
46 Reviews
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Anthracite (2024)
Annoying character impossible to watch
11 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure if this series is supposed to be taken seriously. Does it want to be a thriller about mass suicide in a cult investigated by a woman who is recovering from cancer? Does it want to be a funny slasher movie with a goofy anime-inspired teenage girl as the protagonist? Seems like many Hollywood tropes and genres have been copied and randomly inserted in the French plot. But what makes it unbearable to watch is the annoying main character and the equally annoying camera work. Who goes on a mission to save their own father and behaves all happy go lucky like that? Even when the car is steering towards the precipice she is half laughing. Her dialogue lines are spoken too fast and too joyfully for the context. Besides behaving like an airheaded teen, she dresses like one, although the actress is obviously a grown up woman. I was expecting a thriller and this is a silly, annoying mess.
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Ripley (2024)
There's a reason why they removed "talented" from the title
5 April 2024
Although I quite dislike Matt Damon, what was interesting about his "talented Mr Ripley" was the ingenuity of his plans and his impression skills (as far as I can remember). As much as I love the Fleabag priest, this Mr Ripley has no talent whatsoever. Doesn't plan ahead, his impressions sound just like himself (I mean the character - I do know the actor is Irish), and don't even get me started on his "disguise". He keeps getting away by fluke or by police incompetence, not by talent, which gave me a "meh" feeling (this is not a spoiler, I haven't watched how it ends yet). Casting wasn't great either inasmuch it would make more sense for the dilettante young men to be in their late twenties (late thirties tops). Also, the black and white cinematography seemed completely gratuitous to me. Didn't add anything to the story or to the experience of watching this series, actually it took away the expressiveness and the meanings that colors could convey. Despite all that, it's a watchable series, especially if you miss the priest as much as I do. And Lucio was quite entertaining too.
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The Northman (2022)
Couldn't get past the forced accents
28 March 2024
I loved The Witch, by the same director, and am very curious about Scandinavian history and mythology. Also, Iceland's landscape is always so beautiful to look at. However, this movie was almost impossible to endure. The accents, oh my goodness. They prevented any suspension of disbelief. Never for a second was I able to forget that those were actors pretending to be someone else. Even the Swedish and Danish actors sounded very artificial speaking English with those heavy accents, which made all acting very cringey. And enough with the old pattern of casting couples in which a much older actor is paired with a much younger actress. Skarsgard and Taylor-Joy are twenty years apart. Skarsgard is not enough years younger than Bang, come on. I like Alexander very much, but, age wise, casting Bill Skarsgard would have been more appropriate for the part of the Northman and would have avoided the ageist sexist casting cliché mentioned before. Not sure if he would be willing to build his body to the size the creators were aiming at (although there's obviously some CGI and body doubles involved). Also, please, when is Nicole Kidman going to slow down on the procedures? Hollywood casting norms don't help, obviously. It should be ok to look your age! And if you're an actress, it should be desirable to have facial expressions. Unfortunately this movie is a cringe fest on many levels.
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Damsel (2024)
It's a children's movie
24 March 2024
If you are older than fifteen, don't bother watching this. Hammy acting with ridiculous accents. Hair, make up and costume design are wrong in so many ways. All the main actress wanted was to look pretty in every scene. Well, again, suitable for children or early teens. Just wanted to warn viewers that this is not a fantasy movie that could entertain an adult audience, a warning that should have been made by IMDB, Netflix and other media. I guess they didn't want to narrow down the viewer base and, therefore, deliberately tried to trick people like me into watching this. I fell for it, so you don't have to fall too.
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Pretentious and disappointing
22 March 2024
Are you kidding me? This is one of the most overrated movies with the most underwhelming ending in history. First, are French courtrooms really like that? Everyone interrupts everyone. Everyone expresses lay uninformed personal opinions that are treated as if they came from professional experts. Even the child. Hear-say rules. And how about the caricaturesque exaggerated sarcastic prosecutor whose acting seemed more fit for a Broadway show? If French courts aren't really like that, then this is just bad scriptwriting that treats viewers like fools. Secondly , the neverending fight scene. I have absolutely no interest in being part of a couple's pointless nitpicking arguments. And thirdly, the dog scene. I hope that was really trained dog acting, like the producers claim, and not some pretentious filmmakers hurting a dog for the sake of "art". I had super high hopes due to all the fuss that had been made about this film. Completely disappointed. It's a 5 tops. The only redeeming quality is Sandra Huller's acting, which was excellent.
