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The Vampire Diaries (2009– )
If you want to be shocked every week, watch this
12 April 2011
I always get annoyed when I read reviews where the person begins the sentence with something along the lines of, "So I only watched the first few episodes..." Stop. Stop right there. How could a person make a balanced, mature opinion if one doesn't give said program a chance?

This is vital to a show like The Vampire Diaries, as the program is a typical case of once you get past the first few episodes, it evolves into something brilliant.

It wasn't a show that had me hooked from the word go. The pilot is pretty unoriginal; introducing a misunderstood human girl who meets an even more broody, tortured vampire. Yes yes, very 'Twilight', I know.

However when you hit episode 3, that's when things get interesting. The plot starts to develop and we see the extent of these characters' personalities. This is when I found myself actually really looking forwards to the next episode.

Irrefutably, the best thing about this show is, and always has been right from the start, one man named Ian Somerhalder. He plays sadistic Damon Salvatore, the 'bad' brother who we get to see develop into someone much more deep and morally rooted, all because he begins to fall in love with his brother's girlfriend. Of course, he never loses the 'bad boy' persona which the audience loves, but his character is someone who we feel real empathy for and who grows as a person throughout each episode.

Overall, this show is definitely worth a watch (and not just for under 15 year olds as one review stated). In fact, my mother in her early 50s loves this show probably more than I do. Each week brings something different, unexpected and completely unguessable. It's probably the only supernatural show that doesn't suffer from 'Monster of the week' syndrome like Buffy in its early years. It remains sophisticated and interesting throughout and I would recommend it to absolutely anyone :)

Oh, and I suppose it doesn't hurt that every single actor is easy on the eyes... if ya know what I mean ;)
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