
8 Reviews
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Went from mediocre to awful
27 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
When the first episodes started out, my impression was that the show was mediocre and didn't have enough about Phil truly being the last man on earth.

Phil has become more and more annoying, to the point that the show could move in a great direction by killing his character off. His acting is painfully bad on top of that. The other three actors have been great, but there's only so much they can do when the lead actor is awful.

Add in the excessive fat jokes, and I have better things to watch than this. Racism's probably up next. Hopefully this is cancelled and we never have to watch anything by this team of writers again.
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Unwatchable shakycam garbage
21 June 2013
Huge amount of shakycam made this unwatchable, as I couldn't make it through the first 5 minutes without feeling like I needed to hurl. Any movie with shakycam should have that as a disclaimer, it's more useful to know than whether its R rated or not.

If you like shakycam, then read someone else's review who managed to watch more than the first five minutes for more perspective.

If you hate shakycam like I do, run far, far away. A five year old filming with a cellphone would do a better job than the camera operators on this film.

Complete waste of your time and money.
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Used to be a great show
1 February 2013
I've watched many seasons of this show, and it was great. Good action, up and coming fighters were fun to watch. They're not always that polished as fighters, nor as good as the veteran pros on the UFC PPVs, but entertaining none the less.

Sadly, the horrible camera work on the current season has made the show unwatchable. Constant zoom in, zoom out, pan around, wobbly hand-held cam makes this worse than watching an badly shot home video. Such a shame, I won't be watching it anymore.

Shaky cam is so 10 years ago, get a cameraman who can hold the camera steady at a constant zoom. Not someone's relative who just got a camcorder for their birthday or something.
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Shaky Camera
22 December 2012
I lasted the first 5 minutes, then had to turn this off, so I can't comment on the quality of the film, other than its unwatchable for me.

The camera shakes about 15% to the upper right, then 15% to the upper left again and again. This isn't a true shaky-camera movie (which I can't watch as they make me motion sick), its worse. 10 minutes later I'm writing this review and still feel sick.

Maybe the guy with the camera couldn't stay still, or doesn't know what a tripod is.

Complete waste buying this on DVD, avoid unless you like feeling like you're at sea.
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Revolution (2012–2014)
Good concept, poor execution
17 October 2012
Upon seeing the concept of this show, I was really looking forward to something special. Unfortunately, after the first few episodes I'm finding it hard to continue watching.

Each episode has at least one completely braindead action from one of the cast, and some episodes (like this week's) had at least four. These people are supposed to be survivors, with how stupid they act at times I don't think they would have lasted a week.

Some of the acting is decent (the bad guy escorting the prisoner is notably good), some is very poor (the female lead, the British woman, google guy, and the main bad guy are all awful actors).

I think I'm done with revolution, not recommended.
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Community (2009–2015)
Seasons One/Two Were Great, Season 3 is Terrible
25 April 2012
This was a great show for seasons one and two and is highly recommended. Don't bother with season three - its awful. It's not funny anymore, the writing is terrible for season three.

In seasons one and two, you feel like they're actually at a college. For season three, that feeling is lost. Season three stories have minimal plot. Any story in season three focusing on Abed is especially bad. His character is not very interesting, and painful to watch for extended periods.

The cast has been excellent throughout, too bad they have no material to work with for season three.
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Excellent, though not Conan the King
20 August 2011
This movie was as good as it could be, given Arnold wasn't in it. Its no 'Conan the King' (which I'd love to have), but exceeded my expectations.

Jason Momoa did a very nice job as Conan, and showed more emotional range than in Game of Thrones. Rachel Nichols also stood out, showing a tough side as Tamara. Ron Perlman was excellent as well.

Well worth going, though I'd prefer a non-3D version, which I'll get when I buy it on Bluray. The story was great (who can't like something revenge oriented), good amount of action and violence as it should be.

The only shortcoming was not enough attention paid to Crom.

If you can't decide whether to see it, check out the vote breakdown. Lots of Conan haters out there giving 1s and pulling down the score.

Real men like this movie. Its not Driving Miss Daisy.
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Worst Movie I've Ever Seen
26 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is truly the worst movie I've ever seen, and its current 7.0 rating has been given by friends and family of the creators.

This is a series of clips of a band's free concert with a story occasionally put between the music clips. The band is horrible, and really have no talent. They have around 14 members, and I suspect each of them kicked in some money to get this 'movie' made.

The story is better than the band which isn't saying much. Some highlights: (1) the lengthy romantic bicycle scene where they spend 5 minutes showing the main character riding his female romantic interest around on the bar of his bike; (2) the male gay sex scene resulting from the main character being bored because the girl's not around and his gay friend wanting to do him.

No realism, terrible music, avoid at all costs.
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