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
Ok to watch, but predictable
16 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has a casting problem that gives the killer's identity away in the first five minutes. If you're over 40, you know that Patrick Dempsey's and Gina Gershon's characters couldn't be so unimportant in the plot. This is the first issue with casting those two actors. The second issue is pretending that they're in their 30s or early 40s, when they're in their 60s. No need to have Gershon's character pregnant. It undermines what could have been an inclusive representation of mature post-menopause love. Manic psycho love, yet mature - the latter needing more representation in Hollywood. I'd like to add, though, that both their presences in the cast made the movie more appealing to me (I'm 50). I just wish it had been done differently. Oh! And despite the predictability caused by the cast, there's something new and unpredictable I really appreciated in this movie: instead of getting killed, the cat gets pampered. Loved this part!
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Mixed feelings. Felt really sorry for the dog.
19 January 2024
This movie gave me mixed feelings. Art direction and attention to details are impressive. If you've lived in a Brazilian large city, you will identify the tiny little cues that make this movie a very realistic voyeuristic experience: from the rusty bars on windows and the spoon full of sugar mixed with orange juice at lunch, to the water retained on top of the cheap plastic tent and the mob home invasion nightmare, everything was extremely relatable and very carefully thought out. There's a story about class struggle being told in the details and the way it is linked to the economic system that molded Brazil's social relations is brilliant. Dialogues are very well written. It's beautiful how the writer was capable of telling several parallel stories by insinuating them between the lines. However, you can't really say it's a thriller. There's tension, there's smart social commentary, but you are left with the feeling that nothing ever happened. And the one thing I can not forgive is animal cruelty. Not only fictional, as part of the plot, but also actual cruelty towards the dog that served as an "actor". The last scene made me really angry at the director and crew. For me, that is truly unforgivable and I hope they have refrained from this sort of unethical practice in their later works.
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Talk to Me (I) (2022)
Don't believe the hype
6 January 2024
This is a mediocre teen horror. In comparison to other IMDB's ratings, I believe this should be a 6.1 tops. I'm rating it 1 to offset what I think is an artificially high score. I reactivated my Amazon Prime account just to watch it on Prime Video because of the 7.1 rating on IMDB, and believe me: not worth it! The teens are annoyingly stupid and over-the-top mean. Characters' personalities are inconsistent throughout the story (and I'm not referring to the moments when they are possessed). The decisions they make bear no logic or wits, from trivial decisions (call the SPCA, you fool!) to specific problem solving (blowing out a candle will solve it, really?). The plot is confusing, a bit of a mess. The aesthetics of the hand, with all the graffiti, is silly (a ouija board is much more visually intriguing). I suppose it would be very difficult to make a solid or intelligent horror movie based on such a pedestrian childish premise (teens find an embalmed hand that allows them to contact spirits). I'm the fool here, who believed this could be a 7.1 and spent money on it.
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Reboot (2022)
I really needed those laughs
8 December 2023
I've just lost an elderly dog and my other elderly dog is not doing well at all. So I needed a distraction for a minute and a laugh. This was perfect. Laughed many many times. In all 8 episodes, for me there was just one joke that didn't land and was kinda cringy (perhaps it was on purpose, since it involved precisely the cringy characters). All the other jokes were spot on. Loved the references and the subtexts. I miss these characters already. Guess I had been missing Rachel Bloom since the end of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Now I miss this whole gang. Congratulations to everyone involved. Thank you for cheering me up when I really needed it. Wish it hadn't been cancelled so I could binge some more seasons. And what a perfect bittersweet last episode.
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Uninteresting Linklater wannabe
22 November 2023
Dialogue-based movie with boring, cliché, uninteresting dialogues. Remarks that are supposed to be funny are a bit on the offensive side. The discussions were so outdated (and the movie is only five years old), they didn't hold my attention at all. But in the part of the movie I endured watching, there were ageist jokes and remarks that ridiculed gender identities. I was excited to watch a Winona-Keanu reunion, but this was really disappointing. As much as I wanted to like these characters, they were too uninteresting. If I met those people at a wedding (or anywhere else), I'd be half bored half annoyed talking to them. Not fun to listen to. Which is a serious flaw in a movie that is based exclusively on two characters' dialogues.
