
4 Reviews
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After Life (2019–2022)
After life is the best thing Ricky Gervaise has ever doen
10 March 2019
After life is a heartwarming, heartbreaking, wholesome, sad, funny, absolutely cliche story about a guy who loses his wife and with it, his faith in life, happiness and good. It's the story of a man who's plummeting into the abyss and is taking as many people with his as he can, and at he same time it's a redemption story.

After life is a not a show i'd ever normally find myself watching what so ever, but this has turned into one of the best shows i've watched in over a year, one episode and i watched the rest in one sitting, easy enough as it is a fairly short show that could have been a fairly long movie, but just as long as it needed to and should be.

9/10 because it's the best thing i've watched in over a year, not one of the best things i've watched ever.
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Absolute masterpiece
15 April 2018
This is the best movie ever made.

This is movie is the epitome of creative writing and acting. The director is Da Vinci reincarnate, the inventive nature of this genius will astonish generations to come, he has set the bar for for all future movies.

It's not really fair to this movie to even compare it to anything else, but i will do a feeble attempt anyway. This would be the equivalent of taking the story from The Godfather, visuals of Avatar (at period height), the humor from Ghostbusters, with twist that puts the 6th sense to shame, and with cinematography that can rival the combined artistry of Star Wars and Jurassic park. Mix it all in a star filled cauldron heated by the dreams of a thousand children, then poured the mix into a diamond lined mold, which would proceed to implode upon contact resulting in a massive explosion of awesome that makes Hiroshima look like a firecracker. Then you repeat this process 23 times, and the result would be Antfarm Dickhole.

Do not watch this movie, you will never be able to enjoy another movie again.
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This wasn't a horror movie, it was a pile of garbage consisting of smaller piles of garbage
1 July 2017
This movie was a struggle to sit through. Before i continue I want to make it clear i'm not gonna trash this movie for the heck of it, i'm usually pretty good at giving movies the benefit of the doubt (I watched "The last air bender" 3 times). I have watched a lot of horror movies, some good, some bad. This was without a doubt one of the worst ones yet.

The story was bad, the acting was bad, the script was bad, the cinematography was bad, the props were bad and, the special effects were bad.

Darkness rising had a total of 2 scary/Creepy scenes with a combined length of 45 seconds (and that's generous). There are so many of the plot devices that just goes unexplained, most of them actually. They try to explain it towards the end of the movie but fail horribly, partly because the acting and script is so bad it's hard to actually listen. Oh, and i have never seen a weaker character in any other movie, about 30-40 min into it, the main character, Madison, starts to cry and LITERALLY does not stop for the next 45 min, every line she has is said crying and she is basically helpless and just screams for her boyfriend, Jake, to help her and the ONE time he asks for her help, she hides (while crying).

Frankly the only good thing about Darkness rising was the credits, great roll speed, great font and font size, great spacing and fantastic spelling.

Please do not waste time and money on this.
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Alien Outpost (2014)
It's a good waste of time
16 February 2015
This movie deserves so much more attention and praise than it have gotten. You need to give this movie a chance, the acting is good. The story although slow to begin with is very engaging and well written. I have heard people say that the special effects are cheep, but honestly i have no idea where they get it from, first of all there aren't that many and the ones that are there looks perfectly fine.

Regarding the story, its feels like what a sequel to "Battle Los Angeles"could have been. So if you liked that movie, i guarantee you will like this one, even if you like "war/conflict" movies you will like it, if you like sci-fi you will like it.

I personally really enjoy these movies that come in from the side lines, having not been over hyped or expected for 6 months, and then out of no where it will provide you with an hour and 45 minutes of very well made entertainment.
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