
5 Reviews
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Priest (2011)
Very Enjoyable
3 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers

This movie was something my Mother and I went to see on a whim (and on the basis that we both like vampire movies)

I was surprised as to how good it actually was, the trailers didn't do it much justice as they made it look quite average and boring, but the movie was great.

The opening sequence was quite a visually brilliant animation that told us the gist of the story and history, and the rest of the movie followed without much confusion. The story was quite good (but it was based on the Korean Manga Books so the story really had nothing to do with the film director/producer etc.) The effects were really great and i loved the action scenes!

The Vampires were quite similar to 'Daybreakers', being more like zombies rather than a human who drinks blood and has super powers XD but to be fair, they do have a human who drinks blood with super powers (but he wasn't full Vampire).

The movie was too short to me and when it ended i honestly thought that there was a technical difficulty and the film skipped to the end, but no, that was the 'Cliff hanger' So i was quite disappointed there, but it does keep me anxiously waiting for the sequel!

This movie wasn't all that scary so i would disagree with it being in the 'Horror' Category, although there was one part which made me jump a mile XD but everything else was fairly tame.

In conclusion, I would say this movie is worth seeing and is very enjoyable if you like this sort of stuff.
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Spirited Away (2001)
One of my All Time Favourite Movies!!!!
3 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is absolutely BRILLIANT! This is truly one of my favourite movies of all time (and i only have 5 favourite movies XD)

This movie is Visually stunning, the story is creative and fantastic, The music is moving and beautiful, the English dub is well done. The characters are likable and creative.

What is not to like about this movie? it is very imaginative, Emotional, gripping. Every time i watch this movie i feel nostalgic, It is Magical and beautiful =D One of Studio Ghibli's and Miyazaki Best!

An extremely enjoyable movie for children and Adults, Highly recommended!
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Unusual, Yet Beautiful
3 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is quite something, I didn't know what to expect when i bought the DVD online, But i did make the mistake of allowing my 8 year old little sister to watch it with me without first watching the movie myself, Not that she didn't enjoy it but some scenes were inappropriate with sexual references, Gore and Disturbing Scenes. But luckily she was too young to understand most of it. (the UK age rating is 12 but i would disagree and bump it up to a 15)

Anyway, This movie was quite a beautiful movie, with stunning scenes which are very detailed, The English Dub is surprisingly great (Most dubbed anime tend to be quite bad) The music is beautiful, So beautiful in fact, that i felt compelled to buy the soundtrack. The story is Gripping and Emotional and sometimes a bit confusing but once you think about it then you get to understand it easy. The characters are very likable (especially the younger brother, White) The animation style is unusual but it has a certain "je ne sais quoi" =D

All in all this is a very attractive movie and a Moving one too, every time i see it i really feel emotion and at one part (you will see when you see it)it actually makes me well up with tears.

I highly recommend this to everyone over the age of 12 (but i suggest parents to watch it before letting your children watch it XD)
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Surprisingly Brilliant
2 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I tagged along with my friends to the cinema 2 days ago just for a day out/Something to do, and they chose 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes' and i was like "hmmm okay..." not that i thought it would be bad, i just thought it wouldn't be all that good to be honest, and the Trailers didn't really sell the movie to me either, they made it look rather boring (In my opinion) From Beginning to end, the movie was fantastic! I absolutely loved it! The acting was Great, I really felt emotion when they were happy/sad/scared etc. The effects were brilliant, my Soundtrack was great and fit well in each scene and of course our main character, Ceasar! He is my new favourite ape, he will be up there with the greats like King Kong! As Ceasar began to grow you can really see him becoming almost human, with his posture, intelligence and then later, his speech! I loved him the first time he was on the screen, he is a very likable character! This movie has a lot of high points (I cant really think of any low points) The action scenes were great, the acting is fab, the effects are ace, the music is great, what is not to like about this film? I highly recommend this to everyone (it doesn't matter if you haven't seen the other Planet of the Ape movies as this is a prequel)
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2 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie a few months back and was recently reminded of it when a friend found it online and asked if i had seen it and i was like "hmmm... Oh Oh no" D= I was forced to watch this when my mother chose it one night on Pay Per View, and at first i didn't mind it, it just seemed like a normal movie, but about 15 minutes in i was like "Good god, this sucks, is this a spoof or something?!" if it was a spoof then i would understand but unfortunately it was meant to be a serious film.

The acting was so bad that it was just laughable, The effects were so low budget that it felt like an episode of Doctor Who, The music was Un original and unfitting for most scenes, The story was lacking and the entire movie was Cliché!! To be fair there were some good scenes, but not enough, and this isn't the worst movie i have ever seen but i will admit, it was entertaining (By that i mean it was comedic) =D If you are up for a good horror then stay away from this movie, But if you are up for a laugh then you might want to try this XD (Be warned though, it really is a BAD movie)
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