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Wilderness (2023)
Overrated. Silly. Kinda boring. Underestimates the viewer.
17 September 2023
Overrated. Let's lower its score to 5, tops. If the rating had been fair, I wouldn't have wasted 6 hours watching this predictable, silly, dull, cliché of a series. I kept waiting for a clever twist. I kept wanting to root for the female protagonist. But not a single decent twist came up. The female protagonist grew increasingly unlikable. Nothing clever or unexpected happens. Characters make one stupid/silly decision after the other. I kept waiting for a reveal that explained why they had acted so stupidly. But the only explanation was that they were just plain stupid. Or poorly written. I felt underestimated as a viewer. "Let's just feed viewers this lazy plot, unrealistic dialogues and hammy acting. They won't know the difference." This is why we should adjust this series' score to reflect its mediocrity and show them we're not that stupid. This is a 5 tops. More like a 4,5.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
I'm obsessed!
17 March 2023
Best show ever! Plots, sup-plots, plot twists are all great. Every single dialogue line is well written, intelligent, funny. Social critique is spot on. Just the right balance between in-your-face and subtlety (unlike the gross, over the top Triangle of Sadness, which I wish I could unsee). All actresses and actors are doing an amazing job! Jennifer Coolidge is the cherry on top. Best music score I've ever seen in a show (or movie). Creative, fun, innovative, intelligent. You can hear the inner jokes in the background music without even being into music, or being a music professional. The opening credits in both season 1 and 2 are genius. And don't even get me started on Murray Bartlett. I'm obsessed with everything about this show!
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Gross and overrated
7 March 2023
There are some interesting tongue in cheek dialogues and important underlying social critique, I'll give them that. But, for me, the sea sickness scenes were too over the top, they engrossed me too much and compromised my entire viewing experience. They work very well as strong impactful visual metaphors, until, for me, they became distracting and made me lose interest in the rest of the film. For these reasons, I think the current 7.4 rating has been artificially hyped up. I wish I hadn't believed the high rating and hadn't watched those disgusting scenes yesterday evening. I'm still feeling nauseated this morning. Beware.
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So much ageism in these reviews!
21 January 2022
I've probably watched all Sex and the City episodes and I'm not the least bit disappointed by this sequel. Current social issues have been incorporated in a necessary and yet lighthearted way. Characters evolved with satisfying complexity and actresses are portraying them beautifully. Except for the very first scene of the first episode (which was kinda cringy), I've enjoyed every aspect of this series, especially Miranda's plot. What I see in the bad reviews is a lot of ageism going on. These reviewers are having a hard time accepting that older women are not obligated to become asexual grannies. It's lovely and refreshing to see women in their fifties reinventing themselves, learning, loving and having fun. Well done, crew!
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CODA (2021)
Kinda boring, definitely overrated
21 January 2022
This is a 6 tops, more like a 5. Definitely not a 8. Very average story and acting. So many clichés. I guess the fact that it's an Amazon Prime movie must have influenced its rating on IMBD, since it's all the same company. The best thing about this movie is the representation and visibility it brings to the deaf community. Actually it's pretty much the only good thing. The rest is very meh.
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Hypnotic (2021)
Believe the bad reviews.
30 October 2021
Terrible writing. Boring snoozefest. I kinda feel sorry for all the professionals involved in this production. As a thriller, it's just bland and predictable. The last scene shows the writer cannot write jokes either. Super silly, sorry to say.

And no, I'm not criticizing this movie because of the mixed-race couple or because of the black detective versus white villain. Actually, those were the only good qualities of this movie. The movie itself is overall very uninteresting.
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The Guilty (2021)
Watch the original.
9 October 2021
The original movie is called Den skyldige. That was good acting, good twist, especially considering the scarcity of resources. This remake is the worst! Ridiculous overacting, especially from Gyllenhaal. Don't even get me started on the voice actors. From the woman, to the little girl (who I thought was an adult pretending to be a child, that's how unnatural she sounded), to Ethan Hawke... All utterly unconvincing. Should be called The Cringy.
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Kinda fun. Better than expected. And an homage to the original!
