make the mistake of watching it...
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Amazing movie, even for non french speakers
23 May 2013
This movie is the best movie of this still young decade so far. It has a fantastic plot, the performances of the actors really make you believe them and in a way want them to succeed. This film comes together as a perfect amalgam of music, storyline, plot and visuals. The comedy that you get all through the movie would not be funny if left in the hands of lesser actors and if done it may even have made some of the jokes offensive. I have to say that it isn't everyday that a movie in french makes a completely full room of close to 200 people laugh, most of whom didn't even speak french. I would have to say that if you are thinking of whether to see this movie or not. Do it, you will not regret it!
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Warm Bodies (2013)
A great zombie movie that isn't about killing zombies
21 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I would have to say that I enjoyed this film immensely. It is somewhat different from most films in the genre in that it has a focus on curing rather than killing the zombies. It is also a zombie rom-com where the use of M as a third person narrator as well as as the main character works surprisingly well. Nicolas Hoult has a shining career in front of him if he plays his cards right. Rob Cordry joins him in giving the movie a comedic edge as well as Courdry also giving a somewhat decent dramatic performance. I would have top say that normally I don't like him in many of the movies he is in, but in this one he really works. Annaleigh Tipton also delivers some comedic value even though she is very little on screen, something I think was good for the movie as she plays that annoying friend character that I would like to say often ruins many otherwise decent movies. Teresa Palmer delivers a believable role as the romantic lead in the movie and certainly works alongside Hoult. I would love to see more of these two together, but what I want most is that he and Courdry team up as they really work together, she is more rom com while they are more zom-com. I would love to see any of them team up with apatow or some of the frat pack and make some more movies. I see a bright future for most of these people. Malcovich delivers a weak performance though, this may be caused by the lack of screen time he gets, or that he just didn't work as a gun toting leader. Watch this movie if you want to see a less dystopic zom-com than Shaun of the dead, with more romance and less of the comedic value than of that movie. Also watch it if you enjoyed Zombieland. If you haven't seen Zombieland, do yourself a favor and do that...
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A very good movie for the genre
20 May 2013
I would have to preface this by saying that I am not really a large fan of gangster movies, at least the recent ones ie. Public enemies and movies like it. However this was a very different tale with great performances all around. I have to say that Josh Brolin has hit another one out of the park. His performance made the movie what it was. Emma Stoe Delivered a great performance and so did Ryan Gosling, but what really surprised me was the great chemistry that shone through throughout the film among all the actors. Sean Penn shone through as a bad guy the likes of which there has been a while since has been in my book. His demeanor in this film really allows the viewer to hate him along with the protagonist. All in all I would like to say that the great cast, the great storyline as well as a great execution brings this film up to a level way beyond what you would believe of it. The grade of 9 I gave because it was an unexpected gem, and not necessarily because it measures up to other films with such a rating. Most of all this movie is an enjoyable watch throughout. Highly recommended.
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Why Stop Now? (2012)
Good movie, Melissa Leo horrible and annoying
2 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Good movie, Melissa Leo horrible and annoying. Jesse eisenberg and Tracy Morgan are very good. I would say that you should watch it if you can handle horribly annoying people.... It is a good comedy with some romance and some slapstick. Emma Rayne Lyle delivers a great performance for such a young age. Sarah Ramos also delivers a good performance... There are some great moments sprinkeled throughout the film where both eisenberg and Morgan deliver performances and speeches well beyond their years. It is clear that Dorling and Nyswaner are good writers and directors. They only need to work on their casting choices a lot more for such a major role as the mother they should have found a better actress. But overall a good movie, but with a better casting of roles the likes of Leo it could have been great.
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