26 September 2021
I loved Fantasy Island as a child. This is a fresh, current take on that series, with several twists that keep you going. It's not a horror movie, not even a slasher movie. It's not supposed to be taken seriously, come on! The last scene was the cherry on top. Cute afternoon entertainment, nightmarish at times, like the original. Bad reviews are too harsh.
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Midnight Mass (2021– )
What a waste of a Saturday!
26 September 2021
I was eager to watch what I thought was a horror series. Three episodes in, and I was super disappointed because it was definitely not horror. Too many pseudo-spiritual monologues, boring as F. By that point, it seemed like a Christian series pretending to be a horror, with a very thin layer of suspense just to keep you watching. After the fourth episode, it gave me a bit of horror, now with an anti-Christian undertone. Still too much religious babble for me. Didn't like the animal killings either. By the end, I felt I had completely wasted my Saturday.

My suggestion: for horror, you're better off watching the Jeepers Creepers trilogy. Much more fun and scary. For pseudo-spiritual preaching, you're better off with any The Secret-based movie.
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Bliss (I) (2021)
Depressing, triggering, feel-bad movie
21 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I wish I could warn viewers what this movie is really about without having to flag my review with a spoiler alert. But I can't, so perhaps this review will not reach future viewers that might feel better skipping this one. This movie is about mental illness and self-medication through drug abuse. If you have a family history of mental illness perhaps you should avoid this movie. Also, I didn't remember Salma Hayek being such a hammy actress. I don't know if she was forced to fake a stronger accent than her real one, but all her lines are delivered in an unconvincing cringy way. It's not a bad movie if you can overlook the latter issue, and find the former compelling instead of triggering.
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On the Verge (2021)
Super enjoyable
12 September 2021
Come on! This series is so much fun. I could totally relate to the characters, had many laughs, and had a kick out of seeing Jennifer Hart and the Man from Atlantis. Also loved revisiting The Rapture in The Party episode. Great job, Julie! I mean, Madame Delpy. ;-D.
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Physical (2021–2023)
Trigger alert
6 August 2021
I found it painfully relatable. Weight obsession in my country didn't remain in the 80s. It is still very much alive and seriously oppressive. I didn't like the way this series joked about it. Felt very uncomfortable watching it. Nauseated even.
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Bear with it. It's satisfying!
1 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Now this is the meta-movie! Even the reviews here on IMDB are part of the clever experience this movie has to offer. I couldn't help but come online and comment on it. I suppose the bad reviews are from people who did not read between the lines, and stopped watching before becoming aware of what they were really watching. I found the reveals quite satisfying and funny. This movie is the opposite of what many reviewers posted here: it is an original take on horror movies! And a treat to horror fans. I guess that eliciting those reviews is precisely one of the ways in which this movie breaks the fourth wall and comes alive outside its own boundaries. Bear with it and you'll see.
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Antebellum (2020)
Great story, acting and cinematography! Totally worth my time.
1 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As a thriller, this movie really keeps you on on the edge of your seat. Art direction and cinematography were great. The first sequence shows right away this is going to be no cheap horror flick. Well executed, well written, good twist. And as a a thought provoking piece, it hits the spot. It even got the right winged conservative oppressors thinking. And they all came here to pour their hate in form of bad reviews. This is the only explanation for this movie's low rating.

I do agree with the reviewers that criticized the slow motion ending though. It felt kinda lazy. Visually, I suppose there were better ways to portray Veronica's escape. Also, Jena Malone's performance was hammy, but since she was the villainess, the affected overacting just made her more unlikeble, which was the whole point. But these were the only reasons I didn't give this movie a higher rating. Other than that, I thought it was very enjoyable and timely.
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Sexy Beasts (2021)
Surprisingly not that bad
24 July 2021
I had fun and quite a few laughs watching this. And I am picky with comedies and reality shows. But I find this unpretentious little show funnier, more endearing and more suspenseful than many other dating shows available (like The Circle, Too hot to handle, and other stuff I couldn't watch for more than five minutes). I do agree with the reviewer that complained about the excess of flashy filler scenes of contestants dancing in front of a light. Instead of that, the show could let us know contestants a little bit more. Also, I wish some episodes would feature other age ranges. Not sure if older people would be up for it though. And LGBTQIA+ people as well. With those tweaks I would definitely watch a second season.
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